Paul O’Neill
Jon Stewart
George Soros
Retired Generals who speak out against Bush
George Clooney
Dr. James Hansen
Helen Thomas
Tom Friedman
Mary McCarthy
Ray McGovern (ret. CIA
Rep. John Conyers
Al Gore
General Eric Shinseki (ret.)
General Zinni (ret.)
General Wesley Clark (ret.)
Rep. Jim McDermott
Larry Johnson
Former President Bill Clinton
General Colin Powell (ret.)
(continued below the fold)
Patrick Lang
Michael Moore
Former President Jimmy Carter
Jesse Jackson
Howard Stern
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Martin Sheen
Sen. John Kerry
The Dixie Chicks
Mike Farrell
Janeane Garofalo
Al Franken
Noam Chomsky
Steve Earle
Cindy Sheehan
John Dean, III
Jane Fonda
Kevin Phillips
Bill Moyers
Viggo Mortenson
Cornel West
Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (ret.)
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Justice John Paul Stevens
Justice Stephen Breyer
Justice David Souter
Susan Sarandon
Stephen Colbert
Sen. Ted Kennedy
Sen. Chuck Hagel
American Civil Liberties Union
Any homosexual
Rep. John Murtha
Lawrence Wilkerson
Anyone who opposes the Iraq War
Liberal Blogs, in general
Valerie Wison (a/k/a Plame)
Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson
Howard Dean
Keith Olbermann
Rep. Nancy Pelosi
Sen. Harry Reid
Karen Kwiatkowski
Harry Belafonte
New York Times reporters and editors
Scott Ritter
Air America
Hans Blix
Hollywood Liberals
War Critics
Markos Moulitsas
El Baradei
Michael Berg
Juan Cole
NSA Whistleblowers
Arianna Huffington
So what do these people all have in common? Well, if you don’t know by now, they are all on the wingnuts’ Shit list, traitors all, part of the Evil Vast Left Wing Conspiracy seeking to bring about the downfall of President Bush and everything that is decent, sacred and true in America.
Other than that . . . . not so much.
By the way, there were so many more I could have added to my list but I just ran out of steam. If you think of any feel free to post their name.
James Starowicz
Member:Veterans For Peace
Can I be on the list?
all non-Christians, and any Christian that is opposed to the actions of the Religious Reich…
Christian Scientists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons and any other self-professedly Christian denomination that doesn’t toe the official wingnut line.
It’s like the old joke, if I’m going to hell I’ll be so busy shaking hands I won’t have time to care that I’m in hell.
not that I’d want each and every one to be a close, personal friend. . .
But hey, if we are here, we’ve already been sucked in to the conspiracy, haven’t we?
A wild guess. They all think Bush stinks!
All the people who post at this website.
Do Bi-Sexuals qualify on that list? I note that you put any homosexual…but beign a gray area and all……… 😀
Traitors to what? The Republican Party?! If you’re not on the list, you’re not a patriot of the United States of America.
Just wrote a comment with repect to the lack of no- blog coverage of the colbert event and then, lo and behold, here is a post that just epitomises the non-wingnuts ability to successful muzzeling of those news items that they don’t think push their agenda.
One would think that given the Hate List posted above, we would have absloutely no problem getting alternative positions presented in the non- blog media- Yet we do. And as I did in my other post, I pose this thought- what do we do so that All of the folks in this country have a chance to hear and/or read All of the positions on a subject, not just the single sided pov that in being presented as this time? And- if we fail in this venture, this country is lost!