I wasn’t really in the mood for a sex scandal, but what the hell? I’ll take what I can get. Let the games begin! If you don’t feel like thinking about Porter Goss and hookers, feel free to use this as an open thread.
I wasn’t really in the mood for a sex scandal, but what the hell? I’ll take what I can get. Let the games begin! If you don’t feel like thinking about Porter Goss and hookers, feel free to use this as an open thread.
Link is not working Chris.
Thanks. I fixed it.
Bush called Goss’ tenure one of transition. “He has led ably,” Bush said from the Oval Office.
Goss, a former member of Congress, has “helped make this country a safer place,” Bush said. “We’ve got to win the war on terror.”
Said Goss: “I would like to report to you that the agency (CIA) is back on a very even keel and sailing well.”
≈ Cross-posted from Knucklehead’s diary — Porter Goss Outta Here! ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Check out my insightful analysis immediately following. 🙂
The story doesn’t say he quit to spend more time with his family. Or give any other reason.
Resignations like Card’s are unexceptional: that’s a post that basically serves the president, and is his business. If a shakeup serves his political interests, he may be focusing on trivia instead of his job, but hey, what else is new?
A CIA head, on the other hand, is supposed to be working for the country, not a president or any other politician. Bush says Goss did a great job. If that’s true, why is the country losing him? If he did a lousy job, and Bush was wrong to appoint him, If Bush forced Goss out he has an obligation to say why. Putting a fresh face on his failed administration is not an acceptable reason. This is the kind of national security issue the GOP is always bloviating about. If we still had real reporters they’d be all over this. Let’s see if there are a few.
The CIA director doesn’t just stroll over to the White House and resign out of the clear blue sky. Something very awful and ugly is about to hit the fan. Obviously there’s quite a bit of speculation about the poker and prostitute parties at the Watergate, but that’s just one part of a much larger scandal.
Agreed. Which is why our so called journalists need to be all over this event and not let it slip by with a sentimental little farewell from Bush. Given the sorry history of so-called American intelligence of late, this cannot be brushed off as “putting a new face” on the Regime.
well there is a primer to the backstory over at Thinkprogress
there’s an alleged link to Goss, Foggo, and Cunningham-linked defense contractor Brent Wilkes, Watergate poker parties.
can’t make this up. Scandals are hard work. It’s a pattern
expected him to do — ejecting anyone from the CIA that might blow the whistle on Bushco’s extra-Constitutional activities. Goss is gone because Duke Cunningham has told the FBI all about partying with Goss and Pentagon contractors — and their hookers — at the Watergate Hotel. Goss was there along with his high school buddy “Dusty” Fargo who ended up in the #3 position in the CIA after Goss took over. I expect Fargo’s resignation won’t get as much coverage. They are heading this one off at the pass before it blows up into a full-blown SEX scandal. Later when Goss is indicted for influence peddling or implicated in the nasty details, Bush can say, Well, as soon as I found out I asked for his resignation.
Taggart: [Shouting] We’ll head them off at the pass!
Hedley Lamarr: Head them off at the pass? I hate that cliché.
OK, Blazing Saddles moment over. I just couldn’t resist. :<)
If we still had real reporters they’d be all over this. Let’s see if here are a few.
It doesn’t matter what kind of reporters we have, the complete lack of coverage can only be directed by the owners of our various media institutions. CNN hasn’t mentioned the prostitution allegations in the 30 minutes I have been watching and reports Goss’ resignation as one of two breaking stories along with Patrick Kennedy’s scandal, which is a pretty good indication they are not going to report details even if other news organizations do dig into the Wilkes/Foggo connections.
Their refusal to report on a massive government sex/bribery scandal that would undoubtedly lead to huge rating increases says everything about the irrelevance of cable news. I suspect that Time/Warner, Fox, GE, etc. have a lot to hide as far as their own involvement with government corruption. I can’t think of any other explanation that makes sense.
To follow up on this, several commenters at DKos say that CNN did mention the hooker allegation when the news first broke. Their newsreader now is saying that they have no idea why Goss resigned and will try to get the reasons from someone a little later. First point, it sounds to me like someone higher up heard the early speculation and told the on-air people to stop mentioning it. Second point, something serious must be on the immediate horizon for Goss if he resigned without no cover story or talking points whatsoever.
Of course, they are more than willing to speculate endlessly about Patrick Kennedy while awaiting his press conference.
Per Dana Priest on MSNBC, something serious appears to be her article in tomorrow morning’s Washington Post. Let’s see how well CNN ignores this.
Jack Straw, the British Foreign Secretary, is out according to the AP.
Yes of course, my diary ::
Tony Blair and Labor in Election Defeat! ¶ FM Straw Sacked by Nr. 10!
Updated with the Cabinet reshuffle of №10 Downing Street …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
oops, I missed it. Thanks for pointing the way.
Oh, I’ve had the best laugh! Dummies.
You’d think they’d do some damned due diligence, which includes background checks and gossip. Official Washington is a small town. You think people didn’t know what kind of parties Duke was throwing–and who was attending?
Perhaps the general public didn’t know, but trust that folks in those circles knew. Talk gets around. Yet this is still the person they chose to be CIA Director?? You mean no one had that kind of intelligence beforehand???
And Goss himself–that dumbass–was likely too arrogant to think he’d get caught up. Let me repeat–dumbass.
Finally, Porter Goss, et. al. are the prostitutes. The sex workers were just doing their jobs.
This is just too dumb to be believed. But yeah Porter, enjoy retirement…
Heh, heh, heh.
When can we start calling this ProstieGate?
that nobody is excited about and nobody really cares about, Jeff Gannon admits he’s gay.
In the famous words of rightwing blowhard what’s-his-name, “Yawwwwwn.”
Goss is resigning for prostitute reasons, but they are releasing it now to coincide with Rove’s mess. That way the mess is is muddled, and there isn’t a string of embarassing resignations. Toss ’em all out at once.
The reason I want to push the ProstieGate meme is because the 32% left in Bush’s Base are completely SEX NEGATIVE.
A good juicy sex scandal will even have the ground shifting below the Fundies feet where Rethugs are concerned.
Can we also remember to refer to Porter Goss as Former REPUBLICAN Congressman and Former Head of the CIA?
No kidding!
And tell me something…why is CNN all over Patrick Kennedy’s mess, but not over the friggin’ CIA director “unexpected” resignation???
Where’s that liberal media again? I just LOVE the kid glove treatment here.
And they wonder why Colbert mocked them so. Just clueless.
Can I be the one to hit them with the clue stick, or will I have to pick a number?
That is a very astute and important point you make. The psycho-sexual dysfunctional pathology of the extreme right is so insane that those so afflicted go completely nuts when confronted with sex malfeasance by their leaders.
I can barely wait for the show to begin.
I’ll pop the popcorn!
Hookergate is better. That 32% is also rather dense so they might not have a clue what “prostie” means.
Can’t remember where I saw it, but my fav so far is “Fornigate”.
Oh, that’s just rich. Kinda like having a seminar on Reagan at the Hinkley Hilton.
When is dumb too dumb?
You know…i don’t even begin to pretend to know anymore…
CoD, I just shake my head, I really do. How much truly stupid shit can they do and get away with it/
And this feckless press corp–I swear–they’re just worthless.
So when does ol’ Duke begin his bid?
The CDC issued a press release regarding the rising rate of autism. As some of you know, I have two autistic boys. Well, actually one now. My younger son (Alex) has made great progress and they think they can change it to PDD. He is actually COMMUNICATING!!!!! Yeah! I am a very happy mommy at the moment. We are also having great weather and I have been playing in the garden.
Here is the link: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2006-05-04-autism-estimate_x.htm.
That is fanbtastic news, hausfrau!
I am so happy at the moment. All I need is a Rove indictment to top it off. He he.
That would just be icing on the cake, wouldn’t it? 🙂
Good to see you around the pond Jill! We all missed you, but you returned with magnificent, wonderful news.
Take care and keep us informed.
Oui @BooMan aka Adrian
I miss you too. It’s so great to come back after a long break and still see you here.
All Patrick Kennedy for the last 25 minutes on CNN, with more to come. That was a hell of a quick news cycle for Goss, it already seems to be old news.
If there is a God- goss has been involved in “Hookergate!” There is no other reason the right in the middle of the “war on terrorism” goss would resign. No way possible. This weasel is involved. Now, it will be up to the blogosphere to dig the facts out cause you all know that the liars aren’t going to offer any help whatsoever!
Yum Smack!
Fuck three hundred million Americans – you get re-elected
Fuck fifty million Iraqis – you are hailed as a hero
Fuck a couple of CONSENTING prostitutes – you are scum
No fair.
sig: Porter Goss