Saturday Afternoon
at the Froggy Bottom Café
at the Froggy Bottom Café

Grab a cup of coffee from the coffee cart.
Your host today is Maryb.
Your host today is Maryb.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Those 4’s are Appreciated
What’s going on? What have you been doing this week? Tell us the bad; tell us the good.
oh, and please unrecommend the old cafe and recommend this one.
But I just made comments in the old cafe… 🙁
It’s OK, you can gloat in this cafe too. I don’t think librarylil had anything to do with the losing lacrosse team so it won’t be bad sportsmanship.
Okay, well, since I didn’t really gloat there…
My kid’s team ROCKS! They are undefeated! It’s so cool!
Okay, gloating is now complete.
What are you doing this afternoon, now that you actually have some nice weather (if I remember correctly from this morning)?
Hooray for Cabin’s team!
Gloating is OK, for your childrens’ teams.
I’m finishing making stuff for a party tonight.
Then I’m going to go out and work in the yard for a little bit. Mostly just cleaning up, hosing, sweeping stuff. Tomorrow I’ll weed (oh please, maybe it will rain!)
Nope you can not have my rain. It’s supposed to rain here tomorrow. If you’re nice I share a little though.
I’m catching up on a little of my work that I put off doing earlier this week. And then I have to help CBtE get his stuff together for his 3-day field trip to Henlopen later this week.
I’ll hope for you to get rain so you don’t have to weed tomorrow… 🙂
My divorced brother is getting married again, to a woman who wants a Catholic wedding to please her father or some such. So he has to have his first marriage annulled, and to do that he has to get statements about his frame of mind and intentions at the time of the marriage. He asked me to write it months ago, and it’s due Monday. I don’t know anything about his first marriage, have barely seen him in 20 years, and wish I hadn’t agreed to do this. But I couldn’t say no to my brother! This is so weird to me, our parents are Jewish!
Was his first marriage catholic?
I was brought up catholic but I never understood the whole annullment thing.
I think it was. But he’s not.
I’m sure you’ll think of something to say.
The weirdest thing about it is that he has a daughter. He swore to me that his first wife, his child’s mother, signed off on this. I agreed to do it because I;m pretty cynical about marriage anyway. But to the people who believe in it, my niece will be less than legitimate.
It IS weird, that’s why I don’t really understand it.
But it won’t have any practical affect on your niece. Religious annullment certainly doesn’t affect anyone’s legal legitimacy. And I can’t think of anything in the Catholic Church that hinges on your parents’ marriage not being annulled. So while you’re technically right, practically speaking she won’t be affected.
yeah, I know it’s not a legal thing. It’s just… weird. Well time to stop procras. Thank you for the reassurance.
Sounds like Henry the Eighth all over again.
I’m not doing much of anything other than hanging my head for not being here for soooooooooooo long. Seems like I can’t do two things at once…it’s either have fun here or get sidetracked and do all my political and diary reading here, at Eurotrib, Mannys Place and so on…and reading kansas’s new book-which was absolutely terrific.
I noticed that you hadn’t been around in a while. I’m glad you stopped in.
I understand about the reading thing. I have a pile of books shouting “read me”. But if I’m having fun here, I never get to them.
I can read diaries and other blogs and still hang at the cafe though. BUT I find I have a hard time making comments in serious diaries if I’m also in the cafe.
It IS a muddle.
Oh good, you reminded me that Kansas’ new book is waiting for me at the library! I’m going to reward myself with a walk up the street to get it, when I finish this stupid thingie I have to write. I’d better get cracking.
Why are we checking in? And, if we do, how do we check out?
Izzy it’s the Hotel California.
lol — that’s exactly what I was thinking. There was a formative time in my life when they played that song — ALL THE TIME! Even at school you couldn’t get away from it. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to disassociate it from “check in.” Or California. Or hotels. It’s insidious.
I feel the same way. It’s like a continous feed back loop. It never stopped for awhile.
There’s a hotel in Borrego Springs California that really makes me think of that song. And vice versa. OK I’m checking out of this cafe but…
Because I want everybody to tell me what they’ve been doing this week. To reassure me that they’re OK. How are you? Feeling better?
Oh, you’re so nice maryb. I’m feeling… meh. I’m okay, insofar as there’s no action needed — no one needs to call 911, whisk me to the doctor, or stage an intervention. And I did have a nice day yesterday — took my mom to lunch for her birthday.
I’m glad. I hope she had cake!
I was sorry we didn’t get to compare GG notes on Wednesday.
Me, too! What the hell? I was opining on some other thread (without you! to Andi, I think) that it better not be one of those stupid season end cliffhangers.
I missed the week before but I’m gathering that Lorelei and Christopher got together?
No, they didn’t. Lane’s mom insisted Loralai couldn’t attend Layne’s wedding without a man. L. was going to go with Michelle (from the Inn) because Luke was on a field trip with his daughter. At the very last minute, Michelle cancelled to go see Celine Dion. Christopher came to the rescue.
Then, Loralai got really drunk after the wedding and made a hideously embarassing toast. It included saying she was never getting married, just not meant to be, and definitely not getting married June 3rd. Anyway, she was whisked away and Rory and Christopher got her home. He carried her to bed and slept in a chair. Now the whole town is covering for her to Luke.
oh thank god. I really didn’t want her to hook up with Christopher. I’m really bummed that the original producer/writers won’t be back next year.
Well you know what I think is going to happen.
You’re a sick man FM, a very sick man.
No, I’m just look at when the rating start going down and to what extent the writers will go.
Me, too — I don’t trust this story line with anyone else. If she ends up with anyone but Luke, I’ll be really pissed.
though I don’t think I’m too happy about the current direction — especially since I was already unhappy abut the first it didn’t happen wedding — I wanted Loreli to marry Max because I love Scott Cohen.
not me, I never really liked Max. Too much hair.
I was on the fence until the thousand yellow daisies. Then I was okay with it.
because she could never really be herself with him the way she can with Luke. Luke knows all the bad things about her and she knows all the bad things about Luke.
With Max she would have been stifled.
lol — I did too until he played a really despicable character on NYPD Blue. He played it so well, I couldn’t get that impression of him out of my head.
But he was great at being despicable — I loved his despicableness!
I’m back and I’m not Inigo Montoya, but if you ask nicely I will say As You Wish.
who’s nicely?
This guy
Oh wait, wrong movie. Two points to the first person who explains the picture.
Could it be Sammy Kay? I’m not sure which picture.
Hey, sit down! You’re rockin the boat!
Orig cast, Guys and Dolls…
“What does he win, Omir?”
I knew it was something Kay and I was thinking Guys and Dolls, but wasn’t sure.
I’m not sure that “explains” the picture. We would need to know what scened and why he was there in the mission and what song he was singing — to completely “explain” the picture.
I worked backstage on Guys and Dolls in community theater and there’s a quick scene change right after this, so the whole crew was standing by behind a flat waiting for the lights to go out and singing along. It’s my favorite scene in the whole show.
Everybody’s almost there. It indeed Stubby Kaye from the original cast of Guys and Dolls, and he is indeed singing “Sit Down, You’re Rocking The Boat.”
To explain the picture, you have to remember which character Kaye was playing — namely, Nicely-Nicely Johnson. So when Family Man asked “Who’s Nicely,” I produced him for you.
for ?
which he was doing as I was posting…
Gotta do some reality now, catch yawl later.
How’re ya doing FM?
Beautiful day in the foothills, mid 60’s, afternoon showers, and NO yardwork…:{)
Howsitgoing dada. I doing fine and waiting for rain so I don’t have to do yard work. It’s about 80 here and a little cloudy, but since I have no silver nitrate and rockets I can’t make rain. 🙁
And I’ll be saying “We can live quite happily in the Fire Swamp”….
I read that book years ago and I still watch the movie on TV everytime it comes on.
I saw a series of Princess Bride themed T-shirts at the convention last month. My favorite went something like
white on black. Another one had pictures of Wesley and Inigo and the MIB movie logo with the caption THE ORIGINAL MEN IN BLACK
I always did love the part with Billy Crystal and Carol Kane.
he said “to blave”
I think this might be the most quotable movie every made.
For a long time the sig line I attached to my emails read “Never rush a miracle man. You get lousy miracles.” I still trot it out from time to time.
Actually I have several I use. One I put on my baseball mails says “The worst day watching baseball beats the best day working.”
I’m in the shower. Leave a message.
Omir, I just re-installed RoboRater on my computer here at home — updated my Firefox a few weeks ago — it’s the greatest! RoboRater that is. Well I like Firefox too. Anyway thank you very very much!
I’m glad you’re enjoying both of them, although I had nothing to do with Firefox other than be an enthusiastic user of it.
OK, so I start reading the news yesterday and found out that Mr. Goss resigned. This pretty much irked me, since 1) my husband hadn’t talked to me about it and 2) since when does a math teacher quitting his job make world news? So don’t believe anything they’re saying about him.
Mr Goss did not quit, and is currently taking our daughter to the Cinco de Mayo festival- not to a prostitute poker party. Not only that, but he never met with Bush, and certainly wouldn’t say all those complimentary things about him. Mr. Goss thinks we are well and truely screwed and Mr. Bush’s cabal is to blame. So there.
Buster passed away around 2pm. He didn’t suffer and he laid in his head on his mother’s chest. It was very sweet.
Thank you to everyone that has sent comforting words. It really helped a lot.
I’ll be back posting before long.
I’m really sorry, but I’m glad Buster didn’t have to suffer any more. You did the right thing by your friend.
I agree with Omir Boo.
I’m sorry, I know it’s hard. But you did the right thing. I’m glad he didn’t suffer.
for you and all who knew and loved him. Take some time for yourself.
Peace and Blessings.
to you today — if you need to take a few days to grieve, do it, we’ll muddle through somehow…
My sympathy to both of you but also wishing joy in all the happy memories of a wonderful dog.
When I saw my neighbor walking his elderly black beast this morning, I thought about Buster and you. It must have been very hard. That fine beast has been so much that he has affected this place, too. We are concerned for your loneliness without him, and wish we could help with the pain.
I’m sorry, Martin. Glad that he passed peacefully though.
That’s rough, but I’m glad he went gently. Something I’ve found that seems to help in situations like this, is to watch one of your favorite silly comedies, one that’s truly absurd and simply too far from real life to be believable. It seems to take some of the sting out of the grief.
So sorry to hear of your loss. Mrs. K.P. also sends her condolences. Take care.
Dear Booman:
I’m so sorry for your loss. It is never an easy decision to make. You will find some consolation in knowing that you ended the suffering,and that Buster passed away with dignity. I also know that you will be hurting bad, but time will ease the pain. You hang in there.
A big hugh for you and your family.
sent your way, Martin.
for our next-door neighbor and his “lady friend” to come over for a down-home Southern dinner of Sausage & Collards (from my garden!) with Cornbread and Macaroni & Cheese on the side. This is the fellow that built the house we now live in and used to live here with his dearly departed wife. The corn flour comes from his grist mill.
He’s been the friendliest neighbor we have and has even brought his buddies by to show off my garden. He’s so impressed with the size of my potato plants that he makes me blush.
I sure hope I like his GF because I’m sorely in need of a real-life friend…
I love good corn bread. Of course I like it best with raw onion and navy bean soup (with ketchup) which is not what you’d serve to “company”.
Hope you make a friend. Or even if you don’t, hope it’s a pleasant time.
Mary are you sure you’ve never lived farther down south? The navy beans, corn bread and ketchup used to be my favorite as a kid. Didn’t get into the raw onions until later.
my grandma (my mother’s mom) was from western Kentucky and she lived with us when I was growing up. And she made dinner at least two or three times a week. So I grew up on corn bread, country ham, navy bean soup, etc.
Now that you mention it, I remember you talking about that. So you know good southern cooking.
made the BEST corn bread. She lives in southern Missouri, right across the bridge from KY. One time we tried to get the recipe — but she just threw a little of this and a little of that into the bowl. I wish I could cook that way — without measuring cups and cookbooks.
I thought everybody cooked that way. I’m more of a constant taster cook. Add a little something taste, then add something else and taste.
The only time I ever really measured stuff was when I had a bread machine. You had to get that stuff right.
Where IS your family from?? That’s exactly the part of the world I grew up in. And the food, too. (Except when, I wonder, did Mac and Cheese become Southern/soul food? Why do I think the Kraft Corporation had something to do with that?).
I do have my grandmother’s recipe for cornbread. I sat her down while I was in grad school, gave her a blank copy book and had her write out several favorite family recipes (receipts, she called them). I loved the “take a piece of butter about the size of a hen’s egg. . . ” – but they were a little hard to translate to ordinary measures.
about six months — back when I was new. My grandma and her sister were born in Wickliffe — which is why I had heard of Monkey’s Eyebrow, KY.
My grandma’s sister still lives in Charleston Mo. My grandma died a couple of years ago. She had moved back to Cape Girardeau about 15 years before her death — that’s where she and my grandfather had raised their family. My mother was born there, but she and her sisters spent every summer down in Wickliffe with their grandparents.
Of course (she said, hitting head, trying to get memory cells in brain to re-connect). I do remember now.
Sorry for the gaps in remembering. . this past semester has been a great blur. It’s a wonder I can remember that I once even lived near the mississippi river!
My father ALWAYS ate it that way.
Navy bean soup in the crockpot was one of his seven standard meals that he made, week after week, in his single-parenting years.
I completely forgot about the ketchup until your post. That was a major flashback to thirty years ago. Thanks!
I’m glad I brought back a good memory. I seldom make it myself, but sometimes I just get in the mood and have to have it.
When the soup is about 1/2 way finished, put about 1/3 in the blender or food processor, and then return it to the pot to keep cooking. Make’s it seem thicker — holds the ketchup better 😉
Bean soup with ketchup? I love ketchup (when I was growing up, my favorite sandwich was bologna and ketchup — hey, bologna’s just a flattened out hot dog!), but I’m not so sure about that.
Agree with blending some of the soup about halfway through (or even a little closer to end time) — that’s what I do with my bean and sausage soup…
Love navy bean soup (and split pea) but never heard of putting ketchup in it. Yikes. I do like it with a couple splashes of cider vinegar though, so maybe it tastes similar.
I hope everything turns out well for you. It sounds like you do have a good neighbor.
Why the GF? He sounds like someone who make a great firend — a grist-mill-owning, house-building, garden-admiring buddy.
He is a wonderful friend, that’s true. But, it’s really hard to bitch about your husband to another man… LOL! Or say to a man, hey, wanna drive down to Greenville and go shopping at Target? Or, would you like to start a quilting club?
I travel for my job and often I’m with a guy and I have to tell you that bitching about spouses is not a gendered activity. 🙂
And you never know about the shopping — I hate to shop but my husband likes it.
But no matter whether it’s him or the gf, I hope you get yourself a friend you can enjoy being with.
Greenville is the big town? You poor thing!
I’ll probably be at the Markos/Jerome thing at Quail Ridge Books on the 12th if you’re going to be there. How will we know each other – a secret signal? I have a feeling other Kossacks will be there as well, but I’m feeling kind of sensitive about standing up in the heart of Carolina and saying “my name is getmeoutofdixie” – although anyone there would undoubtedly be sympathetic to my plight.
The press will be looking for you now that you are famously in Markos’ camp. Be careful. Ductape probably has some good advice for you. You’ll need to get untraceable cell phones for one thing …
Got a frog in your throat?
Here’s one for you. Years ago when I moved up to a large unnamed mid western city, by the Mississippi. I went into a restaurant and asked for a hamburger. I got it and asked where the mayo was. The waitress looked at me like I was crazy. She went back and bought a small cup of mayo. Of course I didn’t know about White Castle humburgers at that time.
people here really don’t generally use mayo with their burgers. it’s not unheard of, but it’s not the norm. and when you see it – they call it a “California Burger” for some reason.
Why Mary how did you know I was talking about St. Louis?
so be careful
Since my thoughts are clean and my heart is pure I have nothing to worry about.
I think I heard one of those TV Evangelist say that before he was taken off to jail.
You should come up here (Michigan). I have trouble getting mustard for hamburgers. The norm is mayo and catsup. Ick! I’ll eat that if I have to – its not that it is terrible, it is just a unfortunate thing to do to beef.
Here in Alabama it’s all three. Can’t leave one of the food groups out.
I hate to even write this because I know I’ll gag, but Mr. Nature puts mayo and barbeque sauce on hotdogs. Then we don’t have sex for weeks because all I can think of is how he looked eating it.
I’ve never tried the barbeque sauce on hot dogs, but sounds interesting. I usually go with mayo, ketchup and mustard.
All 3? Don’t they just cancel each other out? I can’t imagine the vile slurry that makes.
Nooooo. You have to mix the right amounts and it’s ambrosia the gods would fight for.
All’s quiet on the Wisconsin front. The week has gone all right. I’ve gotten more done on the book than I expected, but less than I’d hoped.
Now I’m sitting in my summer office, a second floor screen porch, and looking out over the park out back. Everything’s turning green and there’s an absolute sea of dandelions.
Went into the big city yesterday to see a talk by an old friend from the Harvard physics department. Great talk-actually two, because he was giving a femtosecond laser talk as his primary topic and an unadvertised Physics Education Research for faculty only. Dr.Mc. and I snuck into that one. No new ground there, but great story telling. He was also able to sneak off for coffee with us between the two. Over all, a good day.
Today is even better. It’s the first completely uncommited time Dr.Mc. and I have had in about two months, and we’re enjoying the heck out of it.
Hi Kelly. I’m really glad you and Dr.Mc. have the uncommitted time and seeing your friend went so well.
Need I say what you need to do today?
It’s Kentucky Derby day and the Froggy Bottom Cafe is putting up the big screen TV’s for everyone to watch.
So ya’ll come on over.