Rove has announced that, contrary to the conventional wisdom, there is no chance for Democrats to win either house in this Fall’s mid-term elections.
But Rove confidently tells the Times that he isn’t worried about the troubles for the Bush Administration that a Democratic majority might bring.
“We won’t see how that plays out because they’re not going to win,” Rove said.
What could be making making Karl so optimistic about the GOP’s chances? Follow me below the fold as I speculate on what may be behind Rove’s cheery predictions.
1. The Whistling Past the Graveyard scenario. Hey, it could be that Rove is simply spinning to keep his own spirits up, and those of his loyal activist base who are essential to any Republican GOTV efforts this Fall. That is his job, after all, now that his policy portfolio has been taken away by Josh Bolten. In the NYT story he claims to be focusing on a three prong approach for hitting the Democrats: Health Care, Taxes and National Security.
However two of those issues are old news. Tax cuts has been the preeminent Republican issue since Ronald Reagan. I think it’s easy enough to counter that with the mantra that they’re only “tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans” and not the middle class. National Security is also a failure, and seen so even by Bush’s most loyal supporters, thanks to Iraq.
And Health Care is, to be frank about it, a winning issue for Democrats, not for Republicans. I can’t take Rove seriously when he claims that Bush’s Medicare D program will be an important plank of the GOP campaign strategy for this Fall.
He has focused in particular on uniting them behind the administration’s proposals . . . [on] the Medicare prescription drug program, which the administration says will cost $872 billion from 2006 to 2014 and which Mr. Bush backed enthusiastically despite complaints from conservatives that it was a vast expansion of the social welfare state.
As for Bush’s Immigration reforms, half his base dislikes the Guest Worker Program he’s proposed with a passion. I don’t see any chance of inspiring loyalty to GOP candidates if that is going to be part of Rove’s election year campaign. No, I suspect this is mere puffery on Karl’s part. A public relations release for his faithful stenographers in the mainstream press, nothing more.
2. The Down and Dirty Tricks Scenario. Karl is good at election campaigns and campaign strategy, particularly where it involves negative campaigning. It’s what he lives for, and now he has the time to devote his full attention to it thanks to Josh Bolten’s decision to relieve Rove of his White House policy portfolio. I expect to see a wave of smear campaigns targeted against Dem candidates (many of which are already in progress), as well as judicious use of wedge issues in certain states. Immigration in the Southwest, Rocky Mountain and Far West regions. Fears of Dem initiatives regarding gun control will be exploited wherever the NRA has a significant presence. Gay marriage and the homosexual agenda wherever GOP incumbents may be at risk. In short, everything necessary to turn off independent voters who might vote Democratic because of anger over Bush, while inspiring the GOP’s conservative base to turnout and vote Republican.
Add to the mix the usual assortment of GOP voter suppression tactics to be employed against the Democratic party’s base: voter registration challenges; phony felon lists; insufficient supplies of voting machines in Dem precincts; rumors spread of police arrests at Dem polling places; a prominent police presence outside minority polling places; phony ID requirements; and the possibility of election machine tampering and other chicanery.
Still, I doubt this would be sufficient, in and of itself, to make Karl so sanguine about Republican chances this Fall. Dems and their progressive supporters have had 3 election cycles now to prepare for these moves, and should have a better handle on how to cpmbat them. Further, add in a rising tide of voter resentment, particularly from their own core constituencies, anger which may very well lead to a much higher turnout among those committed to vote for Democrats rather than Republicans. Rove has to know that things will not go so easy for him this time. Which leads me to my third scenario . . .
3. The War/Terror Attack Scenario. Many of us expect that this scenario is the likeliest one to be behind Karl’s gleeful expectation for a Democratic defeat this Fall. The drumbeats for war with Iran have been long in the making, and will only increase in the weeks and months ahead. Bush, Cheney and Co. are following the same plan they pursued in 2002 with Iraq, with the exception that this time there really is a nuclear program in place, even if it may not be geared toward a WMD related capability. The fact that Iran’s nuclear program is still years away from completion will be dismissed, and fears of an “Islamofascist” regime obtaining nukes will be exploited to the maximum (notwithstanding that Pakistan, an Islamic state ruled by a wobbly military dictator which could easily slide into a theocratic regime ruled by jihadists with Al Qaeda sympathies, already has nuclear tipped missiles).
Still, for this plan to work, Bush will need something more: an attack on US forces in the Gulf (in Iraq, Kuwait, the UAE or onboard one of our warships) which can plausibly be pinned on Iran or one of its surrogates. Another “Remember the Maine!” or “Gulf of Tonkin” incident. Perhaps a couple of cruise missiles with purportedly Iranian markings would be all it takes, even if no US soldiers suffered a loss of life in the ensuing explosion.
Just imagine the jingoistic fever that would erupt across the cable news shows and in the mainstream press. And if such an attack occurred in late Summer or early Fall, all the better. Republicans would have a field day accusing their Democratic opponents of being weak kneed appeasers and terrorist sympathizers. You can hear their sound bites now: “Democrats wanted to negotiate with these Islamofascists in Iran? They would sell out our national security for a song and besmirch the honor of our troops who have died. You can’t trust them.”
Such an event would give Bush cover to attack Iran at a time of his choosing, while masking any coverage of Republican lies, corruption and incompetence. The conversation would have been changed dramatically.
That’s what I fear may be behind Mr. Rove’s cheerful prediction of Democratic losses this Fall. Call me paranoid if you will, or a member of the tin foil hat brigade, but can you honestly say that, in light of their history over the past 6 years, you feel confident that they would never do such a thing?
I can’t.
Did you see that I seized on that same sentence in my post from last night? And I drew similar ominous conclusions.
Yes I did.
I don’t think you’re paranoid. Somebody really is watching.
Can you be paranoid if They really are out to get you?
Nobody has done shit-all about them.
I think we will attack Iran before the elections, whether because we claim they shot down one of our planes or sent a missile to Israel or one of our own warships.
But, let’s also not forget that they own the very machines our votes are counted on and I think they are more than capable of making sure the Rethugs get the extra 5% of votes to turn any election in their favor.
Not like the Dems aren’t helping them by running candidates like Casey.
It will be a replay of 2004 with all the polls and exit polls leaning Dem, but shock of shock, the Rethugs will win every time.
Cynicism is a family trait. :>)
one important reason for him to feel so confident:
THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, and especially the DCCC & DSCC.
During the so-called “Gingrich revolution” in ’94, the insurgents in the opposition party offered a real alternative to the party in power. In response to a Democratic President & Congress that the citizenry believed to be “liberal” (not talking actuality here, but perception) the Republican right ran further to the right, either by winning primaries or running primary challengers who forced imcumbents to move right.
What are the Democrats doing now?
… THE …
Instead of moving left, instead of offering voters a real choice, the rubber-stamp Vichy Dems offer more appeasement and more-of-the-same. Casey is going to get spanked, and that’s just the most high-profile case.
Add to the lack of a real opposition the things you outlined above (especially vote-stealing and vote-suppression) and we’re looking at the Republicans maintaining the status quo, or maybe just losing a seat or two.
I agree that this is a problem. But you seem to be totally discounting the polling numbers. In just the last month or so Rothenberg has gone from predicting the Dems don’t have enough competitive seats to take the House to predicting that there are 30-40 such seats. He’s looking at real data, not just going by his gut.
Look at the news today. It’s catastrophic across the board. If Leopold is right, think about the possible consequences. Beyond that, we have Blair coming under heavy pressure, calling nuking Iran insane. We have Bob Ney’s chief of staff pleading guilty. We have Dusty Foggo resigning. We have a high profile nomination of Hayden coming, where the GOP is badly divided. And Hurricane season is upon us, with predictions for another brutal season.
And let’s not forget that Iraq is not getting any better, with discussion of partition revving up.
Compared to all this, the relative centrism of the Dem challegers is a small matter. More important are the gerrymandered districts, and the possibility of voter fraud.
First, I trust polling only slightly more than fortune telling. It’s voodoo masquerading as science.
We have an entire summer of hate and fear-mongering ahead of us. The Right fights dirty, and they fight for keeps. The Dems cower and cover up against the ropes, begging the ref to stop the fight.
This is for keeps, and what you will see over the next few months is an all-out assault of dirty tricks and distorted winger propaganda. What will happen is a depressed turnout, as people leaning left are shown NO reason to leave their homes and go to the polls. Add to that the voter suppression, electronic vote stealing, attacks on phone banks …
Keep taking comfort while you can, but this is going to be one of the ugliest midterms in American history, and the Democrats show NO willingness to bloody their knuckles. NO ONE will support someone who won’t fight … or have we forgotten ’04 already?
I agree with you, but this is not ’04. Things are getting pretty serious at this point.
Just stop and consider for a moment the fact that Rove is trying to mobilize his base by raising the issue of IMPEACHMENT. This from a man about to be indicted for serious crimes by an investigator that the GOP has found no way to marginalize.
Take a look at Leopold’s article today and think about it. What if he’s right that Fitz found hundreds of emails that were corruptly withheld from his investigation (and still doesn’t have them all)?
Those emails are from the OVP.
I’m not disputing your main points. I’m making a different point. The wheels have come off the cart. Rove can’t do much if he is busy fighting for his freedom. Cunningham and Abramoff have just gotten started.
Look, I’m very concerned about the Bushies are going to do, but their options are vanishingly small. Did you contemplate how pathetic their positive message is? They want to campaign on Medicare D and worker visas? Are they insane?
Let them use the old playbook and play the terror card. They are so far back on their heels on the war, and terrorism that is won’t work.
Only something huge can prevent disaster for them. And some of these so-called safe seats may be vacant by Novemeber as more congresspeople get swept up in the unfolding scandals.
The Dems should be nasty and fight, I agree. But that is more about winning by the margins we’d like to see than any real prospect they have of holding onto the House. The Senate? Still a close call.
It’s not enough to be not them, and they’ve only just begun the “Democrats are as corrupt as we are” agitprop campaign.
I’m hoping the Greens and Libertarians are watching this and getting some candidates to run in key races this fall, because the Democrats, with a few exceptions, are giving people NO reason to turn out for them.
Attack on Iran + the capture of Osama bin Laden = Red, White and Blue flags flying right through the fall election season = Republican Congress = no investigation of Bush, ever = Reagan like funeral someday.
That’s my story. And I’m sticking to it.
Duh! Osama might give them a starting point to build on.
Not to worry, Bush forgot about him too.
On a good note tho’, I hear the makers of “Where’s Waldo” are on the case for tracking him down.
I suggest they start at Cheney’s ranch in Wyoming. I hear he loves the mountain scenery.
Sorry, someone had to say it.
They’re going to rig the vote. Even though they have never done it on the scale they’re going to have to this time, Rove has no reason to believe it won’t work because it has worked extremely well before. Everyone who has any interest in this, even pessimists like me who aren’t sure it will do any good, should be poll-watching on election day to make sure no one messes with the computers.
I’m with you on this one.
Why worry? The Fix is In. The magnets on the wheels have been checked and the croupier has his instructions… and he knows that if the wrong numbers come up, he goes down with the players, so….
the question is “will any of it work?”
the answer is no.
a) no one trusts them anymore
b) they’re incompetent
Because he’s ALWAYS confident? Because his public persona REQUIRES that he exude confidence?
Because he’s the Muhammed Ali of politics and the MSM is Howard Cosell? Karl’s good and he’s had a good run. But just because he says something doesn’t make it true. It’s part of his MO — exude confidence and try to put the opposition off stride. It won’t work every time. Remember, even Ali didn’t win all the time, although you would never have known it from his talk.
IMO if we spend too much time trying to dissect his every word, we play into his hands.
I want you to be right. I want you to be right on the money!
That’s what he’s trying to do: define reality, and make people think that if he’s so confident he must have something up his sleeve. He wants to get Democrats on the defensive, and since he has such a nasty history he doesn’t have to do much.
The Democrats would be smart not to fall for this. They need to be on the offensive, not pussyfooting around as if they were crossing a minefield. Rove has done the political equivalent of using ambulances as car bombs in the past, so any and every move he does is suspect. It cannot hide, however, that he has run out of ammunition, and that he is fighting from a weak, indefensible position.
It’s time to push forward agressively, and to show America that the Democrats are the ones who really care. It’s time to use affirmations themselves, to demoralise the already spooked GOP.
because like pt barnum said, ‘no-one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the american people’…
and that was before the vertiginous rise in autism statistics.
plus all he has to do is wave the ‘gay marriage’ red rag and the pseudochristian bull will charge to his rescue, add abortion to the mix and he know people will vote for the pugs even if it kills them…
which it well may, and a lot of us too.
sorry to be such a bummer, but i can’t see hope, barring a massive gas price increase, and even then, how many will walk their starving asses to washington, and how much energy will they have left when they get there, to stand up against well-fed blackwater thugs with stunguns?
game almost over…
the meek shall inherit the earth… at least the godforsaken bits of it that haven’t been coca-colonised yet.
while the rich eat each other in the bunkers.
cheer up, still time to party like it’s 2012!
Rove is receiving his confidence from. Dirty tricks are only going to piss people off even more than they are now and most of what these guys do will be very very suspect this election cycle. The War/Terror attack scenario only drums things up if the nation was at a strong peaceful point before the attack. That creates the necessary trauma/panic. It was how so many of us so easily bought into the whole Iraq thing even though it didn’t really feel right to most of us from day one, we were traumatized and angry and unable to make clear headed decisions about War and its purpose or usefulness. We have endured terror warnings now, an unsuccessful war in Iraq, and daily deaths of our soldiers and Iraqis so much that we have become numbed too much for another attack to unite the nation behind the president or Republican party. At this point most people can only direct their anger about a fresh attack at Bush and the Republican Party because that is where their anger is channeling to now that they are beginning to have some new awarenesses about certain facts that were previously withheld and that have caused a lot of unnecessary death and destruction. They are beginning to be able to think for themselves again even under the extra stressors of terrorism and Iraq war. If more death and destruction occurs people will start looking for more bad decisions that would have brought another attack about! I think Rove studies a lot of sociology and psychology. I think he has taken some of the scientific findings in these areas and applied them to reaching his political goals. I hope I’m wrong but this guy has been so successful with the use of his spin in the past I know it can’t all be just dumb luck. If Rove really is a student of human nature perhaps he used up all of his goods because if you don’t have the well being of all human beings at heart you can never be an expert or a master of understanding human nature, you can only be a user and that has limits. I know the man is far from stupid so either he is whistling past the graveyard or has something very very different planned to panic and unite the nation and I shudder to think what that could be!
You’ve nailed it. – He’s whistling past the graveyard. What else do we expect him to do? It’s his JOB, for crying out loud! If he wasn’t whistling past the graveyard, he’d be fired in about 10 seconds (by Cheney, not W, who is loyal to a fault).
I’d like to know what someone trained to read body language thinks after seeing him on TV making these statements. Can we run the audio through one of those gizmos that detects stress from your spoken word? Give Al Gore a call, LOL, he probably can put the Democrats in touch with the right people…
I mean, what else do you expect him to do? Run around in circles screaming that we’re all doomed? Yeah, I think that would be entertaining too, but we’d still be sitting here discussing what the meaning of “all” is because it came from The Karl.
In politics, it has been shown time and time again that perception is reality. People are perceiving in ever-increasing numbers that the Republicans are so crooked they have to screw their shoes on in the morning. Best yet, the Republicans are doing it to themselves. The Democrats couldn’t buy that sort of ammunition with all the money Howard Dean could raise in his lifetime.
Of course I worry that the Powers That Be won’t capitalize on all of this. And I worry about the fact that a Democratic congress and/or a Democratic senate means the imposition of the “o” word, which is a word the Republicans fear more than “impeachment.” The restoration of Congressional oversight in a Democratic congress means many of them are going to jail, and they know it. So of course they’re going to try everything in their power to maintain their stranglehold on the government, because they know as soon as they let go, it’s the end of the world as they know it, and they will NOT feel fine.
Once again I state that this is why a Full Court Press is so important. Yeah, they can probably rig at least a few races (and part of Democratic campaign literature should be “insist on a paper ballot”) but they can’t rig them all, and the mood of this country suggests that even the ones they can rig, they can’t rig by enough votes to counter the pissed-offedness of those who haven’t yet drunk the Kool-Aid. Of course this makes me worry that Emperor W will suspend the Constitution, suspend Congress, declare martial law and show the beast for what it really is. Will that be enough to make people notice that Something Is Indeed Very Wrong? I hope we don’t have to find out.
because Ken Mehlman is pessimistic…
All of the above and more. TB will not officially be part of the campaigns as he will have been indicted. But, his fingerprints will be all over the place.
The more is the “fixed” voting machines that will screw the Dems and favor Rethugs. That’s our number one issue. Voting audit trails.
Whistling past the graveyard? Maybe. But Rove knows that the 06 elections are a collection of individual elections in particular districts and states. I’ve said this in Booman’s thread but it bears repeating: Democrats don’t have a lock on Congress in 06. Overconfidence, and poor turnout can doom enough races for the Repubs to retain control. Independents could be so turned off by both parties that they don’t vote. And there is a “throw them all out” mood in some states that could affect incumbents of both parties.
But Steven D’s point about starting a war with Iran is a possibility we must take seriously. As far as we are able we must keep up the pressure, keep it in public consciousness, about the disastrous consequences, well beyond control of Congress. As to Rove talking Repub control and Melhman being pessimistic, which of the two is more likely to be privvy to plans to roll out a new war in the fall?
We are all concerned about a late summer, early fall surprise from BushCo. I hope however that our boy Mr. Rove will be “old news” soon, if you get my drift. So Steven D,which way are the winds blowing this week?? Should I plan to do some late Fitzmas shopping long about Thursday PM or so???