Seeking to choke off a Republican rallying cry, the House’s top Democrat has told colleagues that the party will not seek to impeach President Bush even if it gains control of the House in November’s elections, her office said last night.
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) told her caucus members during their weekly closed meeting Wednesday “that impeachment is off the table; she is not interested in pursuing it,” spokesman Brendan Daly said.
After all, maintaining their comfy seats at the table is EASILY as precious as maintaining the fabric of a nice, frilly dress.
even more disgusted than usual – Liberal Street Fighter
Nancy sucks. This is the kind of thinking that drove me right into the Indy column after being a lifelong Democrat.
And that photo is pure homosexual catnip 🙂
Is she really that stupid? Or are we really that clueless? Something doesn’t compute!!
I never expect any pol to stand up for the principles, but with Bush at 29% and falling, its simple self-interest to stand with the majority.
Or, hmmmm…self-interest is defined as being in the pocket of the corporations—don’t rock the boat? But the money bags will dry up if people stop supporting you. As I said, something doesn’t compute….
I think ALL THREE of your points are right …
The Dems won’t pick up either house this fall. It’s going to be an ugly, brutal summer. They’ll blame it on Dean and force him out by the end of the year.
What I don’t understand is that the “conventional wisdom” (aka advise from political consultants) seems to be that when the Republicans are in trouble, its time to “shore up the base” with talk of the horrors of gay marriage and illegal immigration. But when the Dems are in trouble, its time to move to the “middle” and not let the “lefty base” influence you. WTF!!!
71% may disapprove of Bush but nearly the same number approve of having their private phone records become government possession in order to fight the “War on Terror”.
This is not a simple “71% think the Republicans suck so lets vote for more liberal democrats.”
Its more like “71% think Bush and his administration is incompetent but they do not automatically think Democrats are capable of any better.”
Every time I read you street fighters I am struck by your consistent lack of understanding of the mindset of this country.
This is not a liberal country, except in times of national crisis which demands an orchestrated and strong central govt response. The Great Depression and WWII to be exact. The only period of liberal hegemony in US History. You could stretch it from 1929-1980, if you want to stretch it.
Thats 51 years out of 300 since the White Man set foot in the new world, mainly to gain the freedom to practice a very conservative version of Christianity, large scale farming and petite bourgeouis tradesmanship. Oh yeah, and slavery.
Vote Only By Mail! Vote Only By Mail!
First, that WaPo poll was a flawed piece of shit.
Two, the political establishment, wealthy people and the yahoos they whip up for support aren’t liberal. There are large segments of the population that have been and are disenfranchised who have been fighting for more opportunity and a more liberal society throughout our history. The entire line of American political development has been a struggle between those trying to keep the system closed and a larger number of people trying to make this society more inclusive, fairer and more open.
You seem to take great comfort in siding with the racists, misogynists, jingoists and oppressive. Sad.
Sadder still you respond with the typical name calling and putdown which in itself showcases your own “jingoism.”
How have I (sadly) taken the side of the oppressors, misogynists, jingoists et al? Does it give your comment added weight when it uses faded “movement” cliches like these to attack?
How was the poll flawed exactly? Flawed piece of shit? Is that what you really think or just a quick link headline scan that seems to (but does not really) support your contention? What is your understanding of the comments expressed in the Media Matters link? Did you read it and reflect upon its meaning before linking or just grab a quick headline?
Do you actually think before you write or do you just continually bang out your same restated thematic positions coupled with dated “movement” cliches which you (cynically–in my opinion) know will gain automatic recommendation from other nonthinkers and fellow street fighters like yourself?
Ya caught me.
I have a bunch of catchphrases on a clipboard, and I just cut and paste them in as needed, unlike you, who repeats your “Americans are CONSERVATIVE” comments over and over again, creating them anew when needed.
The poll question had built into it an assertion that the database wasn’t related to actual evesdropping, though a story in the same damned paper reported that the program was used to DIRECT the evesdropping. Like so much in the WaPo when it comes to their polls, the questioning was tilted toward producing the pro-administration response that it wanted. The timing of the poll was also suspect.
Why not cite the Newsweek poll, which found:
You needn’t worry, though, since I’m just some shrill single-issue-voting lefty wacko, so who the hell’s listening to li’l ole’ me?
Touche, madman. Good work.