I just got back from voting in the Democratic primary. Arlen Specter wasn’t on ballot and it’s a shame because I’d really enjoy voting against him (again). Specter has a habit of saying all the right things and then turning around and doing the opposite of what he has promised to do. Specter has been a vocal critic of the NSA program that does warrantless wiretaps of American citizens. But, now he has struck a deal with “conservative” Republicans on the Judiciary Committee that will make that surveillance legal.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) and conservative members of his panel have reached agreement on legislation that may determine the legality of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance program, GOP sources say.
Specter has mollified conservative opposition to his bill by agreeing to drop the requirement that the Bush administration seek a legal judgment on the program from a special court set up by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978.
Instead, Specter agreed to allow the administration to retain an important legal defense by allowing the court, which holds its hearings in secret, to review the program only by hearing a challenge from a plaintiff with legal standing, said a person familiar with the text of language agreed to by Specter and committee conservatives.
Conservative Republicans who pushed for the change say that it will help quell concerns about the measure’s constitutionality and allow the White House to retain a basic legal defense.
Typcial Specter. In order to take a case to the FISA court you have to be able to demonstrate that you have suffered harm (have legal standing). That is impossible for me to prove. They could be reading me email, listening to my phone, and tracking my movements with satellites, and I have no way of knowing because they don’t tell people they are being surveilled and the programs are top secret. If I were charged with a crime and I could raise a reasonable suspicion about how the evidence against me was collected then I might be able to get legal standing before the FISA court. But, then the government could drop the charges or stipulate that they would not use that evidence in my trial.
American citizens have no way to prevent illegal surveillance under this scenario. Making matters worse, Specter’s deal allows Sen. DeWine’s bill to get voted out of committee and go to the Senate floor. DeWine’s bill goes beyond legalizing illegal domestic surveillance to destroying investigative journalism. From Greenwald:
While DeWine’s office denied any intention to criminalize discussions by journalists of these programs, that is clearly the effect. And the fact that they are attempting to add whole new categories of criminal conduct arising out of any discussion of the Administration’s eavesdropping conduct — even if such discussion does not entail the harmful disclosure of classified information — demonstrates, yet again, that the primary lesson learned by the Administration from the NSA scandal is that new ways must be invented to punish those who report on the illegal conduct in which they engage.
These new provisions in the DeWine legislation are clearly part of the Administration’s campaign to increase the scope of whistle-blowing and journalistic activities which are treated by the government as criminal.
Specter is poised to destroy the 4th amendment and to kill the ability of the press to get evidence of official wrongdoing if that requires the leaking of classified information. That’s a double whammy.
:o(……This is why I advocate getting rid of all the republican heads of committies! IN order to do this, we must win! Plain and simple! Get the vote out no matter what. Stomp on ppl to make them wake up if you have to. We the ppl CAN NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN! This has nothing to do with personalities, it has everything to do with our rights as Americans and our constitution. I can see every republican in congress as of now being against up…what is wrong with them??!! This is what we get for not standing up in the streets and pronouncing our will over them. God help us all!
….and to top things off, we all are saying what else can they do to us that they already haven’t done…well here we go again! They deficate on us yet again! Are we gonna allow this to happen? I damn them all to hell. Have you asked if the entire committee has voted for this? If the dems have voted this way then that includes them too.
…and I just got off the phone to his office in DC. The young lady who ansered the phone was rude and talked so fast that I could hardly understand what she was saying. She put me on hold twice during our conversation. I told her that I hope she was never a patient of mine! I just might put her on hold while I had a break. How rude! She denies any of what you said, Booman. I ended by saying to her I expect the senator to be fair…and that I pay both of their salaries. I know…nothing new here..right!!?? I let it be known just how pissed I am. She implied that they were very busy with phone calls today…I hope they get listened into by the NSA too…
good for you, I love how you make those calls.
I am not surprised that they denied what I’m saying. It would be startling if they admitted it.
they haven’t voted yet, but the Dems will not be voting for the Specter bill or the DeWine bill. This is a deal Specter struck to get his bill supported by all the Republicans on the committee.
I just got off the phone with Leahy’s office too. I told them how angry I was over this mess. I informed this office to not allow our constituion to be shit on and crumbled into bits and peices like this. I am one angry citizen today!
…and don’t they outnumber us in that committee too???!! Just what is he trying to accomplish with this shit??!!
Yes the only committee they don’t outnumber us on is the ethics committee (3 of each).
Here’s a list of Senate committe membership.
I know that….That is why I said we have to win congress this year or we are all down with the ship….dead in a nutshell…everything for the ppl is dead, still in the water. They are taking our rights away by the day. IN everything they say and do ….I read what shumer said too..he is a wuss…just who gave him a mouth anyhow!!?? I can hardly stand the dems too with their attitudes on things…like I said..I am one angry citizen today…
Ah, yes — so it goes.
All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to grab their knees as hard as they can in order to retain committee leadership.
…as I understand it they are also working on taking our 5th away from us too…so what is next…our homes our families our everything!!?? The damndest thing I ever saw in my entire lifetime and I am an old coot too…never in my life would I have imagined this which is happening to us…You know, hell will be so full of republicans that the dems will not make it there for there will be no room for us when we come for admission….to hell with them all….
On the fifth amendment, they have been tinkering with it.
One way to try someone twice for the same crime is to try them for violating their victims civil rights (O.J. Simpson). They have also seized people’s private property without just compensation (drug laws), and they have held Jose Padilla for an imfamous crime without holding a grand jury.
So, the fifth amendment has been under assault for a while. I wonder if you are referring to the prohibition against self-incrimination, however. That aspect of the law seems to be holding.
The 5th adm. Is what what I was refering to. I know what they have been doing for some time now. and I have spoken up about that one too. They find someone has not done a crime and still they want to impreson them..in ref: Podea (sp?) and others. Will they do that to us too???!!! When they come for us!!!!! They do not need probable cause any more to subject us to their rules..It is the CONSTITUTION THEY ARE CHANGING FOR THE WORSE! It is the rel. right that is getting involved here to sow their seed for us to reap…Damn, Booman, I just have to apologize to everyone here today…but I am one pissed off woman today..sorry….I do not care if it is OJ or the devil himself, we have laws to abide by..not just changing the rules as they seem fit to change….Why reinvent the wheel if it still rolls…Am I just blinded by my anger here or what??!!
No, you are not blinded by your anger. Maybe you just express it in short spurts 🙂
I’ve been simmering angry with this administration ever since they lied about their forewarning of 9/11. That’s why I wrote this (.pdf) in January 2004.
I know what ya mean there, Booman. I have been so angry since 1999 about his royal assman shrub, that I can not even hold in my anger much more. I have beeen on the phone more than normal in the past 5 1/2 years than ever in my lifetime, to DC, and I visit there quite often.
I detest everyone in this administration, no matter what their MOS/job discription is or their politics/thoughts are. Not that I am biased. I am not. I happen to have the thought that we all are free to think and live as we are free…This is not a free society any longer. Not with all the shit they are doing to us. I have grown further away from friends who are republican and I do not like this; however, when I loose trust in someone, it is hard for me to stay close to being betrayed. I really can become a bear when that happens.
This government betrays us all! no matter what our politics is…as john q public..they betray us all….from a to z….I have to run now to work. I will try to stay close to your site there to…I have a lot of anger and frustration to rid of today..I need you all to just bare with me, please…hugs…
Bolding mine.
It appears the ‘miranda’ right to silence, and the section of the 5th. Amendment regarding self-incrimination doesn’t hold much water in federal courts of South Carolina.
From WAPO 5.9.06:
The entire system is becoming very Kafkaesque.
That is the one I was thinking about when I mentioned the 5th. Thanks dada…
You ppl in Ohio better get off your duffs and vote dewine out, if you know what is good for the nation. When it comes to specter, he is a tool of the party, don’t ya know. he is gonna ride this for all it is worth…as far as the rst of the reps on that committee, they are already no good. they are rats and worse than that they are EVIL!!!!!! They are sucking toooooo much of bush/cheney’s ass for their own good.
This is why I hate Specter so much, and why it confounded me to see people in the Philly suburbs with Kerry/Specter signs on their front lawns in 2004 (provided probably by the AFL-CIO). Specter claims to hold certain views, but he gets rolled over by – or rolls over for – extreme conservatives in his party. He’s even more spineless than most establishment Democrats. I hope that eventually, people in PA, RI, and ME wake up and realize that their ‘moderate Republican’ senators are nothing more than enablers for the conservative GOP.
And yet TIME had the gall to name him one of America’s 10 best senators. Fuck him.
Typical Democrat. You come to expect it when you realize that they are not really a dfferent party but part of the same corporate scam. It’s going to take a lot more than faith in democrats or the broken electoral system to save us in these dark times.
Typical Specter move, dammit. FISA proceedings aren’t even normally adversarial; it’s only the judges & DoJ. Has anyone asked Specter how he expects a case to brought before the court? This is meaningless!
Now there is one plaintiff, (Tom?) Nelson of Prtland Oregon, an attorney who represented an Islamic charity. The FBI mistakenly turned over a document that Nelson claims clearly demonstrates that he & his clients were spied upon without warrants, & he believes that both his office & home were broken into in attempts to retrieve it. The gov’t will argue the case should be thrown out on national security grounds. The judge in the case declined to return the classified document to the FBI, & ordered it be held at a special secure facility in Seattle (Mystery Document In Wiretap Suit Sent To Seattle For Safekeeping). This case is one of our few hopes of having the doemstic spying program heard in court.
If Specter’s proposal becomes law, & the Portland judge accepts that he can’t hear the case on NS grounds, I wonder if there would be some way for Nelson to have it brought before the FISC?
I have read about that one. He has to safeguard his own stuff in order to do what is right for fear of the wrong hands getting it. This country is getting worse as the days go by.
Pat Roberts, Sensenbrenner, Duncan Hunter, the always duplicitous shitbird Arlen Specter; all these lying and conniving Repub committee chairmen should be arrested and prosecuted for treason against the constitution.
And Specter is one of the worst because of how strongly he pretends to stand up against the Repub mob before capitulating so completely to them every time. His shameless duplicity is at least as disgusting as is that of McCain or Lindsey Graham, two of the other lowlifes who dominate the Repub machinery in DC.
Specter is not seeling us out. He is doing the same two faced slight of hand he always does. He articulates the cnstitutional point of view to say that it is being considered in the deliberative process. then he abandons it.
This is how phony democracies maintain a facade of validity.
is a fascist nation. Shut up, bend over and get used to it.
The only democratic choice you have is the choice between without lubricant.