He’s betraying the troops! Just like that scumbag, Jack Murtha, he’s spreading stories about the Marines in Haditha, but even worse, he wants the Senate to investigate what they did!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A senior Republican Senator vowed on Sunday to hold hearings on U.S. Marines’ role in the deaths of up to two dozen Iraqi civilians last November as a leading Democratic war critic alleged a military cover-up.
The U.S. military is investigating the November 19 incident in Haditha, about 140 miles northwest of Baghdad. The military has said 15 civilians were killed, while other accounts put the number at about 24.
Senator John Warner told ABC news the Senate committee he heads would probe “what happened and when it happened and what was the immediate reaction of the senior officers in the Marine Corps when they began to gain knowledge of it.”
(cont. below the fold)
Oh, and wingnuts, that unnamed (at least in the lead paragraph of this story) “leading Democratic war critic” is Congressman Jack Murtha (I’ll spare you the trouble of having to read the whole article to find that out). You know who Murtha is, of course. The Democratic Congressman and former decorated Marine war hero that you’ve claimed is someone who made wild, unfounded accusations, is irresponsible, has betrayed the Marines, is a traitor, a liar, and much, much worse, when he stated that the US Military’s own investigation would report that Marines killed innocent Iraqi civilians in Haditha last November.
So, strictly in the interest of fair and balanced coverage, I assume that all of you will be giving Senator Warner the same treatment you gave Murtha, yes?
I mean, what Warner’s proposing is much worse. He wants actual hearings with sworn witnesses, hearings open to the public, hearings that might actually be covered by that gawdawful Liberal media (or at the very least televised on that bastion of commie pinko Islamofascist appeasement, C-Span). A silly moonbat and minor Democratic politician such as Murtha speaking out about this “incident” is one thing. He can be easily marginalized and dismissed, after all, as just another America hating leftie, despite his distinguished record of service to his country. But a full blown Senate investigation led by a prominent Republican? That could give this story real legs!
On the other hand, if you just can’t bring yourself to slander and smear a fellow Republican, then you must apologize for all the nasty things you said about Murtha. Because either Murtha and Warner are both:
1. Crazy, Terrorist-loving, Marine-hating,Troop Morale-busting Slimeballs
2. American Patriots who are trying to discover the truth and inform the American Public (which includes both you, as conservative wingnut, and me, as a denizen of the liberal fever swamp) about what our military occupation of Iraq has truly cost our country in terms of lost lives, wasted tax dollars and squandered moral authority.
Now, I don’t really expect any of you to apologize to Jack Murtha, or even to acknowledge that what he told the truth when he announced that an internal investigation by the military would show an atrocity had been committed at Haditha by Marines. That’s asking a lot of you at this point, a fact of which I am fully cognizant.
So I look forward to the raft of slanders and smears, name-calling and outrage which you will surely direct toward senator Warner as a result of today’s story in the Washington Post. I’m sure it will be just as creative and enlightening as all the bile you’ve previously spewed Jack Murtha’s way.
Marine Massacre of Iraqis in Haditha
Cross-posted at Daily Kos
Steve, you see, it is not about being a republican or a democrat. It is about being radical in a war zone and the killing of innocent ppl for selfish reasons that hardly anyone can understand. This God forsaken war is tearing everyone apart, everywhere. They can critize murtha all they want, but down deep, they know that he is right on! Now they have one of their own, saying and doing things that will hurt their squeel of righteousness. Now that REALLY does hurt! It puts them way beyond the pale now doesn’t it?!
This is almost like the civil war here…years ago. family members pitted against each other…etc. It has pitted the world against us and we are on the loosing side of it. NO one has got the cohearent words to even remotely discuss this with intelect, anymore! That is how bad it has actually gotten.
In the future we will not be able to even sneeze w/o a good reason.
Brenda, couldn’t have said it better.
I’m watching FoxNews and they don’t seem to have figured out what to do yet, because they’re not mentioning Haditha or Warner at all. Also, it’s a weekend so the talk radio hosts haven’t had a chance to weigh in either. You can’t expect the wingnuts to start smearing Warner before a higher authority tells them what their opinion should be.
At this point I would say it’s a toss-up between smear or support now that it’s a leading republican speaking out.
Sad to say I doubt Warner will remain forthright in his position on this, but rather will go wobbly as to his determination to see to it that there’s a serious and meaningful investigation.
Nevertheless, the brigade of cowardly armchair wingnuts will go after him at least in the short term, since they themselves have absolutely no integrity, no honor, and no respect for anyone who doesn’t strictly adhere to their views. The viciousness of these “Little men” is unrestrained, so deeply damaged are their own pathologies of fearfulness, insecurity, intolerance and hatred. Whether it’s Limbaugh, Krauthammer, Hewitt or Malkin, they continue to be the most pathetic excuses for human beings on the planet.
Rep. Murtha is about as non plussed as anyone I’ve ever seen when it comes to other people slandering him or impugning his character. I guess those kinda slings and arrows ( verbal or in print )are probably seen in a different light from one who has actually experienced combat. He’s one tough old jarhead, and as you well know, the attacks upon Murtha have been relentless – but man, he really handles them well. actually like water off a duck’s ass come to mind. Bo biggie. I am under the impression that he is crushed and saddened that his beloved Corps has been implicated in this. Obviously, he’s known about this for awhile. I can’t believe he’d put his neck that far out unless he’s in the real skinny. And yes, I wouldn’t discount the real draggin’ droolin’ Tory/Loyalist apologist dead enders swift boating Warner. They’re not all that keen on him anyhow.
I seem to remember that Sen. Warner was once upon a time going to get to the bottom of what was going on at Abu Ghraib, Bagram etc. Glad I didn’t hold my breath.