Yesterday, I received the first email from my dear friend Diva in Iraq in six months and first of all I have to say I am exceedingly thankful that she is still alive.  But there is more, finally she will be traveling to the US to attend school with a Fullbright Scholarship.

The school that has been selected for her will be the University of Kansas at Lawrence, a fact she is none to happy about as she preferred the North East Coast schools, but she had no choice in the matter.  In any case she is glad to have the chance to get out of there at least for a year and to study for her Masters.
She will be leaving around the 13th or 14th of July and will first go to Tucson, Ar. to attend 3 weeks of preparatory school before heading to Kansas.  I am hoping that Maneegee, will consider meeting up with her while she is there.  
It would be so lovely if she could fly to Ca. while in Arizona but that may be a little to much to hope for.
She reports to me that the situation there is horrible at best, with only 2 hours electricity per day and they are just sweltering, not to mention the whole other mess there.

Meanwhile I am just beside myself with joy at this good news and I ask the powers of the Universe to deliver her safely to the airport down that long dangerous road and then to the shores of the grand old USA.

Well I just had to share this good news with all of you who have followed this story for the past year.