This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Bugger zappers for rent — cheap
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That 4 looks good on you
to everybody.
Hi, Andif,
I was just wondering if anyone was up. I had to read the 24/7 just to open my eyes, newspaper not here yet.
How are you?
Is that you standing on the peak in the picture?
It’s a really a fake-out — It’s not really a peak, it’s a moraine that got scraped together and shaped into something that looks like one. It’s just off the trail and it’s maybe a 100 feet high.
I gotta start putting on my glasses when I get up! I a) mis-read “son” as “sow” and thought “sow bug”. So, b) thought first that was one of the little hills that ant lions make to catch sow bugs.
Then I realized that the lovely sky wouldn’t be there, and there was a person on top. Felt truly stupid!
Given that I’ve never heard of either sow bugs or ant lions, I’d say you’re pretty smart.
Well, I was going to post a link or a picture, but given that people will be eating breakfast, I decided not to. Powell’s does sell a nice kid’s book on ant lions, however.
Anyway, I’m feeding the beasts, and Cali is getting very impatient with me, begining to switch her tail. Must run.
You can get a better look of where Andi was standing in the full image. It’s a large picture so it may take a while to load if you’re on dial up.
Good morning Andi and Kid Speak. I hope everyone is doing fine today.
Sleeping better?
It seems like that all I’ve been doing. 🙂
Still trying to wake up.
Maybe it’s what you need.
Hope otherwise you are fine.
Thanks. Everyone should know by now, I never question sleep. I just do it. 🙂
I’m doing fine otherwise, how’re you doing?
Good. It’s cool today. Got no excuse to avoid weeding, which is great, actually.
Oh, dear, the Gang of Four is circling. . . If I don’t feed them, they’ll start casting off clouds of fur and I don’t want to spend all morning vacuuming.
Hope your morning/day goes well, A & FM!
One. I’ve found you never need an excuse to not weed. Weeds are good in themselves. It’s just bad press that has given them a bad name.
Two. Feed the Gang of Four! The fur monster is at my house too and it’s hard to keep it at bay.
I think I’ll get up and get started around here. See ya’ll a little later.
Happy Saturday and Pride Month to all!!!! June is always considered by many to be GLBT Pride Month and I will be marching with the Stonewall Democrats later today in the Austin Parade.
This is the shirt I will be wearing.
The Only Place Worse Than The Closet
Great shirt. Have fun at the parade!
How ya’ doin’?
Drying out. When those thunderstorms came through the other day we learned that we have a leak when it began to rain in our kitchen. Our leasing company was all blase about it, “Oh, the guy will come by on Monday to take a look at it, it’s too wet today to do anything about it.” Um, all right, well, tell the guy to bring a boat, and if it rains this weekend, tell him to bring some life preservers, lol.
How ’bout yourself?
This is the midwest version of lackadaisical Flagstaff — my mom’s been trying to get a leak fixed for two years (they’re supposed to do it this week, yeah right). You do construction work when it rains but it rains a lot and so contractors are always wanting to take advanage of several days of sun to do the big jobs and push the smaller jobs off until that big job is done but then it rains so more and they are behind on the next big job and the small job get pushed off …
Yes, it’s funny, but I have already noticed that the only group of people I’ve encountered so far who have the exact same attitude as in Flagstaff is the contractors. Well, to be fair, none of the local ones have gotten into a screaming cursing match with either of us but it’s still early yet.
My prediction — if there is a screaming match, it will involve plumbers.
Thanks!!! I will
Don’t forget to take your camera! We’ll be waiting to see the pictures.
I’ll take the camera and hopefully be able to get a lot of pictures at the staging area.
Love it.
Thank you!!!! I do have fun with my designs. LOL
Just stopping by to say hi to Andi, kidspeak, FM, refi, Indy, and anybody else who’s up…I’ll be back after my yoga class. Have a great morning!
Have fun at yoga class!!!
I did have fun…doing hot, sticky, humid yoga. Now I feel like jello.
The weather here is gross today. And we have the last lacrosse game of the season this afternoon.
doing a plug for a dairy I did last night.
The Repugnants & Bush are at it again
read, rec’ed, and commented on.
That’s one thing I don’t miss about Texas — the bugs. We had cockroaches, we had fire ants, and we had June bugs. When we first moved down there I thought June bugs were the weirdest things. They’d get onto our patio, such as it was (a slab of concrete barely big enough for two people to stand on) and zoom around in circles making this weird noise. I only made the mistake of stepping on one once, though.
Now we have yellow jackets and mosquitos. Speaking of which, I found the coolest mosquito trap that was apparently put together by schoolkids in Taiwan. Short version:
Take a 2 liter soda bottle
Cut off the top to make a funnel (hang onto it)
Put about 1 1/2 cups of warm water in the bottle (elbow warm)
Add in some brown sugar (stickier than regular sugar) and stir until dissolved
Sprinkle some yeast into the sugar water — about half a packet of baker’s yeast
Wrap some black paper around the bottle — mosquitos like nice dark places
Put the funnel back on top of the soda bottle, inverted to look like a funnel
Set the whole thing in a corner outside and wait
The mosquitos smell the carbon dioxide generated by thy yeast, think there’s some big animal out there, go into the funnel, can’t find their way out, and die. You just need to dump out about half of the sugar/yeast water every couple of weeks and add some new sugar water for the yeast to eat.
This trap also apparently works with yellowjackets. Use a piece of meat as bait.
This is so neat.
I have a project for school next year tying math – measurement, science – animal behavior & fermentation, & reading – reading & following directions.
Thank you
Yeah, I think this could easily beat the $13 yellowjacket trap I bought two years ago. I’ll try it out and report back if I get good results.
We could probably make a new one every two weeks. We go through enough soda bottles around here.
My neighbor bought one of those expensive carbon dioxide mosquito traps a while back. I never asked him how well it works, but I think I will now.
June bugs are my nemesis:
Twice over the years I’ve gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and come back to bed only to find the funniest lump under me. Hey! That lump is pointy and it’s. . .Moving!
Also, on a cross country trip in, well, June, some friends and I stopped at a gas station in Nebraska to hit the restroom. One of my buddies and I (neither of whom are a big fan of shoes) got out of the car and headed for the rest room at not quite a run. Step, step, step, crunch, crunch, crunch. Crunch? Look down. Aieee! It’s a sea of dead June bugs. So we went on to the bathroom, having already crossed the June bug sea. Then we tried to convince the driver that she should toss us our shoes. No go. She was too busy evily cackling. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Ewwwwww!
Andi, Indy, Omir, FM, Kidspeak, JimF, RF69, CG, and anyone else who tunes in before I hit send, or who I missed.
morning kelly
Hi Kelly!
Morning again everyone. I’ve gotten through with my morning nap and I’m up for a while before my mid day nap.
You’ve got to plan these things out. 🙂
I missed you yesterday … 🙂
Hi Olivia. Thank you. Yesterday was mostly sleep. I had been putting off to many naps and it caught up with me.
How’re you doing today?
Good here. A little sleepy. I have to take a friend to the airport in a bit. And it’s raining … 🙂
Just be careful it’s no fun to drive in the rain.
Hopefully when you get home the rain will have stopped and you’ll have your whole weekend for the garden and more pictures. 🙂
Other than residual napping?
Today I’m trying to reach higher in the realm of slackdom. I’ve got a voice operated remote control. It was a gift I got a while back and I haven’t used it in a while, but it’s a gadget that fun to play around with.
The only problem is getting it programmed to recognize my commands and voice. After the programming I have to decided if it’s easier to punch buttons or inhale and speak. It’s a universal remote and supposed to work all my components, but I’m just working on the TV right now.
It’s amazeing the lenghts some people will go to, to slack. 🙂
After that it might be weed eating today. 🙁
… it requires some up front work on your part? I hope it works … voice command remote sounds like the perfect gift — your family knows the family man well LOL.
I have to mow and weed eat too … I’m with in anti-lawn care solidarity. And I hope you have no snake encounters today.
The lawn care is within the maybe at the moment. The thunder storms that came through last night left some branches, leaves and as always pine cones.
So just to put in an appearance and make the family and neighbors think I’m doing some lawn work, I might go out and pick up some branches.
Sanke encounters put a stop to everything. So I guess they’re good and bad. 🙂
… and it’s something you have to do so it’s not wasted time … 🙂
I’m off now. Have a good day and hope to see you around later!
Have a good day and be careful.
Morning Refinish. I saw you’ve got big plans today.
Have a good time and remember – pictures. 🙂
Happy Saturday and Pride Month to you as well … And I love your shirt. 🙂
Morning all. It’s cool and dark and rainy this morning, which is a nice break from hot and sunny and humid if you ask me.
Here’s a picture of the middle Nature Boy from last night…looking like a bad boy.
Bad Boy? Well, maybe in a Johnny Cash Man-in-Black kind of way…
Well, he was supposed to wear his tux, but since he’s been walking all over it for the past couple of months it was kinda wrinkled, and at the last minute all he found was black pants and a black shirt. He was emcee at an awards show and there were all kinds of technical problems so he had to improvise and he was awesome and funny.
Awesome and funny – sounds like he takes after his mom! 🙂
My head is swelling even as I type! Just wait til you meet me in person and you’ll be giving the Cabin Boys that look that says “get me out of here!”
Morning SN. When he’s a world renowned musician that picture will be worth millions. 🙂
We had rain last night, but nothing today. I’m hoping for more rain.
How’re ya doing today?
Better now. I had a weird attack of vertigo when I tried to get up this morning. I felt fine in bed but when I stood up I stumbled around like a drunk trying to get dressed, so I just went back to bed for 2 more hours and now I’m fine, though the room is spinning a bit.
You be careful. I’ve been hit with that a couple of time and it’s no fun.
My advice: Sleep, Slack and Rest. You can’t go wrong with any of them. 🙂
Looks like he’s a cool dude. 🙂
Man o man! He’s got The Look, for sure!
He’s such a sweetie, WW, which makes him even more handsome IMHO. I’m going to miss him so much when he leaves for college in August. 🙁
Took some cool shots of my pink zinnias the past couple fo days. Sort of a before and after thing – first the bud then the bloom. It looks like such a sedate little bud and when it blooms it looks like a party is going on in there with streamers and balloons and fireworks.
Sedate v party. It does resemble streamers etc.!
And it looks like little flowers within the flower in the bottom pic. 🙂
My 40some year old eyes couldn’t even see all that was going on in that flower til I put the pix up on the screen. It makes me wonder what else I’m missing.
I’ve been coveting a better camera lately. Last night at the awards ceremony everyone else had these cameras with big lenses that looked and felt much more like the 35mm camera that I loved for so many years. Oh well, if I win the lottery.
… both on the not seeing until you upload and the $. I had to save up for a while.
Great pics you got there SN! Nice to see you’re still at it, though I’m jealous that you have zinnias blooming already, since some of mine only went into the ground last weekend! First ones are coming up already though… and I have tons more to plant. Around these parts I’m afraid to put them in much before the end of May due to possibilities of frost, but now that we’ve definitely entered into the “warmish” phase, they’ll germinate pronto. Do you plant 4 o’clocks as well? I bet they’d do great in your climate and “crappy soil” and they’re great performers… bring in sphinx moths, butterflies and such. You might want to try some this year, you’ve still got plenty of time…
Hey there O-livia! Are you fully emerged from FCH yet? I hope so, and hope to see you and the gang in the FBL tonight.
hehehe … we missed you, and NDD had a great pic to show you but he’ll pop it up again I hope. We were all imagining you having imbibed a litte too much in your RL HH and then disappointed you didn’t come into the cafe and post outrageous things LOL.
I just got back from the garden centre with more sage and thyme and other asst goodies (but no impatiens, no dusty miller, no petunias, no dianthus, and no pink 😉
Hope you’re surviving weeding and watering. And I do want an update on IT: you haven’t brought it up in so long I was afraid IT had expired or something … 🙂
See ya!
I sure hope to be tonight! I’ve missed you folks the last couple of nights… I hope I survive the weeding too… it kind of does me in, but that’s why I’m almost ready to go out, the morning sun has moved around back so I won’t be directly in the shot.
IT has not done much other than get a little taller and put out some more leaves, but I’ll try to get a new pic today. Not expecting it to bloom for at least a few weeks though… I still want to get some more plants too, but have to put the last of what we still have here in, hopefully today. I want to get more lavender, since I’ve decided to try it in a couple of spots here, also want to get some chives to put out in the veggie area for critter and fungus protection purposes. Also need to plant some herb seeds in pots today just as back up for the ones we put out last weekend.
Is it still rainy up there? Send it down here, please! What else have got planned other than mowing & weeding? Putting new babies in the ground?
I’d love to share it w/ you IVG … I know how much a chore (and a worry) the watering can be w/out regular rain. You go easy on yourself and your hip! <stern motherly nagging> … 🙂
You’re getting pretty good at <stern motherly nagging>. 🙂
Good? Hmmm, well, I’d only say that if the <stern motherly nagging> worked and people would, oh, you know give up cigs … or whatever … 🙂
How’s the day going so far?
Sorry, it took me a minute to open the new cafe.
It’s going pretty good so far. I’m doing a lot inside today. Just a general laundry/cleaning day.
Glad to see you got to and back from the airport OK.
It’s raining where you are, so what the big plans for today?
Will try to not overdo it… a lot I can do standing up, but then I’ll have to get down and dirty to get the rest, lol. Already took some ibuprofen to get going on the aches in advance. 🙂
I’ll see you folks later tonight, hopefully with more new pics (though I still have a few from the other night you guys haven’t seen yet.)
Hope you get a break in the rain today!
Those are great SN. Are you using a tripod when you take the pictures? All mine seem to come out blurred.
I used a tripod with those because I didn’t want to sit down in the dirt and get chiggers in my pants again! It’s way easier to get clear shots. If you don’t have a tripod just set it on something else to steady it.
I’ve got a tripod, but I haven’t used it before for flowers. I might try that today. Thanks.
Hey there, folks — greetings from the rainy, runny Catskills. Great to see you!
Me, I’ve been wrestling with a rather nasty bug for a few days now. Feeling rather runny myself — sleepy, feverish & sweating like the horse Karl Rove rode in on.
Doubt that I’ll be upright for long; just wanted to say hello & offer thanks for the day’s lovely, lovely images.
Hope you feel better, Wench. It sucks to be sick – to put it eloquently.
No doubt! Especially when you’re attempting to deconstruct your entire life & move it.
Thanks for your good wishes, o luscious one. Always a pleasure to see you, even while helplessly stoned.
Good morning WW. Sorry to hear you’re still feeling bad. I hope it clears up soon for you.
Rest, sleep and plenty of soup is what ya need. I find it works for me. 🙂
Thanks, FM. As always, I covet your supremely slackerly blessing.
You are welcome WW, and as always you have the blessings from the supreme slacker. 🙂
As usual, I got up a bit later than usual, and missed everyone here … Andi, you know who you all are, hehe. I’ll catch up with you folks later, but sending a big happy shout out to all I’d forget to list here…!
Last night was a bit of a snooze out around here… had my RL Happy Hour with a former co-worker on the porch, with the beer flowing generously. Then after dinner, and watching KO the late edition, both of us zoned out in our respective spots, let the tv drone on and slept until 4:00 a.m. when we both awoke sheepishly, turned off the lights and crawled into bed! Guess the long short week caught up with us both… hoping at least we can watch The Constant Gardener tonight, since that’s what I’ll be doing in a bit here… weeds, weeds, weeds, and not a whacker in sight! Where’s FM when I need him? Oh yeah, he’d be off napping…
Hoping everyone has a super day –big hoorahs and props to ya RF for marching today!– see you folks later. I may get some more pics done today… those Oriental Poppies are really shining right now, though the peonies are already on the wane 🙁 <waaah>
Helllloooo IVG. How’re ya doing today?
Yes I’ve been catching up on naps and I even walked outside to look at the weeds. Alas, that as far as I got. 🙂
Hope you’re having a beautiful day and enjoying your outside today.
Glad to see you live! Did I slack enough for ya last night? Hated missing the HH and FBL, but just couldn’t keep the eyes open. It’s going to be hot here today, but I’m going to wait until the sun in the front moves off, then tackle the weeds out in the big bed… if I’m lucky I’ll get it cleaned up and then I can take some more pics of it.
Wish we could get some of that east coast rain here… having to water every night and the 1st chance of rain in the forecast is tiny and not until Tues!
Hope you’re feeling better today… anything new at your B? Stopped by yesterday but had already read the piece… you know, even if I don’t comment, I usually stop by quick and read what you have up…
Well you and George stay cool and don’t work too hard today… I’ll take care of that for you. 🙂
Me and George work hard? The words aren’t in our vocabulary. While contemplating the weed problem, I’ve decided it’s too hot now. Maybe tomorrow.
Nothing new at the b. I’ve been sleeping to much to think of anything. I’m looking forward to more pics from you.
Take care and don’t work to hard. 🙂
It’s getting a little crowded here, so I’m going to open a mid-day cafe.
Froggy Bottom Mid-Day Cafe here.