Previously, we had set aside the weekend of June 17 and 18 as the days for our event.  The Clearwater Festival in Westchester county, New York is the site.  During the evening of the 17th, I had proposed a barbecue at my home or perhaps somewhere closer to the park, if that would be easier.  
But the course of human events is fraught with difficulties.  And so it is with the east coast meetup.  Unfortunately I will be attending a family event on the 17th from which I can’t extricate myself.  I will be gone for the better part of the day.  This should not deter interested individuals as many events of note have gone off smoothly without my input.  ğŸ˜‰

I may be able to attend a portion of the festival on Saturday.  I suggest that people meet at the park on Saturday morning unless anyone would like to get together on Friday night.

I will be available all day Sunday.

Set forth your thoughts below.