I normally avoid any discussion of Ann Coulter for fear of inadvertently granting any legitimacy to her “contributions” to the national debate. But her latest attack on the 9/11 widows defies ignoring.
I’ve said before that Ann Coulter is a perfect example of how far a gal can travel on an Ivy League education, a fourth grade sense of humor, and a broomstick. This darling of the rabid right is so self-absorbed she could suck the sunlight out of summertime.
For her to berate the widows of 9/11 victims of having a political agenda and calling attention to themselves is such a jaw stretching pot and kettle act its difficult to imagine how even she could have so little sense of shame. But then again, she’s a hardcore supporter of the Bush administration, and makes a good buck being one.
So she probably figures being shameless is just the price of doing business.
Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) writes from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Read his weekday commentaries at ePluribus Media and Pen and Sword.
This is Coulter’s shtick, saying/writing outrageous things. It has made her rich and famous. Having just come out with a new book, she felt it necessary to make another big splash. I don’t necessarily believe that she supports the things that she rants about. Instead, I believe that she has found a profitable niche. She is mining the audience in the same fashion (but not necessarily for the same people) as Howard Stern.
Look at it this way, it’s expected that she say outrageous things. If she didn’t she would be disappointing her target audience and would suffer for lack of attention. News agencies routinely look to Pat Robertson for the outrageous quote, and he keeps giving them. If he stopped, so would much of the attention.
And it think it’s a sad state of affairs that such people will do things like that to keep themselves in the public spotlight.