Update [2006-6-9 17:46:59 by howieinseattle]: I haven’t actually heard from anyone who saw Al last night, but I did hear a report on the radio that claimed he was more “charming” than ever and reported Al joked that since he was now a movie star, he was “feuding with Lindsey Lohan.”
Update [2006-6-9 8:55:7 by howieinseattle]: Anybody manage to watch Al last night? I fell asleep.
The above is about all Democrats can agree on these days. There is so much talk about why Busby lost, and what “the message should be.” Are the political consultants the problem or is rural America the answer (Brian Schweitzer) or is it someone with red state appeal (Mark Warner). It goes on and on. In the meantime there’s Al Gore, who will be on Jay Leno tonight. Is he the “new” Al or are we just appreciating the “old” Al more?
Tucked at the bottom of his Monday article this week, Sports illustrated’s Peter King say, “Run, Al Gore, run.”
He could use the slogan “Re-elect Al Gore.”
I must be the only one not at yearly kos.
You all just look out for a fake terrorist attack.
Hi! I’m home too.
so am I
He should use the slogan “Re-elect Al Gore”.
Exactly! Personally I’m for a Dean/Gore or Gore/Dean ticket. Say what you mean, mean what you say. It works for me.
not the cardboard cutout we’ve been shown by corporate media.
I have a challenge for you. Get a copy of Earth In the Balance. Get a black magic marker and blank out everything you find that directly refers to climate change or global warming. Now start at the beginning and read what’s left. Contrary to conventional wisdom, I think you’ll find that about half the content is still readable. Read it carefully and then tell me that’s NOT the man you want in the White House.
Two quotes to whet your appetite:
Al Gore, Earth In the Balance, p. 127
Al Gore, Earth In the Balance, p. 161
Whole sentences. Paragraphs. Sustained coherent arguments that go on for pages and chapters. Compared to His Illegitimacy, who can’t seem to manage a coherent sentence, the contrast is stunning. When I look at what has come to pass and think about what might have been, I feel something very like real grief.