John Edwards is leading the field in Iowa.

Edwards at 30%. Hillary at 26. Kerry 3rd way back at 12%
For the record… this is Kos/Armstrong’s worst nightmare. Mark Warner isn’t even an afterthought. Warner is way down in 7th and no way to gain support in the South with Edwards thriving in the areas Warner needs to make a move.

Warner needed Edwards to disappear to thrive. Warner had to win on Edwards turf. Warner had to have some of Edwards Iowa support, and all of Edwards SC support. Guess what ain’t happening now that Edwards is one of the front runners?

Ooops. Kos/Armstrong’s relevance in this Presidential campaign cycle just lasted a grand total of about 48 hours. I almost feel bad for them. Armstrong must have elaborately planned Warner’s coming out at YKos for months, and this Iowa Straw poll guts any legitimacy as a candidate Warner might have gained two days later. Ouch.