Here’s another outcome of the war that gets little to no attention. Think about it. Tens of thousands of men are serving their second or third years in Iraq. They haven’t had sex in a very long time and are most likely experiencing major depression and anxiety, so they take it out on the women in their units. This is a report from Oregon Public Broadcasting:
Eugene Police jailed US Army service woman Specialist Suzanne Swift Sunday night at the request of the military. As Kristian Foden-Vencil reports, Swift has been absent without leave since last year when she refused to return to Iraq.
Swift, who’s 21, served her first tour in Iraq in 2004.
She was a Military Police Officer in Karbala. She drove a Humvee during combat patrols and was repeatedly shot at, according to her mother, Sarah Rich. She says her daughter was about to leave for her second tour when she broke down and said she simply couldn’t — because of the war itself and the way she was treated.
Sarah Rich: “She was belittled, she was called names daily. She was called fat. She was propositioned to have sex daily and if she refused she was treated like a dog and if she accepted she was treated like a dog.”
Military Police from Fort Lewis are scheduled to collect Swift Tuesday and return her to her unit.
The unit is expected to leave for a third tour of duty in 2007.
The unit is expected to leave for a third tour of duty in 2007.
So the military police plan to return Swift to her unit and send her back to Iraq even though they know she’s not mentally or emotionally capable? Based on what her mother said, Swift may have given in to sexual advances. The question is, was she raped? Will there be an investigation? This country is woefully unprepared for the impacts this war is having on female soldiers who not only are fighting on the front lines, but are also subject to verbal and sexual abuse.
Note: I changed “she was raped,” to a question. As a few of you pointed out, it is tough to tell based on her mother’s quote. Hopefully the Eugene press will follow-up to find out what happened.
Have you heard about similar stories? If so, please post them…
This woman is only 21…
Is this at Kos?
yes, I’m taking a break and just went over and read it. There’s a guy doing the ‘it’s perfectly natural to treat women like this under those circumstances and this is what will befall all women joining the military’ lecture. What disgusting and indefensible men some Americans are. There’s no excuse for them, none whatsoever.
over this issue. What an insensitive, clueless idiot.
You’re going to have to narrow it down more than that.
“Insensitive, clueless idiot” is such a GENERAL description at DailyKos.
That would be me.
You are clearly clueless, and a hysterical woman at that. In point of fact, what I said was “Men in groups are not to be expected to be like in momma’s kitchen. They behave like dogs in packs.” Hysterically, you have converted a sociological observation into a sexist attack, and so I’m gonna respond in kind.
You must be Andrea Dworkin or something.
I do not condone such behavior. All the weepy feminist bullshit whining in the known universe will not fix male behavior. What will fix it is sociological decisions:
Don’t give me your patronizing bullshit, thank you very much. You have no fucking idea about anything.
Don’t give me your patronizing bullshit, thank you very much. You have no fucking idea about anything.
Before I troll rate you I’m going to assume that you’re a new member here and aren’t aware that that this is not Daily Kos and that the first rule here is ‘Don’t be a prick’ a rule which you have clearly violated with this post.
That said I believe I’ll allow the community to deal with you and the other folks who have been coming over here on a regular basis to pick fights. My error was in reading the crap I knew I would find on the orange blog. I’ve never seen a thread over there addressing any aspect of violence towards women which didn’t sicken me (and, may I add, a good many other people, not all of whom you could classify as ‘hysterical women’ as the worst sorts of American men are wont to do when confronted with the fact that they just do not get it.)
What disgusting and indefensible men some Americans are.
OK, let’s discuss civility.
Your statement there – civil or not?
I found your statements on another blog indefensible and my observation still stands. (and, I will add, your responses only serve to provide evidence supporting my original observation.) Your solutions and tone disgusted me and still do.
I would discuss the subject of the diary with you but nothing you’ve written thus far indicates to me that such an effort would be anything but a waste of my time.
Unfortunately, this is not surprising.
When women first began joining the ranks of peace officers and fire fighters the relentless harassment was hell on earth. You’re a slut if you do it, a bitch if you don’t, and feel more endangered by your “brothers in arms” than the enemy. The sexual solicitation serves to remind female soldiers that they are still just a piece of ass, and not welcome in the service.
I’ll be damned if I’d go; to paraphase Ali, “No Iraqi ever called me a cunt.”
When women first began joining the ranks of peace officers and fire fighters the relentless harassment was hell on earth.
Yes, I spent about a decade working up in AK on ships and Tugs. At bottom, like most things in patriarchal hierarchies, the harassment problems stem directly from incompetent leadership.
(This is, btw, the reason that I’ve no respect whatsoever for Wesley Clark as a candidate for anything. I watched both him and his son dodge any substantive discussion of these problems even when, in one case, I was able to ask the son directly. Their responses varied from ‘oh, that’s terrible and shouldn’t have happened.’ to ‘problems, what problems. I didn’t know there were problems.’ Some acknowledgement of the established fact, bolstered by decades of reports and incidents, that all branches of the US military have institutionalized a culture of sexual harassment would have been at least honest.)
broken into.
I did it in two, two differnt types of harassment, both made your life hell.
Saw that movie about discrimination against women in the workforce in the 60’s, “North Country”. I almost stood up in the theatre after it was over (small theatre), and said, “I did that. That movie was true. I did that twice, and it was hell.” But I didn’t.
See the movie though, if you haven’t, and you wonder what this is all about.
Simply makes me furious to think these women are risking their LIVES and being hit on and shamed by the men beside them.
All Things Considered, May 11, 2004 · Prisoner abuse in Iraq isn’t the only explosive issue before the Department of Defense. More than 100 women have returned from war duty in the Middle East and Afghanistan and reported being sexually assaulted by male soldiers.
When former Army Pfc. Susan Upchurch told a female sergeant she was raped by another soldier, she was told not to report the crime. Upchurch reported it anyway.
In June 1991, former National Guard Staff Sgt. Sharon Mixon was gang-raped by six soldiers. She was told by a military policeman, “That’s what you get for being a woman in a war zone.” Mixon decided not to report the assault to her commander.
Karpinski: US female soldiers die to avoid rape (Jan 30th, 2006)
here’s more from the original article by Marjorie Cohn:
Unfortunately frequent. My early years in the military were in the early-mid eighties when women were really just coming on-line in combat units in support roles. Fort Bragg is macho-central. This isn’t just a wartime thing, happens on peacetime deployments as well.
Remember, it doesn’t have to be rape in the classic sense. Think about peer pressure and the desire to bond. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming that one gives in to sexual advances in the hopes of being accepted. To me that is rape but the weapon of threat isn’t a knife or gun, it is psychological, an exploitation of the need to be accepted. I would think that that may be more damaging that a physical weapon because one can always justify the survivor guilt (PTSD) by telling oneself that “He had a gun, he would’ve killed me”. On the otherhand, when it is a psychological weapon that is used, the guilt of the victim may be intensified “I shouldn’t have done that, it’s my fault”. But the fact is, psychological pressure is so much more insidious and effective that physical threats, what’s happened at GITMO is a case in point. It’s a weapon used by a perpetrator to exploit a victim and it is soooo easy to do in a military closed environment of deployment or war zone (as opposed to an open environment of a state-side base where a person can go home at night).
No, this isn’t new but it still makes me sick.
This is brilliant.
Your thinking dovetales with the obedience to authority discussions about other kinds of abuse.
The climate of war makes it very difficult to object to bad behavior, report it, or refuse to join in. I know some of my friends who went to Viet Nam did things that shamed them for the rest of their lives.
All the ingredients make war a perfect storm: following orders, peer pressure and group bonding, intensified by fear, danger, and uncertainty, youth and inexperience, and a recognisable, dehumanized “other” to target.
Women fit the bill just as well as Iraqis. Maybe even better, given the extreme quality and quantity of objectification in American culture. (Yes, this is why the Pie Ads in and of themselves were important.)
It is so much easier to hurt, humiliate and degrade groups that have already been made prey by propaganda. Remember in “Top Gun”, when a bar full of women is refered to as a “target rich environment”? I didn’t think it was funny then. I sure as hell don’t think it’s funny now.
Yes, and though I am a generation later from Vietnam, I’m dealing with issues with my therapist of what I did (perpetrated) in Latin America. I was one of Ronnie’s Warriors.
As far as the sexes go, I’ve seen it work both ways. I remember one friday night at the Oceana officer’s club in Virginia Beach. A female aviator in a flight suit laid down on the pool table, unzipped her flight suit to expose her very sexy stomach, poured an “afterburner” on her belly (a shot that is lit on fire) and made her fresh newbie male NFO (Naval Flight Officer – her new navigator) lick it off her while other squadron members were egging the scene on – all in the name of comaderie. This was in ’97, just a few years after Tailhook. Granted, I am also guilty of enjoying the scene at the time, I’m no apologist, but I was a part of the sub-culture at the time. It’s all very, very macho regardless of sex – you cut it or you don’t. This young specialist didn’t “cut-it” if the story is true (I don’t doubt it from my own experiences). Ubermensch and survival of the strongest!
This is why military culture is corrupt in the sense of what it means to be a human being and the “warrior mentality” causes so much death and destruction. In that mind-set, it is no surprise that these things happen.
Yes, JD, the warrior mentality is a good working definition of hell on earth.
It is understandable that people in danger are afraid of looking weak to their companions. When everyone is afraid, a partner who can’t be relied on is danderous. But “weakness” expands to make the best qualities of human beings out of bounds: empathy, compassion, respect for others, truthfulness, personal morality.
That is war. That is what war does. It is not noble, courageous or patriotic.
War makes it possible for decent people to shoot the defenseless, rape the powerless, torment the captive, and lie about it.
Are we going to let them get away with treating one of our soldiers like this? She can’t speak, is anybody in the Eugene area going to stand up for her? Anybody? Or is just going to fade into the headlines and do her time and carry her scars alone, like she started this shit all by herself!
We don’t know under what conditions she gave in to sex. Maybe she just found someone attractive and got lonely and decided to do something to take her mind off her situation for a while. We don’t know, so even though rape is a definite possibility — maybe even better than a 50% chance — I’d be hesitant to bring it up without knowing more about the situation.
Even if it was totally consensual, though, it likely kickstarted the rumor mill and exposed her to harassment like “Well, you did it for Joe, c’mon baby, do it for me too.” So the net effect is pretty much the same.
Personally, I wonder why we don’t have some citizen protection committees out there. I vaguely remember something like that in the sixties, where people would band together and physically get between soldiers and those they were trying to press-gang to go to Vietnam. Maybe there are. Maybe I’m remembering wrong. I’ve never done anything stronger than metformin in my life, but that doesn’t mean I remember the Sixties all that well.
that forty years ago….it’s just us now
I just think there are more of Us out there than we sometimes think. Especially in a place like Eugene, Oregon, which from what I can tell makes Seattle look positively conservative.
helped get soldiers north to the Canadian border. A network like the Underground railroad for slaves.
I never knew very many people, probably few of us did. But if the word came, we moved someone from point A to point B. There was some comfort in doing this with a vehicle provided by parents “for college”, if you catch my drift.
I don’t know about what he says, but did you know what I just mentioned happened? I just met someone else who participated in it this year, they were in another state. I wouldn’t be surprised at all. If you can imagine the motivation of 100 boys a WEEK coming home in boxes, roughly your own age, and they were drafted? Well, it’s a lot of motivation.
I did help people coming over the border from here to Canada. Some remain good friends to this day. One friend who was a photographer had to show some kind of peaceful work to comply with an [PRES. CARTER] amnesty prerequisite. We made a film advertising the official Olympic Coins. We used his photos & I put the film together on an animation table. It was well recieved & as the Olympics are an international venue for peace & prosperity, he got amnesty. Now he`s there & I`m here. When it comes down to it & people are aware of what`s needed, they usually step up.
[I hope.]
These are the stories that simultaneously make me want to puke and punch someone in the face.
Any talk of this over at BlueOregon? I’m not very familiar with that site and I’m not sure what kind of news/issues they cover, but they are the big one over in Oregon.
I’m not sure — I haven’t looked yet — but take a look at the NW Progressive Institute’s portal page, which includes links to several liberal Oregon blogs.
Arg, I don’t see a search function that sifts through their aggregator. But thanks for that link, it’s quite a resource for that entire region.
These are the stories that simultaneously make me want to puke and punch someone in the face.
That’s the reaction I think any decent man should have.
I’m one of those pacifists who can turn into real violent fucks when things go over the edge like this.
with some guy at the orange place about this subject. He said he “heard” that there were all these soldier women over there coming home with hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank — from selling sex to fellow soldiers.
I said, “Prove it.” “Prove that your insults are true.”
I personally think it’s a rumor, tiny little men spreading rumors about, you know, those icky greedy women, who’ll, you know, do whatever we want if we pay them enough.
It started out with this guy typing wistfully about $5 blow jobs on leave in Vietnam.
He offered no proof whatsoever. Hacks me off.
I just heard about this – I’ll pass it on to Portland CodePink, I think there is a Eugene chapter down there as well.
to hear they’ll know about this, and hopefully get involved. Her mother probably needs support at the very least.
And there is a group in Eugene.
Medea Benjamin – co-founder of CP is going to be in Portland Friday. I hope they talk about this, too. female soldier’s high alert need.
where I blew a cork and ended up kind of describing the situation in words.
Thanks again.
Got this from the codepink email…..
From indymedia, a report from KBOO. She was apparently taken to Fort Lewis.
Summary of the KBOO am news for Tuesday, June 13th, 2006.
I seem to have blown a cork at the guy who was saying “It’s OK, what’s the big deal” at the orange place. Thought it might add depth here. If anyone can get ahold of this family and share this with them, please do.
That’s why I don’t post anything personal or passionate there. A rape diary there(?) never.
Reason this place is a sanctuary, a safe zone.
Maybe the Kossacks take their clues from their leader?
Ok, call me hopelessly old-fashioned, but isn’t calling a woman a “bitch” misogynistic? If somebody called my Mom, my sister, my girlfriend, or any woman I’m close to “a bitch”, I’d punch him in the nose and then turn myself over to the cops. (Hey, if you’re going to break the law, you have to pay the price.)
Kos has a long history of misogyny, going back to his rant against the “sanctimonious women’s studies groups” that sparked the infamous “pie wars” at the Big Orange.
Birds of a feather flock together, do they not?
Wow… and he calls this place “low class”?
But… I know alot of Kossacks who are dear, supportive gentlemen and wonderful, strong women. But wow..
talk about marginilization.
btw – nice to meet you man without a country
Thanks, Janet.
I hope to change my name to “Man With A Country” someday.
By the way, did you know that anonymity is BAD? Kos says so!
Except when it’s Armando who’s anonymous. Then it’s GOOD.
curiouser and curiouser.
I try not to think of the politics behind the political blogs…
Two kids, two moves in 6 months and a member of CodePink… my mind is a blurrrrrr 😉
Doesn’t mean I’m apathetic, I hope you understand, just means… I try to stay focus.
Live, learn, love and laugh… while trying to stop a horrible thing called murdering warpig regime.
I’ll say this for Kos. He’s not afraid to write foolish things and then defend them to the death.
I hate moving. I once moved five times in one year! The most stressful year of my life…
Yup on the moving. We did it with a son who is autistic. He was losing his ever-loving mind.
Alls’ well now though and he seems settled in.
Hope you get to meet others here – it’s a really nice place. Great way to meet people is the Froggy Pond… a social, let loose thread.
Just ask any girl in junior high about being wolf packed.
The guys who don’t understand what the big deal is are the ones who’ve gotten away with behavior like this. They think it’s OK, just a bit of fun.
Not much fun for a frightened 14 year old, pushed into a corner and pawed by jeering boys, egging each other on.
Damnit…. SusanW – sometimes I really hate the cyber world.. not because of the trolls or the hateful stuff posted…
But because I can’t reach through this Sony Screen thingy and reach out and hug you tight.
Sisterhood is SO powerful, we hug through the ether.
I try so hard to prepare my 12 yr old daughter to recognize the bs. Her friend wants to give topless pictures to some kid in a crappy band, because he is in a band and all that. I tell my kid it is a matter of self-respect and self-preservation, and why. So far so good, but every day is a new challenge.
This BS about it’s just a game and all is sickening. I was nearly raped when I was 13 because I didn’t understand the rules and expectations and was terrified I would be rejected by my “friends”. It is not a game, it is rape. It makes women do things they don’t want and are not ready for and it screws up their relationships for a long time, if not for life, out of fear or because they don’t want to lose “face”.
This is why I left Kos and this is why Booman is my home. I like guys and most of my friends are guys. But, they all understand that they cannot experience a girl’s point of view and vice versa, but all are willing to try, just as I am willing to try to understand their upbringing. We learn from each other, just like here.
What bother’s me most about this story is the headline which is Eugene Police Jail AWOL Soldier.
Given that the media has played up any story with a sex angle involving “Liberal’s” misconduct this is a very soft touch in reporting when the headline could have been,
“Female Solider Forced to be Sex Slave”.
That is the type of headline which would have made every national news outlet in America stand up and take notice.
Instead America’s “need to know” is in effect, censored, by making a story like this some type of Ho-Hum, happens all the time reporting.
The lack of detail in this article is even more disturbing. “Animal mistreated by owner” is front page material and this is story is reported like the once a week police report summation.
I have nothing but contempt for the failure of the media to report hard news stories such as this one and other stories that they just sit on because they are so afraid of losing their jobs.
If our soldiers humiliate and demean a comrade-in-arms in this manner, I dread to think about their routine interactions with civilian Iraqis. And I dread to think about how our soldiers will behave when they are finally brought home.
I predict that in five years our maximum security prisons will resemble Iraq war veterans’ reunions.
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