There is definitely a much different feel to the conference in DC than the conference in Vegas. The DC crowd is much more ethnically diverse. It has a much bigger focus on single issues (all the groups are here). There are steelworkers and other hardhats here mingling with the NAACP, NOW, and the NCDR. This is a much better representation of the diversity of the left in this country than Yearly Kos. There is a certain sense of solidarity, but there is not anything like the sense of presumed friendship and comraderie I found in Las Vegas.
The most striking thing about DC is just how toxic the environment is. I was talking to a major Washington reporter last night, and he was decrying the blogosphere. His argument was that when he started out as a reporter in the 1970’s he could call up a CEO and get them to go on the record on an important story. But, since about 1995, every company, every government office, has established an offical media department to handle inquiries. The media is suffering terribly in their ability to run down the truth because no one will tell them the truth anymore. And the point here was that reporting is ‘hard work’. Getting the truth into a story is ‘hard work’. And to do all that hard work and then get grilled by the blogosphere for putting out a sloppy, or inaccurate, or fatuous product is not fair. And then he went into the real argument. If we keep destroying the credibility of the SCLM then it will become safer and safer for the Executive Branch to blow off the media. Tony Snow can cancel televised press conferences. The President can pre-pick who gets to ask questions. And so on.
Then he launched into a fable only a Washington reporter in his early 50’s could believe. It was the old story about the courage the New York Times showed in publishing the Pentagon Papers and the Washington Post showed in pursuing the Watergate case. Those major publications had stood up to threats to their corporate holdings that could have been devastating to their stockholders. And they held the government accountable.
I pointed out to him that those were aberrations, not the rule. And then I told him that the Pentagon Papers were a perfect case for the blogosphere. Today, Daniel Ellsberg would not have to go the New York Times to get the papers published. He could have anyone publish them online. And we would all link to it, and eventually the government would be forced to respond. The MSM never did a good job of holding the executive responsible (see Iran-Contra, Whitewater, Wen Ho Lee, Lewisnky, Downing Street Minutes). Where does that put the record?
The Washington press core is just dripping with contempt for liberals and progressives. Witness Dana Milbank’s coverage of this conference.
That Reid, an antiabortion Mormon who voted to authorize force in Iraq, would be breaking bread at all with the liberal activists speaks to a different hunger. Interest groups, hoping for a win in the November midterms, have toned down their fratricidal attacks on elected Democrats. And Democratic lawmakers, emboldened by President Bush’s slump, aren’t as afraid to be seen with the lefties who make up their “base.”
“Senator Harry Reid gets it!” exulted environmentalist Jerome Ringo, the luncheon’s emcee.
The whole piece is built around the idea that lefties are radioactive. The left in this town thinks we haven’t won an election since the Civil Rights Bill was passed, and we need to face reality. Either it’s Clintonism or it’s more McGovernite time in the wilderness. We are all just some kind of spectacle, like a Grateful Dead show. They cover what we say, but they think we’re nuts.
There is a lot of work to do to make progressive politics anything more than a bad joke or an amusing nuisance in this town.
It’s Benjamin Franklin’s fault. He thought the national bird should be the wild turkey. But the war party prevailed and made it the bald eagle. And they’ve been prevailing ever since. Lefties are not taken seriously because lefties are peaceniks.
Well, we had a good run in the 3os, 40s, and 50s. And the older crowd still hasn’t forgiven us for a four-term Democratic president.
It’s not just the press that reacts that way. I was at the house of one of the leaders of the Democratic party in the DC area less than a year ago, and talking to his Democratic party friends, and said something about working for Howard Dean and that I did that because he was willing to stand up and tell the truth about Iraq, and the chill reception I got from these “democrats” was astonishing. And it wasn’t because they were Kerry supporters. They were establishment supporters. And anyone who said we were wrong to go to war in Iraq must be the lunatic fringe. I wasn’t offended – to me, they’re the lunatic fringe, the folks so incredibly out of touch it’s killing their souls and our country. They are the ones who should be ashamed, not us.
I couldn’t take it down there during my three years in college at AU and I wasn’t even part of the politico scene then. It’s just a generally stifling environment down there.
QUIT using rightwing talking points. Like it or not, this is how people talk about politics outside of small townhall meetings at the local church in colonial times. They find people of like interests and pool their voices, resources and especially cash.
Quit buying into this way of looking at things, because THIS is how the corporations have increasingly rendered the left mute: notice NO ONE calls lobbyists “single issue” people, or businessmen looking for a government contract, or the NRA etc etc etc.
As for the left being treated as though they are radioactive, you can thank the fucking Democratic Party for that as much or more than the media. You can thank the racist warmongering fucks of the old Daley Machine, the corporate ass-kissing warpigs of the Kennedy/Kerry machine and the sell-out-the-workers Balkans-bombing Dempublicans of the damned Clinton machine. Thank everybody who talks about ANY activist on the left as a “single issue” person.
Jesus I’m sick of it. The media reflects our culture, and our culture treats the idea that we have more in common with each other than we have differences as a joke. The media and the single party we are under the thumb of REINFORCE the idea that we’re in a Hobbsian jungle over and over and over again.
They lose because they believe it. IT’S A FUCKING MYTH!!!
McGovern lost as much or more because the Daley led Democratic Party sabotaged his run, because they would rather have us bomb more yellow people than actually become a better force for peace in the world.
Muskie would have crushed Nixon in ’72. Nixon’s dirty tricks crew sabotaged the Muskie campaign. Nixon sabotage made McGovern Nixon’s hand-picked Dem nominee.
George McGovern didn’t know Nixon had hand-picked him, but it doesn’t change the fact that McGovern was picked to win by Nixon because Nixon was pretty certain they could crush McGovern.
Pretty certain wasn’t good enough for Nixon, though. Nixon was trying to become fully-certain he would crush McGovern when he sent you know who into the Watergate.
McGovern was considered easier b/c the Republicans saw that the racists and warpigs in the big city machines and in the south wouldn’t back him.
Promoting homophobes and misogynists to run for the Democratic Party is repeating the same mistake the Dems have made for years.
whatever. What’s your short-hand for groups who advocate for one single issue? I didn’t associate anything negative with the term. I made it because it is a contrast to the Yearly Kos convention, where, quite understandably, those groups were not highly represented.
Naturally they are voters. That’s hardly a descriptive adjective now is it?
why does there NEED to be another description? In politics, labels are used to exclude segments of the voting public from the national conversation. The Democrats pull this as eagerly as the Republicans.
They are voters looking for representatives to do their damned jobs and REPRESENT them. It doesn’t matter if they are asking about ONE issue, or MANY. To wave them off as somehow immature or unsophisticated (which is the point of the “single issue voter” perjorative) is to deny the entire idea of a representative government. It is the equivalent of a dismissive pat on the head, and I’m well and truly sick of it.
Right now, there is ONE group of single-issue voters who’re getting served, and that’s those whose “single-issue” is lining their already full pockets.
well, I don’t know why there needs to be a description for issue advocacy groups that focus on a single issue, but there it’s impossible to make the point i wanted to make without reference to them.
Crashing the Gates, after all, makes a case against allowing these groups to dominate, so they were not out at Yearly Kos in force. They are all here. That was my point.
Did you get my e-mail, or are you just avoiding me?!?!
Are things really so different in Vegas and in the “left” blogosphere in general?
Witness Jane Hamsher at yKos talking to Harry Reid about the Connecticut senatorial primary:
This is exactly the same attitude you report in DC, except in this case it’s not coming from cynical and worn out DC Democrats, but from a leading voice of the supposedly fresh and empowered blogospheric “left.” I think it’s infinitely more depressing coming from Jane Hamsher.
(I’ve written a diary that has some more reflections on the progressive netroots attitude toward the Democratic Party.)
As long as people fail to ask those reporters to actually define “the left”, they will continue to report “labeled news”. To some the left means the communist party of the early 20th century, to others it means McGovern in the 60’s, and apparently to most of the political reporters, it’s just shorthand for “the opposite of right”.
Something to keep in mind when throwing around terms with no clear definition in the public’s eye.
so corporate?
Look. The only people that even get a chance to get a career going in DC are either upper-upper middle class or upper class.
How does a working class kid get started in DC? All the entry level positions are non-paid, and the rent in DC is damn near Manhattan prices. The only people who can afford to start careers in DC are those who parents can fully support them until they get the couple of years experience it takes to get a paid position.
The media is only slightly better. Same deal for getting your foot in the door in broadcasting. Ever since the broadcasting unions were broken by Reagan-era deregulation, years of unpaid internships at TV or radio stations required before you get a paid (paid… hahaha… minimum wage or slightly above) entry level position. I was the one guy from a working class background of the people in my age group that got my break got into broadcasting in the city I grew up in. I only got that all-important first air shift because a blizzard and an alcoholic part-timer combined to make me the only person who could cover an overnight shift at the radio station I was working.
The reason DC is completely isolated from rest of the country is because it has been designed to be a ruling class redoubt. Very few working in DC have ever gone hungry one day in their lives. Very few in DC have ever had to get a 2nd job waiting tables or delivering pizzas to pay the rent because their full time entry level political or broadcasting job didn’t pay enough to cover the rent.
If the vast majority of people who are capable of getting started in DC are the kids of the ruling class, why do you think almost everyone in DC slants towards a ruling class outlook?
The only people who can afford to start careers in DC are those who parents can fully support them until they get the couple of years experience it takes to get a paid position.
Or you take an internship after you graduate and work nights dialing for dollars until you eventually get an entry level job that doesn’t pay all that well (at least there are benes) but that you hope will be the springboard onto something better. Not that I’d know anything about that, of course. š
The reason DC is completely isolated from rest of the country is because it has been designed to be a ruling class redoubt. Very few working in DC have ever gone hungry one day in their lives.
DC would know that better than anyone in the blogosphere–you just have to get beyond upper NW, downtown, Georgetown, and just beyond Capitol Hill. Official Washington, however, has not a clue. š
Very few in DC have ever had to get a 2nd job waiting tables or delivering pizzas to pay the rent because their full time entry level political or broadcasting job didn’t pay enough to cover the rent.
Ah, but more than you think. It’s just that some folks forget where they came from while ingratiating themselves with the Ivy League set and such. Climber being such an unfortunate term…
AP:”Or you take an internship after you graduate and work nights dialing for dollars until you eventually get an entry level job that doesn’t pay all that well (at least there are benes) but that you hope will be the springboard onto something better. Not that I’d know anything about that, of course. :)”
How many people have the actual sales ability to “dial” for enough “dollars” (with the framework of what’s legal) while working full-time at a non-paying internship during the day to play rent in DC? I did not say it was impossible. I said it was highly unlikely. I did it. I did the non-paid internship with full-time hours at a radio station for months while working part-time waiting tables to pay the rent, then had that blizzard and a drunk combine to get me on the air for the first time. It’s possible, but it ain’t bloody likely. Are there stories of progressives from working class backgrounds getting through the minefield that’s been constructed to keep the working class out of DC? Yes. Just like there are stories of poor folks “working hard” and becoming millionaires. How likely is it for someone from the working class to do so? About as likely as a poor person becoming a millionaire businessperson, or becoming a rock star, or a movie star, or a star athlete. The ruling class, of course, publicizes the few stories there are of poor folks getting out of poverty because it gives the appearance of fairness in US society.
The odds of poor people getting into the ruling class aren’t quite as bad as hitting the Powerball jackpot. But they are not an awful lot better.
Are there stories of progressives from working class backgrounds getting through the minefield that’s been constructed to keep the working class out of DC?
I never meant to suggest that this was easy, only to suggest that this happens more than it seemed you implied. I’m sorry you understood it that way. (I never lived in the city b/c I could never afford it). But um…I’m one generation from segregation, given that my parents are from Birmingham, and maybe two or three generations from sharecropping, so um…I have MORE than an inkling about these things.
I assure you…both of my parents went to work everyday, thank you very much.
And to remind you: there’s working class all over DC…you may miss that in official Washington.
“How does a working class kid get started in DC? All the entry level positions are non-paid, and the rent in DC is damn near Manhattan prices. The only people who can afford to start careers in DC are those who parents can fully support them until they get the couple of years experience it takes to get a paid position.”
Interesting, this isn’t as true on the right. According to Eric Alterman (What Liberal Media?), young people who are on the right are funded via think tanks and book deals and so on. We don’t have that kind of Coors/Scaife type funding on the left.
I know a reporter on a small town paper who reads the blogs and lifts some of his articles from them. And I don’t believe that he is the only one who does so.
Is there some serious backlash for it in the town? If it’s a small town, you’d expect word to get around pretty quickly for the plagarism. Or are you not talking local stories, but bigger ones.
The bigger ones. But, I had a paragraph from an lte plargarized, which is why I no longer send lte’s to that paper.
You know, I applied for a job there and was told that I wasn’t qualified as I did not have a journalism degree! But, my writing makes it into an lte and is plargarized. Hell with that!
And the reporter really tones them down!
There is a lot of work to do to make progressive politics anything more than a bad joke or an amusing nuisance in this town.
Which more than anything else is a sign of how hopelessly out of touch the establishment is, since progressive positions still hold the majority in this country on many issues despite decades of divisive politics from the right. It’s the politicians and journalists who are the joke, sadly. They don’t give a shit about anything other than holding power and earning the biggest profit possible for their owners.
at YearlyKos said on more than one occasion, ‘they are irrelevant…’, now Kos was doing what he should do. Moving the center of the argument in the direction we want it to go.
It is, as we all should know, going to be a lot of work and take quite a while to do that. But three points come to my mind:
It’s been done before.
It’s our duty as citizens.
It’s them or us…make no mistake the camps are built it’s either win or get locked up.
As to toxic. I would submit that ‘they’ in D.C. are barking mad. Totally insane.
Take Action! Forget about the AssClowns of the Corporate Media.
Hey, Boo —
You kind of left us (or at least me) hanging here. When you made your eminently reasonable counter-points to the Washington reporter, what was his response?
He must have said something, not just scowl and walk away. I’m sure it was inadequate. But I, for one, am curious: Just what do these people say when presented directly with the kinds of challenges you presented? (Never mind what they write afterward; I know that.)
John Adams, in one of the many letters he wrote that now comprise his “Defense of the Constitution”, said this.
It seems patently obvious to me that the behavior of establishment journalists is rooted in large part in this concept of the intoxicating effect of power on the human mind. As any swindler or cult manipulator or propagandist or megalomaniac will tell us, it’s a no-brainer that one of the fundamental levers used to achieve domination and control of others is to attain control of the information available to them. And media people, especially the millionaire pundit class, all recognize the nherent power in their positions as arbiters of the news/information stream.
And like all people corrupted by the power they attain, they will never willingly relinquish their dominant position in the information arena. This is why they come across as mainly establishment- supportive, status-quo supportive types; because any substantive change *may diminish their authority in the information world.
There are very few instances of prominent people in the public arena sacrificing their own power to influence others for the sake of principle. And our self-centered and virtually narcissistic media people are no less compromised on this score than are the politicos who they purpoprt to cover. In fact a case can be made that the establishment media’s negligence and failure to live up to the standards of accurate reporting free of deliberate misdirection is wreaking more damage on our democracy and our society than even the political extremism of the Bush regime is.
There is a lot of work to do to make progressive politics anything more than a bad joke or an amusing nuisance in this town.
I associate with many older working class people who say they were once Democracts but now are repub. They are obsessed negatively with Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy. I live in a very conservative, highly fundamentalist religious area! These people really believe that Bush is protecting all of us from evil with his wars, and that Repub corporate businesses produce jobs for Americans while Dem socialist policies kill jobs. They are also quite racist and think taxes are always a bad thing!
There was a time before 1929 when I believe this country was similar in its beliefs to what I have just written. The stock market crash and the lack of any safety net actions put socialist tendency Democracts in power for 20 years. Therefore, perception of threats to your existence can change peoples minds when they get desparate. Currently either many, many people are just not desparate enough to listen to prgressive policy ideas, or the media has made them think that things are not bad. It is hard to predict what kind of real trauma would be needed to wake these folks up again, but if these Bush years do not do it, well then either many on this list must be perceiving a lie or the media or something is darn good at brainwashing people against their own ultimate security.
I think you would be shocked just how much the illusion of poor people thinking they are about to hit the lottery paralyzes poor people from pursue actions which would move them out of their poverty.
Throw in a pariah class like gays or immigrants for the poor to blame their poverty on, and you have a recipe which paralyzes the vast majority of those in the working class from bettering their situation.
Educating oneself as to the truth of what the ruling class is doing to the working class is damn hard work. The information is all there for anyone who wants to learn it, but it takes a ton of time to learn that pile of information. It’s far easier to believe that gays and immigrant are to blame for all your problems, and that Jesus will make you hit the powerball any day now.