I’ve got bad news, folks. OUR LANGUAGE ABOUT THIS CONFLICT MUST CHANGE ENTIRELY. Not because of Zarqawi–but because the Zarqawi incident shows just how dramatically we walk into GOP rhetorical traps.
It doesn’t matter what the poll numbers say. It doesn’t matter how much the American people have grown tired of having over 2,500 of their youths brought back home in pine boxes. It doesn’t matter how disenchanted the American people have become with Bush, sending his approval ratings spiraling to the low 30’s. It doesn’t matter how much we tout the corruption and incompetence of the prosecution of this war, or the lies that were told to lead us into it, or the shamelessness of the torture and massacres perpetrated by all sides of the conflict.
When push comes to shove, Americans want to win. Such is the eternal optimism of the American electorate that they will vote simultaneously for John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan–because both promised sunshine in the days ahead. And no matter what they say in the polls leading up an election, when they actually step into the ballot box, they’re going to vote for the people who appeal to their pride and tell them that they will WIN..
And with regard to Iraq, everything even our most progressive leaders say still falls into GOP traps guaranteed to ensure our defeat at the polls.
You see, no matter how you phrase it, a troop pullout of Iraq is by definition an admission of defeat in the context of a war, so long as the violence and unrest continues. Certainly, one can declare “victory” and go home, as Nixon did in Vietnam, but the public knows better.
In the end, you can use the phrase “measured withdrawal”, or you can use the phrase “cut and run.” When your average American goes to the ballot box, it all means one and the same thing: Surrender and Defeat in War. And let me tell you something as sure as day: Americans don’t accept surrender and defeat in war.
Karl Rove and Frank Luntz know this.
But what do we do? After all, this little “venture” of Bush’s in Iraq is one of the most–if not THE most–despicable, immoral, mismanaged, shortsighted, corrupt, and utterly murderous foreign adventures in the history of the United States. IT MUST END–and it can’t end soon enough.
Meanwhile, every domestic issue on the political board right now from executive overreach to the deficit to the depradations of the religious right serves as yet another painful reminder that the very survival of U.S. democracy depends on getting Democrats elected to as many offices as possible in 2006 and beyond.
But what do we do? What do we do, when the American public will not accept defeat in war? And how are we capable, as Democrats and Americans, of “accepting defeat” in war, regardless of the circumstances? Isn’t that cowardly of us, regardless of how many brave soldiers have already been thrown into this immoral meatgrinder?
The reason that these questions SEEM so vexing is because they are UTTER BULLSHIT. The ENTIRE FRAME OF REFERENCE is bullshit. But until the Democrats can figure out to stop walking into the same goddamn GOP rhetorical traps time and again, they’re going to continue to be confounded by this seeming predicament.
Why is this cartoonist so dead wrong? Because his assumptions are bullshit from the beginning. Yet our supposed opposition party does absolutely nothing to call those assumptions into question.
The biggest and by far the most important bullshit assumption being made by all sides is that there is a WAR in Iraq.
THERE IS NO WAR IN IRAQ. There is an OCCUPATION. And there is a resistance to said occupation. This resistance takes many forms: criminal thuggery, despicable terrorism, sectarian violence, and guerrilla warfare.
Allow me to repeat this again, in blockquotes for special emphasis:
The “War” in Iraq is NOT A WAR. It is an OCCUPATION.
And this is absolutely critical. It’s critical because there is a HUGE difference between wars and occupations: Occupations can end only in WITHDRAWAL or in ANNEXATION; Wars can end only in DEFEAT or VICTORY.
America is NOT ready to annex Iraq–even if such a thing were possible. Cheney and Bush would like to, through the process of permanent bases–but the American public won’t stand for it. America IS ready to accept withdrawal from Iraq–But ONLY if it understands that what is happening in Iraq is an OCCUPATION and not a war.
But as long as both Democrats and Republicans continue to insist that there is a “war” in Iraq, the voting public will continue to vote optimistically for “Victory”–whatever that may even mean.
The right just loves to compare the Iraq conflict with WWII. Of course, as any historian or political scientist with half a brain knows, there is absolutely NO comparison between the two. Starting with the fact that WWII was a war–and the Iraq conflict is NOT.
The left, meanwhile, loves to compare the Iraq conflict with the Vietnam War. While these parallels are far more apt, they are also misguided: in Vietnam, the United States intervened in an already pre-existing (though lopsided) civil war within the country–a civil war that become by extension a hot proxy on the parts of China and the United States for the Cold War. Vietnam was an honest to goodness war–albeit a hopeless one to try to win for the United States.
Instead, the proper comparison for the conflict in Iraq is not ANY of these–because it’s not a WAR. It’s an OCCUPATION. In Iraq, we invaded a sovereign nation (albeit a troublesome one) without serious provocation; we obliterated their government, washed away their entrenched structures, changed their flag, completely altered their form of government, exploited their resources, and attempted to maintain the peace through overwhelming (though not nearly overwhelming enough) force. Various factions in Iraq then began to resort to guerrilla and uncoventional warfare to test the will of, to drain the coffers of, and to sap the strength of, the invading force.
That’s what they call an OCCUPATION. Not a war.
More appropriate parallels to what is going on Iraq include the Algerian Occupation, or the British Rule of India, or the Chinese Occupation of Tibet.
None of these is popular among Americans–because we ourselves are the history of a people who staged a revolution against an occupying oppressor. Americans get this principle–and we have a distaste for occupations.
Unless, of course, those occupations are being sold to us as “wars”–in which case our instinct is to fight until victory.
There is no such thing as a “surrender” in an occupation.
But as long as Democrats continue to act like there is a “war” in Iraq, people like this cartoonist will continue to have a field day putting us into rhetorical binds.
And we’ll be ones surrendering–again–in 2006 and beyond.
I wish there was another word. Unfortunately, the word ‘occupation’ is so associated with the rhetoric of the Palestinians that using it is a little distracting and also invokes a frame that I think would be counterproductive.
Maybe it just me, but whenever I hear ‘occupation’ I immediately picture a Palestinian spokesperson talking to Wolf Blitzer and pronouncing Israeli, IS-RYE-A-LEE.
Conjuring up those images is not a good way to focus the mind on Iraq. At least, for me it isn’t.
My neural pathway has already devoted that word to a different conflict.
I hadn’t even thought of that; it doesn’t generate those connections inherently for me.
I wonder if you have an alternate suggestion?
no, there really isn’t another word. I’d say ‘invasion’ but that was a long time ago now.
but it IS an occupation and we should call it such. The Republicans have gotten so used to cherry picking the language and inventing new terms to suit themselves that I would find it horrifying to find liberals doing the same thing.
The major reason we associate it with the Palestinians is because we have used it in their context so much. If we call our presence in Iraq what it is, an occupation, then that would be a lot more productive that calling it what it isn’t. A War.
Truth > A Lie
Not to say that you would ever stoop, I should add
I would “stoop” to such a thing. That’s what rhetoric is.
It’s just like lawyers in a courtroom. The politics of cooperation are over–it’s all adversarial at this point. In the courtroom, all you have are two opposing sides using sophistry to attempt to approximate the truth.
And unfortunately, the American people have shown themselves completely vulnerable to sophistry.
Also unfortunately, when sophistry is confronted by truth, sophistry usually wins. It worked harder at it.
I’m not above using the tools of sophistry to counter their bullshit sophistry–in order to get at the truth.
I’ve probably just tasted the koolaid of Socrates and Plato too much :). Don’t mind me.
I do think that sophistry carries less weight that truth does and you can still use the tools of rhetoric without having to resort to sophistry. I may be a silly idealist but i do believe that people can pick up on good old blunt truth, used well and in the right way/ It resonates.
In rhetoric we can appeal to sources of authority, logic, emotion, etc. We have many many tools at our disposal, so I don’t see how calling an occupation by any other thing is going to serve our purpose.
If nothing else, when eyebrows raise and minds think “Palestine” you can use Palestine as a tool to grab peoples attention and contrast the two situations. A good rhetorician would.
I see where you guys are coming from but I just don’t agree with it. 🙁
The American people associate the word ‘occupation’ with Palestinian propaganda. It is a word for the State of Israel (and their extended post 1967 lands), that is used by Arabs/Terrorists to try to undermine our ally. That is a majority view.
That is why I think the word is counterproductive. It’s like talking about the means of production or the bourgeoisie. Use your enemies language and you are you enemy.
Thus, the problem with winning over the majority by using a discredited word.
THe more they associate our occupation of Iraq with Israel’s occupation of Palestine, the less problem they see with the occupation.
I’m not sure if your first paragraph was just an attempt to distill and re-state the conventional wisdom on Israel/Palestine, but that’s never the sense I’ve gotten. I always got the impression that, as much as people were upset at the founding of Israel in the first place, ‘occupation’, and ‘occupied lands’ only refers to the land that Israel unilaterally, well, occupied, in 1967. I’m no expert in the topic, but I’ve always been under the impression that, if you give a Palestinian and an Israeli a map of the area, and ask them to point to the Occupied Territories, they would both point to the exact same places: the West Bank, the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem. I don’t think anybody disputes which land was granted by the British/UN and which land was unilaterally occupied. Now, what to do about the situation… I understand there’s some disagreement there.
available in orange.
mrboma posted a diary arguing for this very proposal yesterday.
Not saying you ripped him off, but I think a hat tip is owed. Here provided.
never saw it (honest to goodness!) but it’s a great piece.
Very well done, and my hat tip indeed to the writer.
Whatever it was, it is now and will be for some time, an occupation.
And what if the media can’t even call the “war” by the right name.
I sent off a furious note to the local ABC affiliate who reported that 2,500 service members had died fighting the “War on Terror.”
I asked if, at least in respect of this horrible milestone, they could refrain from using propaganda and stop conflating Iraq with terror.
true. The road we have to climb is a long one indeed when it comes to the traditional media.
I don’t remember anyone ever liking the sound of an annexation. Annexation of any kind causes long, drawn out, messy fights. From cities trying to grab surrounding suburban county land, to the German Annexation of the Sudatenland, to the Soviet annexation of the Balkans, annexation brings nothing but ugly memories
How about the Iraq ANNEXATION. The neo-cons refuse to stop funding permanent bases for US troops in Iraq. The neo-cons refuse to discuss an end date for when the troops leave. If the troops aren’t going to be leaving Iraq, that’s an annexation.
If you don’t like annexation…
…find a different word you do like.
Oh, I gotta say that would be lovely if we could stress that. That’s not changing the language but it’s certainly putting the emphasis in a direction the hawks would find discomfiting.
I linked to it over at Good Nonsense: http://goodnonsense.blogspot.com/2006/06/friday-blogroll-hello-from-cleveland.html
I keep wondering how to go an extra step and take these pysops to another level. Because what you are talking about is the Republican psyops that have been so successful. Why? Because they create confusion and disarray in the Dems ranks. This confusion and disarray is then central to their next psyop. Any direct confontation of the issue validates it. It gives it more power but seems to be the only wayt to fight back.
In my opinion the only way to fight this shit is to take the fight to their weak places. In other words, create a psyop that takes the fight to their insecurities and issues. Overweight, undereducated, sexually insecure, etc. The picture one could paint of the average Republican hard-case is pretty nasty.
In fact, the reason that they have such trouble seeing that the “emperor doesn’t have clothes” is that underneath those invisible clothes, there is a ugly troll nobody wants to view. Least of all the trolls, the Republicans themselves. Maybe you gotta show them so they can change?
“Military Takeover” is already entrenched in the BushCo lexicon.
As in:
Bush Cites Military Takeover In Case Of Flu Outbreak
Bush Heads To Colorado For Military Takeover Drill
First Step In The Military Takeover? (National Guard troops to states along the Mexican border.)
How about we end the Military Takeover of Iraq?
While we are at it, how about we end the ongoing Military Takeover of We the People. Just a thought.
The occupations we engaged at the end of the Spanish American war, particularly the occupation of the Philippines.
Follow the link and read the section captioned “American Opposition to the War”
Your point amounts in effect to this :
It is possible to utterly bamboozle the American people by the deft use of rhetoric which, though the rhetoric is flatly false in its assertions–whether they’re open or implied, none the less is effective in conjuring up the public thoughtless attachment to various emotionally-held beliefs; and those beliefs can then easily and consistently be used against that public, leading it to accept day for night, fiction for fact, nonsense for sense. Furthermore, this can be done repeatedly and for extended periods of time without that public getting wise to what is being done to it.
That’s what it seems to me you are saying is going on. And, somehow, the simple change of a key term here, a phrase there, and Presto!, the scales shall fall from this same terminally-stupid public’s eyes. Thus, the theory seems to have it that, while the public doesn’t possess the native smarts to figure out the word-play on its own, once it’s pointed out to them by others, the progress can resume (or, God help us, begin).
My own experience leads me to suspect that there may be some flaws in your assumptions.
I suspect that the simple change of key-terms shall not have the hoped-for effects you claim it shall. To be precise, I think that the vast majority of Americans, even Bush-supporters, are capable of grasping the fact that what is consistently called a “war” is also fundamentally an occupation of a nation by our armed forces. I also give these pathetic Bush-supporters enough credit to be able to foresee the fact that this–whether you call it “war” or “occupation”, cannot and shall not go on forever and must end one day one way or another. The terms “victory”, “defeat” or, more likely something that is neither fully one or the other–as has been pointed out already in these fora–shall be argued over from now till Kingdom come no matter what else happens. But the “war” or the “occupation” shall have to end–as even Bush-supporters cannot avoid understanding.
This leads me to think that there is something else going on. It’s generally accepted in the minds of many or perhaps even most that in a very limited sense, there was a “war” episode in Iraq which in narrow terms was won and did end: that part being the ouster of Saddam Hussein.
It seems to have been the impression of much or most of the public that this ouster alone should not conclude our “business” there; that we should “owe” something to these people whose nation we invaded, whose dictator we deposed, and whose society we laid to waste and turned into upside-down chaos.
This is the phase that Americans can recognize, whatever you want to call it, as the “war” or “occupation” post-Saddam Hussein. That by itself is not too hard to grasp, even for Americans. There is a real and an unsettled question: how long ought that “war” or “occupation” be allowed to drag on–with or without what you assert are these categorically unacceptable notions by Americans, “withdrawal” or “defeat” shy of (the belief in) attaining “victory”.
Since the duration and the costs in lives and money are undefined–though not unlimited–there is necessarily a great deal of argument over where the line should be drawn. Not over the fact that it has to be drawn somewhere, sometime.
I do have to agree with one thing you either state or imply: Americans have recently demonstrated a truly breath-taking capacity for gullibility and sheer stupidity. If I hadn’t seen it myself, I might not have believed it. But, even if that is true–indeed, especially if it is true, then that would also seem to imply that merely invoking in an incantatory fashion, the better, more appropriate term, “occupation‘, rather than the misnomer of “war”, shall not be enough to save such a hopelessly stupid people.
My hunch is that they are at once neither so hopelessly stupid as all that, nor that they are susceptible to being rescued by mere word-play, nor that they have failed to grasp that the “war” is an “occupation” which one day must end one way or another.
All of that leaves us with the real thorny issues: how and when shall it end?
One thing I feel confident about is that all of these really hard-lived experiences are going to make an impression on more than a few people’s ideas about how and when it’s a good idea to go to war. And that impression may last as long as several years, maybe even, say, ten to fifteen; enough time to raise up a new crop of gung-ho, gullible youth who, when Uncle Sam gets another war itch, shall be raring to run off to a new patriotic adventure.
Too bad this wasn’t a diary TINS — I can’t recommend it. Another fantastic piece… well thought out, well written, and right on the money.
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