Occasionally I tend to have some pretty good serious thoughts.
I feel like I’m probably just like everyone else around here who has had a real bellyful of the success that Rove has had with regurgitating the whole offensive “cut and run” meme. This one is like a zombie; kind of a walking undead American war casualty with some sort of evil electronic chip implant that orders it to automatically sniff out and go after Democrats exclusively. It refuses to die, no matter how many heroes such as John Murtha take head shots at it. I’m continually appalled at the extent to which mainstream media echoes and repeats it without the slightest hint of “fair and balanced” counterpoint.
The most brilliant thing about this evil frame is that it is continually presented as a given certainty, a cause and effect, or a sword of Damocles, if you will. In reality, it is nothing more than a poorly constructed hypothesis based upon fear mongering and pathetic attempts at rewriting accepted history.
I admit to being a little embarrassed that our democratic leaders have been so unsuccessful in pushing this one back and driving a stake through its heart. I really do have sympathy for them though, because it is awfully hard to keep your wits about you and think straight while the echo chamber screams in derision at full volume, “Cut and run! Cut and run! Cut and run!”. In my humble opinion, we have got to shout something back in return and continue to do so until they are silenced, or we risk exemplifying their ridiculous fear mongering frame.
What do we shout back in response? I would humbly like to propose that every time this foolish postulate of “Cut and run” is rubbed in your face, just as mockingly shout back the reality based meme of “Strut and Con”…
“Strut and Con” is an incredibly accurate summary of ALL the Bush Administration’s “policies” to date… including and especially the “War” in Iraq(which I would argue is the greatest con job in American History).
The “struttings” continue… most recently the taxpayer funded five hour “You’re doin’ a heck-of-a-job Maliki” flyover in Iraq. They date all the way back to “bring it on” and “Mission Accomplished”… I won’t waste time trying to list them all… pick your favorites and run with them.
The “Cons” far outweigh the “Struts”… no armor for troops, buying off Iraqi loved ones, billions lost in sham reconstruction schemes, “these aren’t permanent bases”, signing statements… alas, the hundreds of examples I could cite both in the “War on Terror”, and domestically are but the tip of a huge honking iceberg barreling down on the SS America ship of state. Again, pick the ones that you’re the most familiar with and run with them…
The bottom line is that this is the choice we should be presenting to America… do you cower in fear over the boogey-man liberal “cut and run” hypothesis, or do you do the Patriotic thing and push back against the overwhelming documented failed Republican policies of “Strut and Con”. Our brave men and women are bleeding and dying for this “Neocon Sting” and they deserve better.
Strut and Con, indeed.
And the stunt visit to Baghdad; do you think al-Maliki was proud and happy to see Bush. I think not. What an insult to an Arab – he could not even be host in his own house – told about Bush’s presence only 5 minutes before meeting. Bush: the “All Hat, no Cattle – Strut”.
What – no pictures?!
Thanks Bood – your words are worth a thousand pictures – may they spread far and wide. I’m getting started on that now.
Dan Rather offers his final opinions about the TANG papers this week on 60 Minutes
Bood, you are so right. Judging from Bush’s teensie weensie bounce in the polls, it seems that people by the millions are tuning out Rove’s slick messages. More and more the assholes who shout into that echo machine are talking to themselves. People are paying closer attention to the bullshit, I think. Last night my best friend called in a tizzy because she saw the news about how the Supremes gave the big OK to no knock, bust your door down police searches.
The point is, the lower their numbers go and the more shrill they get, the less the American people take their crap to heart. All that aside, it would be nice to see Democrats take a stand on something… anything. I’m not holding my breath.
Hey Dood, it has come closer than anything else that anyone has suggested we use. I think I shall use it from here on out…Thanks, Man…hugs….