Ann Coulter Republicans

Let’s face it, folks. Ann Coulter is not going away, no matter what we do. The networks, for some inexplicable reason, love her. I don’t see it, but I guess they do. Expect to see and hear more of her, whether you want to or not.

So. If I’m proven wrong about this, I will grin from ear to ear as you say you told me so. But on the very likely chance that I’m right, let’s get some mileage out of it.
There’s a guy over at, a blog I’d never visited before today, who signs himself “howard.” Howard has come up with a brilliant plan, and I say we give him all the credit for it. He is my hero for the next 30 minutes or so.

Howard made a devastatingly simple statement that made me slap my forehead in amazement that not only didn’t I think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone else mention it either, and yet it’s so obvious once he said it.

The right loves to label us Michael Moore Democrats. Fine. From now on every Republican who says a hateful thing about a Democrat, every Republican who thinks killing Arabs and Muslims is a good idea, every Republican who wants to make outrageout statements to get attention . . . even if it’s peripheral, even if it’s tenuous . . .

from this day forward, every single Republican who fits that description is an Ann Coulter Republican.

Call John Murtha a coward? Yes, that’s the kind of talk we expect from an Ann Coulter Republican.

Bomb Iran? That’s the kind of crazy idea only an Ann Coulter Republian would come up with.

If you think this is underhanded, if you think we shouldn’t do this, remember that the Republicans started the politics of personal destruction. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

If Coulter isn’t going to go away, let’s at least make sure that those who aren’t quite as loud and obnoxious about preaching their special brand of hate know: We’re on to them, and we are going to tie her around their necks like a millstone and hope it drags them down.

And when the Republicans repudiate her, when they stop buying her books and inviting her onto television and radio and into their magazines, we’ll stop.


But we’d be more likely to stop if they would just kick whatever malformed component of their personality that makes them think it’s OK to be cruel, hateful, and call for the harm or even murder of those they disagree with to the curb and let the street sweepers deliver it to where it belongs, along with every single copy of Coulter’s books that befouls the remainder tables of the world.