“My decision to join the army is one that I will never regret because my choice to reject unlawful and immoral orders in spite of the consequences, has taught me the true meaning of sacrifice, democracy, and freedom. I hope that my example shows other soldiers that they too have the power to choose right over wrong and that freedom is something that can never be taken away.” -Lt. Ehren Watada
Lt. Watada with his family at a unspecified location and time due meeting with friends and supporters. Photo taken by me.
Me and my family were fortunate to be able to spend some time with Lt. Watada who is resisting “just following orders” and will not participate in an illegal war, an act of aggression which goes against the United States Constitution. He is not a conscientious objector as he feel it is his duty to fight to defend the Constitution and America. He is not going absent without leave. He is standing up and resisting.
I will be laying in the street outside of Ft. Lewis main gate. He is very worried that the people wanting to shield him will be hurt. He has asked that anyone who can attend will bring video cameras so that the Citizens who feel responsible to defend his rights won’t be harmed. I am going to be setting up alerts and asking other groups and the “media” to attend this Saturday as I try to help an Officer who refuses to be a war criminal for Bush.
Promoted by Steven D.
BOHICA was there to introduce Lt. Watada and Jeff Patterson (the first soldier to resist going to the Gulf War was there to speak as well)
People across the country will take action on June 27th, when Ehren refuses deployment; and again in August (date to be announced)if he does he face the court martial, we’ll mobilize nationally, putting the war on trial! This is a tremendous opportunity to invigorate the antiwar movement in the U.S., following the leadership of Ehren and GI resisters.
To demonstrate our solidarity, we call for a National Day of Action on June 27th to support Ehren as he officially resists deployment.
These actions will include marches, vigils, protests, nonviolent direct action or civil disobedience in support of his legal and moral refusal, and against the war and occupation of Iraq. This is only the first step to building for mass national actions around the Court Martial days, which will likely be in August (although June 27th we’ll demand “No Court Martial!” we’ll begin preparing now in case this demand is not met).
We must support soldiers whose resistance upholds principles and democracy, and who can by challenging the military from the inside literally end the occupation of Iraq. Ehren joins a growing number of resisters in this war, building off the legacy of GI resistance that has historically played a vital role in ending wars. As the antiwar movement builds its support for these brave people and their important actions, we hope to encourage more to take their stands knowing they won’t be alone. Those of us outside the military must match his bravery by escalating our support for all GI resisters. They’ve got to know we’re out here for them!
Your group can:
Raise awareness in your organization, networks and communities about Lt. Ehren Watada’s case and the growing wave of GI resisters. (more online info at www.CouragetoResist.org)
Organize a coordinated action in your community for June 27th supporting Ehren’s refusal of orders. Use this action to build awareness and momentum for planning an even bigger action for the National Days of Action around the court martial or the weekend before (we’ll update people immediately when the military sets the court martial date.) We urge people to consider engaging in non-violent direct action against a war and occupation which has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and which the majority of people in the world–and in the U.S.–want to end.
for soldiers who have the courage to refuse. You can do this by signing up to participate in the National GI Resistance Alert Network that will alert you when and how support is needed.
Can your organization or community contribute to legal and organizing expenses? Fundraising events are also a great way to help raise awareness and build support. [Make a Donation to Lt. Watada’s Defense Fund www.ThankYoult.org]
**Please email supportlt@couragetoresist.org with your organization, contact info, and which of the above your group will commit to.
We will provide a local regular updates and a downloadable mobilizing and education kit (a flyer and poster with space for your local info/dates, a sample press release and packet, background materials, everything you need for a teach in or public event,post your event on our website, etc)
**Check out [Courage to Resist www.CouragetoResist.org]for more resources as this campaign develops.
Tuesday, June 27th is the first National Day of Action. Following that, we expect the court martial date to be between late July and August. Sign up for alerts, and we’ll tell you as soon as the date is set. But you don’t have to wait to start educating your community and organizing for June 27th!
Statement of 1st Lt. Ehren Watada
(June 7, 2006)
It is my duty as a commissioned officer of the United States Army to speak out against grave injustices. My moral and legal obligation is to the Constitution and not those who would issue unlawful orders. I stand before you today because it is my job to serve and protect those soldiers, the American people,
and innocent Iraqis with no voice.
It is my conclusion as an officer of the Armed Forces that the war in Iraq is not only morally wrong but a horrible breach of American law. Although I have tried to resign out of protest, I am forced to participate in a war that is manifestly illegal. As the order to take part in an illegal act is ultimately unlawful as well, I must as an officer of honor and integrity refuse that order.
The war in Iraq violates our democratic system of checks and balances. It usurps international treaties and conventions that by virtue of the Constitution become American law. The wholesale slaughter and mistreatment of the Iraqi people with only limited accountability is not only a terrible moral injustice, but a contradiction to the Army’s own Law of Land Warfare. My participation would make me party to war crimes.
Normally, those in the military have allowed others to speak for them and act on their behalf. That time has come to an end. I have appealed to my commanders to see the larger issues of our actions. But justice has not been forthcoming. My oath of office is to protect and defend America’s laws and its people. By refusing unlawful orders for an illegal war, I fulfill that oath today.
Thank you.”
Front Paged at My Left Wing -http://www.myleftwing.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=9537#122554
Cross posted at DailyKos
I won’t be able to risk getting arrested on the 27th so I have decided to go on Saturday, alone if need be, and lay in the street at the main gate.
Other protesters at Ft. Lewis have been interrogated before released to the police.
I don’t care what they do to me. We MUST support this resisting Officer.
Thank you Janet. For everything you do, including this diary.
What’s the date you’re doing this again?
The National Call to Action is June 27th a Tuesday.
I’m going in on Saturday the 24th.
I’m not really scared right now. I feel it’s the best thing I can do to compliment my support of writing, donations for Watada.
This is an Officer resisting to deploy to an illegal occupation. This is what we’ve been asking to happen for a long time.
This is true leadership in the military. π
Back atcha Tracy π Gawd I wish you could have heard him speak!!!! He’s amazing!!!
Nice to know, in this day and age.
I truly admire your courage, DJ.
You really are an example.
I am anything but courageous. I’m a great big moose puppy of stress and nerves. π
You however – one who seeks out land mines… you’ve always been one of my heros.
All I can say Janet, is that you “Walk the Walk”!
‘nuf said.
Janet, there is much to be said, as to this action. I can say, without a doubt, I have to agree with his summary as to why he is doing this thing. We all take an oath to defend our country and the Constitution and to abide by the laws of the nation, when we join up. I said, not many days ago, I want to be a part of this mutiny. It is so that illegal orders are being sent out by the DoD and CiC and that has to be stopped. This war is illegal and now even if one wants to state that Iraq is a sovereign nation, it is time for us to leave…
It was a sovereign nation prior to the war too. Yet we invaded preemptivly, without provocation. The WOT is not a war with a sovereign nation. Once we get this through our skulls, we will change the way we think. The war on terror is to work with other nations in finding and stop the terrorist at what they do, not invade them..if so we would have invaded Saudia Arabia and other nations such as Pakistan, etc. We have to stop this madness in any way we can…I admire this man for what he has chosen to do. It is his reputation and commission on the line and he will get severe action for in so doing this. Either we have to stand behind him or not. What ever you feelings are, he has a conscious and must be admired as to what and how he feels.
It is not that he is not a good officer. He is.. It is that he knows right from wrong. He knows this is wrong from the get go and this has to stop, this is not political it is necessary to stop innocent killing and from further doing the wrong thing. Thsi government confuses matters whent hey talk to the public. They use the media to do this and this is simply wrong. Thank y ou for bringing this to our attention. YOu and I both know what it is like to be military…the way things are done now is not right….never will be right…ever….
Brenda, the military grew up in as a little girl is no longer there.
Veterans for Peace and Lt. Watada have restored my faith in the leadership and decency of those brave few who serve with dignity and intregrity.
“the military grew up in as a little girl is no longer there”. Yes Janet you are so correct on that one. I can definately tellyou it started to change in the mid to latter 70’s I was in then and I know. Such a real shame. The leadership they have now in place for making these stupid orders come to forefront were started to be groomed back then. I hate what my, your, our military as become. Hugs and when you go there, since I can not, please deliver a message for me…will you please? Tell him, of me and who I am and that I am behind him 150%! If ever he needs anything, that I can give, let me know, personally…please.
He needs publicity in order to get a fair “Trial” or discharge.
Also, I probably won’t see him till this is all over… the war, his trial.. who knows which comes first.
Can sign the petition of support on his site.
ways to give to his defense fund as well as send him letters of support π
A book has just been published which is connected to what Lt. Watada is going through. It is Mission Rejected by Peter Laufer, which chronicles the stories of those who have elected to listen to their conscience and to defy the military by not obeying the military’s order to deploy to Iraq. Lauifer is a former Vietnam War resister who was recently interviewed on Democracy Now! about his book. This book and the actions of Lt. Watada are reminiscent of a recently released documentary, Sir! No Sir!, which portrays the underground movement which took place during the Vietnam War to aid the military personnel who desired to avoid fighting in that illegal and immoral war in Vietnam.
Thank you Erroll, I’ll check out the book.
Damnit Janet
As a companion piece to Mission Rejected, I would like to suggest a new book written by Anthony Arnove, entitled Iraq- The Logic of Withdrawal, which succintly lays out the reasons why the U.S. invaded and still occupies Iraq, the history of occupation, in particular the British occupation of Iraq after the Great War, the atrocities that Iraqis have had to endure under the domination of the United States and the reasons why the U.S. should seek to immediately withdraw from that beleagured country.
I wish that I could be there with you too. I guess you will have to speak for me again Janet. Take good care of yourself. I see these things as one step taken at a time getting to the truth about the Iraq War and waking up America. You deserve your soldiers Janet and you deserve the service they mean to provide you.
It’s strange Tracy, but alot of the stuff we do we do with Veterans for Peace at our side… but even so lately I’ve been so angry about the attrocities and being very upset with our military… and here I am about to lay in the street for an Officer.
Watada truly has returned some integrity and dignity back to the active forces for me and my family. It’s always been there due to IVAW and VFP.
I do not speak for you Tracy.. .never have. I simply stand next to you and shout just as loud π
I’m in pdx-will you need petsitting, errands run, etc. in order to do what you must do next week?
Thank you very much. I just need more “time” π My husband will be staying home with the kids that day. And I just got an email from a Pinker in Portland who is thinking of joining me. She’s flying in from Europe as she was away and we’re going to put our heads together.
Another brave soldier, Katherine Jashinski, is just completing her sentence at the Brig in San Diego. Getting arrested for us regular folks is an easy and joyous occasion. Here is an article on my recent conviction.
Golden jury convicts anti-war activists
Protesters who blocked recruiting office could face time in jail
By Christine Reid, Camera Staff Writer
June 7, 2006
GOLDEN — A Jefferson County jury Tuesday handed down 24 guilty counts to a group of anti-war protesters accused of blocking the entrance of a Lakewood military recruiting office.
The No Blood for Oil 12 were arrested Nov. 18 after police said they ignored repeated orders to move away from the front of the private-property office at 215 S. Sheridan Blvd. to the public sidewalk.
The 12 defendants were charged with obstructing a passageway and third-degree trespass, which could carry sanctions of up to six months in jail.
The jury panel of four women and two men took about 30 minutes to reach a verdict after two days of testimony. The group, four of whom are from Boulder County, got their say in Jefferson County Court as 11 of them took the stand to defend their actions to jurors.
“I cannot stand by and idly watch while my government mass murders. If we are a government by and for the people, then I am part of that government. To me, doing nothing is perhaps the greatest evil,” said Janet Roberts, of Boulder. “I worry that I am not doing enough.”
Bonnie McCormick, of Louisville, cried when she took the stand and told the jurors she joined the anti-war effort after reading a letter printed in the Daily Camera from a 19-year-old soldier to his mother shortly before he was killed.
McCormick told jurors she was married to a West Point graduate and loved her military family, but the letter struck such a deep chord that she couldn’t stop crying, even after she had tucked the article away in a drawer.
Many of the speakers grew frustrated over the state’s objections to their testimony regarding their beliefs.
“With all due respect, I’m a disabled veteran, and some people may want to know why a disabled veteran was in front of the recruiting center,” said Richard Drew Edmonston when he was ordered by County Judge James Demlow to talk only about what happened on Nov. 18.
The Denver resident said all he wanted was five minutes to tell his story.
“That’s why we did this,” he said.
Carolyn Bninski reminded jurors that the civil rights movement was sparked by what were then considered illegal activities.
“Where would we be today if Rosa Parks didn’t go to the front of the bus?” the Boulder resident said. “Seach your hearts and minds and ask who is really guilty here? Who has violated the Constitution?”
Deputy District Attorney Ben Sollars chastised the defendants for comparing themselves to Parks, the mother of the civil rights movement.
“How dare they compare themselves to Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks disagreed with segregation laws and so she broke them,” he said. “These 12 defendants disagree with the war … so they violated obstruction and trespass laws.”
Most of the 12 defendants have said they will go to jail rather than do community service or pay fines to cement their opposition to the war. They are scheduled to be sentenced July 26.
Ellen Stark, of Boulder, did not testify but made closing arguments to jurors.
“The prosecution wishes to present us as the lawless ones, but the government, our government, by its words and actions has proven that they hold in disregard our laws that they were sworn to uphold,” she said.
Copyright 2006, DailyCamera. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for these posts. I think that is why I’m doing it as well. As I can’t just sit by and do nothing. Or think that a few letters to the editor is a “sacrifice”. After hearing Lt. Watada … I can’t NOT do nothing. He is the soldier we’ve wanted for a long time. As a little girl when I watched the movie Holocaust I cried most of all when the young soldiers would “follow orders” of such brutality. Why didn’t they say no? Why do soldiers forget that they, too, are humans?
Watada is standing up and being the hero that the little girl inside of me has always wished for. He is the soldier that ends wars… not makes them longer.
Thank you for your activism and sharing your experience.
Unfortunately I won’t be able to freshen up on a non-violence course. I can’t say I’m not worried about jail time. I am. I have a family and money is tight. And time… is priceless. But somebody has to stand up, or lay down, for Lt. Watada.
I’ll be reading and rereading your posts and articles here and digesting them. Thank you so much!
Sir, no Sir, is now a stunning movie..I saw it eariler this year..
P.S. on my trial.
Trials such as mine are happening all the time. Note: All of your attempts at a reasonable defense Constitution, International Law etc… will be denied…However the action you plan is at the core of our First Amendment..the right for a redress of grievances..remembr the Declairation of Independence was just that.. Good Luck with your effort. I hope all of those going to be involved will undergo traing in non-violence. Even if you have done so a refreasher course is always handy..
Again thanks. Yeah I have heard from Jeff Patterson the Gulf Vet who resisted that we won’t be able to say WHY we trespassed or blocked. Which doesn’t seem “fair”.
I’ve heard from my other blogs that some think I’m crazy that one person isn’t going to do anything but get her ass arrested. But I no longer care. I can’t sit and wait for people to finally get outraged, I can’t wait for people to finally say that enough is enough or
that Lt. Watada is doing a brave thing but bravery needs support. Telling him “good luck and you’re doing the right thing” won’t keep him from harm or the brig. He needs attention, money and public outcry.
I had dreams last night of what all could go wrong. My husband says that the most danger could come from motorists themselves tossing things out of the cars…. but what price have any of us paid to try to stop the killing? I witness in RubDMC’s diary … i see the dead children, the broken soldiers, the battered women.
Lt. Watada says this is an illegal war and is resisting. I need to resist, too.
Thank you.
Another note for the action planned..outside of “booking” no jail will be involved. Those arrested will face minor Mis’dameens like “failure to obey, obstruction, tresspass etc..You may choose not to go to trial and just pay fines, although going to trial should (although it didn’t happen in my latest trial) allow you to testify to your “state of mind” and you can address your convictions at sentencing…..although I have been arrested for “civil redress” before, my choice to continue my redress in a county jail for a short time(probably 5-10 days)is not something for people doing this for the first time..try to work out “community service” where you can help. I have done some at the Denver V.A….
I need to get a detailed map of the streets outside of Ft. Lewis
The other day a man protested on what he thought was the county sidewalk but it was still Ft. Lewis property. AKA Military property. He was arrested and interrogated by the military before being handed over to the police.
I do know that due to the “Patriot” Acts they make protesting outside a recruiters office now an act of terrorism.
But the laws seem to change weekly to suit the Bushtapo’s needs. Any insight into this? If I don’t tresspass on military property and just the county/state… is it a felony or a misdemeanor??
On 3/15/03 I was arrested with 18 folks (I don’t count the undercover agent)blocking the entrance to Buckley Airfield and Global listening. We chose to block it from city access. If you are Federal prop-r-ty it can get real serious. Often times there is a median access off federal jurisdiction that can be effective.
My humble advice is to:
1) find a non-federal place that may disrupt regular access.
2)Contact media and both local and military authorities a couple of days and let them know as much as possible without all the details where, why, how many may be involved.
3)Let them know that it will be non-violent/no destruction/no resistance if arrest takes place
4)Communication before/during/after with the power from a position of non-violent redress reduces the chance of an over response on their part.
5)Remember that you do not plan to be arrested. However be prepared for it. Wear no jewelry, carry simple ID, have a friend carry bail money. If you can take public transportation it is better.
6)If you bring a sign, have someone be responsible for picking it up after your arrest.
7)Smile…sing or hum music that nurtures you.
8)Remember that you understand their motives much more than they understand yours.
9)Connect with the ground you lay upon.
Dignity/Compassion/Non-violent Redress…and don’t forget to dance…. Drew
Good news: A pink lawyer might be joining me Saturday as I show my support for Lt. Watada so I won’t be alone. She’s also a member of Civil Resist so she knows the ropes.
Bad news: the military owns all the access roads and property around Ft. Lewis. I can’t find an access area that is close enough to disrupt or be visible that is on county/state land. So it looks like it will have to be front gate. Which means… it won’t be a misdemeanor. It’ll be a felony with FBI dudes and Homeland Duhcurity and Military interrogators and THEN the local police … guess I’ll have to dress nice for the “event”.
At a glance…this link is for a 5 min. video edited from official police and a fine local group CopWatch of our arrest…it is kind of a big quicktime file…you may have to update..if you have problems email me I can send a low res version..
your resolve in doing this is more than a couragous stand (lay down)for the LT…just as the LT is just a regular soldier, you are just a regular person. Other soldiers will say, “if he can do it I can do it”. Other people will see/hear of your unselfish support and say if “she can do it I can do it”.
We all are capable of amazing moments of inner strength. To find that within ourselves is a journey of doubt that ends with a sublime clairity of who we really are…and that is a fuckin’ great feeling….what is the local paper out there?
You have no idea how much this post means to me.
Last night, I lost the support of my spouse.
“let someone else do it”
“why should you be the one to risk jail?”
“don’t you put your family first?”
Divorce was even brought up.