White House Bilgemeister Tony Snow while appearing on one of Sunday’s talk shows on CNN and trying to goose the Presidents ratings, compared the Battle of the Bulge to Iraq.

“The president understands people’s impatience — not impatience but how a war can wear on a nation,” said Snowjob “He understands that. If somebody had taken a poll in the Battle of the Bulge, I dare say people would have said, ‘Wow, my goodness, what are we doing here?’ But you cannot conduct a war based on polls.”

The German counter offensive in the Ardennes in World War ll was among the largest battles in the history of warfare. Three German armies, nearly thirty divisions counter attacked allied forces in the middle of December during the coldest winter in European history.

The struggle for life, death and supremacy over the ensuing six weeks was beyond epic, the carnage and suffering of the combatants was enormous, their valor and intrepidity was awe inspiring.

The facts, and any comparisons to be based on them would be better taken from John Kline of the 106 Infantry Division, a participant in one of the most epic battles in the history of war not some blow dried Chickenhawk like Tony Snow.

· The coldest, snowiest weather “in memory” in the Ardennes Forest on the German/Belgium border.
· Over a million men, 500,000 Germans, 600,000 Americans (more than fought at Gettysburg) and 55,000 British.
· 3 German armies, 10 corps, the equivalent of 29 divisions.
· 3 American armies, 6 corps, the equivalent of 31 divisions.
· The equivalent of 3 British divisions as well as contingents of Belgian, Canadian and French troops.
· 100,000 German casualties, killed, wounded or captured.
· 81,000 American casualties, including 23,554 captured and 19,000 killed.
· 1,400 British casualties 200 killed.
· 800 tanks lost on each side, 1,000 German aircraft.
· The Malmedy Massacre, where 86 American soldiers were murdered, was the worst atrocity committed against American troops during the course of the war in Europe.
· My division, the 106th Infantry Division, average age of 22 years, suffered 564 killed in action, 1,246 wounded and 7,001 missing in action at the end of the offensive. Most of these casualties occurred within the first three days of battle, when two of the division’s three regiments was forced to surrender.
· In it’s entirety, the “Battle of the Bulge,” was the worst battle- in terms of losses – for the American Forces in WWII.

I have a close friend named Steve who lives a few blocks from me with whom I share an occasional beer. Steve is eighty six now and fought his way from the beaches of Normandy through the frozen forests of the Ardennes until he had his second tank shot out from under him and spent the next year in military hospitals.

I have a picture of Steve receiving a Silver Star for valor from Lt General Walt Gerow.

When this so called President and his ass kissing minions say that they understand anything about war they insult my friend Steve and every one of us who served and are serving under arms. They know nothing of war and they exhibit their ignorance, arrogance, incompetence and complete lack of leadership on a daily basis.

Comparing this battle to Iraq is beyond ridiculous, the only valid comparison which could be made by any reasonable person would be the valor and sacrifice of our forces in both struggles. Of course we know that reasonable people have been lacking in the White House and around the President these last several years.

Comparing the support or lack of it by the people at home is equally absurd and flies in the face of historical fact. The efforts of our forces in World War ll were supported with near unanimity by Americans at home, as was our entry into the war itself. The reasons for going to war were clear to nearly everyone as they were based on facts and dire necessity and not a pack of neo con lies.

Support for American efforts in the war by other nations was also profound and our struggle won the respect of our allies and eventually our foes alike.  Again, no comparison, as Bush and his band of dilettante hacks have squandered that respect on an ash heap of conceit and hubris.

There is absolutely nothing to compare the Ardennes campaign with anything about the war in Iraq, well perhaps two things, the gunfire and the screams of the wounded and dying sound much the same and the discordant clanging of the outrageous lies of Josef Goebbels and Tony Snow are in perfect harmony.

Now there’s a valid comparison.

Bob Higgins
Worldwide Sawdust