Can’t we all just get along?
I know that many in this community have problems with the Orange Place. I understand that. I respect that.
What is happening over at the Orange Place is a story no different from that of every other major organization and movement from time immemorial: the institutionalization of charisma. Read all about it in the writings of Max Weber, founder of modern sociology: a movement starts with an almost anything-goes charismatic energy and attracts attention and followers. Then, due to its size and prominence, it begins to establish institutional structures and ideological orthodoxies wherein heterodoxies are shunned.
All of this is absolutely inevitable–but that doesn’t make the venomous attacks on the Orange Place here just or right.
Mostly, the complaints about the Orange Place center around disagreements with what has become an estabslished orthodoxy there surrounding four main points:
A) Women’s issues–especially anti-abortion Democrats and (curiously) soft pornography;
B) Electronic Voting Conspiracy;
C) 9/11 conspiracy theories;
D) The necessity of engaging in war under certain circumstances.
It is true that the Orange Place has established orthodoxies on these points–some strict, and some loose. And that’s actually a good thing.
It’s a good thing because–like it or not–our movement does need a pragmatic focus on victory. There is no honor nor any special prize for remaining the ideologically pure martyrs in an increasingly hostile world. And while the merits of being anti-pornography, unswervingly pro-choice, credulous of 9/11 conspiracies and firmly anti-war under all circumstances can be debated endlessly back and forth on an ideological basis, they will NEVER win an election. Anywhere. At any time. Regardless of the merits of those positions–and I do have serious questions about their merits. That’s not being DLC–that’s just being honest. And we NEED at least SOME of us to be focused on winning elections.
In any case, I would also like to add that the orthodoxy in the Orange Place is also not that strict. In each example except for 9/11 conspiracies (Armando’s over-the-top behavior excluded), the supposed censorship in the Orange place really just isn’t:
- On pie, no one ever said that complaints about the pie ads could not be made. Markos simply refused to take the ads down as so many demanded–and had some sharp words, no doubt. But it wasn’t censorship, and it is ultimately his blog.
- On pro-life Democrats, people are free to critique the stances of those like Casey on the orange place. But don’t be surprised to take some heat from people with broader views of the chessboard if you imply that Casey’s position on the issue makes him no better than a Republican. If you come in with sharp elbows, you should not be surprised to feel them in return.
- On black-box voting, there have been HUNDREDS of diaries on the subject at the Orange Place. I myself believe that ten of thousands of votes were stolen in Ohio. These views are NOT CENSORED. What will get you in trouble there is the claim that every electronic vote won by the GOP was stolen, and that nothing else matters until the problem is solved. Not only is there considerable evidence AGAINST this position (why, for instance, would the GOP have spent $5 million in CA-50 if they just planned to hack votes?), it also distracts from other very real voting discrepancies AND completely demoralizes the activist community based on a theory without proof.
- On war, NUMEROUS Kossacks are anti-war under all circumstances. MSOC hasn’t been banned, so far as I know. But don’t be surprised if you encounter some stiff opposition from people for suggesting we not kill Bin Laden on sight if we find him, or that there were any alternatives to outright war in the face of Hitler and Hirohito. These are views held by a very small percentage of the electorate–even among progressives.
- On 9/11 conspiracy theories, there just has to be a little understanding here. I myself have questions about what happened at the Pentagon (though not WTC), because some things just don’t seem to add up (though I think they’re probably after-the-fact-coverups). But there are tons of places to discuss 9/11 conspiracies: here, DU, and many other places. Is it really too hard to understand that 100,000 progressive activists might not want ALL of their ideas dismissed out of hand by the general voting public because they are smeared with the charge of belief that the U.S. government created a Reichstag Fire?
As Booman said, there is definitely a place for both communities: dKos as the accepted mainstream of progressive thought to shift the Overton Windows from the corporatist right to the progressive left, and Booman as the unabashed lefty community pushing the edges of accepted thought and questioning even progressive everday reality.
But PLEASE, PLEASE enough with the incessant sniping. It’s utterly counterproductive to our collective cause.
Tell this guy
That’s part of the problem as I see it. Yes, that guy is an asshole, but so what? To go back to lessons learned in childhood, two wrongs don’t make a right.
A lot of people here have very good reason to be pissed off. Still, if some people behave badly, it doesn’t mean everyone should behave the same. There is a legitimate conflict, but anything not leading towards resolution is just destructive.
Maybe I’m just tired, but I’d honestly like to see this fighting, insinuating, and name calling stop. From both sides.
Granted, I have only been posting here for a few months, and pretty much all of my experiences here and at Big Orange are good ones.
That being said, maye there is some deep seeded animosity that I don’t know about. Yes, there are jackasses over there (or here), but I just ignore them, no matter who they are or how low their UIDs may be.
The way I see it, both these communities, as well as MLW, ePM or any of the others that I post on or visit serve one main purpose and many smaller purposes.
Main purpose? To help change the direction of this country and make it so that things will be better for my children than it is now.
Side purposes? Hone my writing, make new connections, find a way to help on a larger picture, and make new friends (even if I only meet you once or never).
People are always going to throw sand, regardless of where you are. There is a bigger picture here, and I don’t know why people expend so much energy railing against those who are, for the most part, on the same team.
Those are all excellent goals and it’s good to have you here, clammyc. I haven’t gotten involved in most of these arguments and upheavals, but some I have, and have followed many of the others. I assure you the animosity is deep, the hurt is real, and good and bad things have been done and said by individuals on both “sides.”
With that acknowledgment out of the way, I agree with you that I’d like to see our collective energy turned in more positive directions.
I post at Dkos and mostly lurk here, though not as often as I should. I rarely post here because of this hate and animosity toward “the Orange Place.” WTF?
Quick recap to help you understand where people may not be too jazzed about dkos or Markos…
I could go on, but I think that should give you a good place to start the journey to understanding.
Me personally, I don’t hate anyone. I just can’t abide the tactics of dkos and Markos. And I think they are potentially really dangerous to the party and democracy. So I say so. Lucky for me no one is coming along to troll rate or censure me. That’s why we dig the pond… oh, and that there are a lot of great writers and really smart folks here. And once in a while great activism campaigns come out of the pond too.
But anyhoo, hope that clears up the WTF?
Actually, not to complain, but some user named “Chamonix1”–who has NO COMMENTS HISTORY AT ALL–has suddenly popped up to troll-rate me all over the place.
Ok, so I am complaining. I just find it…curious.
He’s a submissive who doesn’t have the courage to come here and confront that which he simultaneously loves and hates. Pitiful little man.
he was a longtime participant here but has decided to register his displeasure with differing viewpoints than his own by troll rating. Nice. That is one thing I would rather not see exported to this site.
We’ve gotten along fine around here by debating ideas and not the person behind a particular comment. It has worked rather well, in my opinion, over the past 15 months.
I tend not to rate at all in contentious threads (that I am a participant in). Okay, well confession, I also forget to rate anywhere half the time, since I don’t post so much anymore, lol.
I’d really hate to see that downrating for disagreements nonsense exported here, though.
I tend to rate posts I agree with 100% in contentious threads and not rate posts even if I agree with 90% of it but can’t bring myself to support the other 10%.
And no, it would not be a good thing to have to start troll rating wars over here. Ick.
That works too!
sweet! have a 4 🙂
Cham’s been around since the beginning, dkos regular. He used to post so if you check the “search archive” box you’ll find his comments.
I completely agree (and Man E mentioned it in a comment at the end of the thread) the troll ratings are out of line.
Oh I see…I forgot about the archives function.
I was puzzled because his user id is #68, which is pretty old-timer for this blog.
If he wanted to argue, why didn’t he come on board and do so? I don’t know this Chamonix1 and I don’t get it.
I used to really enjoy debates with him over at dkos, but he has some serious bitterness about the pond (as we do abt dkos it would appear ;)), as was evident by his comments on Boo’s diary over there yesterday and has obviously decided not to take the big dog’s advice (i.e. kos) and use his words.
The thing about drive-by thread-trolls is that they DON’T want to argue, they want to SUPPRESS argument, and on some blogs, if enough of them dump enough 1’s and 0’s, they can hide comments or even remove commenters outright.
From what I understand that doesn’t work here, and we don’t have the roving gangs of hooligans, but it works in enough other places that for some folks, it’s kind of a reflex when confronted with arguments they can’t counter.
Are you asking me?!? Yikes! I’d say most of it was grounded in what at the time were honest disagreements and some legitimate grounds. There has been some really very hurtful behavior from people on both sides and people were and are understandably upset.
So I do know where it’s coming from, but don’t know what purpose it’s serving now. Some venting is to be expected and can be healthy, but continued animosity is just destructive to both sites. Frankly, reading through this thread, I wonder what some commenters are hoping to accomplish.
It’s been my belief that the bulk of the community here is not anti-kos, even if they have differing opinions from the consensus over there. I know booman has repeatedly said he does not want the site to become known as the anti-kos place. However, it becomes problematic when people fight over at kos and are told to come here and bitch about it. It would probably help a lot if that particular habit was stopped.
I agree that the level of animosity is becoming increasingly uncomfortable. If you can offer any ideas for solutions, I’d be all ears.
What I’m saying is this: I’ve been a Kossack for years, either lurking or as a registered member. I’ve read Booman and admire him as a blogger. I respect what he’s done with this blog and try to show it, sometimes, by coming here to see what you froggies are talking about. When the talk is centered around Kos, and how much y’all hate him, the whining and negative undertones, the fighting and namecalling, I leave. That is all.
This community has so much potential. And I love some of the things you’ve got here. But, the fighting is a turnoff for potential members (like me.)
I understood what you were saying and agreed with you for the most part. I hadn’t realized your question was rhetorical and attempted to answer. I apologize if you were simply making a point and not engaging in dialogue.
Good points Izzy.
Unfortunately I have a feeling this may come to a head rather soon if these diaries, Boo’s diary on Monday, and Hunter’s recent diary which pretty much lifts posts from this site and… well… go read it yourself.
Personally I was quite honoured to make the list on the “Markos is a conservative Republican” part, since I was just responding to how he self-identified on, I believe, Monday re: the exchange with Reynolds/ Greenwald.
But anyhoo, I agree that this should stop… (even though I did have to get in that one bit of snark, sorry, I’m addicted)… at least for a while until we can revisit some of the actual issues and concerns with a cooler head. I really do have to question why this diary was posted however considering spoon was over at dkos just the last few days sniping at the community here. I mean, why stir things up again now? Arthur is Arthur and he’s always calling out someone in his diaries.. Boo, Kos, a comment by me, whatever, but other than the upsetting news about RHL, well… it should have been left in peace I think. But now with Hunters diary… well… I for one am walking away. It won’t be healthy to continue… for anybody.
and “hone writing”.
It’s deep seated, vs deep seeded. FWIW.
not really necessary, but noted.
Yes, that guy is an asshole, but so what?
spoon appears to be upset and may have some influence on DK. He certainly has little or none here and not with that dreadful and insulting synopsis of the pie wars (an analysis I believe to have been a deliberate and not accidential insult)
I’m appalled by what DK has become, attribute much of it to DHinMI and take great exception when they try to import their culture over here. Spoon’s as unwilling to deal with the actual reasons for this blow up as he is to listen to the underlying reasons for the pie wars purge.
see my comment above.
I doubt spoon is unwilling to listen to alternate versions of the pie wars.
He is not importing anything, but merely expressing his opinion. Go ahead and explain your version and please do it respectfully.
I have been here listening to all of the refugees for over a year. spoon has not been exposed to all the arguments, and therefore should be excused for not knowing them by rote, and also should not be accused of knowingly and deliberately dismissing them.
I admire your patience.
I have been here listening to all of the refugees for over a year. spoon has not been exposed to all the arguments, and therefore should be excused for not knowing them by rote, and also should not be accused of knowingly and deliberately dismissing them.
Alternate arguments and points of view were not limited to this blog, they were widespread and most eloquently expressed on most of the blogs including DK. I’m suprised spoon managed to avoid them.
I’m afraid I must decline your request that I explain my version. I would be pleased to research the matter and provide links to several viewpoints vastly dissimular from the accepted DK version if spoon requests it but I think it unwise to revisit the last purge when at the moment you (and the rest of us) are dealing with the present and ongoing purge announced by Armando in his letter to Steven D a couple of weeks ago.
Purge? Pie wars? I definitely missed something. A link, anyone?
I have never registered at DKos and cannot claim to be a “Pie Wars” veteran, but there’s a site I found through Google that summarizes it pretty well:
Shakespeare’s Sister had what is considered by many the best take on the “pie wars”:
I hear what you’re saying and understand your point. However, I’m going to take Spoon’s effort at face value. It doesn’t appear to me as though he’s trying to be deliberately insulting. It does appear to me to be a genuine appeal to promote harmony and understanding, however wrong he might be on certain points.
Either way, if as you say he may have some influence at DK, then it would be a good opportunity to promote communication rather than sowing more discord.
Frankly, I do have issues with some behavior. It pisses me off. But the level of animosity has, in my opinion, gone beyond the point where anything constructive can come of it and actual destructive behavior is starting to emerge.
This whole thing about picking sides between the two sites is wrong. I was at this site before the pie wars and I care about this site. I know and admire a lot of the writers at DK and care about them as well. I have actual friends, good people, on both sides of this issue.
What I see happening is a bad pattern taking root. A conflict or series of conflicts which have not been resolved. People ARE taking sides. Others who step in to try to mediate get flamed in one place or another and are then driven to taking a side themselves.
This is all classic dysfunctional behavior and I really would like to see it resolved if it can be. What’s going on currently, regardless of the hurt done and who is/was at fault, is unhealthy for both communities.
FWIW- we are trying to bridge the gap. And we have been since June of last year.
That being said, there are a number of things going on right now that make things complicated. In my diary about Orange versus Green I mentioned the fact that Daily Kos is under a sustained attack from the right (and to a lesser degree, the mainstream media) and that there are elements of this attack that are general and apply to us.
In this environment, we need to be heedful of what is going on.
At the same time, I am way more progressive than Markos and that is something people are beginning to realize and talk about. Being at different places on the political spectrum is not something to fight about. And aside from occasional temper tantrums, we do not fight.
I’m still a Kossack, and as are the majority of members here. And we will be debating the politics for a long time. It’s the personal stuff that turns me off. But sometimes people react to disrespect with disrespect. And I can’t do anything about that.
And maybe I wasn’t clear, but it was the personal stuff I was talking about. I do know you’ve been trying to bridge the gap, and I think you’ve shown a lot of patience in trying to mediate some very emotional situations.
So far, I think you’ve done very well and you’ve taken steps that seem logical. However, I think we need to ask if they are working? If not, what would work? If so, are there other things that could be done as well?
I’m not saying you’ve done anything wrong nor caused problems, What I’m getting at is that the problem exists and seems to be worsening in some ways.
I apologize for not being as clear as I should be. I’ll just use a recent example — your green/orange post of yesterday. It troubles me that you made a post that is asking for some reconciliation and were accused of trying to start an argument to drive site traffic up. This is an accusation that’s been repeated endlessly and seems to be on its way to becoming conventional wisdom.
In the same way, spoon has posted here also asking for some reconciliation, as have others from dk in the past, and has been somewhat accused of deliberately spreading the dk point of view. I don’t know how many times the enforcer argument has come up.
So this is what I mean when I mention about people taking sides — it’s gotten to the point where attempts at communication are being interpreted as acts of aggression or as having been done for ulterior motives.
Also, we’ve lost a lot of good members here at bt and they’ve lost some at dk as well. This would be fine if it was choices made for reasons of preference, but increasingly it seems to be made because of the perception of sides.
It’s a natural reaction to Yearly Kos, Meet the Press, and Mark Warner. I said in my initial diary right after Warner’s speech that it was going to cause a shitstorm and that it was a done deal whether I was the first one to mention it or not.
Is Daily Kos ready to become mainstream? Has it come to terms with Markos’s personal politics? How will Jerome’s relationship with Warner play out with the orange crowd? I’m powerless to influence these ripples much, but there is no avoiding the turbulence that these issues will cause.
As long as we don’t make it personal, we can move forward together along parallel tracts, disagreeing on tactics here and there, disagreeing on principles here and there, but recognizing that we have a wide range of common interests.
And there is no question that they are now engaged in a purging of a certain sort, and that is going to exacerbate the tensions. I hope, by getting most of this out in the open so that people can understand the transformation that is occurring, that we can avoid some of the nastiness and bloodletting.
Many people will be disillusioned, others will be banned, and that is the course they’ve set. So, be prepared and understanding.
You’re an honest man, and you’ve got guts.
Many people will be disillusioned, others will be banned, and that is the course they’ve set. So, be prepared and understanding.
NEVER. Censorship of legitimate political material is the beginning of the end to broadbased, meaningful dialogue. It is what has become of the modern MSM dialogue basically. Shame on KOS for allowing his site to just become another cheerleading exercise but with his ideas as the sanctioned path!
and here’s why.
It’s his site. He started it to represent HIS views. He wanted to say what he thought, and promote his ideas.
He did not start it to be a place where any lefty could come and talk. He simply didn’t.
As it got very popular (and perhaps this was his aim in the beginning, but I think not, I think the popularity ans size was a surprise to him, a crap shoot result as it were) — I think he realized he could make a living at it, if he played it right.
Playing it right didn’t mean giving up ownership of his original goals, to promote his own ideas and ideals, and have the site be what he wanted it to be.
What he’s doing is congruent with his original goals, so no shame involved in that. AFA other people, who wish he thought differently, it’s kinda like telling me I should use my house to take in 3 families, each in one bedroom. I wouldn’t respond positively. My house, my choice applies here.
AFA me, I did at one time think he “should” be more open about the site, that that would help further “the left-i-fication of America”.
And he has been making a living at it. And he has become famous at it. That has to change a person, no question.
As such… he recently wrote, in the aftermath of YK, that “it’s not all about me”. That is a change. Will be interesting to see what, if anything, else comes of it.
i’m more than willing to listen.
For the record, I was deeply involved in the pie wars–on the Markos side. Every progressive European country has extremely liberal attitudes toward pornography, and I think that’s a good thing. That doesn’t mean we can’t debate the issue, however.
What do you think I missed?
What do you think I missed?
I think you missed the fact that the pie wars weren’t about pornography. For starters.
what, then?
You were “deeply involved” on “the Markos side” and you don’t know what it was about?
Oh, please.
i do. There is a certain cadre of academic feminists who find pornography inherently misogynist. What can I say?
You forgot something.
According to Markos, they have no right to complain when they’re offended. “Feel free to storm off in a huff.” It’s a verbal pissing on somebody’s head–but hey, too damn bad.
Yep, Kos sure showed those uppity women who are in charge, right? “Menstruating she-devils” was the description one of the many misogynistic Kossacks used to describe them.
“Who are in charge”?
“Who IS in charge”!
Jesus, I can’t believe I wrote that atrocity. Dunce cap for me and apologies to everybody else.
Why get your panties in a bunch over what a couple of cyberkosers have to say? If I had a dime for everytime I get my feelings hurt on the internets, I would be wealth ho.
How did you know I wear panties?
I mean, erm…
Damn….I’m “outed”.
That’s why I left. I tend to ignore ads, never saw the one that set the fight off, and my position as far as pornography is concerned is probably best described as uninterested indifference (aka “couldn’t care less either way”) but I have all KINDS of problems with arbitrary abuse of authority. Kos can claim to be a “progressive” from now until the end of time but when he comes with that “It is not for peasants to question the great and powerful wizard” attitude it tells me everything I need to know about who he is and what he REALLY believes.
And nothing that I’ve seen or heard since has surprised me in the least. I’ve seen too many authoritarians and too many caudillo wannabes to miss the signs when they slap me in the face.
No. We don’t want the same world, and we’re not on the same side.
what, then?
At bottom the same thing this latest argument/purge/ administrative correction is about, a basic respect for others. (which is why I invited you to deal with DHinMI and the fact that he will eventually ruin the blog you seem to find so much value in) The objections to the crass and adolescent advertisements were expressed by a very few people. I didn’t personally have any difficulty with the advertisements; I felt they accurately reflected the mentality of a substantial portion of the DKos readership. What I objected to is the same thing I object to every time I read a thread on DK. I do not like the way you folks treat people and I particularly dislike the way that the administrators treat people.
The vicious hostility and overt misogyny in response and Markos’s encouragement of that (and the utter failure of the rest of you to respond like decent adults) were what caused the mass exodus of the pie wars and a dislike and distrust of DK which, to this day, is widespread and hardly limited to this blog. To attribute that to an argument about pornography is like blaming a forest fire on one match.
Booman has copied a small portion of the site’s owner’s response but the naked hatred and hostility towards women I know to be good and decent people was undeniable and overwhelming. This coupled with the continuing marginalization of and ignorance about valuable organizations like NARAL, NOW and Planned Parenthood (all of which have been more useful than any blog) and a great deal else including the management style of DHinMI and others has produced for Daily Kos and it’s management an enormous pool of ill will and distrust
Look, the people here, many of them, have been told that their voices aren’t welcome on DK. They’ve been banned, they’ve been verbally and psychologically abused and, as Armando’s email to Steven demonstrates, the management of DK thinks of this blog as a dumping ground for the human detritus of their bannings and purges. I think of their purges as the product of people who do not deserve my respect.
Also, the folks here do not (as yet) indulge accusations of ‘purity trolls’, it’s not regarded as grounds for banning if someone uprates someone who disagrees with you here and and there are people here willing and able to effectively dissect and eviscerate the false and limited ‘purity v. pragmatism’ dichotomy which, on DK, appears to have been ‘won’ by the self described pragmatists by dint of banning and verbally abusing the ‘purists’.
I’d rate this an eight if I could.
Well, I gave it a 4 too, and you can take credit for that if you like; I ain’t proud.
Nah, I don’t want to be greedy. : )
Many thanks. That’s very kind.
I’m somewhat disappointed to see no response from the DK apologists.
Are you talking about DHinMi?
from what I understand, it’s people who declare themselves more left or progressive or right on the issues than those who are less so. Or something like that.
I only read there from time to time, but that’s how I’ve seen the term used, especially in the greed is good diary – “if you don’t do (think/believe/be against, etc) this you’re not a true progressive or liberal.”
So now it is trollish to have high standards and values?
Who invented that?!
rightwingers 🙂
Who invented that?!
‘Centrist’ Democrats
to his discredit….
I’d give you and 8 for that comment. Maybe even a 12.
I thought that’s what J Ashcroft was trying to be.
MANY APOLOGIES. I sounded like a real asshole in that comment. And I didn’t even read the dKos thread.
All I meant was that whoever called you a troll probably meant it in that way.
I agree, all the temper tantrums solve little. As for me, I pick my battles and I stick with the issues and do my best to not allow it to be personal (as much as the wife of a soldier who has done a year in Iraq can let some things not be personal and as much as a woman who has had a relationship and a child with a guy who in a million small ways threatened to knock my teeth out of my head for minor infringements of his personal rules can be). You little sniper though….I saw you sniping Bootrib over at the orange and Shame On You! I like your stuff. Please don’t be afraid of debate, learn something and hang with big girls who put their big girl panties on every morning….we are much more fun in the long run because we can run for a long time and aren’t helpless and defenseless!
thx militarytracy; i’ll do my best! 😉
and yes, I did snipe. I stand by that. But not at you, or at Booman, or at StevenD, or the vast majority of the posters here.
Just the people who would equate SusanG with Gordon Gekko, and think dKos is a corporatist shill. Which is a personal affront.
Kos a corporatist shill? Fuck no, he is a lawyer!
Here is what TINS is doing at dKos.
Booman trusted him with the keys to this place and gave him a front page slot. And yet, he disrespects Booman by actively undermining his place. At this point Spoon should at least have the integrity to resign because it is clear that he holds us in contempt. So much so that he’s yukking it up at dKos at Booman’s expense. Sorry, but in my book only little punks do that. He can’t handle the heat here so he runs back to his clubhouse, where it’s safe for him to really be himself, and publically trashes Booman by trashing his community.
Wow. Real class.
Yeah. And Kos has the gall to say that Booman is low class? I’m telling you,…nah, nevermind. No, fuck it. In real life, this shit wouldn’t be said. Because in real life there are consequences for assholishness. Nuff said.
Let’s just say that a few months ago a student whom I’d really trusted not only failed to follow through on a research project we were supposed to be working on, but it got around to me that she was publicly trashing me to boot. I was floored. It was something of the equivalent of giving her the keys to the joint (in this case my lab) and being mocked as thanks. She at least had the good sense to switch advisors rather hastily after I found out what was going on. Have no idea what she’s going to do about recommendation letters if she decides to pursue grad work.
I have no use for two faced people like your former student. What’s so hard about being honest? Got a problem with someone? State your case, then take the appropriate steps to remove yourself. That’s integrity. Booman oozes integrity. He says things and states opinions that rub people the wrong way. But he’ll stand by them and be honest about it while doing it. This guy Spoon, hasn’t got an ounce of the integrity that Booman has.
Alright, that’s enough ass kissing for one night ;o)
No, I’m not a suckup by any means (in fact, I’ve been told I’d get a lot further in life if I’d overcome my natural tendency to insubordination), but I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing.
Booman is handling everything the right way–“classy” is the word for it.
“Thereisnospoon”? Well, I’m not going to type the word I’m thinking of to describe his behavior. Y’all use your imaginations and thesauri.
Okay, let me set this up with a little context. Over at dKos, Plutonium Page is complaining about the diaries and comments by members at BT:
And the response from thereisnospoon?
BooMan, perhaps you can explain exactly how you see this site being enriched by the presence of a front-pager who so clearly and openly shows his contempt for the members of this blog. I know it holds precious little allure for me.
Thank you BM. That was exactly what I was thinking of. And then to come over here and post some all “why can’t we be friends” shit.
He was creamed because he said we silly women should give up our wombs and elect Casey. After all, Casey has a D beside his name and so he must be good, even if he will cross party lines and routinely vote with the Rethugs. Casy’e better than Santorum, really. And I have a really great piece of beach front property in Florida to sell.
Damn, I had to go over and see with my own eyes. And thereisnospoon made other remarks on other diaries about how there’s some ‘bad eggs’ over here, etc.
Jesus, this guy’s a frontpager? Well, it’s Booman’s blog, but I agree, what “thereisnospoon” did on DailyKos is totally disrespectful to Booman.
I go with my first reactions in situations like this because those are the true ones, the ones you have before you start rationalizing people’s behavior.
I don’t want to say any more because it’s not my call. It’s Booman’s blog and he decides who frontpages and all that, but…wow, I can’t believe how (a) disrespectful and (b) arrogant and (c) stupid “thereisnospoon” is.
Did he not know that people would go over to DailyKos and read his remarks at some point? I’m not a registered user and even I can read everything he’s written.
I knew that “thereisnospoon” didn’t think much of most of the people posting here, but apparently he doesn’t think much of Booman, either. That’s the shocking part.
I’m gonna stop now.
spot on. spoon is a long-winded and disingenuous hack who’d be utterly lost without BOLDFACED CAPS.
that’s not news to me. still, i’m amazed at the duplicity involved here. it’s repulsive.
OMFG! I saw some junk earlier today, but this just takes the cake and this bitchy broad has had enough to spew for a moment.
I have spent several hours today reviewing both the orange and the blue and I am just appalled.
Spoon, your behavior on DK and this diary is just too much. You are bloody obstinant and ignorant. As I read over this diary and your responses, I just wanted to scream. How can you be so dense and what the hell is up with your fixation on pornography?!? The left, even your so-called university feminists, is not out to take away your porn. Oh, fuck it, I am sure I am just another of your “authoritarian” liberals. After all, I believe in human rights and distribution of wealth and families and communities and all that.
After reading through all this here and there, all I could think is “What was Booman thinking!” Were you meant to balance out Chris, or offer a bone to DKos to prove we really don’t dislike orange.
BooTribune is a home to many of those who were booted from DKos. The kossacks (well, really only a small number) are the real authoritarians and that some feel a bit resentful is natural and normal. That people like you don’t have the guts to give up the megahorn despite the hypocrisy, is not my problem.
And don’t even get me started about sucking up to DINO’s like Casey. I will not vote for anyone who wants to control my womb, or my daughter’s, or my sisters. Deal with it. I put principles above partisonship.
I’m sorry you wrote this spoon. I am really getting tired of this discussion here – as I think most of us are. And I feel this will only serve to keep it all stirred up.
It is clear that your position, like many others at the orange place is that we need to win elections at all costs. And its also clear that for many of us here, there are principles that are more important than winning elections.
I also don’t agree that these principles will NEVER be the basis for winning elections. The tide swings back and forth all the time. And they certainly never will be winning issues as long as we run from them.
Perhaps the difference is that those at the orange place have put all their faith in electoral politics and many of us here would find better examples in the likes of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. If either of them had expected the electoral process to ever validate their principles, the world would still be waiting.
maybe, maybe not. Can you tell me any time, in any nation in the world when these values have prevailed politically? I can’t.
not really. Canada has troops in Afghanistan, and has gone to war on numerous occasions this century.
There are looser rules about pornography in Canada than in the U.S.
And I seriously doubt that more than 3% of Canadians have any doubt that Al-Qaeda perpetrated the 9/11 attacks.
Well you’re wrong.
Oh so very wrong.
We helped found the Blue Berets my dear, we go to keep the peace when the UN asks us to (exception being WWII when we got there before the Yanks since we can recognize fasicsm when we see it and didn’t have to worry about having an embarrassment like Prescott Bush tied up in funding Hitler). Our mission in Afghanistan is STILL hotly debated up here and would not have been expanded (i.e. away from the pure peacekeeping mission it started as) except for our new minority conservative leadership… which isn’t going to last long at all.
And as for 9/11, Iraq, and America in general you should spend some time in bars up here and listen to what my fellow Canucks have to say on the issues… especially once we’ve had a few during a hockey game. FWIW most Canadians KNEW IN OUR HEARTS that Bush was lying and that Iraq wasn’t a threat. And as for 9/11… yeah we like our conspiracy theories up here too… especially as facts and questions start coming out.
and as for looser pornography laws, that wasn’t the point of the pie wars so I won’t knock that strawman down either.
And, thanks so much for the “not really” when you are a) not Canadian, b) don’t live here, and c) have no actual facts to support your argument. You asked “where in the world have those ideals been rewarded with electoral victory” (paraphrase) and I responded to you.
Heard of Pierre Trudeau? Tommy Douglas? The NDP?
If you insist on confusing the diarist with FACTS, I’m afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave.
I’ve noticed that Kos’ most vehement defenders have no firmer grasp of other cultures nor their history than they do of American history.
It is my observation that the political views of many Canadians would be considered “leftie authoritarian” by our diarist. Oh, and don’t forget that according to him, the Communists are a BIG influence in the Democratic Party:
I requested clarification on the exact definiton of “authoritarian leftie” from “thereisnospoon” but he never took the courtesy to reply (with good reason, no doubt). Also, I requested specific numbers of “known Communists” in the Democratic Party, but he didn’t reply to that request, either.
This was my reply:
STILL waiting for his answers to my questions. I am prepared to wait until penguins skate in hell.
I’m not answering your questions because you are smug, overtly hostile, and not interested in rational discourse.
An “authoritarian lefty” is–if you have had any political science at all–a supporter of a strong socialist state: bans on religion, enforcement of income equality, enforcement on total equality of the sexes. Kind of like China in the 70s and 80s.
Yes, total equality of the sexes is definitely a bad thing. Who’s going to do the cooking and cleaning if women are–GASP–EQUAL to men?
Actually, you’re not answering my question about the influence of COMMUNISTS in the Democratic Party–you read right, folks, it’s not a typo, the “C” word!–because it’s a patently ridiculous statement.
I’m pretty sure the term “authoritarian lefty” doesn’t exist in any respectable sociology text (although I have heard it on Rush Limbaugh’s radio program numerous times, along with “femiNazi”).
So the Democrats are infested with people who want to ban religion and turn America 2006 into China during the Cultural Revolution, huh? Thanks for the good laugh! I live in a VERY liberal area in California and have NEVER, EVER heard ONE SINGLE PERSON ADVOCATE BANNING RELIGION, nor any of the views you ascribe to your mythical “authoritarian lefty”.
You bet I’m overtly hostile–not to you but to your ideas, which are sophistry at their worst. Quite honestly, your diary, and your remarks here and elsewhere, are indistinguishable from right-wing talking points and would elicit many “dittos!” if voiced on Rush Limbaugh’s radio program.
Which is about the WORST indictment I could make on a political blog.
yeah, sure. Ditto. Whatever.
Christ almight, are you really that dense? OK. The “Authoritarian Left” if you will.
As for equality–that depends on how you mean it. Authoritarian Left states like the USSR and old Communist China ban pornography on the grounds that it creates and fosters inequality.
And as I said before, I referenced “communists” only as one of many categories of crazies who do vote for our side. That quote has been taken utterly out of context.
I’m done arguing with you. You are intellectually dishonest.
Channeling DHinMi, are we?
Could you please tell me where you are finding all these “authoritarian lefties”? I’ve yet to encounter a single one in the places I’ve lived in California (Santa Monica, aka “Santa Moscow” and San Francisco, aka The City Bill O’Reilly Would Like Al-Qaeda To Destroy), and I run with the ACLU/Sierra Club crowd.
I’m sorry the “authoritarian left” is trying to take away your pornography. May I suggest a relocation to Europe? Sure, they’re godless socialists, but as you yourself pointed out, VERY liberal on the porn–so there’s an upside.
Coming up with a solid definition and then a measure of “authoritarian leftism” gets to be pretty damned difficult. Part of the problem is that folks tend to conflate political systems (such as Soviet-style communism) with individual psychological variations. Australian political psychologist John Ray falls into that trap, and he’s far from alone.
We could take a conceptual definition of authoritarianism as comprising three factors:
With that as a working conceptual definition, we can come up with a good working personality measure. Social psychologist Bob Altemeyer (a Canadian) has developed and refined a reasonably solid measure of right-wing authoritarianism over the last few decades based on the above conceptual definition. When he began developing a measure of left-wing authoritarianism, he conceptualized in much the same way as he did right-wing authoritarianism – the only difference is that right-wingers should theoretically adhere to establishment authority figures whereas the left-wing authoritarians should adhere to revolutionary authority figures.
Thing is, Altemeyer ran some studies up in Manitoba that failed to find any solid evidence of a true left-wing authoritarian – the closest he can get are individuals who score high on right-wing authoritarianism and who perhaps mildly endorse items on his measure of left-wing authoritarianism. For what it’s worth, I’ve replicated his basic findings with an American sample and am in the midst of writing up those results for publication (in fact presented the findings at a social science conference a couple months ago).
Are there leftist authoritarians? Probably not – at least not in the US and Canada.
Again it’s wise to avoid conflating political systems and organizations (be they the Revolutionary Communist Party or A.N.S.W.E.R.) with the psychological make-up of the individuals within those organizations. They’re different entities.
Thanks, JB. Nice to get a response from a guy who’s actually read a book and understood it.
i think we should ban religion
I’m just skating through the comments here, and apropos of nothing except to add a tidbit of info; “authoritarian lefties”, the term bandied about by the diarist here, exactly describes what Cheney and his cabal of neocons were before they became “authoritarian righties” and started their new Straussian Cult.
Certainly if I were attempting to use the label “authoritarian” as a term of disparagment, I’d at least want to apply that term where it legitimately belongs, which , in this case, is the extreme wingnut end of the GOP, not the Democratic Party. The diarist doesn’t seem to understand this self-evident reality too well.
This of course is not to imply the Dem party is without fault or that the cacophany of voices that may be raised in support of (supposed) Democratic positions are all rational and well-behaved. But authoritarianism isn’t one of the Dem afflictions, that’s for sure.
I have been all over Canada. I’m not ignorant of the place. I’m a hockey fan as well!
Canada went to WWI and WWII. Canada sends troops with the U.N.–yes–and sent troops to Afghanistan before the conservatives got in charge.
Yes, the pie fights were about pornography–you can pretend they were about corporatism all you like. By the way, billboards are totally legal in Canada, too.
And yes, I’m sure that drunkards are just as into 9/11 conspiracy theories there as they are here.
Canadians also don’t believe that making over $100,000 a year makes you a bad person.
Canada is progressive. And Canada’s soul looks far more Orange than Green.
And your definition of “authoritarian lefties” is?
And the number of Communists in the Democratic Party is?
Why can’t you answer those two very simple questions?
just answered your “questions” above.
Fine–forget Communists. How about members of the A.N.S.W.E.R coalition, then? My point remains: we take votes from the crazies on our side, too.
Forget Communists?
But that was YOUR point!
So…you make a point about there being a great number of Communists in the Democratic Party, with lots of influence, and then all of a sudden, when you’re cornered…you pull an Emily Litella: “Never mind.”
So you’re just throwing things out there–There are Communists with a lot of influence in the Democratic Party!–that you’ll retract once somebody asks you to supply actual facts to support your opinion.
Hm, makes me question the credibility of EVERYTHING you say if you’re just making shit up.
and you know it. You just told an outright lie.
Your words:
Like I said…be careful who you call a “liar”. You’re not on DailyKos and your troll-rating posse is NOT here. You have to stand on your own and your arguments have to withstand scrutiny.
Thus far, you are not doing well.
Don’t you know, silly? The Democrat blogs are just crawling with commies. 😉
Yes Comrade Benjamin, I did know that.
Great, I’ve been all over Jamaica too, does that qualify me to say I have a better understanding of their culture, gov’t or beliefs than a Jamaican?
Yeah, we sure did. We also did the Korean war too. Korea I’m iffy about, but sure, WWI and WWII were ‘good’ wars. What’s your point? You were talking about pacifism and if that has ever won an election anywhere… and I graciously pointed you to Canada. Now we’re talking about if we’ve ever participated in a war? Not really on topic is it… I mean, no Canadian PM has EVER campaigned on a war platform, it’s always a PEACE platform.
And yes, Afghanistan we went to because of our membership in NATO, as PEACEKEEPERS, not invaders. We got there AFTER you guys bombed the shit out of the place.
HA! Seriously? You’re trying to argue that the pie wars were about pornography?? No wonder you guys still don’t get our positions… you haven’t been listening.
And now you get another HA! — dude, you claim to have been all over Canada and understand our culture yet you have no idea that bars are an integral part of it? That almost every single Canuck I know drinks? Not heavily mind you, except when there’s a Canadian team in the Cup, but bars are our relaxing, socializing joints. Head into downtown Toronto at 4pm on a sunny day and try to find a seat somewhere at the oh, thousands of bars in our city. My point was, it’s a relaxing setting, people chat, and that no one cares if you overhear them saying that Bush is a lunatic and that it’s really bizarre that we still don’t know who put those ‘put’ options on the airlines right before 9/11… or that, hey, Osama was a CIA asset, so, ummm…. questions man. Questions. Nobody has the answers but they sure as hell don’t mind asking the questions until someone answers them satisfactorly.
And… do you have any idea how much taxes someone making over 100k a year pays? No, fer sure, we don’t care if you make that much as long as you pay your fair share back into the system so we can provide for those who ain’t that lucky.
So… back to where we started.
You are mistaken.
As a Canadian and frequent reader/infrequent participant on both sites, i gotta say, that almost made me want to vomit. PLEASE enough with the incessant sniping.
of course principles are important – it’s why we fight. but until there’s a congressional dem majority, at the very least, we won’t be able to implement our principles or lead from them.
in any event, have any of the netroots candidates not been progressive?
You’ve just captured the conflict exactly – for me at least. I believe that we’ll never have a congressional dem majority until we are willing to identify and FIGHT for our principles. I’m ok with disagreeing on that. But I’d just ask that we all let each other define the “cart” and “horse” for ourselves – rather than thinking anyone’s opinion about it is some divine “truth.”
not been progressive?
have any of the netroots candidates not been progressive?
Markos is saying that ‘the netroots’ support Bob Casey and Webb. So I suppose it depends on how you define ‘netroots candidates’ and ‘progressive’.
I love your sig close quote!
In the interest of amnity, I am going to make a small correction to your post. Censorship was, indeed, not the issue with the pie ad. This was.
Let the debate focus not on the issue of censorship per se, since that is not the issue that animated the exodus. Let it instead focus on the larger point spoon is making.
I will stand back. There is no reason to let such a debate get sidetracked by details from over a year ago. People were invited to leave, which is not censorship. But let’s not argue over the distinction.
For me, the pie ad was just the icing on the cake with respect to all the other comments and diaries touting the abandonment of women’s rights in the name of “winning”. I had already begun reading other blogs by then, for that reason.
Spoon: I (and I suspect more than a few other women) volunteer my time at my local planned parenthood affiliate, serving on a committee, helping with fundraisers, providing statements ((in a professional capacity) for press releases, and whatever else needs to be done. I find the time to do this in what free time is left over from raising 2 kids on my own, getting my doctorate, and working as a freelance writer and consultant. So, when someone accusing me of being a “purity troll” or “single-issue voter” simply because I am a woman and the right to choose factors in to who I will cast my vote for, those are fighting words.
I enjoyed meeting you in Las Vegas, and hope that you will continue to post here, but that you will also be willing to listen and consider other sides of an issue, rather than dismissing them as petty fighting.
I think that the “two sides”–if there are two sides on the pie fight–are talking past each other.
Discussions of choice were, and are, always welcome on Kos, so far as I can tell. As are discussions of equality and international misogyny. All women’s issues are entirely welcome at DKos.
But there were two main problems. The first was the whole war over Casey. Is Casey ideal on women’s issues? Absolutely not. But will he take out Santorum and help us take back the Senate? Yes. And by that action choice would be a lot more protected than if Pennachio had won the primary and lost to Santorum. That’s what Crashing the Gate was about.
The second main concern of mine was the virulent reverse sexism that was on display during those discussions. The idea that any guy who thought the ads weren’t a big deal must be misogynist. The idea that men should have no right to even express an opinion concerning the decision on whether or not their partners end up getting an abortion. The idea that any emotions concerning that issue were not merely not genuine, but were an artificial imposition. The idea that many male Kossacks must be lying about the fact that they didn’t self-identify as rapists because the statistics didn’t add up.
All expressed with a type of vitriol that would have resulted in instant banning if a male poster had written anything equivalent to his fellow female bloggers.
That’s a blade that can cut both ways, and it was personally very painful and angering, especially since I’m the type of guy that has a hard time asking a girl out to lunch because I’m afraid that any expression of interest might be considered offensive.
The bottom line is, all issues are welcome as a matter of policy. But sexism shouldn’t be, no matter which way it cuts.
(btw, the same thing is true of a diarist who made the allegation that all white people are inherently racist.)
“The second main concern of mine was the virulent reverse sexism that was on display during those discussions. The idea that any guy who thought the ads weren’t a big deal must be misogynist. The idea that men should have no right to even express an opinion concerning the decision on whether or not their partners end up getting an abortion. The idea that any emotions concerning that issue were not merely not genuine, but were an artificial imposition. The idea that many male Kossacks must be lying about the fact that they didn’t self-identify as rapists because the statistics didn’t add up.”
It took a lot of posts before the women got really angry and let the men have it. There were discussions that went on for days, with women calmly, gently explaining their points of view to men who should have known better. We EXPLAINED why the pie ads were a big deal, and yes, the men who dismissed us as sexually repressed Putitans WERE misogynists. And yes, we will ultimately dismiss the opinion of any man (or) woman who thinks he/she has the right to decide whether any individual woman must endure a forced pregnancy. And, yes, rape statistics are very skewed and suspicious because men and women define rape differently, but when we tried to explain those differences, they didn’t want to hear it.
When women tell the truth about sex, it is very threatening, since women, by and large, have survived for thousands of years by telling men what they want to hear. That’s what property has to do. That’s what second class citizens have to do.
There were many mature men at Dkos “got it” years ago; there were many who listened, and began to understand the things that harm women, but there were also men who were willing to whatever it took to shut us up so they could go on acting like pigs without having their actions questioned.
And perhaps you’d do better asking WOMEN out to lunch.
did you not read?
I said, “give an opinion.” I did not say “force.” The fact that you equate the two is precisely the problem.
A completely unnecessary personal insult, given the fact that I’m 24 and all the women I have dated have in fact been older than me. But you know what? I take it in stride. I respect your right to have an opinion. The fact that you cannot allow me to have an opinion without viewing it as an assertion of dominance is not my problem.
Calling a grown woman a “girl” is as insulting and demeaning as calling a black man “boy”. NOW do you get it ? We did all this 40 years ago. Your very language betrays your bias.
And you may state your opinion about a woman’s right to control her own body, but in the end, the decison is hers and hers alone, so what’s the point ? Do you want to change her mind ?
If you were determined to have a vasectomy, how much discussion are you willing to engage in ? The decision is yours, just yours, and nobdy elses. Fine, discuss away, but each of us, you and I, own ourselves, and no matter how much we talk about it, what we do with our bodies is our decision.
You see, here’s the difference between you and me:
When any woman I know refers to a man as a boy–i.e., the phrase I just heard from one of my female coworkers five minutes ago to another one: “boy trouble again?” or “that’s the way boys are”–I’m not offended by that. Neither is any other man I know. I really don’t see what being black has to do with your hypersensitivity. What about calling a white man a “boy”? Seems to happen all the time, and I dare say that if you heard that usage–and I’ll bet you have–you wouldn’t start chastising your fellow women for usage of the term and the inherent sexist bias its usage represents. What say you?
And from a linguistic standpoint, when dealing with gender relations in issue like this in the common parlance, “guy” is the associated correlative pair with “girl”, not “boy” which refers more to children. Personally, I don’t find myself insulted when someone refers to me by either moniker. Maybe that’s because I am just unable to see the ways in which I am being oppressed by the usage of the term, but maybe it’s because I simply don’t care.
Not at issue, since I firmly believe that all women have a right to control their own body. But I can tell you about the time my girlfriend thought she was pregnant–so I know how this plays out pretty damn well. Because during that time, we talked and talked, for hours and hours. She shared all of her feelings, emotions, and more pragmatic thoughts concerning how it would affect the future, and I shared all of mine back. Did I want to change her mind one way or the other? Hard to say, because she didn’t even know what decision she wanted to make and I myself wasn’t leaning in either direction, but you can bet I would have supported whatever decision she made. But at least she knew what I felt so she could factor that into her decision as much as she pleased, or not.
Then again, we loved each other at the time, and I can see how for a lot of women it’s a fundamentally different issue.
And it works the same for me if I decided to have a vasectomy. You can bet that if I were contemplating having one, I would certainly take into consideration the opinions of my partner and how it would make her feel. Of course it is my fundamental right to take nothing else into consideration whatsoever, and nobody can argue that.
Then again, it’s a lot more likely that a guy can intimidate his girlfriend or spouse than vice versa–but you can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater and call any discussion a form of evil coercion. That’s the direction the topic went in, and that was my fundamental topic of dispute.
If you knew me in person, you could ask any woman I’m acquainted with about the level of my “sexist bias” and they’ll probably tell you I’m the least sexist straight man they’ve ever met–and the reason I know that is because at least 3 of them have told me so. And that’s just part of the reason I find your comments offensive–because you look for sexism in just about everything and anything you can. Even when you don’t know who I am, you’ll still resort to personal insults and accusations of sexism.
Hekebolos, what I know of you is from your writing.
I’m pleased as punch that you have three friends who don’t think you’re sexist. I hope you have as many black friends who don’t mind being called “boy”, should you attempt it. Since women and men of colour have historically been “kept in their place” by the use of juvenalizing terms, some people still see it as a put down. Of course, as a 60 year old feminist scholar with 40 years of study on sexism and racism under my belt, I am perhaps more atuned to the numberless ways that old prejudices persist.
If you truely believe that the thousands-year-old assumption that being feminine is inferior to being masculine is over and gone, I have a challenge for you.
For a week, wear a dress, make-up and high heels at home, at work, every where you go. I will wear men’s clothing for the same period, and we can compare notes. I think you’ll find that we both will be teased for gender inappropriateness, but my aspiration to masculinity will be tolerated more easily that your step down to the feminine.
You have replied with completely irrelevant non-sequiturs.
Once again, like I said, race is completely irrelevant to this discussion. I asked if you could find white men who would be offended if a woman called them “boy” in the normal course of dialogue such as what I described in my comment to which you just replied. You completely ignored that comparison, which is the only relevant one for deciding the original question: whether my use of the term “girl” implies inherent sexism, or whether it doesn’t.
And I never argued that sexism wasn’t endemic in our society. I was defending myself from your accusation that I was sexist and inherently biased, as supposedly evidenced by my use of the word “girl.”
I was defending myself from you, not defending society–which obviously still shows large inherent biases.
After 40 years of study of gender and race relations, I would have thought that you would have the ability to focus on the stasis issues in question, rather than resorting to arguing against “straw men” that have absolutely no relevance to the debate in question.
And by the way, given how close I live to West Hollywood, I’m pretty sure I could wear high heels and a dress and fit in quite easily.
Great. Do it. Put your money where your mouth is.
try responding to anything I’ve actually said first.
I don’t know why I’m even wasting my breath, but I’m going to try one more time.
“Once again, like I said, race is completely irrelevant to this discussion. I asked if you could find white men who would be offended if a woman called them “boy” in the normal course of dialogue such as what I described in my comment to which you just replied. You completely ignored that comparison, which is the only relevant one for deciding the original question: whether my use of the term “girl” implies inherent sexism, or whether it doesn’t.”
Your example is NOT relevant because you choose to ignore the very thing we are discussing.
Of course white men will not react to being called “boy” the same way a man of color would, or the way a woman does to being called “girl”
White men have no history of those specific words being used by bigots to demean them, so calling a white man “boy”, while disrepectful (or affectionate depending on the source) does not conjure up years of being treated like an inferior. Of course being called “boy” doesn’t bother you. Why should it ?
When a white man calls a black man “boy”, he is using a term that is loaded with historical significance. To do so is either being deliberately insulting or woefully ignorant.
The same holds true for women. For a long time we have been lumped together with children as dependent, passive, submissive inferiors. Until very recently, we had the same rights as children, not as men. Calling women “girls” has this negative history of inferiority associated with it.
I do not assume that when you call a woman a girl you are sneering, condescending or trying to put her in her place. There are men who do that, but I don’t believe that is your motivation. However, to insist that we should not be offended at being called girls because you are not offended at being called boy ignores the negative baggage accumulated over the thousands of years during which women and children were men’s possessions.
I have tried to do this politely. I trust you will understand that I am saddened and discouraged by having to do it at all.
clearly, however, everything is far more context-dependent.
I understand where you’re coming from on the idea of “negative baggage.” But it is clear that many women–I’ve asked, and I’ve posted this comment elsewhere–do not take offense at the statement, given the clearly innocuous context–and one of the chief reasons I objected to the race comparison is because in this day and age it’s probably impossible to find a similarly innocuous usage of the word “boy” to refer to a man of color in the specific context of race relations. The question wasn’t whether the word “girl” over the history of its usage has negative connotations and should only be used in a context that is specifically not demeaning. The question was whether my use of the term implied that I was inherently sexist and biased without knowing it.
I think it’s obvious to both of us that this isn’t the case, and it was this that was the original topic of dispute based on your assertion that my use of the word revealed an inherent sexist bias–not whether any individual had the right to be offended at the use of the word “girl.”
Perhaps this can also be explained by a generation gap between the two of us. The word may have severe negative connotations for you because you have much more experience with the history of the way the word was used. In my age group, however, women use the word colloquially in reference to themselves, probably because owing to their age they are not nearly as familiar with the negative associations that an older generation may have with the word.
For what it’s worth, I have plenty of negative associations with the word “boy” that originate from my upbringing, and memories that at my age are still all too fresh. It’s not the same because it’s not institutional, I know–but everything in linguistics is based on context and nuanced by the ability to separate context.
Is it the same for everyone? No. But I never said it should be. I only contested the notion that my use of the word is automatic proof of sexism.
In hear you and I understand. Thank you.
That was a reasonable explanation of why I was wrong to assume you to be ignorant of sexism’s harmfulness when you clearly are not. I was wrong, and I believe that you are correct about generational differences. I should not forget that people of all ages post here, and something that sounds inexcusable coming from a fify year old may have no such resonance for a young man of 24. I appriciate you hanging in there and fighting it out with me. I learned something important today, and that’s always a gift, even if we don’t always recognise it at the time. Peace.
Likewise, and thanks. It’s always gratifying to come to an understanding, and the conversation is very much appreciated.
I learned a good deal from this as well.
First of all,
That’s like saying that my mother loves me, and the reason I know that is because at least three people have told me. She either loves me, or she doesn’t. But I should instictually know it with validation from others. Your statement makes you sound a little iffy about your status as “the least sexist straight man” to me. And I’m a man who understands clearly that calling a woman a girl is a demeaning term. You should know that by now, but you’re young, so I’ll give you a tiny benefit of a doubt.
Now, go get those heels and that skirt and go walk by the nearest construction site, back and forth, then let us know how you were treated.
I think a big part of your problem is that you’re very dismissive, like your brother. Neither of you are flexible, and that’s why he’s no longer here. And he has a very steep lurning curve to deal with. Pity, he’s a gifted writer.
Completely idiotic. Why do you keep on setting up these straw men?
Did I say that sexism doesn’t exist? No. So why keep on throwing out these trite examples, challenging me to prove that sexism doesn’t exist? You’ve hijacked the original topic of discussion, and have so far refused to respond to the substance of my arguments.
The inflexibility is all on your part.
And yeah, you’re right–my brother is a damn fine writer. And he’s no longer here because of the lack of flexibility in this community–because he was tired of the slander he received for expressing an opinion from all of you oh-so-tolerant, flexible people.
oh yeah–you call me and my brother dismissive? Who started dismissing and insulting whom first?
Oh my goodness. The more you and the other kossacks who hold a similar opinion continue to express what you think the pie wars were about, the more astonishing it is to see how MUCH YOU AND THOSE LIKE MINDED, DON’T GET IT
Thanks for reminding me why I left Orange 3 months before the pie wars.
Absolutely amazing. I can’t determine if it is because you and they have no desire to get it, or you just don’t have the capacity.
Frankly, I hold no great animosity towards Orange. Once in a while I read something there. Frankly, I love Green. But what I get really, really tired of is this constant diary posting by dkos members over here propounding their views of dkos. Sick of it. Part of the reason I don’t spend as much time at BMT as I once did. Don’t we really have anything important to say about what is going on in our country? Surprised that people are so darn concerned with or interested in dkos. Maybe BMT is forever tied to the orange and we will have to tolerate these eruptions (from either supporters of orange or detractors of orange) forever more. I wish not. . .it is not very interesting reading. And thousands of lurkers here surely must find it a turn off as well.
Just my opinions. And looks like I will be cutting back even more.
Great site Boo. Love all ya froggies. Sick of the sh*t stirring from whomever initiates it. Won’t participate in any more of these type diaries. My, don’t like it don’t read it policy is back in force.
Carry on. And I know you will
I really don’t see the point of the pie fights, the first nude I saw on dk was arnold!
like I said, “harsh words.”
On the other hand, this sort of antipathy to even soft pornography is not usually held by new-school feminists. I have had two girlfriends who self-described as feminists, and who didn’t think there was anything wrong with the pie ads and agreed with Markos.
We live in a culture where Paris Hilton–not Madeleine Albright–is considered by young women as the paragon of female power. And in Europe, full, acutal sex scenes have made their way into mainstream film.
Whatever Markos may have said may have been an insult to some people, but wasn’t censorship.
Aren’t these culturally liberal Europeans the same ones who are also die-hard socialists and “authoritarian lefties” (not to mention Communists…the Communists are part of the ruling coalition in several European nations!)?
Oh, and also, Paris Hilton is NOT an idol amongst the teen girls I work with. Danica Patrick, Venus and Serena Williams, and Michelle Wie–yes.
Not only that, but you may have noticed that most Kossacks are AMERICANS–so saying that in European culture, the “pie ad” would be no big deal is about as meaningful as saying that the fashion in which American women dress would be considered scandalous in most Middle Eastern countries.
It’s called “cultural relativity”. Thing is, Kos knows the cultural mores of the United States–he made it plain that he just doeesn’t give a good goddamn, and that he’s happy he offended so many people (men and women) and drove them away from Daily Kos.
well, he didn’t offend me. And if he had wilted to the harrassment and removed the ads, I would have bolted out of disrespect for HIM.
You weren’t offended.
OK, I can understand that, because it wasn’t about you; it was about women. Plenty of men were offended, of course, just as they’d be offended by racism even if they weren’t targets. It is possible to be offended by anything that harms another, even if one is not being harmed personally.
Now, do you understand why some women were offended ? Do you just not get it that using women’s bodies for entertainment is objectifying and degrading in a way the taints the status of all women ? That veiwing us as blow-up dolls for your amusement contributes to the continuing subordination of women ?
Or do you understand it perfectly, but just like it that way ?
Susan, please note how “thereisnospoon” REFRAMES the issue.
Me: People registered their objections
Thereisnospoon: “Wilted to the harassment”
See, complaining about an advertisement is “harassment” and Kos has to stay FIRM. It’s important for a man to be FIRM and to STAND UP and other phallic images.
It’s the same reason the United States can’t withdraw from Iraq. “Pull out? Doesn’t sound manly to me, Bill!”
(With apologies to George Carlin for stealing his line)
I guess when I complained about the auto shop damaging the hood of my car when I took it in for a simple oil change, I was “harassing” them. Fortunately, they “wilted” and offered to pay for a good body shop to repair the damage their mechanic had done.
Oh, you made me laugh with this one. BETTER than George Carlin, MWAC!
I must remember that when I see “Man Without A Country”, DO NOT attempt to drink a refreshing beverage while reading !
Thank you for the best laugh of the day, and, not incidentally, for your intelligence and insight. The greatest gift of the Frog Pond has been the thoughtful, serious (and seriously funny) men and women I’ve met here.
“The important shit”…
So the “Kossacks” are pragmatists, are they? They know how to win elections?
Really? Hm, what’s Kos’ record for winning elections? Isn’t he 0 for 20 in candidates he’s endorsed? If this “winning streak” continues, we may be left with the Republican Party and the Greens as our choices.
Make that 3 for 23. Or better.
And that’s a regurgitated right-wing talking point.
Wow 3 for 23.
Kos likes sports, doesn’t he?
What would happen to the coach of any professional sports team if he returned a 3 for 23 record?
His ass would be canned and a new coach brought in, that’s what. 3 for 23? Gee, I don’t think the fans will be cheering that from the stands any time, soon. Just goes to show how badly Kos and his pack of wannabes are disconnected from what most voters really think and want.
Barbara Boxer and Russ Feingold took gutsy stands (Feingold was the ONLY Senator to vote against the USA Patriot Act) and BOTH of them got re-elected. On the “idealistic” issues that you and Kos piss on.
the same as any coach who went 3 for 23 with a varsity league team up against professionals.
Kos supports long shots–and you know that. You’re just being intellectually dishonest, and you know it.
“Intellectually dishonest” means a liar.
How clever you are.
Actually, any coach with 3 wins out of 23 games played would be fired–if only to save him from being tarred and feathered by the fans (at the very least).
Kos endorses long shots, does he? Wait, I thought he was the Great Pragmatic, focused on victory, ready to sacrifice ideals on the altar of the God of Pragmatism?
Which is it? Is Kos this gutsy on-the-edge risk-taker, or the “pragmatic centrist” desperately cozying up to DLC candidates like Mark Warner in the hopes of becoming a “player”?
Let’s look at what happens in the real world, the world of adults, where bad choices led to getting your ass canned:
Poor Ben Blacknall. Had a MUCH better record than Kos’ 3-23 and yet he got fired.
Intellectual dishonesty, huh. Better watch who you call a liar.
and you know it.” (thereisnospoon said.)
Is this Armando?
Kos said repeatedly that they were inane, pointless, waste of time, old school, borrrrrring, etc etc. Won’t influence a thing.
Right? The above is paraphrase, not exact quotes.
Then came the hispanic demonstrations. Stopped legislation in its tracks.
Funny thing — haven’t seen Kos saying demonstrations are pointless lately.
and mean-spiritedness that I don’t like about some froggies. Why tear Kos down? Are we not after the same prize?
Well, that may be the issue to which some Tribbers have doubts… if Kos really is after the same prize.
If Crashing the Gates means installing conservative Democrats, or Libertarian Democrats, silencing different opinions (i.e. the CTs or the Troll Wars), or denegrating large segments of the population (i.e. women’s studies set, dirty hippies, etc) vs. standing for liberal ideals and using the massive force that is dkos to actually move the progressive movement, and the Dem party forward.
So perhaps that is the crux of the problem/ issue you are encountering with some froggies.
Are we not after the same prize?
I don’t know. I always felt that BooTrib was an extention of DKos. An adored little brother if you will (and MLW is a cute little sister with a naughty mouth). I am taken aback when Kossacks are referred to as “them” and “those people” as if we are not on the same team, fighting for the same thing. It’s a bit naive, I know, but even though we have differences, some of “those people” are just as amazing as some of you people here.
Was ‘bitter’ today’s word in the talking points?
No, I think today’s talking point word was “supercilious.”
Funny, I thought of BT & MLW as independent entities – not as mere extensions of DK. The one day I skip class…
Enh, I wouldn’t worry about making up the hour, man.
Reality means different things in different places and for different people. (And I’m coming to realize, much to my annoyance, that in many cases it seems to mean absolutely nothing whatsoever.)
“I always felt…” IOW this is my opinion. Learn to read.
Friendly advice: telling folks to “learn to read” will not endear them to your opinion.
Mi dos centavos.
Another Armando tactic. Question the other person’s intelligence, or state outright that the other person is stupid, simply because he/she does not agree with you.
I sort of agree, but sort of not. I don’t think what I think matters much tho ;). People usually always need to get out their frustrations, and in the process identify what they are, and where they can make changes (if they can). And then move on… it happens most everytime there is an “event” at dkos.
That said, I think it is a very good thing that people are establishing points of delineation between the philosphies of the two (and more) sites. I was very disturbed to see the “Libertarian Democrats” post kos wrote the day (I think) before the yearlykos convention… when the site was going to get increased media and blogosphere attention, but also when any number of people at the convention would be horrified at the idea of describing themselves that way. And yes, you may say it’s only Markos, and that he doesn’t speak for anyone but himself, and dkos is not the blogosphere and so on but the name of the convention was not yearly progressives or yearly lefty bloggers… it was yearlykos, and thus everyone there was under that banner.
Then the (essentially) ‘greed is good’ and ‘if you don’t like it, you’re a whiny red diaper baby’ frontpager posts afterwards… (I don’t know what’s coming down the pike, but must be something with these pre-emptive strikes)… I believe it is imperative for other lefty sites to make it very clear where they stand on issues, on being progressives and what it means to them, and so on. I don’t like that kos has set himself/itself up in the center/right section of the Democratic party, but that’s up to them/him. I think it’s great that BooMan has made clear that this site isn’t that, however, and has from the first.
I don’t think the solution is to attempt to bring kos down, though… that’s sort of self defeating, in my view, even tho it may not initially seem like it. I think we need to, instead, push the more leftish sites up. Get some louder left voices out there in the media, in the blogosphere and wherever.
If you believe that there is honor or inherent goodness in poverty, be my guest. If you believe that making over $100,000 a year is a mark of evil, be my guest. It’s a bunch of BS, quite frankly, the end result of whose logic leads to socialist collectives or 90% marginal tax rates.
But to equate Hunter or SusanG with Gordon Gekko is terribly, terribly wrong. To suggest that at first glance it looks like taking down DK is a good thing is terribly, terribly wrong.
And if you expressed those views there, it’s no wonder you think there’s censorship.
If you believe that there is honor or inherent goodness in poverty, be my guest. If you believe that making over $100,000 a year is a mark of evil, be my guest.
These same sorts of right wing strawmen/stalking horses were used in the greed is good diary… while I don’t read kos all that often, I’ve not seen many diaries proclaiming that there is “honor or inherent goodness in poverty” (as I also did not proclaim… although there are many honorable and good poor people), nor many saying that making over $100,000 is evil. As I also didn’t say.
Although I did read, recently, a commenter in one of the “libertarian is the new cool” diaries was trying to put himself into the “middle class”, while making over $250,000 a year… cuz people just didn’t understand how difficult it was raising children and having to spend almost $1000 a week (or whatever time period… maybe a month) on their extracurricular activies… to their credit, a few of the other commenters vehemently disagreed.
While I could indeed be considered a red diaper baby (and a quite proud one), I’ve not (yet) lived in a socialist collective, so I have no comment about that. The tax rates shouldn’t be 90% tho… probably about 70% for the richest would be good.
There are many, many issues related to the wealth gap, health care, childcare for poorer people, urban renewal, minimum wage, schools, and other things that don’t even appear on the radar of wealthier people, or if it does, stuff is voted down if it affects their taxes or exclusive neighborhoods… not that that is their fault, I’m sure. One has to live, after all!
But to equate Hunter or SusanG with Gordon Gekko is terribly, terribly wrong.
Who in the world is Gordon Gekko? Not the Geico spokeslizard, I take it.
To suggest that at first glance it looks like taking down DK is a good thing is terribly, terribly wrong.
I didn’t suggest taking anyone down, including dkos. I am non violent. In fact, if I recall my comment correctly I said that would be self defeating. I said we should push the left/progressives sites up, and just deal with the fact that dkos is positioning itself as a center/right of the Democratic party site. Or words to that effect. There are indeed, however, people who wish dkos would just disappear… I don’t think that would be productive. Being a lefty/socialist/fringe etc, though, I do think that other sites should do whatever they can to drown out pragmatic, but principle-less, centrism whenever they can.
I see little value in electing what are essentially Republicans dissatisfied with the current Republican party, who want to just make the Democratic party what they think the Republican party should be.
And if you expressed those views there, it’s no wonder you think there’s censorship.
Oh, dear me, no. I read dkos not that often, comment even more rarely. My thoughts that there is censorship have nothing at all to do with personal experiences, but with “from outside the site” observation.
…of his post was, “When oh when will this oppression of millionaires and billionaires END? Who will liberate them from their struggles?”
There are many arguments to be made in favor of a redistributive tax system, one that has very high tax rates against the very rich, but really the only one that matters is summed up in this quotation:
So what’s it gonna be?
oh christ…i’m as big a proponent of bringing multi-millionaire CEOs down as anyone.
But the idea that someone has lost credibility if they make money off their progressive politics is preposterous.
What are you? The Armando of Booman?
for making me laugh — thanks!
Nah, he’s too polite and rational in the comments to be Armando. Perhaps PP?
I thought Armando was a much-admired character amongst the Kossacks. And now “Armando” is a dirty word?
Oh, how quickly they forget their heroes.
But the idea that someone has lost credibility if they make money off their progressive politics is preposterous.
Another strawman 🙁
Who is – in your mind… well, not in your mind, but I mean outside of your mind, another person other than…,- well anyway, who is saying this stuff? Have there been big brouhahas at kos (or here?) about progressives making money off of progressive politics?
BooMan has been straight here, from the first, that he needs to make money from blogging. We’ve spent time clicking ads, patronizing the store (which reminds me, BooMan… I think you should consider opening up a cafepress/zazzle type store for variety and unofficial bootrib stuff – maybe some created by the users and so on. Of course there will only be one official boofrog – even if it IS the trophy frog and not the real one – through wolverine’s store.)
Um… where was I? Oh, I don’t think there is anything at all wrong with progressives making money from progressive politics/sites… the more the merrier (taxed suitably, of course ;). I think there should be funding in fact, for more sites and more progressive ideas online and offline. Unfortunately we are not at that point yet, no (or few) sugar daddies.
If the blog owners/posters make money from activity concerning politicians or things they blog about disclose, disclose, disclose, early and often should cover it. Unless there is just too much conflict of interest, then one thing or the other should be given up, but they still can make money.
So… where is this coming from? There were no links in the greed is good diary (last I checked) so it was pretty impossible to see from there… and all these innuendos are not really working, because they have no verifiable basis in fact (that is relative to us or this conversation), so I am now even more curious if this is something regarding something that has passed, or that is coming up.
The top tax rate during Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidency was 92%.
Eisenhower. Mr. Republican.
In the “very conservative” 1950s. It was a time when Americans built thing–hospitals, roads, bridges–and educated people. When the public good was considered something worthy, not a “socialist collective” to be pissed on and sneered at with all the contempt one can muster.
As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.”
Every man, woman, and child for himself or herself in the “ownership society”, eh?
I’m sorry, who is supposed to be Armando? Me or “thereisnospoon”?
No, TINS is not Armando. However, the reason he sounds alike is because he studied at the feet of Armando–the master of deflection, personal attacks, and obfuscation.
When your opponent is winning the argument via facts and logic, the Armando Way is to:
Do these tactics seem familiar?
They should–they’ve been used by the right-wingers in the US for YEARS now.
I was banned from dKos once before because I recommended some diaries that discussed CT theories involving both 9-11 and Voting Suppression. I wrote some things as well regarding 9-11 but both what I recommended and wrote never involved actual conspiracies but were more along the lines involving a discusiion of why the discussion should be allowed to take place.
I got banned during the CT wars as they are now infamously known.
To Kos credit i appealed to be reistated and after a few days he did reinstate me.
Next, much later, I came across Armando and many other ‘troll hunters” troll rating and threatening the shit out of anyone who recommended a certain diary with a link to “Wayne Madsen”. I recommended the diary in protest of Armando’s behavior and then for a full three days I was stalked by troll hunters who troll rated me for anything I would say. Eventually the autoban kicked in and I was gone.
I again appealed to Kos several times asking to be reinstated and got no answer. I then wrote asking for at least a yes or a no and still no answer.
I was a user at dKos since 2003 or so. I wrote many positive things and while I argued passionately about some things I never ever came close to the kind of rhetoric that Armando uses regularly.
I’ve seen many many many unfair attacks and bannings for discussing off limit topics. The voting suppression is only discussed now because of the RFK Jr. story.
I was there when DiHinMI was the designated bully who would instigate himself into any conversation regarding voting irregularities and dominate the entire thread.
To say censorship did not happen at dKos is just. plain. wrong.
Sometimes friends lead you to dark places. IMO.
like I said, there is censorship about 9/11. And people need to understand that.
On voting irregularities, DHinMI is an asshole. What do you want me to say? Outside of his troll-rating abilities (which I have been on the sharp end of on many occasions), he has very little power.
And like I said, write about black-box voting to your heart’s content. But don’t say that the evidence is irrefutable; don’t say that nothing else matters. Because you WILL be taken out for it.
Outside of his troll-rating abilities (which I have been on the sharp end of on many occasions), he has very little power.
He has a great deal of power in the admittedly limited sphere of blogs and abuses it regularly.
It doesn’t? Sure sounds like a pretty good reason for criticism to me. Sure it can be
venemous — people’s feelings do tend to get hurt when they are banned, which leads to emotional posting — but it is still valid.
Perhaps the blame lies in people misjudging the original intention for Daily Kos, but OTOH, there is no doubt the place only became as big as it is by accepting support from the lefties who helped build it, and when they see that the support is not mutual, they get pissed. What’s so hard to understand about that.
As more people get shut out, as their concerns get tossed aside, as more stink is made about how a diary “looks to the mainstream” you can bet more people will be showing up here to vent.
Yep, there will be no shortage of people seeking a different place to debate without restraints. (or at least very few.)
Please answer this question that has been asked several times now.
What is a Purity Troll?
Heh, well I suppose a purity troll is subjectively defined as anyone who makes you feel vaguely guilty about not living up to a certain standard of thought or behavior.
Often, though, those “purity trolls” have a point.
For me, its the vegans. I have to admit that they often make very good points about animal welfare/rights, but as someone who still gives into the temptation of eating meat, their points can sometimes make me wince as I recognize the weakness in myself!
But specifically, in that thread, he is implying that Katiebird, of all people is a trol, is he not? That’s the question I want answered by him. If this is what he thinks of Katiebird, then he isn’t even making an attempt to get to know the people on this site, and what they believe. As far as I’m concerned, it’s been a one way street with him.
What super said.
I think so too. I didn’t know where the question came from when I first saw katie ask it… now that you’ve pointed out the thread, I do think we need an answer as to if he was trying to paint katiebird with that brush (and if not, why bring it up?), and what he is basing this on.
katiebird definitely does not have a trollish bone in her body (to echo the point).
see my reply above.
I don’t know what to make of his comment about Katiebird. But I’m guessing whatever she said put him on the defensive so he had to resort to the purity troll label rather than use a more substantive reply.
The weirdest thing is that I’ve barely said anything. I can’t think what it was in reference to.
sorry–all I meant was that if someone called you a troll at dKos, that’s probably what they meant.
my bad. see above comment to katiebird.
I will delete it if katiebird says it’s ok.
I’ll be damned. This diary has finally gone and pissed me off. I’m going to go mow my lawn now and take it out on the innocent grass.
I wish I could do the same.
nothing like creating a strawman, is there spoon?
that’s what people are advocating: the virtue of being credulous. oh, wait, i guess some people are advocating that. namely, you:
i won’t bother with the extended quote. that’s plenty to convey the idea.
thanks for falling back on this particular fallacy. as i’ve recently discussed the vast majority of kossacks mistrust the official story and likely are interested in talking about it. this whole idea of CT people as a foreign element interfering with the work of “100,000 progressive activists” is an illusion generated by Kos’ power to ban.
that said, i do think there are serious problems with engaging conspiracy theories, as Real History Lisa points to in a quote in her diary.
hmmm… i guess there really is no spoon.
From this diary “But PLEASE, PLEASE enough with the incessant sniping. It’s utterly counterproductive to our collective cause.”
From Regarding dKos: “ever heard of a “purity troll”? “
Both written by you, thereisnospoon. So why is it OK for you to post this diary seconds after implying that I might be a “purity troll.” And if a hit-and-run comment like that isn’t sniping, what is?
And what exactly did I say that was so trollish?
SORRY! I wasn’t implying that YOU were a purity troll–though in retrospect it looks like it, I know.
I didn’t read the thread. I simply meant that if someone called you a troll, it was probably because they thought you were a “purity troll.”
I even meant to delete the comment–but I won’t now since you’ve brought it into the open.
Please accept my apology.
thereisnospoon, your apology is happily accepted!
I hoped it was a misunderstanding and I’m pleased to find that it was.
(I hope you accept my apology for not going to each of your apologies to repeat this. You are stronger than me, I’m too tired to attempt it. But, if you can imagine that I’ve done it, I would appreciate it)
{{thereisnospoon}} thank you for clearing this up so quickly.
thx katiebird. sorry once again.
I agree.
Recommended only because you quote Weber! Yes, what’s happened at Kos is predictable and inevitable, and there’s room for both-want a little cognitive dissonance? Try flipping from Kos to Booman to MYDD superfast and reading them one after another.
Now can we just move on and forget all this intramural bickering? A lot of my favorite writers are here now and I’m happy as a pig in a poke. I don’t have to switch back and forth as much now. Happy, happy, happy is me!
Wow – I really disagree on what would win elections. If some leader were to openly stand up and put forward solid evidence on 9/11, I think they’d be swarmed by a huge following. The people are hungry for someone who can stand up and say, “the Emperor has no clothes!” and be right.
I respect that our views differ on this matter. I can’t prove my point, but neither can you prove yours. We don’t know because it’s never happened. The closest we came was Howard Dean standing up to the War machine, before the latte-drinking sushi-eating New York Times-reading ad hit Iowa. (Who knew Iowans so detested the New York Times?)
well, those 9/11 conspiracy things are out there. And most of them have been meticulously debunked.
I would counter that the biggest political blog on the Internet hardly needs to be the megaphone for long-shot conspiracy theories about subjects that strike a raw nerve for the American public.
And yes, Howard Dean came close–but Howard Dean is to the right of the Kos Konsensus on many things. If I had to venture a guess, his spirit is probably more orange than green.
The fact that al Qaeda was able to take advantage of a day of wargames and hijacking exercises has never been debunked. That’s in the 9/11 commission report. That’s important, and worthy of discussion.
the fact that one of the guy paying the hijackers in al Qaeda had also been paid by Pakistani intel has never been debunked.
I wish people could distinguish between did a plane hit the pentagon fanstasies and coincidental my ass observations.
but, of course, it’s essential not to distinguish between what’s been debunked and what hasn’t, so that the argument can be presented as a choice between credulity and skepticism. (note my “bullshit” comment above.) for spoon to acknowledge such a distinction would be to discredit one of his own strawmen.
what’s particularly interesting about spoon is that he plays both sides of the fence: exhorting people to wide-eyed credulity in general terms and then trying to act like the sober skeptic arguing against the practical value of deprecated credulity. guess it’s all just an absolutely inevitable part of the cult of personality that we all should be so good as not to criticize.
there’s a real difference between dissociation (unconsciously espousing contradictory views) and the middle way.
…at the end of this:
Loaded words:
“Ideologically pure martyr” to you is an idealist to me. Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior and Mahatma Gandhi were some of those much-scorned “ideologically pure martyrs” I suppose. And they changed the world.
“And while the merits…”
What election? A governor’s race? A race for mayor? An election in a liberal congressional district? A rae for the US Senate?
Because Senator Barbara Boxer got elected on ALL of those in California. There are lots of people in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate who are unswervingly pro-choice and firmly anti-war and who got elected–and re-elected–on those platforms.
Which pretty much shoots your theory down in flames.
That’s why I stopped reading. You’re a Daily Kos propagandist and that’s all I need to know.
Ok, actually I read the whole thing–because I’m a true progressive and we’re fair-minded people.
I guess the biggest problem I have with your diary is that nobody here is complaining about having sharp elbows thrown in debate–they’re complaining about being booted off Daily Kos if THEY dare to stand up for what they believe in and attempt to argue THEIR position.
Kos banned people yesterday and today for doing exactly that. He’ll ban more tomorrow or next week or next month for doing exactly that.
Another logical fallacy: you lump the 9/11 conspiracy theorists in with people who are a bit miffed at Kos’ demand that women surrender the right to control their own wombs so that right-wing Democrats can get a majority in the US Senate. One group does not necessarily support the other.
I could spend all day destroying your smug, badly-written diary, but quite honestly, it’s not worth the time.
go right ahead. Or not.
You really think this diary is a big time smackdown, don’t you?
Oh, brother…
smackdown? no.
Call for burying the hatchet, and a return to reason? Yes.
But I didn’t expect you to appreciate that. You’ve followed true to form.
I suppose, to see such a perfect encapsulation of the style and manner which offends so many people at the “other” site. But I’m not. I did it too often myself (and it’s a pattern I’m still learning not to repeat). I should be grateful for seeing it laid out so stark and clear (it will further help me avoid doing it myself). But I’m not.
I’m saddened, instead. It’s like hearing the language of Mordor in Rivendell. It grates on the ear . . . on the soul. We try not to speak thus here . . .
I’m right.
I’m righteous.
You don’t/can’t even understand. You’re an idiot.
We try not to talk to each other like that here. I wish that you wouldn’t . . . and I believe that your visit would be better received if you didn’t.
Thank you.
I’m lucky I guess because my reasons for perusing various blogs is not to find agreement with myown views so much as it is to find thought provoking articles rooted in reality and conversations that explore those realities in good faith and with an eye towards improving the lot of life on Earth.
I spent about a year at DKos and it was quite invigorating for me as the “conversation” was informed and enthusiastic, reminding me of the cafe-style, urbane intellectualism/activism of my early years in the ’60s and early ’70s.
I tapered off participating at Kos as I saw the inevitable change evolving there. It wasn’t that I had been attacked or slighted personally there too often, (though surely those things happened); after all I encounter aggressively rude and belligerent people in the course of my daily life on a routine basis. It wasn’t because I felt increasingly as though my own perceptions were being marginalized there either, though certainly the trend was doing exactly that.
No, I left mainly because there was so much background noise, so much uninteresting blather, and so much judgmentalism and contempt beginning to dominate the discourse that it simply wasn’t worth my while to dig through all the nonsense just to find the pearls of wisdom that did survive there.
I think Kos performed a great service by building the site and setting a format in place that has served to establish a whole new arena of socio/political discourse.
DKos now has assumed a new kind of weight, a new gravitational pull absent in the beginning. It is the gravity of a significant player within the political architecture of the country. And like all such entities, DKos is now in a position where it cannot risk embarrassment lightly, since in the cuthroat political arena, when you have power you are most certainly going to be attacked and challenged for that power by others equally ambitious. And politics being an exceedingly dirty game, one has always to be careful not to say the stupid things or, (perhaps in the case of DKos), host the extremist perspectives often represented by conspiracy theorists or the “all war must be stopped now” groups. But if Kos wants to remove posting priviledges for people seeking a platform for such discussions, I say more power to him. It’s his site, after all. But I find the site less interesting as time progreses.
I spent some time last night at the website for the NDN. I suspect this is the direction DKos is headed, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if by 2012 or so the machinery of these two entities is meshed together seamlessly. It’s certainly not what I’m looking for, but again, if this is what Kos wants, more power to him.
I personally regard the empty rhetoric and faux “progressiveness” of the NDN as a political tragedy in the making, and a guarantee that our country will continue to decline both in functionality and in stature at an ever increasing rate if either the GOP or these NDNers achieve political dominance. But it’s a free country (more or less,[increasingly less]), so I don’t fault Kos for following his ambition, and I don’t take it personally.
I’m so sick of the denigration of people with principles, that I am just gonna scream.
Go ahead. Try to win elections by standing for little or nothing. I don’t think that paradigm is going to work much longer, but I may be wrong.
I want to say more, but I have to keep telling myself, “Don’t be a prick, Kahli. Don’t be a prick.”
Try mowing the lawn,, if you’ve got one. 🙂
Worked for me. I am so much calmer now. My inner prick has wilted.
lol, oh man, what an image.
Or you can do what I try to do… type it up, read it, decide “Screw this, I’m not going to let them turn me into the kind of people they are,” delete everything, and go back to being constructive.
It’s a better way to be, and history is on the side of people with principles.
And I’ve only got so much time left in my life; I refuse to spend any of it arguing with trolls.
“Never teach a pig to sing…. wastes your time, annoys the pig.”
I went to the gym and worked on the heavy bag for half an hour. My hands hurt. And they may need a new bag 🙂
Well, it’s raining here or I’d be out at the range slaughtering harmless clay pigeons or blowing big holes in defenseless pieces of paper… though I’ve never QUITE gotten to the point of using pictures of actual people. (Silhouette training targets, yes; recognizable faces, no — though it’s been tempting. However I’m in kind of a red area in a red state and the ranges tend to be run by VERY red-state types, so using faces would probably get me arrested or desaparecido.)
I used to think that nobody should own guns, but in the past few years, I’ve begun to come around to Hunter S. Thompson’s view on gun ownership.
I vacumed the house, changed the oil in my car, cooked an elaborate Indian dinner and ate it. I feel much better.
Wood chopping is good too….
Many bloggers (including myself) went over to Kos because of censorship and banning at other sites like the DNC “Kicking Ass” site. Even KOS got in trouble over at that site before the 2004 election, and that trouble elevated his reputation among many progressives who hate cheerleading and censorship of good ideas for God knows what purpose. Now this cheerleading and censorship is happening at KOS, and it is very sad to behold. For the life of me I cannot see how KOS has allowed such crap to happen over at his site because this censorship will inevitably lead to his site’s demise as a worthy source of mostly unbiased material, IMHO!
I for one do not go there much anymore even though I have not been banned! I just hate the walking on egg shell feeling I get on a site that bans legitimate talk that the sitemaster wants censored. It shows something is wrong, and being nice does nothing to cover the damage to free and legitimate dialogue that results from an overly censored environment or even the threat of such censorship!!
as someone who was around this place for a long time, you should know better than to do a bunch of drive-by troll ratings. I’m sure it makes you feel better about yourself, but it does nothing to foster productivity.
Having had to call him out several times in the last couple of weeks for his behavior, including calling Booman a liar, I’m finding it really difficult to restrain my complete contempt for that creature. Because if I let my true opinion fly, it won’t be pretty, nor will it be PC.
What he does remind me of though, is Gollum, the self loathing slave to the ring who argues his loyalties to his two alter egos, while simultaneously undermining those he pretends to suck (up) to.
at DKos and heard the bitterness loud and clear. I suggest that if he has issues with topics being discussed here then he either 1) engages in the comments to try to get others to see where he is coming from, or 2) agrees to disagree and refrains from throwing firebombs into an already emotional/divisive topic.
It’s my MOJO.
And a troll-rating is for…trolls.
I suggest that if he has issues with topics being discussed here then he either 1) engages in the comments to try to get others to see where he is coming from, or 2) agrees to disagree and refrains from throwing firebombs into an already emotional/divisive topic.
I believe that the same thing should be asked of the new front pager whose behavior in this diary does not pass the sniff test. He’s been rude and has done nothing in this diary or on DK to provide any evidence that my original strong impression, that he isn’t discussing these matters in good faith or with respect for the culture of this blog, was even slightly inaccurate.
Very disappointing performance on his part and most immature.
i’ve always had a soft spot for poor smeagol.
for me, was Armando being allowed to strut about the site being a bully whenever it suited him. And I mean, a class-A, mean, rude, nasty bully, who really hurt people. Who side-tracked discussions by injecting personal venom into them. Constantly moved discussions to a place of personal insults, where there was no excuse for it.
He had Kos’ backing in that. If Kos didn’t want him to act like that, all he had to do was say, “Stop. Stop. As of today, don’t ever post like that again.”
Half a jillion people had to have written to Kos complaining about it. He knew. He had to have read some of it. Thus, if he did nothing about it, he had to not really care. Thus — he didn’t really care, and/or didn’t really understand what allowing that kind of cruel bullying to take place on his site would cause.
I saw a post from a fellow who had a site for journalists to discuss stuff on DK once. The man outlined the rules he had set for decent discourse. He enforced his rules with warnings, and then a temporary lack of ability to post, to let the person calm down. And more, I fergit.
Now, these rules were good. Sophisticated. And the guy was obviously dispassionate about it — that is, he was good at being an objective referee. Said it kept his site a pleasant place to post, and had for 7-10 years.
Quite a contrast to a place where a minimum of two bullies (whozis in MI) would be allowed to run amuck for years, hurting people.
That’s exactly the point.
It’s Kos’ blog–we are reminded of this time and again.
He allows (nay, encourages) Armando, DHinMi, and their packs of bullies.
The responsibility should be laid at Mr. Moulitsas’feet–because that’s exactly where it belongs.
Kos’ most vehement defenders always tell us MARKOS CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS ON HIS SITE. His control is absolute.
Um, ok. So Markos had absolute power over Armando? Has the power to stop DHinMi’s bullying and abuse with the snap of a finger?
And yet he doesn’t stop it.
Armando is gone, but they have a new guy, , poiuynick, , who posts just as furiously (in both senses of the word). Guys like that don’t make constructive contributions to threads IMO.
But to me the biggest demotivator was and is the unwillingness of kos, DHinMI, Armando, and pals to be willing to discuss the possibility that elections could be rigged. The only way one could prove the Ohio or Florida elections in 2004 were rigged is with subpoena power, but there are so many fishy things that any reasonable person should doubt their honesty. I cannot understand why Kos (if he’s really serious about wanting to elect Dems) doesn’t take reform of the election system as a serious issue.
Having just been banned (instantly – no troll ratings, no warning, nothing) for a single comment in which I asked a couple of questions about Armando, I want to freshly underscore Kos’ commitment to the strutting bully. Unbelievable! Does Armando have something on him? Oh, that’s right, to even joke like that is a “conspiracy theory” — uh oh…
With my kos id “phemme texxii” I was instantly banned for asking JR Monsterfodder’s opinions on ArmandoGate in a Wal-Mart diary yesterday.
Now cowards are gathering around to deface my corpse since I can’t respond. ( vcmvo2, “cookiebear” ) – There are even troll theory updates based upon my stance on illegal immigration when I first started posting there!
dKos was the first experience i had in political blogging- I spent a huge amount of my time there, with only the best of intentions, and can’t deny that I now feel betrayed, alienated, and frankly, a little vengeful (although I’m trying to quell that…)
There was no trollrating, just instant shut-off on my ability to reply or comment (I was a TU) — presumably Mcjoan didn’t like my comment & went to Markos, from what little I can deduce (they won’t answer emails, and admittedly I used a sockpuppet to try to find out once I was already banned.)
The least Markos could have done was allow me to defend or explain myself, and let the “community” police itself, as he and others claim is the policy there. What a disgrace!
I hope Armando will keep Mcjoan & Markos warm at night, when all the others realize the level of paranoia and intellectual corsetry going on over there, and the defection ensues.
“But PLEASE, PLEASE enough with the incessant sniping. It’s utterly counterproductive to our collective cause.”
Spoon, I have enjoyed many of your writings on Kos and therefore have an inherent respect for your request. There are dozens of amazing people over there, which is the main reason I’m upset for having been banned (plus I like the interface) — I don’t want to snipe at the community and its members.
As for the owner & some members of his cabal, however, sniping wouldn’t satisfy – I’m thinking more in terms of mushroom-cloud-based “gifts” at the moment (mostly joking..) — if Markos cared about our collective cause, he might want to learn some manners.
As my mom used to say, “were you born in a barn?”
Oh, that’s right, he’s our Democratic Savior, I suppose a stable is close enough.
There are many beyond the site owner and a few close enforcers. Spoon asked for the sniping to stop, but as a disciple of dKos, he came here and did plenty of sniping on this community himself. He just tried to make it look pretty because he’s a decent writer. There’s a reason he’s no longer here. He made no attempt to understand the culture of this place, only attempted to inject his blog father’s heavy hand. Sayonara Spoon.