Site FUBAR by kos
Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 12:27:14 AM PDT

So the site is in dire straits — the 500 Internal Server Errors, the forced logouts (you’re probably not banned), and the speed problems. The problem has been that Jeremy isn’t around to do the heavy-duty maintenance stuff as he tries to move to piece back together his life. I’ve got the SB Nation programmer trying to do emergency repairs, but he doesn’t know this site as well as Jeremy, so there are limits to what he can do.

Please bear with us as we pray Jeremy has a bit of time Tuesday to get the site back up to speed. If not, we’ll have to grin and bear it for as long as it takes.

Or try this one.

Site Problems by Quacky
Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 12:29:25 AM PDT

We are experiencing site problems right now. Users are getting logged out immediately upon clicking away from the main page. Please bear with us.

We will keep the site updated, as possible through this problem. Unfortunately, as I am filling in for ct during his troubles and exhaustion, things may be a bit rough.

You’re probably not banned.