Site FUBAR by kos
Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 12:27:14 AM PDTSo the site is in dire straits — the 500 Internal Server Errors, the forced logouts (you’re probably not banned), and the speed problems. The problem has been that Jeremy isn’t around to do the heavy-duty maintenance stuff as he tries to move to piece back together his life. I’ve got the SB Nation programmer trying to do emergency repairs, but he doesn’t know this site as well as Jeremy, so there are limits to what he can do.
Please bear with us as we pray Jeremy has a bit of time Tuesday to get the site back up to speed. If not, we’ll have to grin and bear it for as long as it takes.
Or try this one.
Site Problems by Quacky
Tue Jun 20, 2006 at 12:29:25 AM PDTWe are experiencing site problems right now. Users are getting logged out immediately upon clicking away from the main page. Please bear with us.
We will keep the site updated, as possible through this problem. Unfortunately, as I am filling in for ct during his troubles and exhaustion, things may be a bit rough.
You’re probably not banned.
I’ll take my lumps.
sure, unless you are Real History Lisa, then you are banned.
But it seems to me to be a comment on the way Orange operates that when they encounter server issues, the most credible explanation for many users who can’t log in is “Looks like I’ve been banned too.”
It’s akin to the sense we all have from the Shrubberies that the most devious and evil explanations for their actions of which we can conceive is probably only scratching the lightest surface layer of the true nature of the beasts.
Dammit, I wanna go back to being able to believe in conspiracy THEORIES instead of actual conspiracies.
Real History Lisa was banned?
BTW, boo, I nominated your reply to hunter for comment of the day at dailykos. i can’t post a link. misslaura posted the diary late last night.
her diary on the subject…
Real History Lisa was banned?
BTW, boo, I nominated your reply to hunter for comment of the day at dailykos. i can’t post a link. misslaura posted the diary late last night.
thanks for posting the top rated comments in the comments btw.
we’re still working out the kinks with the style and the rotation of people.
Someone at dKos seems to think I’m a troll and threatened to post a recipe to one of my comments. There’s something weirder than server issues going on there.
And how weird, I followed the link to MissLaura’s diary and someone mentioned a comment I made yesterday.
So, I’ve got from being memorable to being a troll all within about 12 hours.
If you’re a troll, then I’m the preznit of these here united states.
ever heard of a “purity troll”?
How does this apply to katiebird who doesn’t have a troll bone in her body? Or are you suggesting the person who called her that is the purity troll? I’m confused.
What’s a purity troll?
you know, like Emerson.
a purity troll is someone who refuses to deform their reason in accord with the power structure.
Well, I’ve known some trolls who sure are purty.
Probably because I know you–and I also know you have a dKos number of around, oh, 5 or something–I find this the most amazing of all the tales of banning, etc. This is so impossible as to be ludicrous. What an unpleasant thing for you.
Luckily it’s not a banning, just an unpleasant threat. I’d rather she/he just posted the recipe. It’s kind of creepy getting threatened with one.
If the recipe’s any good, forward it my way, as I do most of the cooking at home. 🙂
That’s what I told him/her — show me the recipe, I’m always willing to learn.
But, it was just a threat. The recipe never showed up (although considering how often dKos has gone down today, it might not be his/her fault)
Probably somone who has a user ID above 85,000 and just joined the site.
Ahhhh, I didn’t even think to look….
I know that sometimes we have to have discussions or diaries relating in some way to Kos but I’d be perfectly happy if I never saw the name here again.