The hypocritical, whiney, hysterical rightwing has melted down over my
speculative comment that Karl Rove’s poor behavior as human may have inspired
his mother to commit suicide (whoops, I did it again). Poor taste?
You bet. But no worse than Karl Rove spreading rumors that John McCain
fathered a black child out of wedlock, attacking the patriotism of war veterans
like John Murtha and John Kerry, or using the lie of alleged links between Osama
Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. No one has died because of my comment, but
Karl Rove’s lies and fabrications played a direct role in the deaths of
thousands of American soldiers in Iraq, not to mention the tens of thousands of
Iraqis who have died. So, in taking on Karl Rove I apologize for
What is truly funny is that I have become the “leftist” version of Ann
Coulter. She may have a bigger Adam’s Apple than me but I bet I look
better in a dress. Also, ignore the fact that I am still a registered
Republican and consider myself a traditional conservative (not one of those
religious nuts). Now, while I would love to have the exposure and reach of
Annie, I am thoroughly puzzled how my one mean spirited comment puts me on par
with the gal who has said, among other things:
About the media: “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the
New York Times building.”
About John Murtha: The reason
soldiers invented “fragging.”
About the 9-11 widows: “These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9/11
was an attack on our nation, and acted as if the terrorist attack only
happened to them. . . . These broads are millionaires lionized on TV and in
articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities. . . . I’ve never
seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much. . .
Ann Coulter regrets the New York Times was not blown up like nthe Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, suggests a Congressman be murdered, and nwhacks widows who have the temerity to complain that their government filed them non 9-11. Yet, I’m the bad guy?
Media npros, like Howard Kurtz, see parity between Coulter and me. Howie ndescribes my comment as "despicable" (but does point folks to my blog, thanks nHowie for the plug. And, lest you forget, remember that his wife is a nRepublican operative.)
So what did he say about Adam’s Apple Annie? Didn’t quite have his npanties as much in a bunch. According to Howie (Washington nPost, 12 June 2006):
Is it time for the media to stop lavishing attention n on Ann Coulter?
In her latest book attacking godless liberals, the n conservative author trashes as "witches" some of the women whose husbands were n killed at the World Trade Center — precisely the kind of ugly, over-the-top n invective that she knows will produce a publicity storm that will carry her n onto the bestseller lists.
Matt Lauer grilled her last week on "Today," which n prompted the New York Daily News banner "COULTER THE CRUEL," which in turn led n "NBC Nightly News" and ABC’s "World News Tonight" to examine her remarks. The n question, said NBC anchor Brian Williams, was "Have you no shame?"
But are news outlets being shameless in giving n Coulter a platform for her inflammatory rhetoric, knowing it will boost n ratings and circulation? “,1]
Ann Coulter regrets the New York Times was not blown up like
the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, suggests a Congressman be murdered, and
whacks widows who have the temerity to complain that their government filed them
on 9-11. Yet, I’m the bad guy?
pros, like Howard Kurtz, see parity between Coulter and me. Howie
describes my comment as “despicable” (but does point folks to my blog, thanks
Howie for the plug. And, lest you forget, remember that his wife is a
Republican operative.)
So what did he say about Adam’s Apple Annie? Didn’t quite have his
panties as much in a bunch. According to Howie (Washington
Post, 12 June 2006):
Is it time for the media to stop lavishing attention
on Ann Coulter?
In her latest book attacking godless liberals, the
conservative author trashes as “witches” some of the women whose husbands were
killed at the World Trade Center — precisely the kind of ugly, over-the-top
invective that she knows will produce a publicity storm that will carry her
onto the bestseller lists.
Matt Lauer grilled her last week on “Today,” which
prompted the New York Daily News banner “COULTER THE CRUEL,” which in turn led
“NBC Nightly News” and ABC’s “World News Tonight” to examine her remarks. The
question, said NBC anchor Brian Williams, was “Have you no shame?”
But are news outlets being shameless in giving
Coulter a platform for her inflammatory rhetoric, knowing it will boost
ratings and circulation? <!–
"She made news," says "Today" Executive Producer Jim n Bell. "I think our audience is smart enough to figure it out and reach their n own opinions. It’s not our job to censor people." Besides, Bell says, "she’s n good television."
Coulter is a savvy constitutional lawyer and onetime n Senate aide who rose to prominence as an advocate of Bill Clinton’s n impeachment. But she became increasingly incendiary in her books and TV n appearances, a shtick that made her sufficiently rich and famous to warrant a n Time cover story last year.
For those who missed it, Coulter writes of the n widows: "These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an n attack on our nation, and acted as if the terrorist attack only happened to n them. . . . These broads are millionaires lionized on TV and in articles about n them, reveling in their status as celebrities. . . . I’ve never seen people n enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much. . . .
"And by the way, how do we know their husbands n weren’t planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is n dwindling, they’d better hurry up and appear in Playboy."
Her one valid point — that once widows turn n themselves into political activists, their personal tragedies should not n shield them from rebuttal — is totally overwhelmed by the nastiness of her n assault.
So, Howie refers to her as "ugly", "over the top", and nasty. Why not ndespicable? I find it despicable that Howie excuses Coulter’s inexcusable ncomments.
What is truly amazing is media guys like Howie equate my comment, which nattacks Karl Rove using Rove-like tactics, with Ann Coulter, who attacks nAmericans who simply speak up with a different political point of view. To nget a real insight into how delusional the rightwing trolls are, who have nprotested my comment, simply read their remarks, which in many cases argue that nI am somehow a friend of the Main Stream Media.”,1]
“She made news,” says “Today” Executive Producer Jim
Bell. “I think our audience is smart enough to figure it out and reach their
own opinions. It’s not our job to censor people.” Besides, Bell says, “she’s
good television.”
Coulter is a savvy constitutional lawyer and onetime
Senate aide who rose to prominence as an advocate of Bill Clinton’s
impeachment. But she became increasingly incendiary in her books and TV
appearances, a shtick that made her sufficiently rich and famous to warrant a
Time cover story last year.
For those who missed it, Coulter writes of the
widows: “These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an
attack on our nation, and acted as if the terrorist attack only happened to
them. . . . These broads are millionaires lionized on TV and in articles about
them, reveling in their status as celebrities. . . . I’ve never seen people
enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much. . . .
“And by the way, how do we know their husbands
weren’t planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is
dwindling, they’d better hurry up and appear in Playboy.”
Her one valid point — that once widows turn
themselves into political activists, their personal tragedies should not
shield them from rebuttal — is totally overwhelmed by the nastiness of her
So, Howie refers to her as “ugly”, “over the top”, and nasty. Why not
despicable? I find it despicable that Howie excuses Coulter’s inexcusable
What is truly amazing is media guys like Howie equate my comment, which
attacks Karl Rove using Rove-like tactics, with Ann Coulter, who attacks
Americans who simply speak up with a different political point of view. To
get a real insight into how delusional the rightwing trolls are, who have
protested my comment, simply read their remarks, which in many cases argue that
I am somehow a friend of the Main Stream Media.<!–
Sorry you bunch of nut jobs, but I rarely go on television anymore or talk nwith reporters. In fact, I have refused to do several programs, most nrecently the Joe Scarborough Show. As I told good old Joe’s booker there nare two ways I would do his show–no way and, no way in nhell.
That’s another one of those things, like intelligence, to be used selectively by the right. Welcome to our world, where UpsidedownLand strikes us in the head daily.
Yes, you’d look better in a dress than dear Miss Thing, but then again I can only imagine that Hoover did as well.
So you’re making money off of the terrorism industry. And you strike at Ann Coulter. Seems like crabs fighting in the same barrel to me.
I think that is uncalled for.
Also, ignore the fact that I am still a registered Republican and consider myself a traditional conservative (not one of those religious nuts).
Why? seriously, why? How badly and how many times do the Republicans have to mess up before you work out they are incapable of governing. It’s not just those religious nuts, it is the whole anti-government attitude that makes them incapable of governing. They can’t pass a budget, not in Washington, not in Richmond.
What is it about Republicans that you support? Ronald Reagan’s deficits? The Beirut Marine barracks disaster? Or the Contras? Aren’t the actions of the Busheviki the logical conclusion of all that? Right down to the same cast of characters?
How can anyone still call themselves a Republican after all that?
Larry, I’ve had exactly the same thought and I have even said it to a few people.
My fil will gleefully slander and smear Clinton, Kerry Gore or any one who is not a rightwinger. He howls like a bitch when I make fun of chickengeorge.
Typical WATB frightwinger.
Larry, you have my love – and yes, we on the left, we true liberals listen to sensible Republicans and even respect their viewpoints.
Larry, your Rove comment was no nastier than anything spewing forth from Rove himself and he so deserves to be trashed. I sure hope that Howie repeated your comment over and over… he often repeats himself in a whining self serving way.
As for that maggot Coulter, she should be put to death in a national pay per view television event… all proceeds split between helping 9/11 victims, shoring up security at the NYTimes building, and Congressman Murtha’s reelection campaign. I bet there would be more conservative tivos recording that event than you could shake a stick at. Similiar to the back entrances at southern liqour stores so the bible bangers could secretly get booze.
There, I said it… awww, Ann, it was just a joke. (snort)
I wish people who are visible mouthpieces for Dems would quit saying stupid things. Joking about a mother’s suicide is beyond the limits of good taste and decency. Karl Rove is a pig. Ann Coulter is a pig. Why can’t you magnify the differences between them and us instead of joining them in the mud?
Bullies are eager to dish it out, but can’t take it. The reaction to LJ’s hyperbole is totally hypocritical. Not just Coulter, but any right wing operative can say anything and pay no price for it.
This is not about good taste, this is about smothering any attempt at criticism.
Karl Rove has devoted his whole miserable life to sowing destruction, let him pay the price.
Yeah, but it’s not Karl Rove paying the price. I hate that anyone would joke about a mother’s suicide. I hate the things Limbaugh and Coulter and Rove say. They sow ugliness and we sow ugliness in return. Now we’re all ugly. What does that accomplish?
I think you’re helping Larry make an important point, namely, that we on the left rightly condemn out-of-bounds comments, whether they’re made against John Kerry or Karl Rove. The Ann Coulter Republicans, on the other hand, think smearing us is worth at most a waggle of the finger and a tut-tut-tut but if we so much as look at them crosseyed, they go on the attack.
For the record, I don’t approve of Rove’s family being dragged into this, but if the righties are going to attack Larry for what he said, they need to do the same to Coulter, and Rove, and every other ideologue of the right who sees fit to slander us.
But, I guess it’s OK if you’re a Republican.
I agree it’s one-sided outrage. What does testing that outrage accomplish?
Hopefully it gives us an opening to say on a national stage exactly what I just said to you. “Why is it OK for Ann Coulter to call for the death of a Supreme Court justice and a Congressman, but Larry Johnson — who is nowhere as well known — makes one comment about Karl Rove’s family and suddenly he’s the Antichrist?”
Howard Dean would say it better than I could, I’m sure. And, of course, there is no rational answer to that question other than “It isn’t,” which invites the followup question, “Then where is the outrage? Where is the condemnation? Why does this woman still get her face on television and her voice on the radio?”
Let me repeat. I don’t approve of Larry’s bringing Rove’s family into this. But having made a high art of the politics of personal destruction, Rove certainly can’t claim the moral high ground when the tables are turned, and we can show that yes, we are better than the Coulter Republicans, at least in that when someone says or does something that needs to be condemned, we condemn it, no matter who did it.
I’m not right wing fringe, for sure, but I objected to your comment about Rove’s mother and I still do.
Your justification of it by saying that somebody else did the same thing or worse, strikes me as a bit immature. (But, Mom, everybody else is doing it.)
Moreover, you have some very legitmate points to make and I think it is bad strategy to give the other side reason to discount your validity by focusing on the irrelevant personal attack you made.
Just my 2 cents.
The thing about Limbaugh and Coulter and even Johnson’s comment(s)… is that it rarely if ever hurts them.
But their comments surely do put a target on the backs of peace and anti-war activists.
In fact we’ve already been told to keep our head on a swivel due to Limbaugh’s recent lie about lefty liberals being happy that GIs being killed and tortured.
So Larry Johnson acts up and gets his reputation smashed around a bit, he gets some hate mail… but he won’t get a bottle tossed at his head by a motorist as he marches for peace in the street.
All this word and blog warring…. it’s pathetic.
There’s an illegal occupation happening where attrocities are going on and women and children are dying. This country is turning to shit and we’ve got grown adults slinging shit via the internet(s).
The energy wasted could be better spent.
Your comment about Rove’s mother’s suicide was made in anger. It mayhave been a regrettable comment, but I don’t blame you for it. Because your overall point was to describe Rove’s character, or lack of. And you’re right, Rove and Coulter are beyond contempt. Yet they’re given a free pass again and again. Why?
Your comment was despicable.
And it’s not just right wingers who have criticized you.
Rove-like tactics, my ass. You used Coulter-like tactics. Rove isn’t dumb enough to sign his name next to his hate.
Rather than apologize for your heartless slur…you’d rather prove people like Rove and Coulter right.
By the way, Kurtz said this on his show the other week:
“Are you struck by the fact that a number of prominent conservatives this time have turned to Ann Coulter and said that she went too far and that her remarks were despicable.”
Um…yeah…and Kurtz is really excusing Coulter’s comments….that sure is a fair assessment of his underlying argument that Coulter pretty much shouldn’t be given all the media exposure for her hate.
But hey….you want to emulate Rove….there you go…spinning Kurtz into being a Coulter backer instead of apologizing like you should be doing…helluva job, Larry.
Nicely said Larry. It appears that the thugs on the Right and those in the media who enable them by not publically shaming them for their behavior have their panties all wadded up in a bunch because their perennial tactics are turned on them.
They are feigning a bourgeois attitude towards your remarks while ignoring blatant morally repugnant travesties from the Busheviks.
and of course they can go fuck themselves.
Keep up the good work.
What Howard Kurtz really wrote:
On a related matter, Hotline also notes that former CIA analyst Larry Johnson , in his No Quarter blog, had the following despicable comments about Rove and the Plame case…
What Hotlines’ Blogometer wrote:
The Blogometer only posts this despicable comment in hopes that major news outlets that have allowed him to speak in the past (Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, and the New York Times) never provide outlet for his hate again.
Kurtz never called Larry Johnson’s comments despicable. He just wrote that Hotline noted that they were.