Yesterday was a rainy summer day in S.E. Michigan.  The wife and I took advantage and caught a matinee showing of “An Inconvenient Truth” at the local theater complex.  What they are saying about the movie is accurate.  This is a very well made, very powerful lecture about the reality of global warming.
If you have not yet, you must see this movie.

More after the fold.
It is also a very thought-provoking look at what our country’s leadership would have been like, IF the U.S. Supreme Court would have appointed the person who accumulated the largest popular vote in the Nov. 2000 election for President of these United States.  What an honest man! What an absolutely unbelievable contrast with the current administration!  

If you know anything about Finnish people you know that living in the sub-arctic/arctic they have a tendency to be a bit pessimistic.  I am, besides being a native born American, a Finn.  I see the most negative possibility in most any situation. Given that, my view of the current state of global warming turns out to be overly optimistic!  Go figure.

Near the end of the film, certain realities are exposed.  One that I will carry with me to my grave contrasts the scientific view with that of the MSM. Of 900 scientific articles reviewed concerning the validity of global warming, exactly 0/900 contested the Al Gore version that we are headed for ecological disaster.  At the same time over 50% of MSM articles question the validity of scientific conclusions on this topic!

Not only does this bode negatively regarding the likelihood that our country will come to grips with our role in destroying the biosphere, it also speaks volumes about why progressives/Democrats have an almost unattainable task of overcoming the GOP hold on our government in the upcoming fall elections.

If the MSM can underplay the largest ecological disaster in THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF MAN without as much as a hiccup, is it any wonder that they can make a loose coalition of liberal-minded folks like the Democratic Party look like boobs?

Nobody that I know or have read has indicated the task at hand will be easy. However like the “Inconvenient Truth” about global warming, the truth about the last six years of GOP rule is on our side. Like Mr. Gore, we must step up to the challenge and not shy away from the task at hand. If we chose to stand fast, we can win in November, and stand fast we must. After all, there is nothing much at stake here, except maybe the future of life on this planet.