This piece in AlterNet is why Greg Palast should be on every frog ponders reading list.  Palast has also documented the election thefts of 2000 and 2004.

This documents that the story that Dan Rather told about Bush’s AWOL from the Guard was not only true, but on the record in other places.  This passage is a gem about the Republican propaganda machine and gullible voters.

You aren’t stupid, they just talk to you that way. It’s 2004. Falluja’s on fire, your pension’s burning away, the last General Motors worker is turning out the lights in Detroit — and the biggest issue of the election, aside from Christians who don’t want homosexuals to have families, was whether some elderly news celebrity, Dan Rather, had besmirched the reputation of our President, a former Naval Aviator. They can’t get you to ignore that man behind the curtain, Dorothy, unless there’s a fascinating show on stage to distract you. And, for the final days of the presidential campaign, they gave us the lynching of Dan Rather.

Palast illuminates, for me,  a couple things.  First, that Rather was too much of a wuss to act like a real journalist.  Second, that the corrupt cronyism of the Bush clan is almost congenital.  The Bush family are the Borgias of our country.