A plea from Liberal Street Fighter
Al Gore at a Wired Town Hall On the Climate Crisis
Please Vice President, don’t listen to the growing chorus of voices urging you to run again for President.
I’m not writing this because I’m not a fan. I am (though I do have to admit that your response to the quiet coup of 2000 left me VERY angry at you) … your speeches over the last several years have offered a voice for protest that the corrupted corporate media couldn’t ignore. For that alone, we all owe you a debt of gratitude. And now you’re telling An Inconvenient Truth in theaters across the nation.
You are providing a public service of much greater importance than the mere office of President, an office that has been sullied by several oil men and worshipers of Wall Street, including the man you served with. An office that has come to serve corporate persons over the needs of natural persons. It’s an office that increasingly looks like the word “tyrant” should used to describe it. In this atmosphere, you have been one of a select few who have been able to reawaken Americans to the need for public intellectuals.
At this point, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, nearly all of our institutions have become debased by greed and ignorance and the ascension of PR over policy. Where politics used to be an amalgam of bluster and policy prescriptions, now it is practiced in empty soundbites, phrases carefully chosen to obfuscate, not enlighten. Tacticians are shunted aside in military matters, replaced by ambitious syncophants. Scientists find their reports censored by lobbyists turned regulators. Everything in the public square feels broken, including the Fourth Estate.
You’ve stepped into that breech. With the problems we face now, we need people who challenge us, people who encourage a conversation between the public and experts in various important fields. Hell, after years of treating education as mere job training, this country barely BELIEVES in experts any more. This is your job, a job precious few are doing any more. Bill Moyers can’t do it by himself.
The very things you were derided for when you held public office are the qualities most desperately needed in this dangerous new century. The Senate and Vice Presidency prepared you for this role. How else could you have had access to the people you’ve had access to? How else could you have visited both poles? How else could you have had the experiences and friends and contacts that enabled you to assemble your slide show, and movie, into such a full and effective package?
The polictical system in this country is broken. It’s been broken for a while, twisted and mutated by a relentless right wing assault and corrosive big money. It will take time for populist movements to build, for local activists and newly awakened voters to build change from below. As an elder statesman, as an activist yourself, you can help move that process along. If you let the consultants and party hacks get their hooks into you, you’ll come under enormous pressure to moderate what you’re doing so effectively now.
I know you’ve said repeatedly that you won’t run for President, Citizen Gore, but please accept this plea that you stick to that decision. You’ve emerged from the back end of an ongoing Constitutional crises and found an effective way to continue to serve this country, reminding everyone that a real patriot, a CITIZEN, is active and engaged and asks the hard questions. Keep doing this vital job, and you’ll be leader in a growing movement to save us from ourselves.
Update [2006-6-25 19:30:43 by Madman in the Marketplace]:
Jim Hanson, Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Adjunct Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, has a review of Inconvenient Truth (book and movie), and two recent books by Tim Flannery & Elizabeth Kolbert about the danger global warming poses up at the New York Review of Books.
Flannery concludes, as I have, that we have only a short time to address global warming before it runs out of control. However, his call for people to reduce their CO2 emissions, while appropriate, oversimplifies and diverts attention from the essential requirement: government leadership. Without such leadership and comprehensive economic policies, conservation of energy by individuals merely reduces demands for fuel, thus lowering prices and ultimately promoting the wasteful use of energy. I was glad to see that in a recent article in these pages, he wrote that an effective fossil energy policy should include a tax on carbon emissions.[2]
A good energy policy, economists agree, is not difficult to define. Fuel taxes should encourage conservation, but with rebates to taxpayers so that the government revenue from the tax does not increase. The taxpayer can use his rebate to fill his gas-guzzler if he likes, but most people will eventually reduce their use of fuel in order to save money, and will spend the rebate on something else. With slow and continual increases of fuel cost, energy consumption will decline. The economy will not be harmed. Indeed, it will be improved since the trade deficit will be reduced; so will the need to protect US access to energy abroad by means of diplomatic and military action. US manufacturers would be forced to emphasize energy efficiency in order to make their products competitive internationally. Our automakers need not go bankrupt.
Would this approach result in fewer ultraheavy SUVs on the road? Probably. Would it slow the trend toward bigger houses with higher ceilings? Possibly. But experts say that because technology has sufficient potential to become more efficient, our quality of life need not decline. In order for this to happen, the price of energy should reflect its true cost to society.
Do we have politicians with the courage to explain to the public what is needed? Or may it be that such people are not electable, in view of the obstacles presented by television, campaign financing, and the opposition of energy companies and other special interests? That brings me to Al Gore’s book and movie of the same name: An Inconvenient Truth. Both are unconventional, based on a “slide show” that Gore has given more than one thousand times. They are filled with pictures—stunning illustrations, maps, graphs, brief explanations, and stories about people who have important parts in the global warming story or in Al Gore’s life. The movie seems to me powerful and the book complements it, adding useful explanations. It is hard to predict how this unusual presentation will be received by the public; but Gore has put together a coherent account of a complex topic that Americans desperately need to understand. The story is scientifically accurate and yet should be understandable to the public, a public that is less and less drawn to science.
Nowhere is the bully pulpit louder than the Presidential seat of power. Al Gore could do more good there than anywhere. I think he’s grown and matured since he was elected by the people in 2000 but denied the presidency by the SC.
I’ll have to disagree with you on this one Madman. I’ll take Gore for the Oval office right after Feingold.
I understand why people believe that, but I’ve come to see the national political system to be so badly broken that the ability to work within is almost impossible. It’s going to take a lot of new blood rising up from local movements.
Sadly, people are focusing too much on ’06 & ’08, out of fear, mostly. It’s time to take a step back and realize it’s going to take years to fix, if it’s even possible. The right pulled off ’92 after DECADES of hard work.
Do you mean ’94 Madman?
oops, yes.
You have quoted many ailments of the political and public institutions as the grounds for your plea to Al Gore not to run. Wouldn’t any other Democratic nominee in 2008 face the same difficulties as well? Then by an extension of your logic, doesn’t it follow that no Democrat should run in 2008?
If otherwise, who would you like to see run? And could you explain why and how the scenario would be different in that candidate’s case.
my point isn’t just that those problems should factor into his decision not to run, but rather that he’s found an incredibly positive way to contribute, a niche that very few people have the experiences, connections and abilities to fulfill. He’s been able to drive the debate in a new direction because he’s got nothing to lose and doesn’t have a bunch of “consultants” whispering in his ear based on the latest focus group or internal polling. He’s broken past that with this movies and his recent appearances, and it’s been really powerful.
Of the leading Democrats on the national stage, I think only someone who has little baggage and a cool head will be able to take the White House and be able to make any headway at all: Russ Feingold.
Re: Should NO Democrat run in 2008 then? (none / 0)
my point isn’t just that those problems should factor into his decision not to run, but rather that he’s found an incredibly positive way to contribute, a niche that very few people have the experiences, connections and abilities to fulfill
Those same attributes would come in handy for both furthering his main cause of global warming, as well as other matters that he has championed over past several years. He most certainly should keep open the option of contributing in the capacity of a President.
He’s been able to drive the debate in a new direction because he’s got nothing to lose
He has been able to deliver on the global warming message because he has been committed and persistent (for over 30 years).
When he delivered his speech against the Iraq war in September 2002, he had MUCH to lose. The public opinion was in FAVOR of a war, and Gore was considering a bid for the whitehouse. Standing up against public opinion (as a the only high profile Democrat to voice his opposition at that state, which was two weeks before the IWR vote), and was certainly not good from the point of running for office. Yet, he took the courageous, bold and principled step to oppose the war.
and doesn’t have a bunch of “consultants” whispering in his ear based on the latest focus group or internal polling.
I am sure that even Feingold now has consultants that “whisper” stuff into his ears. Why would you think that the Gore of today would entertain such whispering any more than Feingold would? In fact, the indications are that he would run a campaign on his own terms this time (should he decide to run); I believe that that’s precisely what he did from around the convention time in 2000, and pulled from a double digit deficit to a popular vote victory on election day.
He’s broken past that with this movies and his recent appearances, and it’s been really powerful.
But a LOT needs to accomplished that won’t get done easily (50% worldwide reduction in emissions in some 25 years is what it takes to contain global warming satisfactorily). Only Gore getting elected with a mandate in 2008 will get done what needs to get done. His experience with Clinton in building a strong economy would also be handy in finding solutions that are practicable.
Of the leading Democrats on the national stage, I think only someone who has little baggage and a cool head will be able to take the White House and be able to make any headway at all: Russ Feingold.
I find you assessment of Feingold’s chances to be a bit influenced by your preference for him, but will defer that discussion to a later date. Feingold is a fine candidate, but IMO, Feingold would be a better fit for the Supreme Court (and I would be happy with a Gore/Feingold ticket, but picking the running mate is nominee’s prerogative), and I hope that should Gore run and win, unless Feingold is his VP, he would consider nominating the latter to the USSC bench.
I can see that we’ll just have to disagree.
What did he have to lose in Sept. ’02? He was a punchline. He was out of public life, for all intents and purposes. That he was willing to subject himself to the right’s attack dogs was an act of patriotism and honor, but he truly had nothing to lose.
As for the whispering consultants … Feingold has demonstrated time and again that he’s an independent thinker … he makes moves and places votes that any consultant would tell him are stupid.
I want Russ to run because it would shift the debate, help energize activists working locally. People need to face the fact that the Republicans WANT their view of the world to prevail. Democratic politicians want …
… who the fuck knows with most of them. They want to keep their jobs.
They will most likely make modest gains this fall at best. Schumer et. al. will blame this failure on Dean, and they will try mightily to push him out. They will try to kill the 50 state strategy, and they may very well succeed. If they do, I hope it splits the party.
Face the hard facts. The Republicans have made it clear that they will steal and suppress votes. The national Dems have made it clear they won’t do anything about it. They will run hacks like Kerry, Clinton or Warner, and they will continue to lose. It’ll take AT LEAST ten, maybe fifteen years of local work to really fight back against the rights gains on a national level, or some kind of societal breakdown to motivate people to open their eyes.
I understand where you’re coming from, but you underestimate how thoroughly gamed the system is now.
Gore is positioned to help define the process of fighting back, but going back inside will get in his way.
What did he have to lose in Sept. ’02? He was a punchline. He was out of public life, for all intents and purposes. That he was willing to subject himself to the right’s attack dogs was an act of patriotism and honor, but he truly had nothing to lose.
Nope. Gore was leading in the polls for the Democratic nomination at the time. Therefore, if he were to step into the race for 2004, the nomination was his. Which shows that he no friggin “punchline”. His unfavorables were low prior to his opposition to the war, and for some mysterious reason, they shot up right after he came out opposing the war. He had the presidency to lose.
He later decided to support Dean (which Feingold didn’t).
As for the whispering consultants … Feingold has demonstrated time and again that he’s an independent thinker … he makes moves and places votes that any consultant would tell him are stupid.
Feingold’s opposition to patriot act-I was an act of courage (not PA-II, where he was already trying to milk it for 2008 purposes). His censure move was pure stunt, with no real consequence, except for Feingold gaining the support of the netroots.
If they do, I hope it splits the party. Face the hard facts.
I know the stuff you talk about the party here. But I do NOT want the party to split; the country will never recover from it.
I understand where you’re coming from, but you underestimate how thoroughly gamed the system is now.
I am fairly astute observer of the political system. I know what’s happening out there.
Gore is positioned to help define the process of fighting back, but going back inside will get in his way.
No one said he needs to go “inside”.
Gore has the ability to build the consensus to bring everyone around him over time, and not only prevent a party split, but also expand its reach. That is, Gore, and Gore alone has the ability to pull the party together and then the nation.
well, as I said, we will probably have to agree to disagree. I have a much more jaundiced view of the party and this country’s current state than you do. Time will tell who is closer to right. Things will probably proceed somewhere between our two extremes.
I do think you’re seriously underestimating how utterly corrupt (in the ideas and political courage sense of the word) and intransigent the DC Dems are, especially Reid, Schumer, Emmanuel and Clinton.
My only objection to this is you didn’t address him by his proper title: President Gore. The fact that the Supreme Court was unwilling to recognize that does not negate his achievement. He will always be President Gore to me.
I can’t … any man who’d really earned that title would have FOUGHT for it. I know he had his reasons, honorable, patriotic reasons, but he was wrong. Like most of the Democrats, he was unwilling to face the fact that his opponents have no honor, do not cherish the Constitution that he stepped aside in an futile attempt to preserve it.
It was in some ways a trial by fire, and he’s come out the other side changed by it. I love what he’s been doing over the past couple of years based on that trial, and I’d hate to see the DNC get their hooks back into him.
The way I see it, he DID fight for it, by every legal means necessary, right up to the Supreme Court. That’s a far cry from Kerry’s instant concession.
well, it was certainly better than Kerry.
There should have been a challenge to the Electoral college. There should have been real work done by the party to head off the continuing theft and suppression of the vote, and Gore should have led that charge. A man who HUNGERED for that office would have done those things.
Al Gore will do a good job from either place. He’d be the best President in years, if he ran and was allowed to take office. But he’ll also do a tremendous amount of good as a private citizen. I’m not sure where he can do the MOST good.
I think that Gore would lose.
And lose big.
He is a LOUSY candidate.
His “common touch” is as transparently false as any that I have ever seen. Not his fault…that’s just the way he is.
He is a fine advocate for the environment, however, and I hope that he remains in that capacity and/or accepts a cabinet post should a Dem actually manage to win in ’08.
But run again?
I hope not.
though I do have to admit that your response to the quiet coup of 2000 left me VERY angry at you
Gore fought the Florida recount for 35 days, and withdrew from the contest when no recourse was left following the Supreme Court verdict, sans a public uproar. It turns out that those responsible for bringing about such an uproar was us. Each one us. The Republicans were banging the windows, storming the streets and holding the recount process hostage. On our side, it appears that many of us were sitting and watching the spectacle on television. Gore’s unfavorables sky-rocketed in the final days of the recount saga, probably indicating to him that there was no chance for a popular movement that was ready to fight for electoral justice. Those that did not hit the streets really have right to criticize Mr. Gore after he gave is 35 painful days to rise up. WE failed, not Al Gore. Please see this time-line for the Florida recount contest.
Next, all the ailments of the nation’s institutions that you’ve mentioned exist. Are you then suggesting that no Democrat run for President in 2008?
I know you’ve said repeatedly that you won’t run for President, Citizen Gore, but please accept this plea that you stick to that decision.
I beg to disagree. It is precisely at this juncture that we need a person of his caliber, experience, vision, stature, respect within the party and outside, to help mitigate the damage done to our nation, and help revive those institutions with support from a growing popular movement in support of similar causes.
I thank the diarist as well.
well, there were PICTURES of Republicans protesting on TV, but they were relatively small crowds of operatives that the PARTY brought in. As some noted at the time:
Many Americans called and wrote their Representatives and Senators begging them to refuse to ratify the Electoral Congress: I know I did. THE PARTY failed to demonstrate political will, just as Clinton failed to make the Republicans pay for the Iran/Contra affair, despite the demands of their constituents. It was Gore who dismissed the CBC’s demands for justice for disenfranchised African Americans with a quip about the rules.
I think he grew from that experience. However, we need new energy going forward, new energy to undo the damage. I think his talents, and his life experience, puts him in a better position to bring that energy from the outside, as an activist.
I think, as far as a Presidential candidate goes, that Russ Feingold can offer an integrity and a strong committment to progressive values that couuld effect REAL change from within the system. Gore and others would help by keeping independent blocs of voters, and REAL liberal, progressive Democrats motivated to agitate for real change.
Many Americans called and wrote their Representatives and Senators begging them to refuse to ratify the Electoral Congress: I know I did.
It was too late. Did you attempt to help out during 11/7/2000 to 12/12/2000 to gin up support for Gore? Do you know that his unfavorables shot up to near or over 50% during the final weeks of the recounts?
THE PARTY failed to demonstrate political will
Yes, the party (not Gore) started wobbling some 2 weeks into the recount process. Blame the party, not Al Gore.
It was Gore who dismissed the CBC’s demands for justice for disenfranchised African Americans with a quip about the rules.
Yes, that because he had already withdrawn from the contest, and hence he was obligated to delived his duties as the President of the Senate in an honorable way.
I think, as far as a Presidential candidate goes, that Russ Feingold can offer an integrity and a strong committment to progressive values that couuld effect REAL change from within the system.
IMO, Gore will be able to do more because he commands a higher stature inside and outside the system.
Thanks for that update. It’s so logical that these animals and plants will not survive the climate change. It’s surprising not to have seen this presented this way before.
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