Froggy Bottom Happy Hour
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Everyone join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
It’s gotta be happy hour already somewhere, right?
I’m off to run some errands — I’ll be back in awhile. I hope everyone’s having a nice day.
Since Izzy isn’t around, it’s free beer!
Cool! And it isn’t even 2:00 yet here!
Hey, how is everybody? I’ve been lurking, sort of, but I’ve also been so good-busy that it’s been hard to spend any time here. So hello!
Hi growthrate. A good-busy is much better than a bore-busy. I had many of those days.
And what kind of day did you have today?
Hi Andi. It was pretty much normal. Did some cleaning in the house, napped, went over to help b-i-l with his computer, napped, ran some errands, napped and now I’m here preparing for a nap.
Have you had a hard working day?
Free beer is free beer.
Hi, Andi. I’ll have the dark one, thanks.
Right on the spot. 🙂
remind me of the most offensive bumper sticker I’ve seen in ages. It was on an enormous black F-250 pickup truck and it was a silhouette of a naked woman on all fours and the background was a confederate flag. I almost rammed into him just to make my displeasure known.
With someone like that, he might had thought you were trying to flirt.
Very nice, inoffensive glasses, great beer. I promise.
Amen to that Andi! Teleport me a couple of kegs will ya? How’s my favorite woodland photographer doing today? Keeping FM out of trouble for us?
I beg to differ. Me get in trouble? Perish the thought.
On their way — did you get them? Be quick, teleported beer is very ephemeral.
As for FM, I much prefer to keep him in trouble — much more fun.
Damn! Wasn’t fast enough and it sped on by! Oh well, thanks for the effort! You’re a pal…
Are those guys the equivalent of the little chrome ladies you see on truck mudflaps? 🙂
Happy day to the unhost and everyone else!
Happy day Boran. How’s the day going today?
Not bad. BTW, I did my lawn yesterday, so you’re off the hook for now. 😉
How’s everything by you?
It’s going pretty good. I told myself I would do my lawn today, but it just ain’t going to happen. If I keep telling myself this, it might get done by the end of the week. I repeat – might.
thanks to the regularly scheduled afternoon thunderstorms.
That’s really beautiful Andi. I like how the light opens up at the end.
You have such good taste. 😉
I try, but I’m learning it all from ya’ll.
I continue to lust after your woods, Andi. Ah, if I could but take a nice stroll in them at the end of the day to forget the hell I currently inhabit…
Gotta head out here now folks, enough sneaking at work. Hope to be around later, but if I feel as bad as I did last night (again), I’ll probably just go to bed early again.
Feel better IVG. I’ll be thinking about ya.
where you were last night. Hope you feel better soon, amigo.
Thanks, Manny … me too! I’m sorry I missed hookah night, but given my physical and mental dilapidation, I went straight to bed after Jon Stewart, and could barely stay awake for Helen Thomas! I fear that will happen tonight as well, so don’t worry if you don’t see me for a while.
What a beautiful picture, Andi. I love it. Thank you for posting it.
How have you been doing? It seems like a long time since you’ve been around.
Much working, some lurking!
I’ve had to cut back on my time in the pond since last fall, when my daughter and my job started requiring more attention. It’s eased up a little, but not much.
I was just talking about you the other day — do you remember when you used to OED to check out the use of the word “hot” for kansas to see if a boy would have said about a girl in 1986? Thinking about that when I read the part of her new book where she used the it made the book even more enjoyable.
hey Andi — Kansas reminded me of that on an open thread and I just started laughing at the keyboard all over again. … Wasn’t that a good book?
though I was forced to chatise kansas for not having Abby end up with Rex. She claimed she tried to throw together but they “just wouldn’t take the hint”.
blame JD
(that was the birdie’s name, right?)
was it? I really liked the birdie aspect being a parrot-lover myself. Not to be confused with a parrothead.
it with me on vacation at the end of July.
Excellent vacation choice!
some of us haven’t read it yet …
sorry Mary… I will say no more except hurry up and read it already!
but that comment above was supposed to go here and didn’t.
nothing that has been said involves any plot points.
I can’t believe it ends with aliens taking over the town and then Abby discovers it was all a dream.
how could you be so cruel. But at least you didn’t mention the sex scene with the stallion.
I thought you haven’t read it yet! that’s just what the stallion said.
I’m looking out my window at the Ritz Carlton and all the police that are lining the street because Bush is coming in to do a fundraiser for Jim Talent. At 5:30. In the middle of rush hour. So all the highways will be shut down as well as all the streets around my building. <sigh>
So you’re watching a national event unfold. How lucky – snark.
I once worked at a base where bush senior came in to go to his maine home. Closed the whole place down everytime. More of a pain than anything else.
We’re a swing state so we get lots of visits and they always seem to occur at rush hour.
But usually it isn’t right across the street from me.
See how lucky you are. You’ll probably be stuck there and thing of all the great work you can do. 🙂
That should have been – think of all.
as those people at the north rim of the grand canyon got.
At least I have a bird’s eye view of the standoff between the police and the protestors.
about hoping the protesters get the best of the police?
Only if the police are unarmed and the protestors have tear gas and rubber bullets.
They have the protesters corralled off in a special area. I think this might be the first time there were more protesters than police though. There was a respectable crowd of between 200 and 300 people when they started.
That would be the much celebrated “free speech zone.”
Yes, he didn’t see them when he arrive — they took him into the back through a construction entrance. But they have good signs, I can read them up here on the 16th floor. And some of them have some version of “honk if you hate bush” and there’s been a lot of honking 🙂
Somehow polite and protest just seems all wrong. During my years of youthful protest, I’m pretty sure I was never polite (I cherish the time my lack of appropriate behavior severely cheesed off the president of the university).
Are there youthful protesters these days? Most of the people down there look over 40 to me.
When I went to the protests on the anniversary of the war I think my sister and I were the youngest people there. It was an old hippie reunion.
Isn’t that what our very own MaryB is helping plan in Chicago in Oct?
Great to see you back, Mary! I’ve missed your snarkling presence lately … hope you’re not stuck too long, but know about how the Shrub can snarl up traffic. He did it to ours at rush hour a few weeks back here as well.
Olivia’s presence will help lower the average age in Chicago. Another reason to convince her to come!
Now that he’s in the building, they’ve opened some of the streets so hopefully I can get out of here in a while.
Olivia’s presence will up the my old-fart quotient considerably (reverse psychology ploy in case olivia prefers not to have a positive effect).
I haven’t heard anything definitive of late since you were gone. But I’ve not been around much this week, due to life in hell circumstances which continue.
I’ve been planning on it, providing nothing truly bad happens to me between now and then… should I use ink or pencil on my calendar?
I posted it on the Midwest thread last night. Not that the odds of anyone who doesn’t already know about it reading the Midwest thread are very good. But it made it official 🙂
So far we have you, me, Andi and Jim, and SN. And NDD is a very strong maybe. And of course we’ll eventually convince Olivia and Family Man 🙂
I keep missing Kidspeak in the cafe to see if she would come. And I haven’t seen ej in the cafe to tell him either.
Some of the Memphis meetup people expressed interest earlier. So eventually I’ll put it on the South thread. And do a diary later in the summer.
When we were in Las Vegas I tried to convince Cabin Girl to come. But I told BooMan he can’t come unless he changes his bad attitude toward the midwest 😉
I think if we can convince Olivia and dada to come, NDD will as well. He said something to that effect the other night if I recall correctly, but my mind’s such a muddle this past week I may have imagined that. I think having Kidspeak and ej along would be wonderful as well … haven’t seen ej in here for quite some time though have read some of his comments elsewhere around here.
I’ve got to go and get some more stuff done around the house.
I’ll be back in awhile.
If the pepperspray gets in your eyes, wash them out with a mixture of half water and half Maalox. Our street medics in Portland tested this one extensively (on themselves! Look up Black Cross if you want to know more)and it works.
Here I’m usually the oldest one at any protest by two decades or more-it’s a hoppin’ town.
That’s good to know. Thanks!
I think I need to head out for now, get something to eat and see how the rest of the night goes. Probably another early one given present state of mind and body, lol. My apologies to the late night loons if I don’t manage to join you tonight again.
All the best to the happy hour crew! Oh, and any spare rain you have, send it our way. I have to go water again tonight after that little bit we got last weekend, which has long since been absorbed…
Who missed me? Heeeeey… what’s goin’ on with the beer?
Hi Izzy, I just got back too. I told them not to mess with the beer, but they wouldn’t listen to me. Well maybe I did say somthing about free beer.
OK I gave all the beer away. But Andi made me do it. 🙂
Hey, FM! No worries about the beer — I get paid the same no matter what.
Yeah same with me and virtual beer never gives out. 🙂
I thought the stallion sex scared you away.
Just got back again.
Nope stallion sex doesn’t scare me. After you’ve seen slug sex all the mystery is gone. 😛
I like a man that isn’t intimidated by a stallion. Now I reeeealllly want you to come to Chicago. ;P
I will admit I am intimidated by slugs. Stallions are lightweights compared to them. 🙂
Wow, that was fun.
Your weather situation is ever changing. We haven’t had hail here in over a year.
Hi, Andi! Wow, that’s impressive.
Oooh, cool! You don’t have a tin roof, do you? That would be even better.
Unfortunately, what we do have is cars with a bunch of small dings in their hoods.
But it was still cool.
I hope you didn’t have too much damage!
(see reply to SN above)
So was today THE END?
That’s not good.
Today was the almost end … just a smidgen-y bit left, but it’s more wrapping-it-all-up (a couple of references to track down and go over my ‘finds’ w/ the project manager). So I think it’s the end. 🙂
Do you think we should have a party to celebrate the end of FCH?
W/ lots of booze and chocolate and mudwrestling! 🙂
Hello everyone!
I’m tired, but I’ve been a little pissed at dKos…not only for some blatant cult-of-personality shit, but because they recommended a diary by David Sirota that makes the argument I did about workers’ pensions in a more reactionary manner that simply appeals to people’s emotions instead of using facts.
Echo chamber, here I come…
Hi Psi. Take some deep breaths, cool down and have some beer.
Heh. No beer in the house.
I’m just a little shocked that a diary that has so little basis in facts and makes such broad declarations is so widely recommended. Not to mention that Sirota is commenting on a story that is now almost a week old.
Did I say something about cult of personality?
Playing on people’s emotions will always get more reaction than facts. That’s what the repugs do all the time and you can see it works. You can only present the facts and hope the people will see.
Well, I wrote the response I told people I would. One reply, one tip in the mojo bucket, no recs.
I’ll post the diary here in a little bit.
I’ll look for it.
Late night is now open.