I don’t like writing about technical issues about which I have no expertise. But, the Supreme Court has made a ruling (.pdf) on Tom DeLay’s redistricting plan, and I don’t like the result. The constitution lays out the law on how to determine the make-up of Congress.
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.
In practice, Congress has conducted a census every ten years, and then reapportioned the allocation of seats accordingly. Since states sometimes gain or lose a seat in Congress and because of shifting populations within states, after the census and reapportionment, the states have typically drawn new districts. But, then they have left those districts in place for a full ten years, until the next census. This is a good practice, since it minimizes political hanky-panky. If states redraw districts everytime the power in the statehouse shifts, we’ll have chaos.
In Texas, after the 2000 census a court drew up new Congressional districts that should have stood until 2010. But Tom DeLay had the legislature rewrite the districts and the GOP picked up 6 seats as a result. We need 15 seats to take back Congress from Denny Hastert. Without DeLay’s strongarm tactics, we would need nine.
Now the Supreme Court has thrown open the door.
…the court ruled that state legislators may draw new maps as often as they like — not just once a decade as Texas Democrats claimed. That means Democratic and Republican state lawmakers can push through new maps anytime there is a power shift at a state capital.
I don’t see anything in the constitution that says that states can’t redraw their maps as often as they like. But, it seems like a terrible idea to permit them to do so. I am not a constitutional lawyer, but I hope there is some way to enact legislation that will formalize the redistricting process. I’d also like to see every state have a non-partisan commission to draw up the districts with an eye to making them as competitive as possible.
it won’t be chaos because every party currently in the majority in each state will now redistrict to maintain their majority — forever. Unless every Democratic voter in a Republican state moves to one district to overwhelm the next local election in their favor, they will be effectively disenfranchised. And then, there’s always Diebold to correct that kind of mass voter movement. Or, it may be that such Democratic enclaves will only exist on local levels and have no impact on statewide or national elections.
We’re fucked, you know. The Republicans will never give up their power and voters aren’t going to be allowed to interfere.
right now, but I don’t know what else to do about it. The Constitution of the State of Colorado forbids redistricting except for every ten years after the census but not all states apparently had the foresight to place such things in their State Constitution. In such states we will witness crazy, and in the end we will probably witness a little Democrats willing to act equally as crazy…..at least we had better witness it to some degree or they will trample us with this crap as well.
Yes, this will be a mess. I would say that the SCOTUS hasn’t so much thrown open the door as said that the door has been open the whole time.
It’s too bad that the Michigan state legislature is Republican controlled. I’d like to see Democrats redistrict it so that a sizeable piece of Detroit falls into each of the 7 congressional districts that are currently represented by a Republican 😉 Oh well, maybe CA can do it with San Francisco…
Just starting a return to participation, so I’m off to a slow start….
My last diary here was related to this subject…
It has come to a sad state of affairs when even the highest court in the nation rubber-stamps a proposal which in effect means that parties are now allowed to manipulate Congressional districts in order to stay in power, instead of presenting sound political views to the people for them to deliberate on. The democratic system will become some sort of farce with no real possibility of a fair competition in any election.
This could mean a new segregation in the US society not along racial lines, but according to political affiliation. People could end up moving to political “safe districts” on a greater scale than today in order to make their votes count.
What instantly comes to mind is the north-south situation just before the civil war. I don’t think that is a viable scenario today, but a likely scenario could be that districts becomes political “fronts” and political “battlegrounds” so to speak emphasising conflict rather than unity and perhaps even fuelling already existing socio-economic conflicts within a region.
What this means is that legislatures are very important to national politics. And while we’re at it, why not make sure that this sort of nonsense doesn’t go on with seats in the 50 legislatures.
That’s what I see, too. It’s a bit of a throwback to the days in which State Legislatures elected US Senators. In those days, candidates for Legislature would campaign in large part on the issue of which way they’d vote for US Senator. The Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858 were the main event in a campaign which saw neither Lincoln’s nor Douglas’s name on any ballot. They were stumping for candidates for the Illinois Legislature, which would then choose between them for US Senate. Douglas went to the Senate, and Lincoln spent the next two years building his base for 1860.
You might as well lament that baseball commissioner Bud Selig did nothing to fix the problem. It is not the Supreme Court’s problem to fix. They have no mandate to make it work. There is no section of the constitution that says “The Supreme Court will fix everything so that it works out smoothly.”
At some point, the people and our representatives have got to take responsibility for making our system work. This might mean being gracious, and not redistricting in Democratic states every time we see another chance to pick up a seat, or it might mean just the opposite. Maybe if we are not viciously partisan, the Republicans will pull the Texas stunt in another state…and another, and another, until they see some disadvantage in it. I’m inclined to believe the latter, but I think one counter action will bring them to their senses.
I must beg to differ
The SCOTUS first became a real power back in the early days with Marbury V Madison when they declared a law unconstitutional. They have the power to overturn bad laws.
The idea that people can go in and redistrict whenever they please is anti-democratic and I’m sure it wasn’t what the framers of the constitution had in mind when they created our gov.
I knew this was a conservative… excuse me.. reactionary… court, but frankly I’m unsettled and shocked that the SCOTUS would so blantantly rule in favor of such an obviously anti-democratic trend.
draw up the districts with an eye to making them as competitive as possible.
In Philadelphia, this would mean massive gerrymander. Salamander-like districts extending into the suburbs and diluting the black electorate. Exactly the one aspect about the DeLay plan that SCOTUS annulled, because it is patently racist.
In a democracy, one should not have to wait ten years to correct districting that does not match the aspirations of the electorate. Short of at-large districts with proportional representation, which would guarantee enfranchisement of the minority, an open window for redistricting is what anyone who cares for democracy should stand for.
Hal C
in our fomerly great country disappeared a lomg time ago, so I cant say I’m surprised at this decision by a bunch of old out of touchers who even decided they could choose the president rather than the voters.
This SCOTUS decision only appears partisan and anti-democratic (as well as anti-Democratic) because it involves DeLay and his brand of Republican Party. The decision will merely prompt each party (or parties) to maintain a desired redistricting arrangement they will implement the minute they gain control of their state legislature and governorship.
The Republicans have benefited from having conducted a first strike strategy, but payback can be nasty and brutal. Take New York state for example. New York will likely have a Democratic governor by the end of the year and will likely see the Democrats increase their hold on the lower house of the legislature. Republicans have traditionally held the state’s Senate, the upper house, but the winds of change in 2006 suggest the Senate can swing toward the Democrats by a slim majority.
This shift can cause a the equivalent of a Richter 9.0 tectonic shift in New York. The dirty little secret in New York politics for the last thirty years is that the Republicans have benefited disproportionately from the shifts in population out of the state. Most of the loss in population has come from upstate. Most of the loss in Congressional seats have come from – well, damn my eyes, they’ve been equally shared between upstate and the New York City area. If the Democrats attain control of the New State government, they can swing at least four seats toward the Democrats overnight by the simple expedient of adjusting the Congressional districts to reflect the way they should have been distributed according to population and not to preserve Republican representation.
It’s past time to realize this is the political equivalent of MAD and the Democrats need to apply the actions which count in such an environment. The one “game” which works is tit-for-tat. Let the Democrats launch the counter-strike and watch the Republicans whine.
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