Nancy Skinner is in contention for a $5,000 check from Mark Warner’s Map Changers contest! Nancy is a progressive Democrat in Michigan’s 9th District.

The 9th is a 50/50 District. Joe Knollenberg, the Republican incumbent, is a rubber stamp for the Bush administration. Bush’s sinking poll numbers are bound to hurt Knollenberg- its time for Knollenberg to retire!

Nancy is a former Air America talk show host. She is very popular from her morning show in the district. This contest is an easy way to earn $5,000 for the campaign, and Forward Together tells us we only need about 100 more votes!

So let’s get a progressive woman in Congress! Nancy promises to make CSPAN much more interesting. For any more information about Nancy visit her website at

Click here to Vote For Nancy Skinner at ForwardTogetherPAC!

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