Matt Stoller discusses the criteria for a Netroots endorsement at MyDD. A lot of people have raised questions about how they make their decisions…you should all go read the whole thing. The Cliff Notes are below.

I’m not sure how useful the blogging world was to Jon Corzine’s election in 2005, but the blogosphere that was left behind in the wake of that election has been helpful to New Jersey progressives and Democrats. The Virginia blogs created in the wake of Tim Kaine recruited James Webb, and won him the primary victory. The Montana blogs that grew in 2004 helped Tester immensely in his primary victory. The Connecticut blogs are becoming a permanent part of the Connecticut establistment and beating up on Lieberman, the Texas blogs are remaking the Texas Democratic party, and the Pennsylvania blogs are part of the ‘silent revolution’ that is attacking the very structure of the Philly machine. All over the place, an entirely new progressive and open source political intelligence network is snapping into place, supporting candidates, learning, and growing. Next cycle, they will recruit candidates and one day soon, we will have an entirely different party. It will have its own problems and its own structural weaknesses, but it will be more transparent and it will be people-powered.

What do you think about this strategy?