Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
This is an almost hosted cafe.
Leave all your troubles outside.
Leave all your troubles outside.
Newcomers and Lurkers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
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(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Drinks are on the house tonight. Lets start the party.
Man this is the slowest Happy Hour I’ve seen in awhile.
I’m off to cook some dinner. Ya’ll enjoy yourselves.
What am I saying. There’s nobody here.
I woulda been here sooner but I got FBC lost. Then I had to make a LATE lunch and then I took my bawling ass into the shower.
I heard from some of my pinkfriends and I feel tons better. I love Portland!!! I’m so used to losing friends and family… that I kinda expect it to happen and when it doesn’t… I feel so lucky.
It seems the bouncer isn’t letting anyone in the cafe, because this place is….
Yellow Goat’s Beard
Seeds ready for a wish!
This is the fuzzy bit for the one we identified a while back right!
(I’m packing for an overnight visit to the farm. So then I might disappear abruptly between 7:30-7:45PM)
How’d you make out w/ the car repair?
outback went according to expectatons $-wise, time-wise ran an hour past expectations, but I got to do some other business, visit with a friend, and have some great wild-berry pie at Perkins. So the day went well.
I hope Subaru comes out with a hybrid soon, I’ve heard a rumor of ’07, but the parts man at the dealership hadn’t heard a thing. And I avoided the sales staff — way to early for that.
You should send off a letter inquiring … maybe the more interest is shown the more the case is made … Have a good time at the farm. Hope you get a good sunrise tomorrow. π
Omigarsh!!! I love these photos of the dandyliontypes.
that ball is about 3 inches in diameter!
Wow that would take a deep breath to blow that suckah out. Thank goodness I no longer have smokers lungs.
Lemme give it a try… I wish I may I wish I might… oh wait.. that’s for stars.
Anna huff
anna puff
annna… oh wait.. that’s for piggies…
I call this bush “Olivia”, even though it’s labeled “Gold Medal”.
It’s beautiful … just like you … :*
But I guess live works too … I live for flowers … π
I think live is just perfect… I can see you got out your best freudian slip to wear today! Good deal!
Yeah, I agree, Olivia should have a flower named after her.
That’s sweet … :*
I don’t think I have the right camera for this stuff but I had to stop and get this one in. It’s bright pink, I know.. sorry about that… but to me it looked like it too was sad. Heavy hearted. It’s not the pefect budder but that’s how she caught my eye.
Maybe in a reflective, philosohical mood, but not quite sad!
you’re absolutely right! π
It’s a life long preoccupation!
I think I was transferring my emotions on to her and now she is transferring her reflectiveness on to me. Thanks (((MM))) π
Everyone else is hanging out watching the Lieberman v Lamont debate…or the live blogging on the orange site.
I’m going to have a quiet Scotch with a splash when I get home.
Oh yeah….and ponder the meaning of life: how many dandelion seeds will actually sprout in my lawn this summer?
I’ll send my kids over to blow out all those dandylions for ya Sally π
I know I am being a shameless diary pimp and am grateful for all the votes that put my humble effort onto the recommended list! Thank you, thank you! But please, if you haven’t already, visit and even make a comment. I’m trying to impress my sister with our progressive community!
And…. bottoms up!
Hey there MM… I’ve missed you a lot lately! But then, I’ve not been around a whole lot myself, but I have thought of you often…
I did take time to read and recc your diary earlier but didn’t have the time to comment yet. I really liked how you and Sallycat both hit on the same theme (important one too!) at about the same time!
This is another drive by for me, as the new pup is going to be here very soon… C is off with the dogs having them all meet on neutral ground, then they will come back here together… Hope to have a pupdate for the late night lounge later if I can manage to keep from falling asleep in my chair again! I feel soooo old, lol!
Good luck … I’m crossing appendages for you.
(And the reason you’re feeling old is cause you’re not hanging w/ Statler and Waldorf in the late night lounge … π
Take care of you!
I haven’t been gone that long have I? Who are Statler and Waldorf? I’ll have to make it back later to find out, I guess!
Glad you survived your day O … just one more and we can have a little rest this weekend. This week has totally sucked (again) and seems like there were 2 awful Mondays, which made it seem even longer! Funny how that works.
Well, gotta run again! You all take care and see you later.
I am awaiting eagerly for the pupdate with pictures!
MM I thought you were replacing Andi for me googling words. I googled pupdate and looked everywhere but couldn’t find it. Then I came back and re-read. I feel very Duh. π
I could see that IVG was onto something here!
Certainly was. π
might be a day or two till I’m back to BT.
Keep the joint lively in my absence, eh?
I missed you NDD. I got here to late.
Houston, Ice Cream 1 had landed and it’s good.
No it’s damned good. π
Funny how following a recipe will produce good results.
Now can you courier it to Ottawa? π
Sure Olivia. Keep watching your mail box. π
So can you at least describe it? How’s the texture? Did you have to chop the almonds? Details FM … details!
The texture is as smooth as can be. It’s chocolate, but not overpowering and you can taste just a hint of almond in the background.
Well that and following the recipe … π It sounds delish. How much does one recipe make — would you have to make a new batch every other day or so in order to keep up your nightly bowl?
This batch hardened up pretty fast, but it didn’t make that much. So tomorrow I’ll double the amount and keep running the maker until it stop freezing.
The amount tonight is just a little over what I would eat for a nightly bowl. However, since this is the best ice cream I’ve ever eaten, my usual bowl will increase. π
I can see some poundage coming my way.
The party can start now.
Kind of a coolish day today in the Pacific Northwest. They were saying this is supposed to be the hottest summer in a very long time. They seem to have been wrong so far.
Omir I might be getting my places wrong, but weren’t you saying a couple of days ago how hot it was.
Well, it was a few days ago. Early last week, I think. Lately it’s gotten quite a bit cooler.
Yeah it only made it to the low 80s today here. Oddly enough I felt comfortable.
As long as you didn’t bring any food … π
I’ve got a big jar of pickeled pigs feet if ya want. π
You can keep those … and the chitlins … and the pimento loaf … I’ll take the chocolate almond ice cream though. π
Now now at the FM diner you have to eat a good meal before you get dessert, and it’s pimento cheese sandwiches. π
Not even for ‘the best ice cream I’ve ever eaten’ chocolate almond ice cream could I eat pimento cheese sandwiches … π
OK you can go straight to dessert. I figured it was worth a try. π
of being a grown-up … you can eat ice cream for dinner, and for lunch, and heck — even breakfast! π
I disagree dear lady.
That’s only if a grown up isn’t around another grown up to see them eat that or disagree with them that they only ice cream or almond roca for lunch. π
DJ if another grown up has that and they don’t share, they won’t be around me for long. π
I had two ways of eating in the early years of marriage.
Eating while he was home
Eating while he was away on the ship
Well one of my little secrets is when my daughters were little they would always eat all my ice cream. So with me there’s no ice cream I don’t like. I found out which one they didn’t like and started buying that. After that I always had ice cream at the house. π
Hey in the world of ice cream you do what you gotta do. π
Alright I didn’t tell the whole thing. I would usually also buy a container of what they liked. But I was assured when they finished theirs, they wouldn’t go to mine. Hah!
You know, speaking for daughters who love ice cream and have sneaky ice cream loving fathers … π
I tried that with soda pop. It didn’t work. My sisters decided they liked Squirt. I thought they’d hate anything with grapefruit in it.
That’s where close observation and creativity come in Omir. If that doesn’t work tell em you sat them on the floor and the dog rubbed his back end on them.
There’s a fine line between grossing them out and not grossing yourself out. π
The problem with having smart kids is they figure out stuff like that fairly quickly. If I were to put my drink on the kitchen counter with a note on it that said “I SPIT IN THIS” I would have come back a half hour later to find another note that said “SO DID I.”
LOL I almost fell out of the chair on that one Omir.
You are brilliant!
I simply tell them that I thought I saw a moth poop in the ice cream as I was dishing some out… π
Then it’s all mine. π
That’s much to subtle. I’d just take off a sock and hold it over the ice cream.
I don’t endanger my ice cream by waving toe jammies over it… not that I have any toe jammers or footie cooties… but still..
I’d rather baffle em with bullshit than endanger MY ice cream with visual proof.
Yes but when the baffleing doesn’t work, you have to get down and dirty. Anyway what’s a little toe fuzz in ice cream. π
My father used to drink this dark apple cider he got from friends of his who were farmers. He would tell us kids they ground up the apples, worms and all, to make the cider. We didn’t know whether to believe him but we stayed out of the cider. π
Either that or they don’t realize the majesty of ice cream and how it’s a healer of all ills … π
What I usually do. π
sandwiches then … π
Olivia you’ve been so kind to share Canadanisms with me, I just wanted to you get a little taste of the south. π
Of course I was. Until you’ve had the culinary delights of a pimento cheese sandwich you’ve never approached epicurean heaven. π
And pimento cheese in the same sentence! Wonders never cease in the FBL! π
We all have our little regional quirks, Ms poutine. π
poutine and epicurean together before though FM … and I don’t eat it myself … that’s an MI in a bowl … no thanks!
MI in a bowl? Sounds like something I would like.
I would not allow you to eat it if you came to visit. Someone has to look out for your heart … π
Oh I got a doctor for that. Now really, how many people in the world can say they’ve eaten poutine?
Then again I guess the same thing goes for chitlins.
OK you win. π
Get some french fries and put them in a bowl, sprinkle on a 1/2lb of shredded fatty cheese, ladle a cup of gravy on top, then dig in!
But if I was you, I’d stick w/ the ice cream for my daily fat quotient.
Olivia I’m one of those tall skinny guys. I’ve got to get a beer belly someway.
via beer? π
Nah beer doesn’t get all that cholesterol in your blood vessels like good old fat. Yum. π
“Poutine is universally acknowledged as an agent of early death.”, now, what’s it got to do w/ equestrians?
You’ve never heard of poutine?
she wanted to take it w/ her.
Never heard of it even tho I spent 3 weeks driving W to E across Canada on mostly back roads in ’87…just lucky I guess…:{)
So tell me more of this trip? What were you doing?
in the fall, N thru Wyo and Mont into Canada at Glacier NP then cruised E on mostly back roads to Toronto, Montreal, OTTOWA, Niagra Falls, Quebec City, down thru New England to Vt, Maine, Boston, then Chicago, St. Louis, down thru Mo and edge of Arkansas, Ks and then home.
Taking pictures, visiting friends along the way, generally checking places out, looking for job opportunities, killin’ time…needed to be alone for awhile.
or bike?
it would’ve taken 6-8 mos or longer to bike it; it was @7500 Miles all told…had a 79 accord hatch back…and all my camping gear…IMS I spent less than 7 nights in hotels, hostels, etc…not counting the times that I stayed at friends places. Fished, did a lot of camp-cooking, ate lots of fruit from the roadside stands as it was at the height of harvest…Great Trip!
Sounds like it was a great trip … Sounds very liberating. ’87 you say eh? π
“Life is uncertain. Eat your dessert first.”
They’re right, too.
I’ll tell you what. Wait until I talk to that Andi and SN. They’re going to get a piece of my mind for going out and having fun and not being here with us in the cafe.
That is unless they’re lurking and I need to get a helmet on.
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