Holy. Fucking. Shit.
For all of the things that the military, Rumsfeld, Dear Leader and the rest of the neocon war criminals have done to our troops, this has to be one of the stupidest and most long-term damaging thing to our soldiers.
Buried in today’s NY Times is an article about how the military is now recruiting neo-Nazis and other white supremacy groups due to the shortfall in recruits. This is just what we need to hear right now – a brutal rape and murder of Iraqi civilians by a soldier results in the torture and beheadings of two of our own soldiers. And now our “true” soldiers have to deal with the repercussions of hate groups infiltrating the troops and making them bigger targets?
Oh, yeah…it gets worse.
The article refers to a report by the Southern Law Poverty Center which gives some more sobering news:
Under pressure to meet wartime manpower goals, the U.S. military has relaxed standards designed to weed out racist extremists. Large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads and other white supremacists are now learning the art of warfare in the armed forces.
Department of Defense investigators estimate thousands of soldiers in the Army alone are involved in extremist or gang activity. “We’ve got Aryan Nations graffiti in Baghdad,” said one investigator. “That’s a problem.”
So now we are taking members from our own hate groups, giving them a gun, very little training and sending them overseas to go kill. And learn how to hone their killing skills for when they return to the US. And put our hard working, honest serving, dedicated troops in more danger by, well, doing what they learned to do here in the US – hate and kill and promote violence against people for no reason other than racist, bigoted simpleminded xenophobia.
A few bad apples? Supporting our troops? Please tell me how this is the “zero tolerance policy” for hate groups in the military that was passed in 1996? How is this NOT a horrible idea that will only lead to more incidents of torture, rape, poor tactical decision making and of course, retribution by Iraqi “insurgents”?
Not to mention those who are serving in Iraq or Afghanistan and are prone to being swayed by hate groups or other pressure to conform or fit in:
The report quotes Scott Barfield, a Defense Department investigator, saying, “Recruiters are knowingly allowing neo-Nazis and white supremacists to join the armed forces, and commanders don’t remove them from the military even after we positively identify them as extremists or gang members.”
Mr. Barfield said Army recruiters struggled last year to meet goals. “They don’t want to make a big deal again about neo-Nazis in the military,” he said, “because then parents who are already worried about their kids signing up and dying in Iraq are going to be even more reluctant about their kids enlisting if they feel they’ll be exposed to gangs and white supremacists.”
Barfield, who is based at Fort Lewis, said he has identified and submitted evidence on 320 extremists there in the past year. “Only two have been discharged,” he said. Barfield and other Department of Defense investigators said they recently uncovered an online network of 57 neo-Nazis who are active duty Army and Marines personnel spread across five military installations in five states — Fort Lewis; Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Stewart, Ga.; and Camp Pendleton, Calif. “They’re communicating with each other about weapons, about recruiting, about keeping their identities secret, about organizing within the military,” Barfield said. “Several of these individuals have since been deployed to combat missions in Iraq.”
Are you for real? I think that parents have every right to be concerned about this. They are already most likely concerned about their sons and daughters being killed in a country that was invaded because of lies and greed. Now the military cares so little about the troops and their families that they are WILLINGLY recruiting people from hate groups and looking the other way because they don’t want to have people that may actually want to serve their country be concerned about their kids being pressured to join hate groups or be endangered moreso because of them? How fucking negligent is that?
And if you want to talk about a security threat to our country as a result of this:
“Neo-Nazi groups and other extremists are joining the military in large numbers so they can get the best training in the world on weapons, combat tactics and explosives,” said Mark Potok, director of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project.
“We should consider this a major security threat, because these people are motivated by an ideology that calls for race war and revolution. Any one of them could turn out to be the next Timothy McVeigh.”
So what are we doing – training them to kill and commit hate crimes over there so they can come back and commit more here against American citizens? What will happen when we find out that a neo-Nazi was willfully recruited, came back to the US and committed a “terrorist act”? Another bad apple? You know what the saying is about a few bad apples, yes?
Lest you think that this is something that is a “coincidence”, hate groups are proud of their ability to infiltrate the military once again, and are actually bragging about it on some websites and message boards.
Last July, the white supremacist website Stormfront hosted a discussion on “Joining the Military.”
“There are others among you in the forces,” wrote one neo-Nazi in the Army. “You are never alone.”
There are a number of examples in the article about people who are affiliated with hate groups – even recruiting people into hate groups and are/have served in Iraq. What is also telling is that a 1998 DoD report that warns of the dangers in having hate group members in the military:
According to a 1998 study commissioned by the Department of Defense, “Young civilian extremists are encouraged by adult leaders to enlist in the military to gain access to weapons, training, and other military personnel.”
The reasons are obvious: Soldiers are trained to be proficient with weapons, combat tactics, and explosives, to train others in their use, and to operate in a highly disciplined culture that is focused on the organized violence of war. This is why military extremists present an elevated threat to public safety, and why extremists groups both recruit active duty personnel — especially those with access to classified information or sophisticated weaponry — and influence their members to join the armed forces.
“The threats posed by extremism to the military are simultaneously blatant and subtle,” the Defense Department study said. “On the one hand, high-profile terrorist acts and hate crimes committed by active and former military personnel can have seriously detrimental effects on the civil-military relationship as well as on the morale and security of military personnel. On the other hand, even the non-violent activities of military personnel with extremist tendencies (e.g., possessing literature and/or artifacts from the extremist ‘movement’; dabbling in extremism through computerized telecommunications activities; proselytizing extremist ideologies, etc.) can have deleterious consequences for the good order, discipline, readiness, and cohesion of military units.”
Special Forces soldiers who double as extremist operatives present a special danger, since they have commando skills gained at huge taxpayer expense — often including urban warfare, long-range reconnaissance, and combat demolitions.
“Hate groups send their guys into the U.S. military because the U.S. military has the best weapons and training,” said T.J. Leyden, a former racist skinhead and Marine who recruited inside the Marine Corps for the Hammerskins, a nationwide skinhead gang. He later renounced the neo-Nazi movement and now conducts anti-extremism training seminars on military bases.
“Right now, any white supremacist in Iraq is getting live fire, guerilla warfare experience,” Leyden said. “But any white supremacist in Iraq who’s a Green Beret or a Navy SEAL or Marine Recon, he’s doing covert stuff that’s far above and beyond convoy protection and roadblocks. And if he comes back and decides at some point down the road that it’s race war time, all that training and combat experience he’s received could easily turn around and bite this country in the ass.”
Just unbelievable. The DoD’s OWN REPORT cites the dangers to troops overseas as well as the general population once they come back.
Our military is willfully recruiting and training those who are likely to come back to the US and commit domestic terrorist acts, or at least spread hate and bigotry.
That is a danger to our troops. That is a danger to the American public.
And it is being done on purpose. In our name.
at big orange
Orange heard you, thank you!
good thing. this is a HUGE and very important/sobering/disgusting issue.
Good god is that nuts.
If we didn’t know it already, I’d say that this was a clear sign that the Bush administration’s getting desperate. They know that there’s no popular support for their policies, so they’re trying anything to get the manpower they think they need to deliver a spectacular victory and turn things around.
The disasters caused by these foolish, ill-considered moves will just further decrease the public’s opinion of these evil men.
no doubt about it……but as a military spouse this is completely heartbreaking. Want to be exposed to interracial families? join the United States military. We have spouses that speak every language under the sky of earth and we have children in almost every shade of melanin God has ever come up with, what in hell are we going to do with a skinhead and what are they going to do with us?
Educate them.
Of course, that’s assuming that they get put into interracial units, and are forcibly exposed to the multicultural families you speak of and isolated from other skinheads. I’d hardly be surprised if Cheney and Rummy organized them into Crusade Brigades…
at this time, remember that we had the “Revolt of Generals” when they wanted to drop nukes………the “Revolt of Generals” that would follow attempting to create the Crusade Brigades would be at least as equally ugly, and maybe even more so. Maybe the Air Force though would agree to the Crusade Brigades, but the Air Force is all over the globe like no other military branch and holy cow, I think they currently corner the market on marrying Infidels……I wonder how my special of the most special white brother-in-law would feel about hosting the “Crusade Brigade”?
I wasn’t saying they’d be advertised as such, but Cheney has to have found some way around the Generals to get this move in in the first place. I think they’re just desperate for manpower, but the potential for serious damage when the war turns worse is there.
In the meantime, the rest of the military is going to have to do their best to isolate and assimilate these confused, hate-filled individuals. Most are (IIRC) raised in relatively isolated areas, and have never really met the people they profess to hate. They’ve just been told that black people and Jews are the reason why they aren’t on top of the world. Showing them that they aren’t the only ones suffering might open a few eyes.
Not that this makes it good by any means, but it’s not yet unsalvagable.
I just told my husband about all of this and he said……….”Hmmmm, next thing you know we’ll have new separate units.” I hadn’t even told him about your Crusade Brigade. Exposure does change things……having a brown person save your life or run and get you a roll of toilet paper when you are howling in the portapotty does have huge potential to change things!
Next thing you know we’re going to hear about ‘volunteer’ prisoner brigades. O wait, that’s Louisiana.
Of course, there have always been disaffected, alientated vets who are vulnerable to hate group recruiting that pose a dnager to the American public, but knowingly taking them into the military to begin with is just beyond the pale . . .
This is so wrong on so many levels. This scares me more than the “plan” to flood Manhattan.
My imagination is probably running wild, but highly trained neo-nazi soldiers could come in very handy to this administration. Especially, if by some chance there is a major catastrophe just before the 2008 elections, and voting “has” to be suspended in the name of national security.
Jeez. I can’t believe things have gotten so warped that I even think these thoughts.
from the standards that existed only six short years ago. Gang tattoos weren’t even permitted in the military six short years ago. If you had taken part in gang activity and you desired to make a change in your life you had professional tattoo removal done at your expense and you may have to speak to some old fart soldiers about making life changes and why you were doing that and then they allowed you into the military. Secret gang activity that was discovered had the book thrown at it in the worst way…..belong to a skinhead group? bye bye lunatic, we don’t have a job for you and we definitely don’t have a weapon for you! It is interesting how in a way this diary echoes things that happened in my past. I helped an Army wife leave her husband when he was in Iraq……he was the scariest U.S. soldier I had ever met up to then. I wrote a diary about it but it wasn’t received very well because we hadn’t had any reports of any atrocities or anything like that yet. One of the things that I did though after his wife and children were three states away and safe was video tape a few items in his house that he had kept hidden, one was a Nazi flag and the other was some sort of application to join the KKK. His wife wanted the video because the Army would not have been happy in any way that Chris Andersen possessed these things….he was breaking Army laws that were strongly enforced at that time by doing so and we hoped that because an outside officers wife had documented these items in his possession that we could buy some extra safety for his wife and children as they were leaving him! He ended up coming home very early though and discharged from the Army. My husband still doesn’t know what he did in Iraq, whatever he did that got him discharged was covered up! All we have are rumors from his own disjointed threats and braggings about some of the things that he claims to have done in Iraq.
Bush likes to throw around the word evil and I hate to use it as it seems to have lost much of its meaning(from misuse) but if this isn’t evil I don’t know what is.
make no mistake – you are right.
This is evil.
but frankly I’m not surprised that they are relaxing the requirements in different ways to meet their numbers.
Xenophobia has become mainstream through the prominence of nativists like Lou Dobbs, Tom Tancredo and others in the media/political world receiving plenty of airtime to spread their verbal diarrhea on a regular basis. The SPLC did an Intelligence Report earlier this year outlining some of the players that have let the situation get to where it is.
I should also mention that the revolving door between those hate groups and vigilantes like the Minutemen spin just as fast as the Congressional-Lobbyist Exchange Program’s. I guess now they will actually have some military training on how to fire the numerous weapons they carry and use them to continue terrorizing innocent human beings.
I think, even for the US mainstream, who are not always comfortable with using terms like “neo Nazi” to describe some of the concerns the mainstream demographic has regarding the subject of diversity.
Maybe if they word the program in terms of a rehabilitation program, a way to help people transition out of these skinhead groups, sort of like they’ve done with the gangs. Maybe call it a “Fresh Start Initiative.”
I think that would resonate a lot better, make people feel more comfortable, sort of like the concentration camps for immigrants, it sounds so much better if it is presented as a “Community Service Opportunity.”
Presentation is “so totally” key. Countless studies have shown that it’s not so much what you say, as how you say it, and not so much what you do, but what you call it 🙂
look at all the “fun” that has been had due to the doctrine of Compassionate Conservatism.
The Enemy that Lurks
Health Savings Accounts
Ownership Society
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Spreading Democracy
No Child Left Behind
Homeland Security
Keeping America Safe
New Medicare D Choices!
Emanuel Goldstein
Thank you so much for this diary Clammy.
I’m not surprised. Not after the “SS” army we have in America now.
America’s new Gestapo: The United States Secret Service Uniformed Division. A buried provision, Sec. 605 of the Act, creates a federal police force under the Secretary of Homeland Security with the power to violate the Bill of Rights. In fact, it’s entire mission appears to be the creation of a militarized Bill of Rights suppression force with special emphasis on first amendment suppression.
There is hereby created and established a permanent police force, to be known as the ‘United States Secret Service Uniformed Division.'”
The United States Secret Service Uniformed Division –let’s just call them the SS for short– are empowered to “make arrests without warrant for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing such felony.”
Any “offense”? What constitutes an “offense”? Sorry, doesn’t say. And where exactly will Bush’s shiny new SS –no doubt festooned with the latest anti-personnel weaponry and “crowd suppression” technology– have jurisdiction? Well, a few places, but especially at events “designated under section 3056(e) of title 18 as a special event of national significance” (SENS).
What exactly is a “special event of national significance”? Unfortunately, this can be anything. No person protected by the Secret Service need even be involved. So SENS is anywhere the administration or the SS themselves say it is. And once you find your unfortunate self within the Bill of Rights-free bounds of an SENS, the Gestapo can pretty much have their way with you. I wouldn’t count on the Supreme Court taking too hard a line on any abuses of this new thug squad either, as it is accountable to no one but the administration, and you know what a wide latitude is given to America’s new “unitary executive”.
The obvious use for this act is to put the Code Pinks and Cindy Sheehans of the world behind bars for embarrassing dear leader with uncomfortable signs, chants or t-shirts at pro-administration, pro-endless terror war gatherings of one sort or another. The less obvious use is that the administration now has an armed wing it can deploy at will anywhere expressions of dissent against the government might spring up in the future.
Such dissent can now be put down and silenced with extreme prejudice. How’s that for PATRIOTIC?
from this Kos diary
You are scaring the HELL out of me.
Just when I think I can’t be shocked anymore by the depth, width and breadth of amoral expediency to which this corrupt administration defaults, they whack us on the back of the head with an axe handle again. One must have utter contempt for consequences to take decisions that are so monumentally ill advised, unless, as we suspect, they are consciously promoting an agenda of Fascism.
Our poor soldiers. The ones who joined out of necessity or hope or a desire to serve. They will be in danger from sociopaths in their ranks, disgracing their units, perpetrating atrocities, and even attacking them. Some, at this most vulnerable time of their young lives, will be manipulated into blaming all the “mud people” for the horrors of war. There is a whole country of them upon which to try out this new perspective.
Women and soldiers of colour have to see our armed services welcome white supremacists to serve beside them, as if war is not a terrible enough experience.
What low regard this govenment has for it’s soldiers that it would seek out these self-proclaimed hate mongers; yes, they, too, are the “troops”.
In a war like this, as in ‘Nam, we can’t tell our friends from our enemies; we’re killed by “friends”, we kill the “enemy” and make more real enemies. Now the combatants have to look to their own ranks for the deadliest enemy of all.
At this point, anyone who ISN’T a neo-Nazi would be mad to volunteer.