Our mentality here is changing, but not that much.  The original link is dead, but Atrios preserved it for us.  It was real.  The fear and the aura of that time in this area of Florida are sad to look back upon.  It’s better, but not much.  I found the link at Eschaton, and I hate to admit that I know of some people who actually signed up for it.  Well, I did not know them well, and if I did I wouldn’t admit to it.  

Call them Grannies against Osama

Polk Seniors Target Local Terrorists

This would be funny if it wasn’t true. (sent in by E.M.).

LAKELAND — Call them the Grannies against Osama.

With the help of $81,772 in federal money, 150 senior volunteers will patrol three lower-income areas in Polk County.


The patrols will gear up with training beginning Oct. 1. Anyone 55 or older interested may call 648-1500.

They’ll be on the lookout for terrorists, who local officials say may find it easy to blend into neighborhoods where people frequently move in and out.

Targeted for patrols beginning later this year are the Bradley community south of Mulberry and the Combee Road and Wabash Avenue neighborhoods in Lakeland.

Some churches were making calls to get people to sign up. I never heard anymore about it.  Maybe another time in the future we can look back without feeling so embarrassed, but I can’t yet.  We are not far enough removed from that shameful event.  I think the reading of it hit me harder now than it did then because of where this country has gone.