AnonymousArmy, Free Republic’s good friend and all around nice guy, revealed – Part one of two
The following is a quote from Free Republic:
To: PJ-Comix; franksolich; KJC1; commonguymd; feefee; Repub4bush
My, my, my, my, my, my, my! It looks like our good friend Anonymous Army (Pitt’s arch-nemisis and all round good guy) managed to save Pitt’s raving, drunken rant to Skinner. Timing is everything!
AnonymousArmy, their good friend
StandupGuy, SomthingsGotaGive, Scamdy, MrNiceGuyDied, Techno Dog – the list is growing longer, and less and less distinguished.
He claims to be nothing more than a lefty chef from Canada, battling those on the left who make other lefties look bad.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Please join me on the flip for more on one of Daily Kos’s most infamous trolls, AnonymousArmy.
He recruits people under the guise of going after moderate Democrats…
Hey John howzit going.
Hope all is well with you.I have spent the last month building a site that would allow me to censor and ban moderates the way the DLC net is doing to us less inclined to work with these murderous btards.
In early 2005, he pondered out loud about spoofing emails to go after others…
Imagine if you could send emails to people that looked like they were coming from someone else.
As of now I have no idea how or if it can be done.
But I do know that with some obfuscating we could get emails to look confusing with things like cc and header copies but the holy grail would be an email that looked like it came directly from a 3rd party and would redirect replies.
If we can find hackers that can do that we could start sending fishing expedition emails.
When confronted with evidence that he, was working with other doggie-style names to help discredit Jason Leopold via the “Jason and his sockpuppets” story, he pretended that TopsecretK9 was not right wing, or maybe Jason, and even spoke about his “army”…
hey moron… if you want to make yourself useful you could go through as many of those topsectr posts as you can find.
I found several alarming posts. I am going to prove it is him, don’t you worry about that, instead please look for alarming posts ASSUMING it is leopold playing both sides of the fence.
Either this guy is leopold linking to an image on a critics photobucket account which I couldn’t find a single public reference too, someone pretending to be leopold ie ts9 trying to defend leopold by slamming me and kos but slipping up by linking to his own account, leopold using ts9 as a sock to play both sides, or my army making this whole thing up.
Daily Kos needs to take immediate action against this lefty wannabe, who continues to mislead others in order to create chaos and dissension.
To be continued,
You posted to a May diary from dkos. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here.
None of this is true.
We’ll see how long he lasts here. He has been banned about 5-6 times at kos for this very kind of shit.
Hey John you want me to post your insane rambling emails to me?
Coward !!
You’re a liar. I was troll rated into oblivion on Kos because you, tlh lib, Avila, OCD is Funny, and Roxanne Jekot as Vgebert ganged up on me.
I will not play your game AA. I will not respond further to you, and trigger an endless back and forth.
NO LEGITIMATE LIBERAL would do what you have done. Period. There is no gray area here.
What a joke.
You’re such a victim.
I’m sure booman loves having you urinate on his blog.
Hurry up with part two so you can be banned here too.
Maybe it won’t even take that long.
Let’s see, you accuse me of “attacking” Bev Harris, Andy Stephenson (what did you call him in one of your lunatic emails? Oh that’s right… a piece of shit), Jason Leopold, and Bradflog, are their any credible people you think I’ve unfairly criticized?
Why don’t you tell the good people here you have been working with Bev, Leopold and Bradflog to get me banned from kos, but, because you have no evidence for ANY of your claims, and are such a jerk you have been unsuccessful.
Sad. Pathetic. Insane. You described in three words.
Was that necesarry? Not really. Why are you urinating on Brad’s blog here on Booman’s blog? Maybe both of you should keep your pollution over at Orange.
Until booman deletes this piece of shit diary without a single link to substantiate any of the claims I’ll post what I want here.
As you can clearly see I’ve been a member here longer than you by quite some time.
Brad is a liar. The diarist is a liar. Stop George the first respondent is a liar.
Check my only diary here for proof bradflog is a liar.
The fuckwad diarist even admits Brad is a liar because he phoned brad about my claims.
Brad admitted to the Slug that he and Curtis lied about the lie detector test to
But, both Brad and the slug think the lies were just fine because they had promised an exclusive to another, larger, media outlet.
The noble liars. I guess it’s ok if you agree on what constitutes nobility.
I’d have liked to see Brad and Clint tell and the thousands of listeners that they couldn’t talk about the lie detector instead of lying and saying the test results would happen soon when it had already occurred.
So forgive me If I’m not going to couch my language for people on a site that lets shit like this diary stand when it violates almost every rule here.
Btw this is the same diarist that chose here to call MeteorBlades, RedDan, and Avila trolls.
I thought you were supposed to cross-post at kos if you were calling out members there.
Of course in this case that’s impossible because he has been banned numerous times.
Why isn’t anyone here demanding proof of the diarist’s claims?
The diarist doesn’t even try and prove I’m the people he says I am.
Delete the diary and the user if he can’t/won’t prove his bullshit.
Does booman think this kind of shit getting cached by google is a responsible use of his site?
Already the MB/Avila smears come up in google searches of their names.
Give me a break.
(Note – AA is trying to do his thing here yet again, create chaos and dissension, yada yada yada)
I repeat – no legitimate liberal does the things this guy does. No legitimate liberal would join Frank Solich and others at Free Republic, no matter what.
Here are Skinner’s own words, copied and pasted by AA’s buddy PJComix:
“MrNiceGuyDied is a troll. He was formerly banned from DU under half a dozen other usernames, all of which were heavily involved in stirring up trouble on the BBV issue. There is absolutely no reason to take any of his posts seriously.”
I rest my case.
You didn’t email me regarding your conversation with bradflog?
Interesting. What was flog’s reason for lying then?
What have you proved?
Has earl G told you I was the people you claim personally?
Claiming RedDan, meteorblades, and avila are trolls puts me in good company, asshole.
Rest your case? What about part two?
You need medication for your mental problems.
How about posting one of my troll posts slug. Nobody else can, be the hero.
BTW what happened to robp after your air tight expose?
Nothing? Thought so.
What a loser. You emailed me two weeks ago telling me Kos was about to ban me, what happened?
Did you and flog get told to fuck off so you come here to polute the pond?
Hey Booman, is this the type of poster you’re looking for here?
Took me a while to wade through the hundreds of insane emails you’ve sent me but there it is.
So fuckface, did I forge this email too?
What about your comment at flog’s site, was that me too?
So booman are you going to step up to the plate and delete this piece of shit from your database and ban his ip?
All I did is verify, because you emailed me and told me Brad was making things up. Case closed.
This is what YOU posted up above:
“The fuckwad diarist even admits Brad is a liar because he phoned brad about my claims.
Brad admitted to the Slug that he and Curtis lied about the lie detector test to”
As I said, your statements are a total fabrication.
3. Your statement “Brad admitted to the Slug that he and Curtis lied about the lie detector test to” is a total fabrication.
4. Your statement “But, both Brad and the slug think the lies were just fine because they had promised an exclusive to another, larger, media outlet.” was invented out of thin air.
Eh fuckface? The meds not kick in or something…
So do you think you were auto banned at kos five times?
That would mean that your “enemy trolls” zero rated you over a thousand times.
Do you have evidence of that? I have evidence to the contrary.
That incarnation had less than 100 zeros. Do you know how many zeros are needed for auto ban to dump you?
Another Dean fairy tale.
You were banned from Kos because you are a psycho. Booman will wake up soon.
Btw franksolich is going to sign up here and tell these good people what a piece of shit you are too.
He may even wonder aloud why Bev Harris conversed with him if, as you say, real progressives don’t talk to freepers.
This should be fun.
Booman himself posted a response from Brad to your BS from last year:
you are such a stupid fuck.
Do you realize that just proves they are fucking liars? I hadn’t seen that and now don’t have to rely on your insanity anymore I have brads own words.
The bit about clint’s dead dog is particularly interesting because brad has SCRUBBED his site of his claims there exists a police report and all the questions he was asked about the incident. Now you’ve linked me to brad’s words on a site he can’t scrub.
I can’t wait for you and brad to say booman made it up when the words you just linked to are used to sink him.
Thanks again asshole. Sometimes I wonder if you are fighting me or just pretending to defend people like bev and brad, but doing it so ineffectually you actually help expose their lies.
suck on this quote from brad’s site….
“To that end, I hope to have info from a police report (and I don’t know that one was yet filed or not, checking into it) when I can get it.”
You need to run back to brad and ask why he’s scrubbed his site clean of his claims about the dead dog. You, me and many others know what was there originally. HAHA fucking liars.
“I have seen speculation that the dog story is a hoax or something. And I certainly don’t expect anybody to take my word for it.
To that end, I hope to have info from a police report (and I don’t know that one was yet filed or not, checking into it) when I can get it.“
Ok, time for AA to move the goalposts again!
where are all the comments?
But you help Bev Harris cover up her crimes and excuse when she scrubs her site so I expect nothing less.
Notice how you can’t claim Brad didn’t lie to the listeners and bloggers on the blogcall anymore.
You’re a joke, I’m still able to post on Kos, and brad is Still a liar.
Did you notice he is now saying I work for diebold? lol
here’s some fun…
AA, caught in yet another lie, now moves the goalposts back some more in a desperate attempt to continue to convince other people that he’s just a lefty chef from Toronto who goes after other lefties…
I would imagine Brad deleted the comments because you trolled the hell out of it.
That’s what you do. That’s what you want to do here.
Chaos and confusion, false truths, eliminate those who see you for who you really are, and fall back on playing the victim when nothing else works.
I seriously doubt you fool anyone who’s reading…
and this is just part 1.
You can’t prove I have ever lied about anything.
I gave stopgeorge a challenge that if he was successful completing I’d quit kos.
Fuckin crickets.
You pathetic peice of shit can’t prove fuck all either so take your part one two and three and shove them up your ass.
I’ll see you on kos one day once you’ve been on your medication for a while and lose the paranoid psychosis, and disturbing obsession you seem to have with me.
Maybe then you could last more than 10 minutes on kos without getting turfed on your ear.
BoomanTribune profile.
User info for AnonymousArmy
Nickname: AnonymousArmy
User ID #: 628
Country: United States of America
Yup, just another Canadian lefty.
Let me guess…you’ll change it, and claim I’m a liar.
Just try 🙂
You must seriously be a little dim. Maybe I’ve been hard on you, maybe you just aren’t too bright and can’t fathom any other reasons for irrelevant info than the conspiracy you assign to it.
Either way you are one sorry son of a gun.
how’s it feel to be worshipped by freepers? Does it give you a tingly feeling?
Worshiped by freepers?
You really have no idea wtf you are taking about and need your head examined of you are hitching your wagon to this fucking freak.
Do you have any objection to my posting of part 2?
Also, this guy isn’t merely worshipped by freepers. He partners with he is as “LiberalAngel, yet another short-lived name at DU, on the home page of
“My name is Steve, a.k.a. Anonymousarmy, a.k.a. MrNiceguydied,” going after Will Pitt.
Who paid for FR’s FrankSolich.
Who set up AA.
Here is original WHOIS info for from 6/3/05:
Domain servers in listed order:
here is original WHOIS info for from 6/3/05:
Domain servers in listed order:
No legitimate liberal does the things this guy does.
You only know that because I was honest enough to tell you I sent them to my old hosting company you disingenuous piece of crap.
You know more than I supposedly what a liar Stephenson was. With that in mind lets look at comments made recently by Andy’s most vocal supporter….
Suck on that you piece of garbage
It sounds so innocent…
1. Playing all sides and still trying to recruit
2. A “frank” admission? Or a blunder by revealing his FR name?
You’ve hitched your wagon too. Notice how this is all about me questioning Bev Harris
The “It’s hilarious” email had to do with this – people going after Nigerian scammers.
The first comment in the first email AA posted had to do with going after disinfo folks, and the entire email was written to put him on the spot regarding who he goes after, and who he does not go after…all part of the cat/mouse game I have played to bring us to this point.
Who he goes after:
Bev Harris
Brad Friedman
Jason Leopold
Will Pitt
Andy Stephenson (with multiple objectives)
Who he does not go after:
Right wingers – not a single operation against them. Not a single negative post anywhere online against FR folks like PJComix and Franksolich.
David Allen, Roxanne Jekot, other trolls at DU who continue to go after Bev Harris, under the guise of being BBV activists…the kind that don’t give a damn about the machines.
Buddy go play in traffic.
Every time I post about RWers you claim its designed to trick people. But if anyone actually clicked the first links at the top of this piece of shit diary they would see clearly I have been posting about Plame since day one, and about gannon, and those are but two of many examples.
Note that Stephenson and leopold both talked so much shit about those two subjects that anyone with an ounce of credibility would have been calling them on it.
You have none so I’m not surprised you try and battle me instead.
He goes after Larry Johnson as well.
Should we be surprised?
Or do you also believe I’m a dia plant?
Where are the attacks against REAL progressives?
Stunned silence.
I understand though I was pretty shocked reading these posts from people that threatened to call the cops on liberals that questioned whether Stephenson was really ill or collecting money in a transparent manor for over 8 months, while the pukes asking questions were just disregarded because they were pukes.
<s>Funny</s> pathetic that these same people are cutting and pasting my posts from last year now that they want Bev Harris (Stephenson’s former partner in crime) to open up her books.
Anyway, even dick heads like you and boochild can see that double standards like this make everyone look stupid.
All I can say is something is not right about AnonymousArmy.
He continues to be obsessed with trying to generate doubt about specific people — such as Brad Friedman and Bev Harris.
For example, with my most recent diary (recommended both here and at DKos) — he has generated a massive amount of comments towards spreading doubt against Brad Friedman. He has done this in other diaries as well on this topic.
From what I’ve seen, he also rarely generates discussion that goes along with the topic at hand. He would rather hijack a diary to the point where people are being distracted (I fell into this trap, myself).
If he truly is a progressive advocate with respect to eliminating the problems with e-voting systems in America (He proudly mentions regularly that he votes on paper hand-counted ballots in Canada) — then I would like to see him write a diary in support of the return of the paper ballot at Dkos.
How about posting a single link to me criticizing a single other election reformer not Bev Harris, her fund raising guru Andy Stephenson, and Bradflog.
Are you part of the crowd that thinks Bev and Brad are the only people saving democracy?
What does it mean that you can’t find any links?
Does it mean I question liars not vote reform activists? I think it does.
Amazing that the only troll ratings I got on your Kos diary were from you, even though you say I tried to cast doubt on your hero.
Brad Friedman happens to be the most successful blogger around on this issue.
Rolling Stone magazine recently paid tribute to him by saying that he has almost single-handedly brought this issue to the mainstream.
I pose this simple question to you:
Are you for or against e-voting?
Look around, do some research. You are playing with the big boys now; you can’t expect to have everything spoon fed to you.
I have handed you your ass each and every time you’ve tried to punk me. Not because I’m some genius troll, because I do the research before shooting my mouth off.
Take off the knee pads and start making sure the people you place your trust in DESERVE it. If you don’t, you deserve to get treated the way I have treated you.
Your question betrays your laziness, and bias. I have answered your question directly and in the THOUSANDS of post I gave you access to.
On Kos I asked you for several things and even offered to quit kos forever if you could find a single rw troll post of mine, or find a single election reformer not Bev Harris, Andy Stephenson, or Bradflog that I have ever ‘attacked’. Instead of ending your suffering once and for all by proving your claims you come here to spread more shit.
Look at who you’ve hitched your wagon to, this fuckin slug was just caught lying AGAIN right here in the comments section and you are demanding answers from me, btw where did he go once his own words sunk him?
You claim I stalked Stephenson, but I think you need to read this link.×3672828
If after reading what this scammer’s “friends” thought of the fundraiser, and you haven’t found ANY evidence of me saying or doing worse than Pitt, the DUmmie celebrity, you still think I’m the problem you might as well retire from blogging because you are going to continue getting your ass handed to you by people not nearly as nice as me.
Booman I’m shocked you’ve kept this horseshit on your site. That having been said, and now that you have forced me to respond to this crap so people like the one I’m responding to can’t link to it trying to discredit as e as already done, I’d hope you would leave it up as an example of the faeces you consider worthy of your site.
Fuck you asshole.
If you paid any attention at all you’d know I have no history of deleting diaries.
I couldn’t care less about this dispute.
Fuck me?
No Fuck you.
I guess you can’t take what you let others dish out.
You let this fuckhead say anything he wants about me here even though you were on your high horse a couple of weeks ago on kos saying you don’t let people use your site to attack kossaks unless they cross post.
If a friend hadn’t emailed this piece of shit I wouldn’t have known about it.
As soon as I call you on it, it’s “fuck me”.
Shame on you.
you’re a kossack now?
I never noticed. I have no idea what either of you are talking about, no idea who is telling the truth, no inclination to try to figure it out, and even less reason to care.
I’ve been a kossak longer than I have been here.
I don’t care whether you have the time or inclination to figure out that the slug is a lying piece of shit.
This isn’t the first time he has used your site to attack kossaks.
The last time it was RedDan, Avila, thl lib, and judging by the comments in his diary some here thought he was even taking shots at meteorblades.
This crap diary even begs markos to ban me so I’m at a loss to understand your last post.
Do what you want but the next time you post on kos that you don’t let others use your site to smear kossaks I won’t be defending you, as I have in the past.
You don’t understand the rule. But I don’t really feel like explaining it to you. If anyone cares, which I kind of doubt, maybe they will explain the rule to you.
I didn’t even know you existed until now, and I certainly never noticed you “defending” me.
It looks to me like you have a fan club at Free Republic and they think you are a stand up guy. That’s great. I’m happy for you.
Go be a prick over there where that is expected. I am not in the habit of arbitrating disputes over who is a troll, who is not a troll, and who is a big shot over in freeperville.
you are.
Do you have any idea why those 4 freepers like me? Obviously not
Do I give a fuck about freepers thinking I’m an honest lefty? No
Do I care about some piece of shit writing diaries about me full of lies? Yes because assholes like the first respondent link to them on kos when they don’t like being told they are wrong and need to smear.
Do I give a fuck what rule you are going to hide behind to excuse your bullshit attitude? No, not in the slightest.
You think the slug is worth letting your site look like a cesspool of banned kossaks smearing people that’s your right, But I’m dying to see you ban me for calling you a hypocrite instead of the slug for smearing people without having the courtesy of even trying to prove his claims.
BTW I’m not a member of FR you jerk. And I wouldn’t be a prick if you acted like a responsible site owner now would I.
How many diaries are there on kos calling you a paid troll? How many diaries on kos are there calling you a piece of shit?
Not including this one, or any about me, there are a few here by this diarist alone you should be ashamed of, and calling me a prick just makes you look like those assholes that can’t admit they are wrong and instead try and bully.
i love jerkoffs that ask to be banned.
I don’t really know how you got a reputation as an honest lefty at free republic. I think that’s fanstastic. It gives you a kind of bipartisan sheen. Adds to your credibility when you come here and act like a tool.
You don’t seem to understand that I don’t read most of the diaries, let alone try to figure out if they’re sufficiently fact-checked. I don’t consider you a Kossack, no matter what you claim, anymore than I consider you a member of this site. In any case, you don’t qualify under the rule which you don’t understand.
This guy says you’re a dick, which is readily self-evident from both your behavior here and a cursory look at your obnoxious behavior at DailyKos. As for whether he is correct about you being some paid troll, I don’t know, and I don’t give a shit.
Defend yourself here against his accusations. That’s your right. But don’t be a prick, and don’t ask me to defend your honor. I only reacted to seeing several comments where you made snide remarks about me not deleting this diary. If you knew shit, you would know I don’t delete diaries without extreme cause. If you can win this debate, and maybe you can, you shouldn’t be appealing to me to delete it. Just prove your case and be done with it, without a bunch of whining, name-calling, and bugging me about it.
Next time you hang with your freeper fan club tell them I said hello.
you act like I give a shit about what you think. You pretend I asked you to defend my honor, when clearly I asked only that you practice what you preach. Your arbitrary “extreme circumstances” clause might make you feel like you aren’t a hypocrite but it doesn’t do anything other than give you an out when called on the contradictions.
Your cursor glance at my “obnoxious behavior” on kos is also meaningless, as is your assertion that you don’t consider me a kossak. My uid is 38k and I’ve been a trusted user for a long time.
As for my freeper fan club; grow the fuck up. If you looked at my posts at kos, even quickly, you would see these freepers don’t like me because I’m sympathetic to their ideology. They seem to like me because I happen to tell the truth. Even though most of the time I’m telling the truth about what morally bankrupt cretins their heroes are, the four the slug mentioned have the intellectually honestly to not only like me when I’m calling out the Leopold and Bev Harris types.
The funny/sad part of your post is you calling me a dick for coming to this diary with guns blazing considering the two people I was rude to have spent considerable time trying to discredit me all over the net because they won’t answer simple questions about the claims they make.
That you don’t see all of the diaries, or have people that do for you, is YOUR FAULT. This is your site.
IMO the only way you can credibly say this and the other kossak callout diaries written by the slug don’t rise to extreme circumstances is if you can point me to your definition of extreme.
Have you written that diary / post against e-voting yet?
BTW, the only time I’ve called you out is on my diary and on this one (since you pointed it out to me on my other diary).
And you will be called out again and again if you show up anywhere near my diary.
Keep it up and the only place you will be posting is in Freeperville — and that would kind of defeat your purpose, wouldn’t you say?
you think your bullshit will get me banned from kos? You think this piece of shit will?
Have I ever once posted at the freeppit?
You think you called me out in your diary? HAHA you were told several times by commenter’s you blew your diary with your insanity instead of answering the questions. I think one kossaks called you “creepy”.
Keep thinking you did anything other than make yourself and brad look shady as shit, that way you will continue making my life exposing the liars much easier.
I think you need to reread the comments section of your diary if you are uncertain as to my opinions on e-voting.
And finally, you better watch who you claim hasn’t done anything to protect elections.
I have been counting and protecting Canadian votes for decades.
I have been working to elect progressives for longer.
Brad has been REPORTING about e-voting for 2 years. Ever since he realized he could make a living doing it instead of the marginal writing only DU was publishing.
Do the fuckin research.
Shut the fuck up
No FP’s. But the little people are fair game. Gotcha loud and clear. How egalitarian of you.
The blog version of kids gathering in the schoolyard to watch two kids fight. Fight, fight!!!
are we taking bets? what are the odds
I don’t know anything about this and there seem to be a few more important things to worry about at the moment so I’m not going to try to sort it out.
Just one question: since this seems to be an orange issue why pollute the pond with it?
Because he has been banned 5-6 times at kos.
This incoherent waste of words has nothing to do with Booman Trib. . .can’t imagine why it is here, Try posting it on your own blog sluggojd, can’t imagine anywhere else it would make any difference or any sense.