Update: I have just been informed that “No moo lies” is a response to this.

Please be kidding about this, Focus on the Family…


I found out about this at An Inch at a Time

James Dobson’s Colorado Springs-based ministry stands firmly against same-sex marriage, gay rights initiatives and, now, mooing puppies.

On Tuesday, Focus unveiled its new “straight” puppy Web site, www.no-moo-lies.com, featuring a basset hound named Sherman, who barks as biology intended. During a news conference, a Focus employee dressed in a dog suit, who serves as a mascot at the group’s visitors center, made a brief appearance.

“Dogs aren’t born mooing, and people aren’t born gay,” a Focus news release stated.

Really, people–how does this affect you, such that you need to go to such, well, ludicrous lengths to oppose domenstic partnerships in Colorado. Frankly, I think it’s just petty and mean.

But then again, I’m reminded of what Jesus said about homosexuality. Which was…um… Oh, that’s right–he didn’t say anything about it, did he? But I’m pretty sure I do remember him saying something about treating people the way you want to be treated.