As Booman kindly pointed out again yesterday, we are in the process of wrapping up nominations for additions to the Booman Tribune Our Progressive Candidates list.

The first story, last Thursday, explaining this part of the project and asking for nominations resulted in 37 names being put forward by ten different BooTribbers. I’d like to thank all those folks and hope that at least ten more people would come forward today and help round out this process, especially geographically.

I’m going to list the 37 candidates and their states below…but I’d like to remind everyone that Viera Visionary has been making an Excel Spread sheet for this entire project which tracks all of our entries in more depth (including by Core Issues). I’m going to find a way to make that info availible to everyone by the end of this project here.

Please read below for the 37 Candidates’ names…and for some quick reflections on this process as we take it into the home stretch…

Without further ado, here are the 37 Progressive Candidates that BooTribbers have nominated so far. If you want to nominate someone below…this comment by refinish69 is a great example of the format to follow (Name, Location, Position Running for, Hotlink if possible.):

Jamie Raskin, MD
Harry Mitchell, AZ
Gabrielle Giffords, AZ
Jeff Latas, AZ
Patty Weiss, AZ
Israel Torres, AZ
Andrew Rice, OK
Paul Lang, PA
Carol Shea-Porter, NH
Barbara McIlvainie Smith, PA
Anne Crowley, PA
Mark Strama, TX
Valinda Bolton, TX
Karen Felthauser, TX
Donna Howard, TX
Kathi Thomas, TX
Barbara Ann Radnofsky, TX
Mary Beth Harrell, TX
John Courage, TX
Jim Retten, CO
Angie Paccione, CO
Bill Winter, CO
David Bacon, NM
Dr. David Gill, IL
Lois Murphy, PA
Joe Sestak, PA
Patrick Murphy, PA
Sherrod Brown, OH
Bernie Sanders, VT
Claire McCaskill, MO
Jean Hay Bright, ME
Amy Klobuchar, MN
Jack Carter, NV
Debbie Stabenow, MI
Jim Pederson, AZ
Maria Cantwell, WA
Jon Tester, MT

Pretty impressive, huhn?

But, obviously, we haven’t begun to fill the barrell with, for instance, candidates representing, well…some of the other 32 states. Maybe today is our chance to do just that

As a final note, I’d like to be clear that I think this process has been a good one to engage in…regardless of the totals we achieve, or whether every “call out” has been answered in exactly the way I’d hoped. To be frank, I had hoped to see folks run with this project more. However, imo it’s important for every community to wrestle with what it thinks and how it thinks…and projects like this, succeed or fail, are enormous learning experiences. They tell us something.

I think the above names, and in particular, the names of those running for local office are very exciting to have charted; it’s a great beginning. Now, on the other hand, would I like to see as complete a list as possible, in particular on crucial issues like “green/environment” and “election reform”? You’re darn tootin’ I would.

Last fall, when Booman and I made our “peace” on election reform it was with that explicit understanding. The past is the past…study it, discuss it…but move on; let’s do what we can to empower readers and activists NOW to make a difference going forward.

One small part of making a difference is identifying and supporting people who can make a difference by making laws and setting policy. ie. We do that as progressives by getting involved and engaged with electoral politics, especially on issues we care about.

In my small experience with “rubber hits the road” politics, it is always shocking to me how little I know…and, quite frankly, how little so many people know. But that should come as no surprise. The United States is the most “governed” society in the history of humankind (Federal, State, County, Municipal and Community levels of governance….whew!) How progressives interact with that government, on every level, is critical to the future of this nation. Together, our knowledge is stronger and deeper than any of us alone.

It is in that spirit that I began this project…and it is in that spirit that I hope it will be received. Once again, thanks to all those who’ve participated.