It’s not G-8 time, it’s PARTY-TIME!
First, it was a not-stifled-at-all dart aimed at Russia’s Vladimir Putin for his non-democratic ways and means. Putin swatted such a feeble jab and got a laugh at George Bush’s expense with a crack about the wonders of Iraqi democracy. The best Bush could then offer was a pathetic: “Just wait.” Glad I didn’t have my money on Bush in that ‘slam’ contest.
Then, it was a creepy neck massage applied to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. I fully expected Bush to bend down and stick his tongue in her ear. Can anyone cogently explain why this acttion WASN’T completely inappropriate? I wouldn’t call it a mysogynistic move but psychologists should have a field day on why Bush choose to apply his velvet touch to the only woman in the room. I say the doors to the Oval Office be kept open the next time Merkel comes on a state visit.
The further diminution of Tony (Poodleboy) Blair continued apace with the “Blair, what are you doing? You leaving?” crumb-spewing.and continued interruptions of Blair’s attempts at discussing matters of substance. Blair must sit up at nights regretting his decision to cast his lot with such a screwball.
Bush was simply bored. This ‘governing thing’ was getting far too consuming.
He also just doesn’t get it that it’s not the office or position one holds–it’s one’s actions that define the individual. He may be the president of the United States but his fellow leaders are rolling their eyes and privately pleading for 2008 to get here quicker. The tattered curtain no longer hides the doofus.
All style, no substance has been the rule in the first five years of the Bush Administration.
Is Bush heading to no style, no substance?
And what’s next? Giving France’s Jacques Chirac a wedgie?
His, “I’m all meeting’d out” was prett pathetic too.
There’s nothing he does though that doesn’t make me feel like vomiting.
The fact that none of the others have duly ripped him a new asshole is beyond me.
Many were upset over his saying “shit”… I was more upset that a world leader was talking with his mouth full and making “smack smack” sounds.
Every professional knows you DO NOT TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE IN A PERSONAL MANNER such as massage.
This is the g-8… not camp. The world is on fire with environmental issues and bloodbaths… and Bush is just too meeting’d out.
I fucking hate him.
He’ll never beat the standard he set while reading My Pet Goat as the Two Towers were in flames.
his high-water mark as a leader and an intellect. Nuf said.