Because political junkies are so out of touch.
Mel Gibson doesn’t let his hard-core Catholicism get in the way of drunk driving
Miss Universe claims she eats 6 times a day
Underage Harry Potter star to bare all
American Idol RUNNER-UP to meet Dubya
Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman: Together at Last
Shock jock learns it is not cool to threaten other people’s children with molestation
Paris and Nicole are ready to make up
Lindsay Lohan has been chastised for calling in sick to the set of her movie Georgia Rule
Carmen Electra denies she is banging Jamie Foxx
For the ladies: Johnny Depp
Although some ladies prefer Matthew McConaughey
Hey, how’d you get ahold of my bookmarks? But you forgot Go Fug Yourself — by far the funniest one.
Well who can disagree with this:
Now I really want to know what the story with her chest is….it’s just….tragic.
Guess I should say the above is in reference to Paula Abdul.
Izzy, that is hilarity in its purist form. Thanks for sharing. HAHAHA
Thank you for Johnny Depp, Booman; I feel better already.
Depp: Always, the man who doesn’t give a shit.
I saw that article about the NYC DJ. He wants to pay someone to rape a four-year-old? Because the rapper dad is on his bad list? Frankly, that radio station, even while in NYC, was known for some stupid, deranged stuff.
As for god himself Mel Gibson…couldn’t have happened to a (not) nicer guy. I feel sorry for his woman. If I were his wife and the kids were just about grown, I’d look into my rights and leave him behind…church or no church.
Yes, thanks for the Johnny Depp photos. Pretty much everything about him is cool (and totally hot – even my mother-in-law agrees. Oh wait, that’s sort of creepy).
Yet another side of Booman exposed. Do this every night, and I can cancel my Cable TV!
And don’t forget this one: In Case You Didn’t Know. You can see photos of Nicole Richie doing karoke with someone’s underwear over her jeans. Apparently, Lindsay Lohan amd Mary-Kate Olsen were there. So glad I know that.
Leave the lovely latina, Ms. Puerto Rico alone. She eats six times a day..oh well how many times does she use a tongue compressor to bring it back up? Come on a lady like that wouldn’t use her finger, she probably does have manners.
at the Harry Potter link…anyone remember the controversy over the 4th movie (Goblet of Fire) with Harry in the bathtub coping with a quite flirtatious ghost? Some folks thought it was too risque…but I thought it was adorable… 🙂
Damn you, BooMan. You force me up out of deep cover to sigh over Johnny Depp. This is undignified for a woman my age.
Great diary you wrote today. A rating of four shoes for you.
Damn, and here I was just quietly posting stuff on the internet, hoping no one but the NSA would notice.
How ya doin’?
Doing well, thanks. I bought a purse that would slay you. Ah, for a digital camera. Perhaps the camera fairy will slip one under my pillow while I sleep tonight. Lumpier than a tooth, not as toothsome as Johnny Depp, but hey.
Bon soir, Iz.
That’s not right to tease me like that — you’ll have to tell me about that purse some time.
Depp dreams, Kansas
How is it humanly possible, let alone legal in all 50 states to be that effing hot?
Oh, and that he lives in France, well, that just crosses a line. I don’t know whether to shoot myself or go run a very hot shower…
I’ll just keeping blogging til I decide.
Posted a Colbert Report where Colbert is querying another idiot congress critter and the news laughs at the congress critter for agreeing to go ON the show. Colbert gets them back. About 2/3rd of the way into the story he has a collage of the “news” stories that the “news” people run.
Look at the “Colbert Strikes Back” clip. I suspect that while Colbert exaggerates a little, it is not by much going on about how inane the stories and the questions are.