Coalition Groups ‘Around The World’ Have Held Already Or In The Planning Stages!!
The reported polls say 82% in Israel back this carnage, well there are still some within that remaining 18% with common sense, understanding, especially as destructive actions cause retallatory destructive actions!
It matters not who is responsible, at any givin time, for it’s a destructive circle that has been going on for far too long with way too many killed and maimed, and now we have Tens Of Thousands left homeless and as Refugees within their own country, innocents who had nothing to do with the ‘You Did This, So I’m Going To This’ Bullshit!!
Israel is effectively creating the next generations of the threats to their country, as are the other Radical Factions, for All Of Them follow the same Radical Actions!!
It’s Long Overdue: ‘This Shit Has Got To Stop’!!
A Women’s March This Saturday Evening in Tel Aviv
A women’s march this Saturday evening in Tel Aviv, in which we are all dressed in black as a sign of mourning for both sides, calling for an end to the war.
A women’s demonstration (dressed in black)
Saturday 29.7.06 at 18:30
Stop the War !
Stop killing civilians!
Negotiations now!
Exchange prisoners!
**The march will start in Rabin square in Tel Aviv on Saturday 29.7.06 at 18:30 and will reach Maxim square in Ben Zion Ave.
For details call:
*Yana 050-8575729
**Abir 054-4743723
Information about transportation will be sent soon
Women against the War – Coalition of Women for Peace, Achoti, Aswat, Bat Shalom, Women in Black, Fora, Tandi, Women against violence, Altafula, New Profile, The fifth mother, WILPF, Neled, Beit Nashim Feministy, “Itihad El Nissa El Takdumi”, Kian – Feminist organization.
Their Honor Roll
2006-07-26 22:36
In addition to the demonstrations in Israel, the following locations have been holding demonstrations in recent days to call for an end to the Israel-Lebanon war.
Albuquerque, NM, US
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ann Arbor, MI, US
Armidale, Australia
Asheville, NC, US
Auckland, New Zealand
Bainbridge Island, WA, US
Baltimore, MD, US
Barcelona, Spain
Bay Area, CA, US
Belgrade, Serbia
Bellevue, WA, US
Berlin, Germany
Berne, Switzerland
Bonn, Germany
Boston, MA, US
Brisbane, Australia
Burlington, VT, US
Caen, France
Calgary, Canada
Cambridge, UK
Canberra, Australia
Chicago, IL, US
Cologne, Germany
Concord, MA, US
Dakar, Senegal
Deadwood, SD, US
Dearborn, MI, US
Detroit (Royal Oak), MI, US
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Edmonds, WA, US
Farmington, MA, US
Geneva, Switzerland
Göteborg, Sweden
Halmsted, Sweden
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Hunsrück, Germany
Indiannapolis, IN, US
Iowa City, IO, US
Kitchener, Canada
Lancaster, PA, US
Liège, Belgium
Lille, France
London, UK
London, Ontario, Canada
Los Angeles, CA, US
Louisville, KY, US
Malmö, Sweden
Manchester, UK
Marseille, France
Melbourne, Australia
Minneapolis, MN, US
Montbrison, France
Montreal, Canada
Naples, Italy
New Orleans, LA, US
New Paltz, NY, US (near Woodstock)
New York, NY, US
Olympia, WA, US
Ottawa, Canada
Oxford, UK
Padova, Italy
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Philadelphia, PA, US
Phoenix, AZ, US
Piteå, Sweden
Paris, France
Port Townsend, WA, US
Pune, Marashtra, India
Rome, Italy
Salt Lake City, UT, US
San Luis Obispo, CA, US
Santa Fe, NM, US
Seattle, WA, US
Seville, Spain
Sheffield, UK
South Dakota, US
Stockholm, Sweden
Strasbourg, France
Sydney, Australia (20,000!)
Syracuse, NY, US
Toronto, Canada
Tucson, AZ, US
Turin, Italy
Valencia, Spain
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Victoria, BC, Canada
Vienna, Austria
Washington, DC, US
Wellington, New Zeland
Woodstock, NY, US
A Call to our Sister Vigils Throughout the World
2006-07-20 20:05
In light of the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, Women in Black in Israel are issuing a call to our sister vigils throughout the world (and allied groups) to hold their own actions this weekend with the demands …
Stop the War!
Stop the Bloodshed!
End the Israeli Occupation!
Begin Negotiations for Peace and Justice!
We call upon our sisters and brothers to join us in solidarity. Each group is autonomous to decide on its own messages, formats, and times.
Thank you.
Women in Black, Israel
Reframing Security
Is peace incompatible with security? The Coalition of Women for Peace has developed a campaign to `reframe’ security and introduce the notion of `human security’.
{Visit Above Link To Read More}
Quick Report from the Israeli Peace Front, 23.7.06 / Gila Svirsky
2006-07-23 04:56
The peace movement in Israel has pulled out all stops to end this mad war. Lots of groups are active, and we had a big joint demonstration last night – at least 5,000 people (though the media reported 2,500). Marching through the streets of Tel Aviv with signs, “End the War”, “End the Occupation” felt like a relief after the roar of pro-war-talk on all the media.
Women in Black held vigils last Friday throughout Israel. The reactions from the street were quite violent and the police were out in numbers keeping onlookers (and on-shouters) at bay. After our vigil, we read the list of 55 (!) locations [see list below] that held solidarity events this weekend. Some were Women in Black and others organized by allied groups. We felt greatly encouraged by this international solidarity.
{Visit Title Link To Read More}
From Gush Shalom
While the eyes of the public
Are riveted to the
Daily bloodletting in Lebanon –
The wholesale killing
In the Gaza Strip
Is going on.Women and children
Are also killed
Every day.This bill, too,
Will be presented to us
In the future.
The Israeli army,
One of the strongest in the world,
Is already fighting for 16 days
Against an organization that has
Only a few thousand fighters.It is impossible to win
Against a guerilla organizationThere is no military solution.
Bat Shalom : women with a vision for a just peace
Bat Shalom Statement
The current crisis in Israel, Lebanon and the Occupied Palestinian Territories- Bat Shalom Statement
We, members of Bat Shalom, an Israeli women’s peace organization, dedicated to ending the occupation and achieving a just, sustainable peace based on a two-state solution, regard the continuously escalating use of violence and force in our region as a direct threat rather than a potential solution.
It is our belief that the current escalation is a direct result of lack of political process to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories, including Gaza. Furthermore, the Israeli policy to de-legitimize a democratically elected Palestinian government, and thus unilaterally managing the conflict, led to the siege of Gaza and the violation of the basic human rights of an entire civilian population.
This political vacuum was misused both by Hammas and Hezbollah for their own political aims and the counter attacks on Israeli innocent civilians.
Therefore, as Israeli citizens, we call upon our government to enter into negotiations with the elected Palestinian government. An immediate step should be stopping the further destruction of Lebanon, a total cease-fire, and negotiations to bring about a prisoners exchange.
We call upon the international community, both individual states and through collective bodies, to bring the parties to the political track and to address the need for ending the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories, which will lead to the two states solution.
Only political negotiations and a just and sustainable peace will guarantee security for all the civilians in the region.
July 20th, 2006
Bat Shalom
Everyone needs to Stop, Step Back, Look Clearly, Think Clearly, and Understand That ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS BEING GAINED BY THESE CONFLICTS!!
And the Middle East is the Pure Example that there are No Winners, All Losers, in this Continuing ‘Guerilla War’, of which Guerilla Wars NEVER Have Winners, just Continuation!!!
July 28, 2006 — By Lin Noueihed, Reuters
BEIRUT — Along Lebanon’s sandy beaches and rocky headlands runs a belt of black sludge, 10,000 to 30,000 tonnes of oil that spilled into the Mediterranean Sea after Israel bombed a power plant.
A sea of oil disfigures the bay of Byblos. The EC is to help Lebanon contain a huge oil spill south of Beirut caused by an Israeli air strike on a power plant, officials said. AFP/Nicolas Asfouri
Lebanon’s Environment Ministry says the oil flooded into the sea when Israeli jets hit storage tanks at the Jiyyeh plant south of Beirut on July 13 and 15, creating an ecological crisis that Lebanon’s government has neither the money nor the expertise to deal with.
“We have never seen a spill like this in the history of Lebanon. It is a major catastrophe,” Environment Minister Yacoub al-Sarraf told Reuters.
Lebanon has turned to oil producer Kuwait for help. A plane load of equipment is due to arrive from Kuwait via Syria by the end of the week. But one of the main problems is that an Israeli air and sea blockade in place since the war began on July 12 is hampering both the clean-up and the delivery of equipment.
The spill is especially threatening since fish spawn and sea turtles nest on Lebanon’s coast, including the green turtle which is endangered in the Mediterranean, local ecologists say.
… the marine ecosystem could take years to recover, local environmentalists say. Commercial fishing and tourism has been at a standstill since the war began because of the air and sea blockade.
“July is hatching season for turtle eggs and baby turtles have to reach deep water as fast as possible to avoid predators. With the oil in their way, they will not survive,” Wael Hmaidan, a local environmental activist said.
“The oil spill, part of which has settled on the sea floor, threatens blue fin tuna, which is an important but overfished commercial fish, as well as shark species.”
● EU to help Lebanon contain giant oil spill
≈ Cross-posted from my diary —
IDF: Rome Gives Us Legitimacy to Forge Ahead In Lebanon ¶ Updated ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
SYDNEY (AFP) July 29 — Scuffles broke out between protesters and police guarding Australian Prime Minister John Howard when demonstrators surrounded his car in the western city of Perth.
«« click for SkyNews story
Scuffles broke out between protesters and police guarding Australian Prime Minister John Howard, seen here, when demonstrators surrounded his car in the western city of Perth AFP/File/Greg Wood
About 200 protesters, many carrying Lebanese and Palestinian flags, rallied outside a conference being held by Howard’s Liberal party, calling for peace in the Middle East.
Television footage showed a number of demonstators attempting to stop Howard’s car leaving the function venue by trying to drape themselves across the bonnet before police pulled them off.
The Australian Associated Press (AAP) news agency reported protesters also hurled projectiles at Howard’s car, which sped away from the scene as police wrestled people to the ground.
Sky News reported two people had been arrested although no official figures were immediatly available from police.
Protest leader Muhammad El Khatib said he had family in Lebanon and the Australian government was not doing enough to broker peace in the region: “Hizbollah is protecting Lebanon, they are freedom fighters, not terrorists.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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