From Goddard’s:

Lamont’s victory, however, would not be without its downside for Democrats, since it would only embolden the crazies in the party, a consideration not lost on other Democratic elected officials and strategists.

Lieberman’s defeat is likely to add to the partisanship and bitterness that divides the country and Capitol Hill, and to generate more media attention to grassroots bomb-throwers who, down the road, are likely to make the party less appealing to swing voters and moderates.

— Stuart Rothenberg is editor of the Rothenberg Political Report.

We are all crazy bombthrowers. It doesn’t matter that, when it comes to Iraq, we have been right all along, and Lieberman has been wrong. It doesn’t matter that Lieberman thinks rape victims should take short-rides from hospital to hospital to assure they don’t become the mother of their rapist’s child. All that matters is that we are not emboldened to further attack the incumbent protection racket.