Sean Smith, Joe Lieberman’s campaign manager, has made some serious and curious allegations. He went on Fox News about an hour ago and made unsubstantiated claims that the Lamont campaign has sabotaged not only their website, but also their email. He claimed they were unable to contact their voters via email. He also said that they had reqested the Connecticut Attorney General investigate the incident and demanded that Ned Lamont denounce these tactics. Then, after a commercial break and another segment, the Fox Anchor, Bridget —, made a brief announcement. She said that Fox News had been scratching around the story and that the problems with Lieberman’s site did not appear to be related to a late payment and that the attorney general was investigating.

After that, they introduced a Republican and a Democratic advisor, asked them about the allegations. They did not know anything about it. Now they keep repeating the question: “Is the Lamont campaign engaged in dirty tricks?”

Here’s the problem. Here’s an image of Lieberman’s site from yesterday:

I’ve received that message before. And it was because I changed credit cards and forgot to update it with my server company. Furthermore, they are also claiming that their email is knocked out and that they cannot contact their voters. Here’s what Tim Tagaris told me about that.

They sent out a mass email this morning asking people to attend a victory party at 5 PM — 3 hours before the polls close. They have no tools for voter contact/mobilzation/communication.

Most importantly, we have offered to send someone over to fix their own site, and they haven’t responded.


So, how can they send out a mass email to their supporters if their email is knocked out.

Write Fox News at and tell them to stop telling spreading baseless allegations about Ned Lamont on election day.