This made me chuckle.
In a major story in the upcoming Newsweek entitled The New Age Of Terror, there is a wide ranging number of topics discussed with respect to the five years since the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01, as well as quotes from many different experts, officials, congresscritters, former administration officials and others. While it certainly is comprehensive, the article has its share of “puff-piece moments” with respect to this administration as well as the obligatory “scaring the bejeezus out of everyone” moment in highlighting how easy it would be to blow a hole in a plane with explosives.
However, in touching on the latest terror plot which was thwarted by UK officials (maybe sooner than they would have liked to because of Dear Leader’s sagging numbers as well as the pending Armageddon all throughout the Middle East), there is this choice blurb from Tom Ridge:
As Americans stood in newly long lines at airports, wondering if they would ever again be able to carry a tube of toothpaste or hair gel in their carry-on bags, there was a feeling of helplessness, a return of the persistent low-grade anxiety that had lingered for months and years after 9/11. Bush tried to reassure Americans that they are safer than they were before the attacks. At the same time, his vice president, Dick Cheney, darkly warned that the Connecticut primary victory of antiwar candidate Ned Lamont over Sen. Joseph Lieberman would only encourage “Al Qaeda types.” (Interviewed by NEWSWEEK, former Homeland Security secretary Tom Ridge bridled at his former colleague’s remark: “That may be the way the vice president sees it,” he said, “but I don’t see it that way, and I don’t think most Americans see it that way.”)
This is nice on one hand, because it is not the first time that Ridge has spoken openly about the manipulation of terror threats or the complete and utter bullshit from this administration with respect to terror threats. However, it does beg the question as to why so many people who supposedly have dedicated their careers to public service (and yes, many were involved before 6 years ago) feel the need to do their jobs AFTER they actually leave their positions.
It also begs the question of why Tom Ridge – someone appointed as the first head of the Department of Homeland Security – hates America and sides with the terrorists.
then you are a “terrist”.
The first thing I thought as I was driving up to Seattle and heard the “airline security” crap… I thought “Crock of shit”.
Plus… I’m not the brightest lightbulb in the house… but… let me get this straight.
Threat is that terrorists will use liquids as a bomb. A horrible bomb that will put a hole through a plane and crash it. The liquid must be combined with another liquid to instigate said explosion.
So what do Duhmerica’s security have us do??
Combine liquids into big bins at the airport. DUH!!!
As a way of protesting this “crock of shit” I suggest that the next time any of us fly we make sure to bring a urine sample.
Great diary Clammy. I’m siding with the “terrorists” like Ann Wright who resigned due to Bush/Cheney murdering innocent Iraqis and disabling our own.
thx Janet – I find this all maddening and to be honest, I never had a problem flying or with security.
Until now. I refuse to give up everything, including the only source of me not pulling my hair out (ipod, reading materials) to fly.
“Pardon the french”, but fuck that shit. Let the airlines go under.
Or the extra shot of tequila. Damn!
I’ve had too much luggage gone missing. Except for my last trip to Boston where our luggage had a security note in it saying it won the lottery for baggage checkage…. I normally fly with a backpack and very light…
however, I fly with my digital camera – you bet they can’t have that.
My country.. brave and free.. NO WAY.
“It also begs the question of why Tom Ridge – someone appointed as the first head of the Department of Homeland Security – hates America and sides with the terrorists.”
Easy: because he’s disgruntled and has a book coming out. 😉
Duh, of course Tom Ridge hates America. That’s why our god-fearin’ President fired his sorry ass!
How can one side with a president who has a 33% percent approval rating.
To tell you the truth, I’m just waiting for W. to say it is safe to buy toothpaste & brylcrem (sp). And that it is safe to buy toothpaste and travel with toothpaste. And we should all go out and buy toothpaste and maybe some dental floss.
But lest we forget, “Duct-tape Tom”..Pimped just one to many times,0,6113119.story?coll=chi-news-hed
It would seem to this somewhat confused observer that if we don’t continue to buy toothpaste, shaving cream, mouthwash and the like, and if we don’t carry said items on to commercial flights, that we have surrendered another precious liberty, and the terrorists will have won. Guess we have to fight them over there real down and dirty, so we can clean up real pretty over here?
And what a tradegy to our economy, maybe Congress should pass a Personal Tolietry Tax exmpetion for those Corporations who are going to loose revenue. And maybe a sales tax free purchase of toothpaste and shaving cream, etc.