LOL My boss is out on vacation and I might take a tardy after being there 4 hours. I have to see where I am in regards to numbers ofn tardies so I don’t get into trouble.
I’m not sure it’s like babies that way, FM. I used to be an early riser but the last couple of years 8:00 AM seemed early compared to the boys getting up at noon. I got lazy.
Lazy is a good thing. I look back on when George was a puppy and I wouldn’t go through that again. He was more of a yapper then than now. Plus he was to fast for me to catch him back then. He has slowed down a good bit now, but I have too.
That’s why I like having a basset hound. No matter how slow I get I can count on her being slower. And she has a harness-type collar on that makes a convenient handle, so even though she’s pushing 40 lbs already I can pick her up with one hand there and one hand under her hind quarters.
Up and at ’em early today — spouse is in the shower, getting ready for his early morning meeting that might determine whether he’s getting his job back. I’m trying not to be too freaked out about it…I’ll either (a) get some work done, (b) catch up on my DVR backlog, or (c) just veg on the computer while he’s gone. Most likely (c)…
Good thoughts, prayers, positive vibes or what have you all gratefully accepted this morning.
Refi — hope you feel better…
CG — didn’t the CabinBoys have a sleepaway camp last week? How did it go? Think you’ll be able to ditch them for the whole summer next year? lol j/k
Morning Cali! I hope the spousal unit’s meeting goes well. TW, I’d pick (c) too. 😉
The guys had a blast at sleep-away camp, and the older one is ready to spend the whole summer there (I think he’ll have to settle for 3 weeks). The younger one had a great time too, but is a little less sure about going for more than a week at a time.
Are we having fun yet? I found a very nice app over the weekend to manage my music collection and have been going through my hard drive. It’s amazing how many duplicates I have — and at least one hard-to-find album I know I digitized years and years ago is Not Being Seen, which is a bit distressing since I don’t know where my offline copy is.
Morning Miss Andi!!!!
Morning refinish. All ready to start the week?
Yes after giving myself food poisoning yesterday with some bad sushi. LOL Nothing like being sick all day to get you ready for the work week.
Ugh. What a bad way to end the weekend but it sounds like you are feeling better now.
Feeling much better. Was a long and painful day to say the least. LOL
Good Morning Andi and Refinish.
Andi glad you didn’t have to commit sepuku last night.
Refinish how are you feeling this am? Bad food is not a good thing.
Monring FamilyMan!!! I am feeling better. I will try and leave work early today as I am still not 100% but have to go in anyway.
You can always discreetly up chuck on the bosses desk and mention food poisoning. Now that I think of it, how do you discreetly up chuck?
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well, I guess that would be better than the other plae the food has been coming out of. LOL
Yep, I think there’s no discreet to the other place. 🙂
LOL My boss is out on vacation and I might take a tardy after being there 4 hours. I have to see where I am in regards to numbers ofn tardies so I don’t get into trouble.
I used to have bosses that no matter how sick you were, you had better be at that desk. Never made sense to me.
Morning FM. Those toothpicks seem to have worked pretty good at keeping you up last night.
Yep I made it as long as I could. It was good to see Mary. It seems yesterday got to hopping in the cafe. Busiest I’ve seen it in awhile.
Yep, we must have all been waiting for Mary to jazz things up. Ah well, back to normal.
Next excitement, waiting to see if Hopeful, Jr gets SN up before the dogs and I go for the morning ramble.
I think it’s more people just came out of the woodwork and stopped lurking for awhile.
I hope it means that everyone is coming back now that summer is winding down. I’m getting tired of talking to just you two. 😉
I was wondering how things will shape up in the cafe once winter gets here and everyone is frozen in.
Oh an nice talking to you too. 😛
I only abuse those I love.
Thank you. 🙂
You’re planning on being frozen in? Jeez, I better start storing up my sidewalk salt right away.
Me? Are you kidding? I’ll be in shorts during Xmas here. It’s all my Northern neighbors say past TN.
Tan the legs first. Please.
Hah, they’ll be pasty as ever. 🙂
LOL You get to talk to me once in awhile. Quick hello from work. I finally just got here due to traffic problems.
That’s okay by me (talking to you, I mean; sorry about the traffic problems).
I was just popping in before running somebody over to day camp. Is it really Monday already?
Well, Folks, I have to head out for my day. I will check in later if I can or tonight when I get home. Have a great day!!!!!
Have a good one Refinish. Hope you get to feeling better.
I’m not sure I like this early morning business.
I need to refresh more often (see comment to FM above).
You need to string a line between a couple of trees to put HJ (aka Hopeful, Jr) on so you can hop back in bed.
We did that. But she is so mournful, in a melodic barking sort of way, at being left alone.
Aren’t puppies great. 🙂
that my first comment is usually after I’ve been up for 45 minutes feeding and watering the farm animals.
Poor SN. You’ll look back on this time and think how much you miss it. Well maybe not.
I’m not sure it’s like babies that way, FM. I used to be an early riser but the last couple of years 8:00 AM seemed early compared to the boys getting up at noon. I got lazy.
that you didn’t miss a thing.
I don’t like being up before it’s fully light out – which as you can imagine was a problem in Cleveland from, oh, September through April.
about daylight savings time. In summers past, I would be out walking (or biking in my younger, more energetic days) by 6:30 at the latest.
That’s the part I don’t like either. I really don’t care that it stays light until 9:30 PM – I like bright mornings.
And now, will someone please get that stupid country song out of my head? – I’m Proud to be an American?
You’re just having all sort of problems this morning. Pets and now earworms.
try this.
Hey – I think it worked! But I only heard 1/3 of the song. Who is it?
Fountains of Wayne. A much better song to have in your head on a Monday, IMO.
Definitely is a better song. Damn that Madman in the Marketplace! 🙂
That’s the best part of the day. Seeing the sun rise.
Lazy is a good thing. I look back on when George was a puppy and I wouldn’t go through that again. He was more of a yapper then than now. Plus he was to fast for me to catch him back then. He has slowed down a good bit now, but I have too.
That’s why I like having a basset hound. No matter how slow I get I can count on her being slower. And she has a harness-type collar on that makes a convenient handle, so even though she’s pushing 40 lbs already I can pick her up with one hand there and one hand under her hind quarters.
I really think if I ever get another dog, you and Manny have me convinced it will be a basset hound.
I love beagles but they are fast critters. LOL
See you both later.
have a good walk Andi.
George is whinning to go out and the house is the usual relatives visiting wreck, so I got to get going.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Did everybody leave already?
Here’s a tune for Refinish this morning:
If you knew Sushi
Like I know Sushi…
Sorry about that… 😉
Up and at ’em early today — spouse is in the shower, getting ready for his early morning meeting that might determine whether he’s getting his job back. I’m trying not to be too freaked out about it…I’ll either (a) get some work done, (b) catch up on my DVR backlog, or (c) just veg on the computer while he’s gone. Most likely (c)…
Good thoughts, prayers, positive vibes or what have you all gratefully accepted this morning.
Refi — hope you feel better…
CG — didn’t the CabinBoys have a sleepaway camp last week? How did it go? Think you’ll be able to ditch them for the whole summer next year? lol j/k
Everyone I’ve forgotten — have a great day…
Morning Cali! I hope the spousal unit’s meeting goes well. TW, I’d pick (c) too. 😉
The guys had a blast at sleep-away camp, and the older one is ready to spend the whole summer there (I think he’ll have to settle for 3 weeks). The younger one had a great time too, but is a little less sure about going for more than a week at a time.
And now younger one is off canoeing for the day.
Are we having fun yet? I found a very nice app over the weekend to manage my music collection and have been going through my hard drive. It’s amazing how many duplicates I have — and at least one hard-to-find album I know I digitized years and years ago is Not Being Seen, which is a bit distressing since I don’t know where my offline copy is.
How are things today out in Froggyland?