Cross-Posted at Fairfax County Young Dems Blog

Yesterday, I recieved an e-mail from the Andrew Hurst for Congress campaign that I wanted to share with you and analyze a bit.

It seems that Andrew Hurst is calling for Tom Davis to renounce the recent racist comments that George Allen has made.

So, Andrew Hurst has set up a Web Page where you can send Tom Davis and his campaign manager an e-mail there is a prepared statement, or you can write your own.  All you have to do is put in your name and info, and send an e-mail directly to Davis’s campaign and Campaign Manager.

I encourage all you to Send Tom Davis a Letter asking him to denounce the comments George Felix Allen made.

Follow me below the speed bump for the e-mail and analysis…
It is especially important that Tom Davis do this as the target of George Felix Allen’s comments was a constituent of Tom Davis and not a member of the “Real Virginia” that Allen refers too.

And c’mon, it is so easy, all you have to do is put in your name, and whoosh, off the e-mail goes letting our elected officials know that we will not stand for racial intolerance in the 21st century.

as the Hurst e-mail said,

Sen. Allen’s remarks are absolutely inexcusable in this Commonwealth and this nation.  Virginia is, of course, the birthplace of the Bill of Rights, a document that should inspire us all to inclusion, rather than exclusion.  I encourage Congressman Davis to join myself, my fellow Virginians, and fair-minded citizens across this country, in reminding Sen. Allen of our proud past and our bright future.

This issue is especially important because Congressman Davis has a spotty record on issues related to minority groups.

    * In 2005, Tom Davis received a rating of 11 Percent from the Leadership Council on Civil Rights.

    * In 2005 Tom Davis received a rating of 26 Percent from the NAACP.

In light of all this info, I kindly ask you take the 30 seconds and send Tom Davis a letter.

After sending Tom a letter, if you live in Northern Virginia or the DC area, please VOLUNTEER for the Hurst campaign.

Or, if you live outside the area but want to support Andy, you can always CONTRIBUTE to the Hurst campaign financially.