I received an interesting electronic correspondence, a means for finding direction.  Dear reader, I am offering a political compass or a practical guide.  I endeavor to help each of us find truth, myself included.

I observe, healthy or not, humans characteristically categorize persons, places, and philosophies.  They consider their beliefs correct.  The viewpoints of others are flawed.  Conventional wisdoms prosper.  Individuals and groups are certain they are “right”; their truth is reality.  What others regard as prudent is said to be “just plain wrong.”  Yet how do we know; are we able to comprehend what is beyond our belief.  I suspect few try.  Nevertheless, I hope to provide opportunities for exploration or reflection.
I have long been fascinated and frustrated by what we [you and I] think of as fact.  I recognize that my truth is often your fiction.  I acknowledge that people [yes, you and sadly, I] punish each other in their attempt to prove them selves correct.  There are those that will go to war over principles that they think are proper, perfect, or profound.  I think this is pure folly.

While I may agree with the principles that a particular warrior professes, I do not think there is ever a need for a physical fracas.  I barely believe in verbal violence.  Actually, for me, oral or written flame wars serve no purpose.  I advocate crucial conversations.  I understand that individuals often disagree; however, I think they need not debate to the point of destruction.

I strongly believe that dialogue is vital.  I experience that if we no not discuss our differences, empathy and understanding will remain elusive.  These concepts have been hidden for so long, perhaps, since the beginning of time.  Still, I have hope.  I believe that we can communicate and unite.

I recognize compassion and convergence are achieved only when individuals are open to opinions that differ from their own.  Nevertheless, I suspect if we at least accept the premise that facts are fictions, the frequency of silly feuds will dwindle.

Therefore, I offer the following survey for fun.  It is my futile attempt to advance awareness.  

I trust there are those that think there is a singular reality.  They believe in a simple truth.  Numerous individuals judge “facts” as indisputable.  I do not.  I recognize that my truth is my own, even if it closely parallels that of Stalin, Hitler, Milton Friedman, Margaret Thatcher, or Gandhi.

Thus, I ask, what is your reality?  What are you certain of?  Are you willing to acknowledge that your facts may be my fiction or do you prefer to deny the validity of my data?  Are you prepared to accept that the world is fluid?  

Might you consider that only this week we learned that what was established veracity and thought verifiable is no longer considered definitive or truth.  Consider the recent relegation of the “planet” Pluto.  

Perhaps you prefer to ponder the subject of the sun.  Century’s ago people were convinced the Earth was the center of the universe, or at least this heavenly body was the most significant within the Milky Way.  In the sixteenth century, Nicolaus Copernicus theorized the sun was our life source; however, many thought him a fool.  The Heliocentric System was not widely recognized or revered; in “fact,” it was rejected.  Almost, a century later, Galileo was excommunicated for promoting similar assumptions.  Yet, today, we know, or think we do, that not every entity revolves around us.  

Perchance there is more to learn.  Might life be different than we imagined?  I invite you to please take the plunge with me.  Dive deeply into a realm of reality that that differs from your own.  Pursue possibilities and delight in pleasures that were once unimaginable.

If you did not yet play with the Political Compass, please do so.  I think you will find the pursuit quite interesting.

A concept is stronger than a fact. ~ Charlotte P. Gillman [1860-1935, Leading Writer on Women Rights]

A fact in itself is nothing.  It is valuable only for the idea attached to it, or the proof which it furnishes. ~ Claude Bernard [1813-1878 Leading French Physiologist]

Please review Political Compasses, Pluto, and other Possibilities . . .

Betsy L. Angert Be-Think