Steven D posted an appreciation of Keith Olbermann’s latest screed against the administration in his piece Free Republic’s response to Olbermann this morning.
In it, he said “At this hour the only major right wing site that had a story up about Olbermann’s commentary was at Free Republic.”
And that got me to thinking. I saw that speech. (Explanation below.) And while I listened to it I thought “Nice. And almost totally without any effect whatsoever. Preaching ENTIRELY to the choir. Nobody’s going to pay attention. Nobody mainstream enough to have much effect on the mass mind, anyway. “
I wrote a reply to Steven D’s post, and it grew large enough to become a post of its own.
So…here it is.
Steven D…
I actually saw that little speech on TV.
I suppose I have made it clear here that I do not watch much TV, and that when I do it is usually a total surf through the wreckage of what was once the culture of the United States, at least as far as the Corpse Corps would like us to have it. I pull a mental and spiritual condom over each foot of my being and then jump from polluted puddle to polluted puddle, with quick stops to ponder a certain piece of particularly nasty shit or perhaps to admire the rare flower of sanity and beauty that has so far escaped the Grim Corporate Raper’s violent attentions.
So here I am up in Maine visiting my family…what is left of it after the tender ministrations of this sick society in general and Dr. Big Brother in particular have had their way with it…surfing around through the egregiously bad basic cable that is provided by the (convicted in a court of law) felonious Adelphia cable system, and here is Keith Olbermann, just launching into his spiel.
Now make no mistake…I think that Mr. Olbermann is serious, attentive, and honest in his efforts. And overall, pretty near correct in his positions as well. As correct (as far as I am concerned, anyway) as he can possibly be and still manage to regularly appear in any mass media capacity on the public mediaspace.
Towards the end of this speech, he gave the patented owlish Olbermann look and said:
But never in the trial of a thousand years of writing could I come close to matching how he phrased a warning to an earlier generation of us, at a time when other politicians thought they (and they alone) knew everything, and branded those who disagreed: “confused” or “immoral.”
Thus, forgive me, for reading Murrow, in full:
“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty,” he said, in 1954. “We must remember always that accusation is not proof, and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law.
“We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular.”
And so good night, and good luck.
And it struck me that he was telling the absolute truth when he said “Although I presumptuously use his sign-off each night, in feeble tribute, I have utterly no claim to the words of the exemplary journalist Edward R. Murrow.”
“But never in the trial of a thousand years of writing could I come close to matching how he phrased a warning to an earlier generation of us…”
We have NO journalists on TV who can match the sheer gravitas of Mr. Murrow.
Including Mr. Olbermann.
This is not his fault…Lord knows he has been consistent in his efforts.
He is just not heavy enough…and/or he is not in a “heavy” enough position. In this case, the chicken and the egg are mutually dependent. You cannot GAIN that kind of weight while stuck in a dependent, marginalized position, and you know damned well that Mr. Olbermann is not presently in the running to overthrow Baby Doll Couric or any of the other Barbie/Ken doll blathering heads and most likely never WILL be in that position. Not so long as the PermaGov runs things. The Corpserate Media simply will not ALLOW someone like Murrow to gain commanding position over a career. Not today they won’t. And the balkanization of TV…5000 stations instead of 7, innumerable networks instead of 3…makes that sort of commanding position almost impossible to attain anyway.
Just thought I’d mention this…
Go here far a transcript of Olbermann’s statement. But do not expect it to have the same sort of effect as Edward R. Murrow’s attempts to shine a light on the dark underbelly of Joe McCathy’s machinations.
Murrows had a searchlight at his disposal. One of 3 dominant networks.
MSNBC is a little penlight in comparison.
Bet on it.
And WE need some kind of laser weapon.
Rumsfeld’s ramping up of McCarthyite rhetoric?
They are getting ready for the most serious October Surprise of them all. I can feel it in my bones. And they are going to try to brand any and all who disagree as traitors.
You can bet on THAT as well.
Hello Mr. Gilroy,
I love your commentary as ever. I am glad to see you reference an October Surprise. I wrote of my own fears on Steven D’s post and thought it may be too tin-foil; it’s good to see others are thinking as I am. This is my thought on the latest barrage of propaganda:
“”The ramp up of rhetoric shows how concerned they are. If they get more concerned, I fear more than rhetoric will be ramped up.”
You are probably, and hopefully, correct. Though, I would like to throw something else into the discourse for consideration. Would anyone here entertain the possibility that they are not actually worried nor concerned?
Considering all of the deliberate planning of propaganda, ignoring the Constitution, molding the public to accept what they say at face value, dividing the nation such as it is, all of this since 9/11, could we entertain the possibility that this is also a deliberate action rather than a reaction of concern? Is it possible that this talk of Fascism is another phase in the power grab and the time is now right to implement it. An Orwellian attempt to define the Other into the exact same thing the administration actually is in order to diffuse any labelling in the future?
Think about it. In these matters the administration is NOT incompetent. One only has to look at the recent history of what their manipulations has allowed them to get away with. These people are ingenious, any other administration would be in the slammer by now.
By labelling the Other as fascist, they turn the attention away from themselves while they actually implement more fascist policy – with the support of a “trusting” public. The scary thing is, a Reichstag fire right about now would go a long way in cementing their hold on power for generations to come in spite of our democratic processes in November and the ruling Constitution.
Of course, in reality they are probably concerned. Nevertheless, this is a consideration to ponder. If you told me five years ago all that would transpire to this point in time, I would’ve called you a conspiracist nutcase. Now, after seeing what they have done, very meticulously, I find it very hard to seriously call anyone a nutcase.”
For more on the October Surprise idea…see my recent post October Surprise? It’s right here in black and white.
They are preparing the nation for something really big.
HOW big?
I believe that it depends on their consideration of how seriously the November elections will threaten their position. There is unavoidable lead time involved in mounting such an effort, so they are going to have to pull the trigger soon.
WHICHEVER trigger…
i think it could go south on them and bite them in rhe ass, as happened in madrid, when all the people texted their suspicions to each other and voted the bastards out. no diebold there tho’.
keep on kickin’, arthur!
The front-page post was by Steven D, not BooMan. He definitely deserves proper credit for being up that late, and for wading through Free Republic without going crazy (to the best of my knowledge).
who? me? I wrote “I wrote of my own fears on Steven D’s post… ” – up above, check it out.
Not you, Arthur. The first words of this diary are “BooMan wrote”.
“BooMan posted”, whatever. Teaches me to rely on my lousy short-term memory. Tiny mistakes abound.
Sorry…Steven D it is.
5:30 AM duhs.
there is an edit button.
10:30 AM duhs….what happens when you get up at 5.
at least we have ONE GD journalist out there telling the truth every night that he can. That the powers that be even allow it is amazing.
You say, right after Keith’s eloquent disclaimer, “We have NO journalists on TV who can match the sheer gravitas of Mr. Murrow.” (including Mr. Olbermann. Give the guy a break please. He is squeezing it in every chance he gets. At least we have that much.
I thought that this statement was quite clear:
Including Mr. Olbermann.
This is not his fault…Lord knows he has been consistent in his efforts.
He is just not heavy enough…and/or he is not in a “heavy” enough position. In this case, the chicken and the egg are mutually dependent. You cannot GAIN that kind of weight while stuck in a dependent, marginalized position, and you know damned well that Mr. Olbermann is not presently in the running to overthrow Baby Doll Couric or any of the other Barbie/Ken doll blathering heads and most likely never WILL be in that position. Not so long as the PermaGov runs things. The Corpserate Media simply will not ALLOW someone like Murrow to gain commanding position over a career. Not today they won’t. And the balkanization of TV…5000 stations instead of 7, innumerable networks instead of 3…makes that sort of commanding position almost impossible to attain anyway.
Just thought I’d mention this…
I still think it is quite clear. But I will translate if necessary.
Mr. Olbermann has not been given the CHANCE to grow to Murrow’s weight. (Gravitas-: high seriousness [as in a person’s bearing or in the treatment of a subject] Merriam Webster. Obviously derived from the same root as the word gravity. Hence weight. As in “heavy”. A musician’s word meaning really proficient and really influential.)
Nor will he be given that opportunity under the current system.
Murrow had 30 or 40 years to grow into his position. His weight. His gravitas. He was in pre-W.W.II Germany when German press people were dying. And he was one of about 5 or 6 correspondents who was “national.”
I thought that this was pretty clear as well:
And I still do.
So…where did I NOT give him a break??
As Omir and I were discussing H.L. Menken in another recent thread, Omir said:
One of the things about the major media outlets is that they are fearful. They need to remain in the good graces of the government because of licensing issues as well as all the special legislation they push for which will improve their bottom lines.
Right now that has to do with tax breaks, concentration of ownership and competition with cable and the internet. So annoying those in power makes poor business sense. In other words, they’re cowards.
However, once others start to speak out the risk of joining the chorus declines. In fact if change is in the wind staying too far behind may do you harm when the new team takes over.
So, don’t expect too much from Olbermann, he’s just a single voice on a small cable channel, but he will open the door to others. So give him credit for being the first.
They are fearful indeed, for their own financial skin. The right wing punditds and nuts are pearful as well – their lies and mistakes are so visible, that they only hope no one will raise much noise. That is their best chance to remain “winners” beyond the next election, with subsequent hopes that governing and corporate screw ups will be over.
That is why Olberman is “noticed” only in dungeons of Free Republic of the other side. They need to ignore him., and that is a good side. In this “cultural” US civil war, we do not need to talk to the other side – they won’t change anyway. Olberman gravitas and effectivity might be big or not big – either way, we have to fight the Bush farm with reporters that we have, so to speak. What is the alternative: asking Olbermann to shut up?! He is doing fine job, and he is bringing his words at the most difficult time. He is not ineffective.
I’m happy to see it and have long appreciated Keith’s efforts. Why don’t we send him a little love instead of hand-wringing about the size of his venue?
Totally agree Boran2. I am watching Keith as we type here and he even thanked the thousands of us that wrote and thanked him for his commentary last night. He is still slamming Rummy and Bush tonight. He had barbara Boxer in and she called for Rummy’s resignation again…Goddess bless her.
I turned him off for the last week or so since reviving the tragic murder and media exploitation of an innocent child as a BIG MEDIA EVENT really disgusted me beyond words, and it was his lead story for days. My gut told me that the twerp they arrested in Thailand was an UNLIKELY suspect and that some weirdness was behind the whole thing to PUT IT UP IN FRONT of Bushel’s tragic job approval ratings, not to mention getting the senseless murder and mayhem going on in Iraq off the front pages. Why does KO fall in lockstep behind that shit?
To survive in CorpLand.
Think…. Dan Rather.
with people who don’t have large roles in the scheme of things yet. The first politician to question Bush and say the emperor was not wearing any clothes…was ripped apart.
Then a few more started, like a drip. Just little bits.
Then those people get larger roles, and make more difference. That will happen to Keith in time.
Only 1/3 are sticking with this Bush guy, that is his loyal unthinking base. Others are waking up.
It started on a small scale and now others are getting courage.
What a scam jack!