I hope no one is doing any laboring over Labor Day weekend. What are you doing?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I am sitting here hoping that someone will post a Frank Rich diary. I don’t have Times Select and I just want to see a taste of what he wrote for free. It looks like a good article this week.
FOCUS | Frank Rich: Donald Rumsfeld’s Dance With the Nazis
At the moment I’m avoiding cleaning the kitchen, which unfortunately needs to be done. Once it’s done, however, I plan to put some chicken on to marinade, and tomorrow I’m having the family (kids, grandkids, in-laws, outlaws and associated hangers-on) over for a pre-Labor Day barbecue.
Grilling food and entertaining only works like work. Well, it is, but it’s fun work.
Rode my bike all over town doing errands, enjoyable even though it was in the 90’s. Began painting in the upstairs room where I had a window put in earlier this summer, just patching up the wall mostly. No parties this weekend
but since there were many activities during the week I don’t mind. May go down to the Irradiated Poets open mike at the coffee house on Monday and make my first public appearance as a poet. Need to answer some of the replies I got to my craigslist ad. And have a beer.
I’m working — Saturday, Sunday and Monday! And, oh yes, preparing my labor day diary on labor laws.
working all three days, as well, along with my service economy, working-poor colleagues at the world’s second largest retailer.
here are the links to my latest blog entry and podcast. I also started a fund raising campaign for “Vote Democrat” signs for my county.
Anyone who would like to help can mail a check to :
Stonewall Democrats of Williamson County
P.O. Box 1162
Round Rock, Texas 78680
and if you would like more information on the group you can email us at: SWDofWILLCO@austin.rr.com
Of course, we need your occupation listed on an enclosed note incase we raise enough funds to have to file a report. I don’t think we will raise over 25,000 between now and New Years but you never know. LOL
refinish69: Who Are The Cowards
Who Are The Cowards podcast
Currently watching football. Work starts at 3am, though it shouldn’t take more than 3-4 hours. After that, loads of free time until Tuesday.
Yesterday, we survived the center of Ernesto — what was left of it — passing directly over us. 25mph winds, 50mph gusts, torrential sideways rain. Thrilling really when you’re in a solid brick house. Knocked our corn flat tho and that’s a bummer.
Today was delightfully cool with fleecy clouds scudding across a cyan blue sky. I spent the morning picking up fallen tree limbs and twigs all over the yard. Hubby built nesting boxes because our five-month-old chickens surprised us last week by starting to lay eggs.
Without nests, they’ve dug out a hole in a corner of the feeding shed’s dirt floor and take turns laying their eggs in it. It’s pretty interesting to watch. One of the hens sounds a loud cackling alarm to let me know an egg is on its way. A couple other hens hover around the laying hen like midwives. One of the roosters stands close by doing guard duty. When I come and get the eggs, they all bitch at me about it. I thank them profusely, tell them how wonderful they are and they calm down.
Tomorrow I’ll plant lettuce seeds and Hubby will build a stand for the boxes and we’ll install them. Chances are the hens will still use the hole in the dirt…
Just returned from an all-day campaign foray deep into the county’s most republican territory. Happily, there were many Democrats to be found, too, including a union business agent who was very pro-Democrat. He got a list of all our candidates to take back to the union hall and distribute.
I hope to get in a bit of slacking tomorrow.
Working on the second draft of a script, and preparing a “what you can do” flyer for an upcoming electronic voting event which will feature Gore Vidal, Bev Harris, Maxine Waters, Bob Fitrakis, and many others of note. Did I say I mention I love LA?
As it is arround in the news, Al Qaeda’s “No 2” al-Zawahiri released a new video, where he urges Americans to convert to Islam. It is a chilling thought, but his words might actually work on a handfull of economically frustrated folks. That is the war “on” terror we got.
even though the apartment is still a mess.
Need to get to bed soon — want to hit the Apple Store after church and see if the game I’m waiting for has been put on the shelves. And need to leave early so we can stop and get stuff for the food closet at church.
Tried to write a Labor Day related diary but can’t seem to get my thoughts together; I’ll try to tackle it later today…
And Monday, going to the in-laws for dinner and to bitch about the current misAdministration — they’re dyed-in-the-wool progressives, and I absolutely adore them…
Three 7p-7a shifts in a row, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
But look at it this way – that’s night differential, weekend differential, and time-and-a-half for working the holiday!
And the weather sucks, so why not sleep during the day?
Oh, and the hospital I work at has collective bargaining. We’ve had a nurses’ union since 1974.
So, I guess that makes it all worthwhile.
Our entire household has a cold thanks to our 2-year old, plus it’s rainy and miserable out. I think I’ll be doing a lot of nothing today. I will have to do a little planning tomorrow for next week’s classes.
So, of course, I think I’ll go make some oatmeal date cookies 🙂
‘…Supporters of Their ‘Chickhawk’ Leaders Policies Besides Belonging To The 101st KeyBoard Brigade!!!’
Wisconsin Marine Waits for Third Iraq War Tour to End
Jen McCoy
Portage Daily Register (Wisconsin)
Sep 02, 2006
Someone just posted a Comment under mine, over at the Veterans For America site, where this article is also being carried, That Says These Military Personal Serving Multiple Tours, in Theaters, Should Be ‘Tax-Excempt’ and Taken Care Of For The Rest Of Their Lives!!’!!
Boy Do I Concur!!!!