“The Only Thing to Fear is Fear Itself”, words spoken by a former President of these United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Too bad we can not have a president at this time who will speak these words, and not only speak the words but mean them.

I am sick to death of all the media, the administration and it’s henchmen constantly talking about the dangers, promoting the endless and neverending fear.  

I realize what they are doing and why….it’s plain as day…we all do; make us all fearful, then tell us that the only ones who can keep us safe are the Republicans, in hopes that we will forget what is going on in Iraq, forget the failed war, forget the ineptitude of this administration.  We will be so fearful that we will happily give up all our freedoms, our rights, our votes, our very nature of governing, in this country founded on the principle of governing “by the people and for the people”.

It all sounds familiar doesn’t it, we think back to 2004, same scenario, same playbook.  Paint the Democrats as weak, paint the Repubs. as strong.  But a thinking person cannot not help but notice these issues only come to the fore when it suits their cause.

I am writing this late at night because I cannot sleep after days of 24/7, about 9/11, about Al Qaeda, about Gitmo, about all the plots foiled, about tortured prisoners, and on and on… oh I am fed up to the top of my head with all of it.

What, I ask, is wrong with talking to these people, to these countries, what is wrong with diplomacy.  No they tell us, these war mongers of ours,  “they hate our freedom and that’s why they want to kill us and we simply can’t talk to them.  We cannot talk to Iran, we cannot talk to Korea, or Syria and anyone that doesn’t suit us. We can only invade and bomb, torture and kill, those we do not like.
Well it seems pretty clear to me that it’s not our freedoms these people hate, but our policies.  They have said so, over and over, but that is not what is heard from these governing men, what we hear is “they hate our freedoms”.  
Maybe, just maybe, “They” hate us for invading Iraq, for our depleted uranium tipped weapons, our cluster bombs, our endless shooting and killing all that do not agree with us, our shock and awe, our descimation of Faluga, of Baghdad of all the past bombings and killings…. Our bases in the middle east, our siding always with Israel, our not stopping or even condemning the recent war with Lebanon and Israel, our selling of arms, including the wonderful little cluster bombs and other arsenals to Israel that children are now picking up and dying from.
Some say it’s about the oil, I don’t know.  What oil has this war in Iraq gotten us, none.  What oil will a war with Iran get us, none.
Thousands and thousands of Iraqi’s have been killed in Iraq, no one even knows the numbers and they rise every day as do the deaths of our own soldiers, but yet they say, more killing is needed, more bombings of innocent people everywhere the insidious fingers of the US reach.  Hold them without charges, without rights, without trials, they say, besides they are living in comfort in Gitmo.

Well I simply cannot stand it anymore, I simply cannot stand the thought that this President and his administration are once again raising the fear level in the minds of the American people so that they can retain their power and go out and do more killing.

Something has to be done, something must be done.  But what, we cannot even trust that our votes will count, because they control the very easy to program or hack,  Diebold voting machines.  

I wish I had the answer, any answer to all these things, but I don’t, I can only ask the powers of the Universe to come to our aid and save us, that is all I can do…Pray.

I will end this by saying the only thing we have to fear now is our very own government.

What are your thoughts are you on overload too?