The much debated Path to 9/11 ABC/Disney propaganda-drama shouldn’t really make a spit’s bit of difference in the American political scene, or have any effect at all on the November elections. The autistic right already blames the Clinton administration for all the sins of the Bush administration, and the rest of the world already knows the mini-series is a load of Orwellian brainwash.
If anything, Path to 9/11 illustrates how pathetically frightened the GOP is of losing Congress, and losing its mandate for the sinister neoconservative agenda. It also shows the extent to which the big money right has corrupted the big media.
But we already knew those things.
We also know that blaming any and every available scapegoat for its failures is standard operating procedure for the Bush administration.
We also know that whatever miscues Clinton may or may not have made regarding Osama bin Laden and the al Qaeda network, he hasn’t been president for over five years–five years that seen America go from being the world’s leader to the world’s biggest two faced bully.
Bill Clinton didn’t make young Mister Bush a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, solipsistic moron. Nor is it Clinton’s fault that Dick Cheney has been in the last throes of dementia for at least seven years, or that Donald Rumsfeld couldn’t find his rump with a map, a flashlight and help from all of his four star suck ups.
It’s Not Their Fault
If we really want to point a finger at who caused our Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda woes, we need look no further back than Ronald Reagan, who propped up al Qaeda to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. And oh, by the way, it was Reagan who backed Saddam Hussein during the eight year long Iran-Iraq War. And it was during the period when Reagan was supporting Iraq that members of his administration sold weapons to Iran to help fund the anti-communist Contra organization in Nicaragua. In a White House press conference on March 4, 1987, Reagan admitted that his Vice President, George H.W. Bush, had known about the sale of arms to Iran.
The Iran-Contra affair was investigated by the Reagan appointed Tower Commission, which limited its criticism of Bush the elder. Many Reagan administration critics viewed the Tower Commission and its report as a political stunt .
Well, we could go on and on about who inherited what disaster from whom, and it wouldn’t make much difference. The bottom line is that what happens on your watch is your responsibility, especially when it’s five years into your watch. By the Bush administration’s Rovewellian dog whistle rhetoric, everything they’ve bollixed up is the fault of Adam and Eve.
How long before we hear young Mister Bush say, “Hey, I’m not the one who ate that dadgum apple?”
Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) writes from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Read his commentaries at ePluribus Media and Pen and Sword.
Jeff, you and I know that by our own background; however this kind of sop by which this administration is known for doing is just the very beginning of the revelation that will or should be revealed. Yes, you and I both know that if something happened on our watch, we are responsible. That is why we were taught to be ever vigilant, no matter what. Once we assume the guard/watch, it is our baby then. This is something that most everyone does not grasp or know about or trained to look at, IMHO.
Good diary, Jeff.
And Brenda – I had a dream about your “Bunny” comment re Anne Goodpasture. I woke up wondering why the heck I had been dreaming about a bunny, and then I figured it out. Too funny. You guys are reaching into my dreams now!
Bush is 60 now, he’s old enough to be held responsible for his actions.
Well said, Jeff, well said.
They can’t and won’t take responsibility for anything.
Thanks for a great statement of the state of afairs of our current administration.
Given the amount of publicity this is getting I’m not so much worried about the dam crapumentary but it does really bother me that this will being going out to so many classrooms…and I doubt that there will be much critical analysis of this when shown in schools. A whole new set of kids who think democrats are ‘soft’ on everything and Clinton caused 9/11.
…talk about rewriting history.
If we ever did doubt the existence of a rightwing conspiracy, this “event” is it. What a direct attempt to re-write history by altering the memories of the citizenry!
As to Bush I, and earlier roots in Reagan’s support of Bin Laden et al in Afghanistan, I doubt the truth will come out in our life times, as Bush has made quite sure that the records are sealed away for decades to come.
That’s what frightens me – the blatantness of it. They act as if they really already have full control. I hope it’s a bluff. But THAT is pretty scary!
…in fact, I’d say it’s been off for quite some time. They pull this stuff right out in the open now.
Absolute power, and all that.
Maybe we can get Don McLean to write a song about “The Day The Republic Died”?
We’re certainly on the tipping point of committing our nation to a false image of itself or of facing the truth.