It’s looking more and more as if Bush’s October surprise really will be war with Iran. From the current edition of TIME magazine:
The first message was routine enough: a “Prepare to Deploy” order sent through naval communications channels to a submarine, an Aegis-class cruiser, two minesweepers and two mine hunters. The orders didn’t actually command the ships out of port; they just said to be ready to move by Oct. 1. But inside the Navy those messages generated more buzz than usual last week when a second request, from the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), asked for fresh eyes on long-standing U.S. plans to blockade two Iranian oil ports on the Persian Gulf. The CNO had asked for a rundown on how a blockade of those strategic targets might work. When he didn’t like the analysis he received, he ordered his troops to work the lash up once again.
Need I remind anyone that a naval blockade is considered an act of war?
On its face, of course, the notion of a war with Iran seems absurd. By any rational measure, the last thing the U.S. can afford is another war. Two unfinished wars–one on Iran’s eastern border, the other on its western flank–are daily depleting America’s treasury and overworked armed forces. Most of Washington’s allies in those adventures have made it clear they will not join another gamble overseas. What’s more, the Bush team, led by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, has done more diplomatic spadework on Iran than on any other project in its 51/2 years in office. For more than 18 months, Rice has kept the Administration’s hard-line faction at bay while leading a coalition that includes four other members of the U.N. Security Council and is trying to force Tehran to halt its suspicious nuclear ambitions. Even Iran’s former President, Mohammed Khatami, was in Washington this month calling for a “dialogue” between the two nations.
But superpowers don’t always get to choose their enemies or the timing of their confrontations. The fact that all sides would risk losing so much in armed conflict doesn’t mean they won’t stumble into one anyway. And for all the good arguments against any war now, much less this one, there are just as many indications that a genuine, eyeball-to-eyeball crisis between the U.S. and Iran may be looming, and sooner than many realize. “At the moment,” says Ali Ansari, a top Iran authority at London’s Chatham House, a foreign-policy think tank, “we are headed for conflict.”
By the way this TIME article is a major puff piece in support of a possible war with Iran. They repeat the same old Bush administration talking points regarding how dangerous a threat Iran poses, as well as a new one: that Iran is a year or less away from producing bomb grade uranium.
But at some point the U.S. and its allies may have to confront the ultimate choice. The Bush Administration has said it won’t tolerate Iran having a nuclear weapon. Once it does, the regime will have the capacity to carry out Ahmadinejad’s threats to eliminate Israel. And in practical terms, the U.S. would have to consider military action long before Iran had an actual bomb. In military circles, there is a debate about where–and when–to draw that line. U.S. intelligence chief John Negroponte told TIME in April that Iran is five years away from having a nuclear weapon. But some nonproliferation experts worry about a different moment: when Iran is able to enrich enough uranium to fuel a bomb–a point that comes well before engineers actually assemble a nuclear device. Many believe that is when a country becomes a nuclear power. That red line, experts say, could be just a year away.
When a major newsmagazine like TIME devotes its cover story to a possible war with Iran, you know with this administration has essentially given them the story to print. Look at all the administration and Pentagon sources cited in this report. That doesn’t happen by accident; it only happens in this administration after a deliberate decision point has been reached.
By itself, this TIME article is yet one more sign that the gears of the American military machine have been set in motion because Bush has “decided,” once again, a little war is a good thing. It’s only a question now of when: before or after the November elections?
crap. thanks steven, that’s up at correntewire now. crap.
Bush got criticized for not demanding sacrifices from the American people following Sept 11. Maybe he wants to make up for that oversight big time. An attack on Iran will cause sacrifices on a level unseen since WWII, if not the Civil War. Even his circle of delusional psychos knows that, so this won’t happen before the election: $10 gas will not keep the GOP in power.
Do I smell a military draft?
Oh FUCK!!! Am I hoping that something I accidentally overheard is wrong!!!!!!! (Not accidentally/on purpose)
He can’t do that without going to congress first right?
I think he’ll rely on the AUMF and forego Congress.
I’d guess full-scale military action will be initiated before the elections, because
a) as a nation, we currently seem forgetful that we are at war & must never question The Annointed One in His infinite psychotic wisdom. Those who would question His ultimate sociopathic authority are Terrists. Even if they’re shy about it.
b) Elections? What elections? Refer to A.
I write on this tomorrow, but no, Bush doesn’t need to go to congress. The War Powers Resolution of 1975 essentially gives him a free hand for up to 90 days before he has to suck up to Congress.
And I bet on day 90, Bush would announce that he will “observe the war powers act in a manner consistent with his role as CinC of the armed forces,” i.e., he’ll ignore it.
I think they feel like they need to do this before the elections, either because (a) they don’t want to deal with a Democratic House, which would ask pesky questions, or (b) because they’ve decided that elections are really a waste of time anyway and are going to suspend the whole exercise indefinitely.
I wish I were being snarky about this, but I’m not.
Also, they won’t need a draft, not now, anyway. They’re going nukular. From what I’ve read, the Air Force is the only branch behind this adventure anyway.
So when the price of oil goes sky-high and there are riots in the streets, when Russia and China decide that enough’s enough and pull our financial rug out from under us, and when the fallout drifts over allied nations, then they’ll say that no one could have anticipated it.
After reading all the crap that Diebold has spouted off, I honestly wonder if there will be any results that will make a difference…
“From what I’ve read, the Air Force is the only branch behind this adventure anyway.”
Um, the post to which you’re replying was all about how the NAVY was ordered to prepare for a blockade, so it looks like they’re involved too.
Iran doesn’t have the capacity to build nukes, nor will it have the capacity soon. If BushCo wants to attack them, it’s because they believe they have to act now to solidify American military hegemony in the Middle East.
But I don’t think they have the will to start another war.
This is Bush and Karl Rove bluffing–not Iran–but the American people. Pounding the war drums before the election may be the only chance they have of keeping a Republican majority. It may backfire, too, but you have to go into an election with the political arsenal you have.
Bush simply does not care.
There is no concern about the troops in Iraq, or any other ground force in the area.
There is no concern about the price of oil, or the pain upon the public.
There is only the political immediacy.
There is no concern for the Iranians, and no concern about world opinion, or outrage.
Scott Ritter was right. He failed in only one way….the timeline.
It’s the neo-con delusion, and a frightened political apparatus at work here. Politics, Bush neo-con politics, it kills American soldiers and Marines DEAD.
Want it to stop?
Vote out any and all Republicans.
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck…
Couldn’ta said it fucken better myself, Janet.
If American ships deploy in the region I’m sure the first thing Ahmadinajad will do is blockade the Straits of Hormuz. Gas goes up to $10 a gallon.
Now what are the chances of Chavez joining in with the Iranians in suspending exports to the US? I can’t even begin to guess how far up gas prices will go.
If he does this before the election, he can kiss Congress goodbye.
* sigh *
… anytime any of our Presidential wannabees want to say something about this, anytime …
Silence is telling me who not to even consider voting for.
I wish I could say I was suprised.
Say goodbye to the world economy for years to come as Iran shuts down the Persian Gulf, and say goodbye to the US Army in Iraq, who will reap this whirlwind as the Shi’a around them help to re-enact the French defeat at Dien Ben Phu.
Had a really bad feeling for quite some time…suffice it to say that anyone still in Iraq is never coming back…hope I’m wrong.
Minesweepers and minehunters won’t be used to blockade Iranian ports. The minesweepers and minehunters will be used to clear Iranian mines dumped into the Strait of Hormuz in retaliation for an American strike. The US Navy needs them there to keep the Strait open or at least appear to keep the strait open. Otherwise, no tanker captain would dare take his vessel through the Strait if a fighting war is going on.
These type of ships are needed because Dubya and the posse have already decided to attack Iran. The US Navy has only something like a dozen of these ships available. They’re small and slow and vulnerable. The Navy would deploy them that far from the Continental US (their usual location) only because the Navy knows that a hot war will be erupting and their services will be required.
Incidentally, take a look at the cruising speed for these minesweepers and minehunters and the distance to the Gulf. They can cruise at about 14 knots and the distance to the Gulf is about 7400 miles. That translates into a about a 21 day voyage to put them in the Gulf so let’s say they arrive around October 25th to allow for refueling in Gibraltar, Messina, Suez, Djibouti and Muscat in Oman. That’s one week before the election, which is all that matters to this White House.
That week is the only window of opportunity that matters. The attack must occur within about four days before the election. That way, blowback from the policy doesn’t cause a disaster for the Republicans in the Congress but they can use the attack to smear the Democrats who won’t support an unwarranted, unjustified, and illegal attack.
Why else would the word come down to rush a task group by October 1st to sail to the Gulf? No immediate crisis exists – that the sane, rational world is aware of. No, the crisis will exist in four weeks and will be manufactured and the ships must be at hand to support the policy.
BTW, the Royal Navy just had a Portsmouth-based minehunter deploy to the Mediterranean for the first time in four years. It passed through Gibraltar in late August and wasn’t supposed to return to the UK until December. Ostensibly, it is supposed to be participating in NATO anti-minewarfare games off Turkey this fall. It could also fit in a little real life experience in the meantime. It was heading east based on the news reports coming from various ports in the Med. The Dark Lord is assembling his forces.
A moment when when Iran is “able to enrich enough uranium”, or when it “will have enriched enough uranium”? Next year, I will be “able to drive far enough to reach New York”, but I could be thousands of miles away. Being “able to enrich enough uranium” does indeed come “well before engineers [could] actually assemble a nuclear device”. Lots of weasel room here.
I’d like to see a credible source that says they could plausibly make enrich kilograms (not milligrams) by then.
What TIME didn’t count on was the IAEA’s press release over this weekend attacking the Republican Congress’s intelligence report on Iran, which blows away that entire Congressional analysis. It shows it to be the collection of lies it really is. The IAEA release also undercuts this TIME storyline.
Iran is nowhere near that close and the fact that TIME doesn’t identify one “nonproliferation expert” by name demonstrates that. Let them provide one credible expert to buttress their “report”. This TIME article just exemplifies the corporate yellow press we’ve been saddled with for the last six years, including the election period in 2000. They’re starting to run scared that the tide has turned and that the time of retribution and justice is approaching.
I am sure that the President wants to do Iran. All signs point towards a bombing campaign. Except two recent events: